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Show I the pipes direct I y from the pinup. which was a seven' test. l; pnn 'inspection iy mi expert, only two 1 leaks were found. The water was again turned into the Ditch Co.'s . cana Is Sat unlay. I'l i,ot. t 'oriu ue. .1 uly 1st. CONCERNING CORINNE. Tl.f 1 lt1-r iirk.i-thi' City lir.mlnn--EIoHtinc mi Keiir Blvor. Tim river is still falling slowly. One of the stray pound cases was on trial before Justice Outline Monday. A change of venire was asked by defendant. limiting on the river is still the chief sport. The boats are in upo nearlv every evening, and often hv lirigham City parties. Work wiil Hoon begin on the great Hume across the Hat southwest south-west of town. The lumber is now being hauled to the place. Mrs. llein-ie!, left for Montana Sundav. int'-nding to stay over the; 4th. . cs to attend to busi-j news 'o -ruing property in ier-; many. j liir population is increasing.! Se ei-il families have recently j m o el to town. Some of our' old . r -idents are returning to share the f Jure prosperity of the city. , The engine and tank at the new water works were tested Saturday I (27th) and the works started Mon-j dav. The water was forced through |