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Show ' TWO DAYS. ' ' t crossed a daisied field; tho sties wen fair; The lusty trees streichud green anas ovor-bwid; ovor-bwid; Tho sou shook gold dust thro' tho April air. And a triad brook leaped down its pebbled bed. The meadow lark Hung oal such liquid notes. My happy soul stood btitl luid Il-ojicaI to hear; Tho wild uuiuni-j fluffed thtdr yellow coata. And turned their restless huadu in jcalooa fear. And, oh, my heart was glad, for it was spring; Bluu, blue tho dappled ukica that swung above! But still more clad my soul, remembering Thu world sweet to mo because of love, J crossed a lonely field; the aklus ware gr&y; winds crept lu from hca with Bull en moans; Ioe locked, ice bound, the brook gTioved nlyht and day Above thu hollow sound of falline cones. With drumming wings Lho mottled pheasant flow; The ghostly trees reached barren una across; And, oh, my heart was mid so well I knew Tin winter world wan dull because of law. Ella Higglnson In Wusi Shore. |