OCR Text |
Show SURGEON AND PhYtlCiAN. OlTice at Residence, rear of Seventies Hall. W. F. ANUERSOX, 35. I)., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Oilii. ut Ilesideti'jo, in tlio ThirtPeiilh Waid. DR. 0, C. OfiMSSY, 1'llV.SICIAN, SLMHJKOX A.N D i)ia:(;(;iriT, IIKIGII.ViH CITV, UTAH. Dr. HIGGIN3 DAVIS IX) K about tti'irtv y;:irs Me4ic;il I'riieti-lioin I'riieti-lioin r iu KiiKliinil, ti'ii'ltTi bid prutes-loniil prutes-loniil iitil toitllwUo may require tlio same. 11 o has liitd much expeneneo in every branch ofbi- profeion, and -liters lulvicu un vury misonublo term.i to trie fmor iuhabi-tiinw iuhabi-tiinw ol ttii.-t city, o-ery morning irorn S until Uh Miiiwilory Irum i upwards. Ull'ico No. 1 Morrid' ierraou, ltli ;irJf i j 1 LEGAL. M. Kirkpntrick. S. A. Jlunn KIRKPATRICK L MANN, Attorney ss-u t -1 . : i v, Okfick First South St., Fourth door oiiit of IIoMpyr, ElUroJgo k Oo.'s Bank. Z. SNOW. E. D. UOC1K. snow & uo(jii:, Attornoya and Counselors at Law Suit Luko City, Utah. Ollioo at Snow'ri Goi-ncr, 1st Kast St. IJ3TELS. Salt Tjsilfco !1om', KASl' TKMl'LK 8THKF.T, SALT LAKH CITY. T1I.1)K. &. LAWllKHiCK, BANKERS. tMUS r A.VTIONAL IJAMv Ob1 I "PA I I. Salt l.ako City, 1'tah 'J'cr. Win, U. Uoopor, 11. S. l-'.Ulivtl.so, li. S. Hills, llixtprr, r.Ilrt'e to., BANKERS. Kast Tkmim.k. St., Salt I.akk Ctrv, IV.vl.i- " (loKl Dust, Coin, I'x.'lrtn.H-, Land Wsii-raiits, V.w. Cnlli'olioiis tnado and pmnn'tiy ri-mittoil- CORRESPONDENTS: KigS Co., Now York, H:mk of Calil'oniia, San l-"i ;u i -.-.. Kirst National Hank, (Mii.'.'.u'o, Kxeliuniio Bank, Si. Loui., First National Hank, Omaha. J. S. Mornan & Co., 1. Midon. "IV'jJIjl, XMC3-GHTXTG-. WILLIAM F. CALTCN. IXl-KltlKSCKU Wl.l. 1.1)1.;. -,1:1;. li ! Iwk t n.l two .nih llili V..t,l i-ohool-hiHis.'. will .lii: W.li,M. or.i.M- .-a ih o tl--rtost notiv-e :ui.l in s.o i ory iyl,-. J.4. Jir.ItBSSC.l, A- ',, COMMSSSiON MERGH.SHT-3 -01 and !iOti Ciliforula St., Snu Francisco, - - CnUioi-uiu, Vartioular attention pai l to the 'llliiv- (i orders tr every Ue'riptn.u ot mertMiaibii-f, Snlc nf Orm, dtc, A,c. CALIFORNIA TRADE. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO, Importer- an-l Jobber- of all The variet ie? of FOHEKi.V A.D DOMESTIC WLVES AND LIQUORS, Wh.r'ii we o!:'cr for sale to the t aJe ia L'tah, a' low rate- in ex'-ha ni?e f'T national currency "ca-!i down'' or approved credit. 311 Clay Street, San Frantiico, - - California V.MLM8Di.N3 & KELLCGS, Importer.? and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, M & 210 FKOXT STKEET, SAX FRA.VCISCO. Jitiuta Spniance. JoliD SpmaDce, C. C. Chapman. J. & J. SPRUANCE, Importers and Wholesale Uealers in mm m liquors, 41.3 Front Street, SAX FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. EE1II5T0S, imra & CI Import era and Jebbers of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS & CHEMICALS Fine Kssent ial Oils, Gums, Roots, See da, Flowers, Sponges, Skins, Pomades, tfcc, And all other Ftaples connected with the Wholesale and Retail Drug Business. Constantly in receint, by direct Importation, of European and Asiatic prod uc us. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver. II 0.--tetter's Bitters, Irake's Plantation Bitt.-rs, Wolf's .-cheidam Schnapps, Newell's Pulmonary Syrup, And all the IcaoTing Proprietary Medicines both American and European. Orders Promptly and Carefully Executed. No. 5 4'J and 531 Market Street, Between First and Second, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. EINSTEIN liROS, & CO., Importer? and Manufacturers of BOOTo AND SHOES 113, 115, mill 117 Pine Streel, SAN -FRANCISCO. Wc would o.-peciully call the attention of the Trade to our CALIFOnMSA MADE GOODS 1 Which in point of style, fit and durability are equal to the best custom, made goods. Leather and Saddlery Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 210 BATTERY STREET, SAN F R A NCI5CO, Offor to tho trade of Salt Lake and vicinitr LEATHER, of all kinds, IIAK.VES, CALIFORNIA SADDLES, COLLARS, WHIPS, And a general assortment of SADDLtRY GOODS AT NEW YORK PRICES, Send for Catalogues and Prices. VHITTIER, FULLER & CO. Cumcron.Whittier .V Co. and FullerAHcathor IMftmTKBiJ AND DKAl.EP.S IS PAINTS, OILS, AND W1NQQW GLASS, SOI.K AiiliXTS rou FRENCH AKO BELGIAN PLATE GLASS CO'S & -It FRONT .STREKT, Cor. l'.neSttt, SAX FRANCISCO. C. ACOLPKE LOYi 8i CO,, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., Iinjiortcr? f TAS, QOFFSES . ?iji . aii all , KAST INDIA TKOnUCE t'f n'ni'.-ii tlii'y koop tork c"nM.intly on hand tr sale to tho ,r li 1J I N C T H. AUK. ALSO AuKN'T-S FOK l.n A tint n de X 1 larniuny ot'Catila, S II F. K U I K S , ItnrtU'M WH1TK LK AD COM P AX Y, of fv A oi k, a N ; l A T TS OS-KXPLOSlVK A S T H AL O 1 1, . .! iiuc-i t.1.!-. W. A. Maoondrav. '. W. M :wor.dr:y. ' MACON DRAY & Co., JSIIPPIiG Si COMMISSIOI I IK.m HAM'S. ; :--Pl"STESS OF t-H.N ANO JAPAN TEAS A-.l ail 4..-ription of . ! K A S T I X 11 1 A P H O 1 I" C K. SAX VIIANCISCO. - - CAI.. A. ,3. ii li I FIH H, I 11 L :fc7j- I) t. NM01t"D f!'.! M'' r llr rrri ? I w.-Li,.v,i HiJ (.criiiiNUd, !'! Y a li int on St rcct i i . SAN FRANCISCO. All l-;t-..i' ..f l.i.-I. Si.v.,l l,,-kl l..h j ,-r.ti-iani l n liAn I. EASTERN TRADE. BENEDICT, HALL k CO,, BOOTS AND SHOES,- .'o. 319 and 3S1 Broadnay, - - NEW YORK. PAGE, Col, Importerc and U-altrs iu LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 50 Lake Street. tss- tmm, ill 1. It. SJIIUCKEIS, MERCHANT TAILOR, - No. 517 OllT. Street, ST. LOUS, Sends Clothine all over the V,'et and pives entire satisfaction, a No. 1 e.nablienmeut. Tlie A'ationalSei'ies textTooks. iS" The KeaJufi, Gs.-oraphie-', S.it-nce3 mid GeriiiiiD Pooka of this Sc-rics have heii aJipttd for stHQdard uuiiormity in Ctah. aud the other? are favorably received by the Urit educators, "t-it PARKER & WATSON'S SERIES Corj itim: of A Primer, and .Headers in Five numbers. Spelling Books, In two grades. DVIES; MATHE.aIATIS, The Nittioiial Standard, and only complete, Cuii-si.iteot Cuii-si.iteot and uniform mctb'j-J in every braucli, embracing em-bracing text hooka for each grade in Arlt lime tic, Algebra, Geometry, C a 1 e n 1 n s , Surveying, Perspective, Etc. M3NTITH'S GE03.-1APHJ'. A grailed leries in three bonk.-1. 1. First Lessons. . JIanuul. 3. .McXlly." With intermediate and additional volumes, and A Set of Wall Maps. CLARK'S D1A3HAM GRAMMAR T'-achinn tho Science hy Oldert Le-son-s. First Lessons t-n KngUsli Grammar. The urmal Englisli Grammar. STEELE'S NATURAL SGitNCCS A 'Fourteen YVevkV Conr.-e" in each bruin-h ; intensely interestiiiy and vastly iopular, embracing X at lira 1 Plillosopliy, Astronomy, C lie in 1st ry, Geology. WSRMAK'S GERMAN SERIES Coni.-tim: nf Grammars, In two Grades; A Reader, and JEcllo, or Conversation Book. F'r descriptive catalogue with full detiN re-siiecting re-siiecting fuur hundred educational wurki, aditrc?i the publisher-". A. S. BARNES CO., IU and 113 William Street, New V.-rk. nn n n n ouiros ZUiUUUiaOH AND STEEL At Bassett & Hoffman's. Opposite Salt Lake House. CQ-rPEMTivl 0VELr1rQHXS, Jordan Street, 17th Ward. Ilalf-a-biock wc.-t of tho Tabernacle, SALT LAKE CITY, Having the latent improved Machinery for working in Iron, Wood & Brass, Can manufacture all kinds of Machinists' Tools, Turning Lntlies, Fan Blowers, Gear Cutting nnd Bolt Screwing Mnehlnes, Cheese Vats, Cotton, Woolen and Grist Machinery, Etc., Etc.. Etc. OUR FOUTJDY Has, :it present, been the Most tSiitsa-n? hi f!i Trm'tun, And we can turn out ''.uun,'? from the thin-nef thin-nef of a Stove Plate up to nuissivc ones for Smelting and Crushing Work-, at Low Klgure. AVc hnvc nn A No. I Model Maker, Anl orders in that line pmirantccd to lie .-ati-Uct"ry, 1 All kinds of Cld Iron Bougnt. A low more Shares of llio C.ii-.ta! Stoi-k i-tiii he lutd on application to WILLIAM Fl LLLli, Mvn-.arv. SHAVING i HAIR-PKKSSING SAIXJ(. JOHN SQUIRES & SONS, KAST TEMPLE STREET, First d.-or omh of Bp. hunier' residence. For Cut:i:-.c and Pre'-i-.c Ladic?' -ri 1 C h . I -area"? ti.iir. M AM FACTCRED II MR. Every klc.-.'ri i t ;.'in rf U.iir r ir - :e ord-r. A -y.-.arA-.-.y I L.i i;c-' : ca bar. i. Ornamental Hair W i k. sso i;i:avaiz. WII.l. VAY .-,! fc-T-r; --!..-.,.-I rrohc a. ..a i t : . - ; 1:'r::'"-:';,--.t"'."' .;V':::: K.IAC l.ROO, arervo r 01" .-"tree:-. H. DINWG ODEY. FURNITURE DEALER Aid Ail kinds of IMPORTED FURNITURE Constantly or hand at the Salesroom, EAST TEMPLE ST. Kvery descripil "-n of HOME-MADE FURNITURE At the Factory and Salesroom, 1st South Street, Salt Laie City COFFINS, PLAIN aud OKXAJIEXTAL Always in Stock. Produce Espartm't, Z. G. M. I. E.viitA.vcE WEST E"D EMPORIUM BUILDIXGJ. oM.osite Jleat Market. We are constantly Buj-ing and Selling Hides, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Onions, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, A D ALL KISDS OF PROCVCE, For which the Highest .Market Price will be paid. II. B. CL4WSOS, Snp't. N O 1' I C 33 ! Tclograpli OlIIccs ARK NOW Ol'KX AT Dill" CHEEK, Salt Lake County, LEIII and PLEASANT GKOVE, Utah County. A. M. Mt SSElt, Suj.t. HOfilE MANUFACTURE ! Wo have bought out the?tock and machinery of the "BIG BOOT" ESTABLISHMENT, And can now supply a first class article of AVarrnntecl Siipt'rtor to Imported Goods. Ii arr.-.ntrc.t ji . r t h r -r-vinl c..int r; ai,d convenience con-venience ut" Litdic; wlio wi.-h to Purchase or lie Fitted to Order. shoe Fr: nines In f ill st.wk lr tr.oic u-f A, i.. LKJTIIl.lt, LEA111EK, Of all kin I, ft t I. Be sure anduolU e I he Mgil.of the Blti BOOT.' H. B. OLAm'SaT; f.ur.:. NOTICE. Ill lllf ltirriiH' (nurl for tile District of 1 lull. 1:: ; " " Yi. .1 S. Kl. K Kil. la I' o: -x : y. T"i i 'II!F. (.'!:; I 'IT' 'ii- d.-' . I i 1 I'..,:. N : - .- - - v."-..:. ;..:.t a i :,.i 1 . a C' o--. : ' " ' ' - V" ' A. ; ;' y- :.'- i hix- C i-y.'i:,";.,; ii'-' . : 'r - ' ' , A:, i v.. r . : .. . :i. ,'. : Al"r. A 1.,;. I I - (. -, 1 , : i '. jHELMBOLD'S PRFPAPiATIOS .Higbly toHifUtr.ltd" CO.lIPOr.VD FLUID EXTRACT "ETS JTJ 41 TLP" ITT 4 pofirive and ?peeir.c remedy fordh-eases of the B. aider. K:dneyi. i ravel and iJrdpsial we.lizgt. Thi? nicii. ine increase? the powers of di-resti di-resti n. a:.d exc-::e the absorbents in;o heiithy action, by which the matter of cal-cartous cal-cartous depMsition-, and ail unnatural en-!.i-?r;i:erj:.; are redi.eed, ai weil a pain and innauim.iti"n. and is eood for men, wiinen and cniidren. M & 1 UELMBOLirS EXTRACT Bl'CHl For weakness arising frutn excesses, habit- of dissipation, eariy inaisoretion, a'tendea with the following symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion. "Loss of Power, 'jiiiieultv of Breathing. Lss of Memory, Horr-r of Disease. Wakefulness. Dimness ot Vision. 1 1111 in the Back, Flusn ns of the B".l Hot Hands. Eruptions of me Face, Weak Ntrve.-. Dryness of t:ie -kin, Trembdng. Pa did Coil ntena nee. Lassitude. Vi the .Muscular System. These symptoms, if allowed to go on. iwhieh this mt-dieine invanatdy removes soon fvdl-'W Fatuity. Epili-ptic Fits, Ac. in one of vrhicu tiie patient may expire. Wboean say they are cot frequently followed fol-lowed by those "direful diseases," insanity and Consumplloii ! Many are aware of the eause of their sutfer-iiiE, sutfer-iiiE, but i.i'iie will e nf s-. The records of the insane asylums iLnd the m- lane holy deaths by coiiump:io.i bear aaiplc witness to the truth ol tlie a.-sertioii. The Coitituti'in, once auectei by orpanic weakness, requires the aid of medicine to strenKthen and invigorate fhe ste:n. which 11 EL a. BuLD'i EXTRACT OF BICH1' in variably does. A trial will convinco the most seeptieal. In miiDv aO'-etions peculiar to Females. the EXTRACT BL'CllU is une.iualed by any other reu-edy, a ne lor ah Complaints i Leiden t ;o the sex, or iu the DECL1.K Oil CHANGE OF LIFE, HE M'Ml'TOMS AliuVt. No Familv should he without it. Take no Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant luedi'-iue fur unpleasant and dangerous dis- HEL.HBOLO'S EXTRACT BCCI1U IMPROVED ROSE WASH Cures Seeret Diseases in a!" b si... s at little expense, little or no , ,. . diet, no inconvenience, and no expouve. ifl Use Helmbold;s Extract Buchu Forall affeerions and diseases of these orpans wiiet h er exit ini" in Male or Female, lrifin whatever cause oriy inating, a nd no matter h.w lone standinj;. Disen-cs of th-c organs reijuire the aid o a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT UKHl IS THE GREAT D11RET1C. And it i.- certain to have the desired effect in all diseases for which it id reeyium ended. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOODI Highly Concc-ntrftted Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifying the Blood, removing r.ll chronic chro-nic consrituiional diseaFes arising from an impure ,-tato of the Blood, and the only rcnable and effectual known remedy lbr the mire ol Scrotula. cad Head, jlt Rheum, V. .ins an I Swellings of the B 'ii'-s. Vlcera-tio-is of t ho i hroat and Lees, Bl(tehe". Fim-ple-on the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, nnd all scaly Eruptions of the Skin, And Beautifying' the Complexion, Two tablespo-.nsfnl of the Extract ef Sar-sap;mlla Sar-sap;mlla added to a pint oi water equ'.i tu i e Li-b-m Diet Drink, and one botilelul ip fully equal w a g.illon ct the .yriip ol riarsa-parilU. riarsa-parilU. or tlie decction as usually made. HELMBOLD'S HOHE AVASI1, An i. client Loti.jn Ot diseases arising I'm in h ' - of ; pat ion, u-ed in eonnec I on wr h lie Extra ts Buciui and Nir-a pa. v lia. in fiich di-eases as rcviaimmoi-'l, E i li-uee of i be re-.o nsii.de and r- dable har.teler wnl a. r-.,m .a n y tiie medicines. Ai.-o explicit directior.s lor u-e, wnii ni s-..Rrii'Sui- ii! ii vMij living wirn'-----, and upward- of ..".o.m unsolicite 1 eert ih'-a t e- and rccomiuendal -ry letter?, many nf whi'di are from iie ii l ; n--1 --mrce-, ineuidmir eininc nt lh -icians, Llei gymen. .St.i t es men , 'J he l'i Tie tor fca- never re.-jrt ed t j their pu' I i--.I'ion in the n'-w-p;i ers ; i e :':lu not no this. Irorn tae f.-ct i hat Ins an if les rankii-M.u.dard rankii-M.u.dard I'rei a: ati-n-. .ind do Dot need to Le pr.. 1 up by e.-rt. die of M .-lii'wie. Jiko the Doric 0-dLiin, -: i u i i -'HLi-l -1 in j . o, pure, ma.ie-tic, li.f. iw F.i- i '' ii- n..-i-. I ij a. i ion lor i L-i L-i ;,ia.-. and i: u'h ai-ne P.-r i's C.ipital. tea My Ex--a t .-.!:--p.ri.ia i- a Liood Puri-'": Puri-'": : :;.y E.v: r t--r L :.u i- a Diuretic, and Ji a re r o i r- i on purely r- i'-n : i fi i ,.!(.- ,:, . .,. .iHiij-t t;, : m'-; ;i'.;m'i .-e i-l'.'T ii rn f,; n.,ii'. A r .i iv un-i co:;. m-ive i---t w il Pt a i oii,pari-- oii,pari-- - :i ; - r ; p. - : (.- w , .1 t:i ,,-c ret ! -r' U in : i! - wii.r rK; .-.- j , , r IH-rij,' v;, M r- Wo: K S 'Hi . . ' -. - Li. i . i l ' '. .i ' ' 1 Dr. I v j';. . T-U..L--- ':.: t.v i.r he hp. 1 v M-1. M-1. ; ; J F: - .. n .,.,.1 M-i,' '-: '"'-S: - .-' !j:.g. d iio,tw. , ! : ' "I i--. w !,f t;.e K D H. T. HELM30LD. " i II I m li i ' DniL- r. l.d n nt I ni .. r. I.oii-r . '- 1 r;.. y, . tUlmt.f.l.l'- Iriirt l. 101. Ii 1 f 11 1 II " I - . 1 h I 1 mi I i h l w . lit-ware nf ConLter fciL. '. j.sk FOR IIF.LMJJOLD S! I i aki; so (itiiki: : CALIFORNIA TRADE. - IVI. KELLER PrvrrietoroftbelvijiEC 5tia ani Lo ArpMes T-.ae-Yirri. rwrvt tor ti.c caJ of fc.;s NATIYE WINES AND BRANDIES M. KELLER 4t CO., Comer of Fa::ery and Wah:n(rton Strwts, San Francisco. - - - California. Angelica AVIue. Eldorado AVlnc, Wlilie Madeira Port Wine Bitters. Sherry Grape Brandy. A.I onrWiaw aai Brandy pir.n!td strsrt'y pur, and cfr ihre- yrt o:d. tS"5A!t LAk C iy Corporation, Z.oa" C--opr::T Mcrvsiu::!e Iuli:c:ion. Go4 i C-c.. SitLkeC:tT. D. 11. Perv. a:r. G.r k Co.. ic ior.. our wm lor RICHARD GOUUHIAD, Acmt. Sit Like a . WEIL & CO. IkPOKTKRSI OK Cigars and Tobacco Proprietor? of the TI AY AN A CIGAR MANUFACTORY, si 41. and i5 Front St., Southwest corner Front Jt Sacramento St.. w iv w a iv o x o o . ,J. KVEHI)l.(i V (.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS 4S Clay St., San Francisco, DEALERS IX OREGON PRODVCK. Ait constantly in reoiit of Orrjion II am a. Baron, Laril, Salmon, Ac. Starclif of our tun and iiern muufctur always on hand. BRITTAN, H0LBR00X & CO Importers and Dealers in Stoves & Ranges, SHEET IRON klH PLATF, Copper, Zinc, Slitrt Lend, Vlre, PfMPS. Tools and Machinery and General HOUSE FURNISHINC HARDWARE, Embracing Plain, Japanned, Planished and Stamped Ware, Nos. Ill i 113 California and Not. 1? & 19 Davis Streets, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. S. P. Holdcm. Jas. Moorhed. S. P. HOLDEN & CO., Importers of FOREIGN DRY GOODS, linens, Dress Goods, Hosiery, &c. 28 & 30 SAX SO ME ST., SA KKA.VCISIiO. Loo.lon ; 27 Le:uleuh:tll St., E.C- DIXON & DAViSSON, Importers of EXGL1HH, FRENCH & GERMAN Faney Goods, Millinery Goods, Yankee Amotions, White Goods, PocJwt Ctt 1 1 ery. Hosiery , Ferfuniery Linen IFdhchfs llavtitpC tTtideut 1'artiifi'' in Knropf, nnd Iwing in diroct communication with trip manufacturers, we are enaMed to execute all ordfru, and Sell at mi Low Rtc ai New York Importer. We iiiTite (h attPiitioii of Bt'YERS FOR UTAH TERRITORY To iur StiK-k, whii h it the lar t and mt varied on the I'acinc Cit. TOBIN, DIXON t DAVISSON, Pan Kran' iC'i.Cal. FJ8TAJ1IjIHHD lOGO- CASTLE BROTHERS, i m r o ut nns WHOLESALE GROCERS, 13 and '415 Front Street, San Francisco, - - California. MURPHY.GRANT & CO. HvVlS FItANCISCO CALIFORNIA, f L:i nUcuUCiD u Oi-ir lnif and .r I-! I" k : Dress Goods r..,.,,..r FRENCH PLAID POPLINS, laiincs ( loili. 'I'ii mii- ( loi h, In 111 oloi , FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOES. ETC, MTC. DTC. 11 o s 1 1: k v, AVhite ((kkI. Imh ii, TABLE DAMASK8, NAPKINS, j Tom rlinu. Ki All 'f Tti. I !I.C .1.1 Hi I.,' 1 ... i . I I,. I t t Vf MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Half a block west of Pre-dor.: Your.c's Ke;di.noe. JOHN W. VOI NC. Ksq., Prop. Native Brants, Birds and Kept ilea, VTelverines. reirs. F.se. Mountain Peer. Ly::x. Wi;d Ca:s. Ac. Iaiportant col.ection ef Nat.vo M ner'.s; Adiutssion, Mi ci. CliiWlren, lO Open every day except Sund.o". from a.m. to 5 p-tu- Ferdiii Time, i p. m. J.L. BAR FOOT, Manaiier. MINSS BOUGHT AA1) SOLI). 1'. OFFLEY. Acont for tho ale . r purch i-e of ,. minfi interests. - tV".- for o h i ImI i,-u to p;;r-ch p;;r-ch i.-er or M'iiei". A Lit of tlie Viu lonx Mhun yrl di.-- co e i t il t ii I i a li. With a ver.ice A-s:i - s, nnd price per lumir- d or thousand Ii-ot. ."pooinien- on elui'Ui"i.. Can be conferred wit : ,t he uiliee i i M e-.-r-KIKKPATKU K & 1 VNN. A!;or,.('v at - l.n . I ti ;i,h 't., c-Ai.i i.ai i: . i 1 1 . New .-pivirueu may ho h i'- i i;iier at En offioo ot ..er. old a W.-o.w.ird, -i' ;il tne otlioe of Me-?;;. K i kp.it: u k A .Maun. iav ii:au :iirw. JOIIA LOW A: SOS OtiDKS ST A I ION, Keei fur sale the lea lini: new p.t p r :i u 1 poru'diCwl. trulil ail p.ui ut t.;oo.'ui.t , Slereosev' C Vicw o. i, iuii,l:iill o'i;o) a- d object! inlii' M on ihe jjn-.t: I. i.-.onii-nental raihv'y. l'tioi irt ;i ph - oi e u, n nu n, Stationery, Erin:. v.nd.o. Ae., A-- THE SALT I. AK E DAll.l 11 i:il VI. O Can alwa bo h .d at .M.is. -ni.i, sou T 1 1 e: k n MilL&EXPrtESS LINE Carrying tlie I . S, Alnll, And W e llw, Kni u A. Co. Kiprrn-, The undei'.-irud is m.w riiniiiii- a I.ui line ot Siiik'e?- t.i PROVO & FiLLM On and at't.r Nov. I.Mh. t y, run on a.lermne dnyo tni Meadow Valley. Star District and St. Georg-3. Connections made, with ! in . rr Tlntic and Sevier !lliieB, anpc-it-and A rizoiiu. Oood Meals ar.d moouihi 1., i n- II ;(.. L- the line. Time tn M.Ue.ia.e mid S c.nl v Valley .Mince. .idny. Id lo.ui- III (-11 HIT K, 1'iop. ithee itt .-1 if. r it' v A o. C. . SMITH, tiei.Mai Acnt. TIIEODUliE LUJJHii, M iinulMoturer of LADIES'; FAN.C'iFU.lS Eat Temple Mini, At Eb. 1 1 i,.e S.-winir M:). Iiino k-i , UpP'iMlr .salt Ei.k; lii.n-e, on hand mid fur Mile n fi n a "rt meiit f HOME-MADE LA'JILS' FU HS r-u-h - l't n li n n il A 1 1 1. 1 1 In k , imImi , 111 nr lit 1 Ink It nit- In it u l , i J , Anil nkoi), I'e t 1. 1 it ii I . h in h, I k in lie i , K i I ni in i , K iimhI n ii u it d t- i ii i li I (ih' V, I tn h and Ka( n ,l u k i a I n, ik i .,iV . W hi.-h T oflrr Ml ex. dmu-h l,.w pi i. ... . A It ii. dp" w.irr.nit.-d 1(. i dm ii t m hi.im reiuMi'M I a-In-.-' l'uif m.v rn npi o-n tn a c t'i i't l T in h wt k ir, ;i i,l 1 1. in a li ih i THE BEST PAPER, vr Tim BEST INDUC'EIYIENTS ! Ii i- 0-,rf-r"f I t y il ill li l i ill HI I E t 'I all MOi-'Tllill.C, t. .(..(. hi.'. I'.". f r m n i mi 'c 7VX O J J . -i F RURAL NEV-YCKKER, 1 PIT I I J.1 11 M '! Rural and Family Wcikly. 'I hi i- ii'.f -.id ), "' tt ( litMl, lu' ' ! ' ' I-"' K l- I. -c M I at i Off Jmi i itl of ' ' I - - I 1( . li' Tim J in I. nr..- j' r. ' I- i, . " ' BiST AMtHGN WLtKLY j. . mii.Um! aittioiii ,,, . .. I I A', i.J' I.. I I'.f . II .)'. .111. I I )'. i , , ii I-1 1 i m i mil . mull) ' 1 1 ,'',,: i, ''. i; '."i,' , , W o St . Lai U - II- lllkllHttd .llllirilMl ,,,, r t , .i i i m ii. r ' .M a iMi.,- Milon i - fi I ii in ii !'(,' , ,','.1,11 t r. i- .' I u t r;..' I' . . i. r.l A NEW FEATURE. j A iiiodi t. t.l I', t'.r 1: 1 It AI.'- ii.. 1 I i . 1 ' 1 1 . I - ' ,.11 i. i n.,1 ... ti .... i . li.i i I! .All. ! ' ,.... ..( I-. ;' .. t m - - - .r . ; , ,,r i.,,-i . .l-i ii .i.-.i il. , 11 i; : I, , .. ii.- i ..-,.,.11 U,. i,ii." "I )! TERMS. IN-UDiW NTS. I C. TMIMI - t II ... .. I J '. IMI.'.. T- 1.1, I ,,. . Hi.'tti ,r, , ,.- -II. 1,. , 1, . I ,, ,,,. , . r- . ni yitl.l , ;, . I I, , . . . , ..i,. i . i.- i .i .-, .,. ,,.... (. 1 -y- in.. I. IT. :..i.ti. I.i 1 .A .1.1 CI i '. - f -ii' i 'i t - r 1 n. A 'I I; i - I I. I. T. .M Of III K. il I'rl Ilovv, Km Iwk, |