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Show U'K NATAL BAY. Hail bin hdav of our freedom! fair and blest. We give thee welcome like an honored guest. The joviuis Hounds of greeting shall go forth From We; t to East, from distant South to .North. The Stars and Stripes shall usher in thy rei;n From Funny Florida to Alaska's plain. In Occident and Oriental marts. Thou art revered by l rue and loyal heart. Thy votaries are a patriotic. Iiosl From teeming millions on Atlanta's coast, To wheie l'aeiiie water? lash the shore And Qxinple in a simultaneous roar. Auspitious day! no patriot can be mute But join the run? and thunder a salute. Who value well the work our ;ires have wopght : And hold .no L deai tha'. prize s:o dearly bought The diadem of liberty and right. Through s. reams of blood ihey toiled and won 1 lie tight. Drove back those tyrant foes like beasts of prey. And gave us liberties we boast this day. Up through the the past, one hundred - liilecn yeaif?, Triumphantly our banner still appear On mountain top, in valley ar,d on plain. Throughout Columbia vast and broad domain, Our country great and grand, our fi;;g u nitiileil, Our government, the wonder of the world. Our statesmen, most astute in wisdom great Make taws to hold anil guide the Ship oi Slate Through scenes of terror and through party strife. When factions rise and feudal fears are riie. Our pre-ent peaceful, and our future bright, As the inviting Mjyti succeed-? the N'iirhl And day i- trie died in p!o y from the skie . t-ic-oriril I'taiilie-on iht; landscape u e. So chail the eu!f.c-nce of this briLiam flffC, Illuminate ihe fiicc of history's page Before et;eh student's retrospective glance, Cnfolding lessons rare as we advance Make plain our Nation's marvelous career, Through al! its di-nial scenes which there appear ; Thiough blood and eai nac and Colonial wrongs. On million mein'i ies borne and million tong.ies, Till all the world shall know bom near ami tnr, We love our co.:uirys flag, each stripe ilnd situ Momentoes of tho-o storms th rough m hich we came To precent heights of glory, honor, fame. Our Constitution, wonder of the ages, Foretells our destiny through all its- si ages; Points to its founders, as those men of night Who ie:cued myriads from oblivion's night ; From dirist tyranny and ignorance, gave Deliverance to the oppressed; set free the slave; Threw down each barrier, autocrat ic wall ; Proclaimed tbi; axiom :equal rights to all. Our valiant heroes, Ihey who louglu and died la the deleme of rights In Ihein denied, i'he hiLhersol'oitr country, tried and t:ue, lint hei e's one name 'mong that heroic "" few. In glittering letlcrs shines the brightest one Hero of heroes ho, (leorge Washington! Ln gulden type 'graved on the scroll of tame. liiernily shall bear that honored name, And by its side hull history atiix These words: "America, Liberty, 17"()." John Kckhows. Biikiham City, July ;ird.. lM'.tl. |