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Show j Ladies' dabs to He: Lecture Mr:;. AD Ei'l'ci l.'.en I',:illilf of Provo Mill fleii'.ei' a li r:t.uie in tin- form of a review ol Dorihy C anlu ld Fisher's book" Mollii-', and children", before the ladies ol Hie Twentieth Century, Home Cult ure, ( ). K. A. Acme Literary and Junior Literary Club:;, Saturdav at l::ill p. m. at the North Hanpe'e Inch s'liool. The ho-,l.e:::,cs will Ik; Mrs. Janic.'i Larsen. Mrs N. F. Madsen Mrs. Ada filackhain and Miss Louise Madsen, representing the above named I club:;. I A -program including community singing directed by Mrs. II. O. Krick-sen, Krick-sen, vocal solo. Mis. S. H. Gill; piano j select ion, Miss Helen Mad -en, reading I Miss I-'aye Jensen will be followed by luncheon. |