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Show 1 By Desoret Telcrnpli Line. I ESCAPING PRISONERS SHOT AND KILLED IN JUAB COUNTY. Nihi, v, 5. On tho 30th of NoTrnibor iiilonimtiiiD, under path, whs filed before Hardiner, ,1. I'., ot l-eran jirecinet, tlint liicliard Sopi'r nd Antono Vari.mlic were guilty of the erirao of committing rape on their utep-d.'inphters, children often, eleven, rwelvs and thirteen years of ace, both men being; married and haviin; cliil-din. cliil-din. Writ' were U-nied and the piis- ner.i eiamine.d. On the 1st of lo-enibcr, lo-enibcr, ut - p.m., the cyidenee beinir plain and posiUTe, the prisoners oi , their ovrn ehoiec and tree will made a public confession of their cuilt. They were committed lor t.ial, and a con- lablc was ordered to deliver theiu, for safo keeping, into the hands ofthe Sheriff of this county. On the 'Jnd inst., as tkey wero being conveyed under puard of live men to Nephi, at a place called Cedar l'oint. the pri.-ou-rs gave s oll. at the same time rinsiiiK out of the wacon. 'I'he horses became frightened, and by the time the ituard was out ofthe wason the prisoners were ah mt seventy-live ' sicps away. The eonsiable ordered them lo slop or they would bo tired on. They paid no attention, making: their way ui the hills into the cedars, the jtunrd rtinninc and liiiiir when opportunity presented. After a chase of frem half to three-quarters of a mile the prisoners were brou.cht d"n by leiiu shot, and died a short time after. , The constable came to Xephi and pave information of tho facts iu the case, whereupon tho Coroner K-'ied a writ to the Sheriff, who proceeded with the oustable to the above-mentioned place and brought in the bodies. An in-'ptrst in-'ptrst was held upon the bodies before the Coroner and a jury of respectable itirens, and the witnesses wero duly ( examined. |