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Show cororHtions loive reooivd similar sub- idii.', in cniiotion whh rail ways cuin-plet cuin-plet i r in process of cuicpiti"ii. A.1-tbe A.1-tbe rerTeJ iolions urn ral'-J :l thr i.mb) minimum, the sule of them hi thteiitmnct'i rieo 1m-' thus in many instanca, indoinr.iu-'d tho treasury fur the trrauted ltnd-. Tho con-traction v-l' luiue of thi- thoroughfare ku uuduubid!T jriven a. vigorous im-pulio im-pulio to the direlopment of -ur re.our-mi re.our-mi d4 the itttment of the more 4:ivant portions of ibe country. It may, iiwTer, bt undtr-tood thai much of ur Ugirflatiun in this rzard has ben iudicnuiiQi and profuse. The I, ni-tca ni-tca 5iAie :iould loan their credit in aid of any enterprise undertaken by StiB or coroperationa, nor grant Inn is ai:y insane, unless the projected work ifl of acknowledeed national im-porunct. im-porunct. I iu strongly inclined t lb piiiun that it is inexpedient and BDet-es-ary o be-Low further sub-idie f either description ; but should Congrats Con-grats determiue otherwife. I eurneniy racacraend that the right of settlers and of L9 public be mure aifectually wured aad protected appropriate Itjiiialion. Patent Offlca. Durii:ff the ye?ir ending fciept. -SfJih. Ib70, there were filed in the patent o!ii:fc 1 , 4 1 1 applications for patents, :i,H14 eaTiaU, and 1 applications for the ox-tennioi ox-tennioi of patent-. l-i,0'2 patent, including inclu-ding reissued and de-sitrn, were iesiied. 3 1U extended, and 10? J allowed but not Ifiued, by reaaon of the nonpayment of the final fees. The receipts ot the otEce, doriug the fiscal year, were lip'JJ,lJ ia ixi've of its expenditure?. The CtDHOn. T wort of t he ceti-ui b n- au has eaeu energetically pru-ecuteci. The preliminary report, containing much informatiou of special value and interact, inter-act, itl Wfe ready for delivery during the present sersiou. The remaining report! re-port! wiil be completed with ail the dispatch dis-patch coniitjnt with perfect accuracy iu arranging and classifying tho returns, re-turns, Ve -hall thu--, at no distant day ! W furnished with an authentic record of eur condition and resources. It will, 1 X doubt not, attest the growing prosper- ' ity of the country, although during the I decado which has just, closed, it was o lerf-rely tried by toe great war waged to maintain iU integrity, and to secure and perpetuate our free institutions. Pension. During the Iat fiscal year, the Hum paid to pensioners, incluuing the coat ot disbursement, w;is $li7, 780,11 1.11; and 1,708 bounty warrants were issued. At iu close rj8,0ti names wero on the petition peti-tion rolls. Tho labors of the pen-don office have been directed to the severe scrutiny of thu evidence) submitted in favor of new claims, and to the discovery af fictitious claim-, which have been heretofore allowed. Tiie appropriation for the employment of special agents for the investigation of frauds has been judiciously u-ed, and the results of it hare been of unquestionable benefit to the service. Edncdtlon and Agriculture. The subjee s of education and ngricul-t ngricul-t . ture are of great interest to the success 1 ef our Republican institutions, and tho happinesH and grandeur of the nation. Id the interests of one a bureau has been establi-hed in tho Interior department depart-ment the bureau of Education; and ia the interest of the other, u sujarute department that of Agriculture. 1 behave be-have great good is to How fro in. the ope-ratinos ope-ratinos of both these bureau1-, if properly proper-ly fostered. 1 cannot commend to your careful consideration too highly the report ofthe Commissioners ot' Education Educa-tion aid of Agriculture ; nor urge too I strongly such Iiboral legislation a- will secure their efficiency. Conclusion. In t-oiiclinion, I would sum up the policy of tho Administration to be a thorough enforcement of every law; a faithful collection of tho tux provide I for; economy in the disbursement ofthe mme; a prompt nayinunt of thu debt of the nation ; a reduction of taxes as rapidly rap-idly as the requirements of tho country will admit ; reduction of taxation and taritT to bo so arranged an to afford the greatest mini-Vr mini-Vr of korirst and fair dealings with all other people, to tho end that war with all iu blighting consequences may We avoided, but without surrendering any right or obligation duo to us: a reform in tho treatment of tho Indians, aud in tho wholo civil service ofthe country; and, finally, in tho securing a pnrt and untrammclcd ba'lot, when every man entitled to cast a vote may 4o lojuflt onco at each election, without IV a r of molestation or proscription, on aecount of his political faith, nationality r color. , T. fc. GRANT, Exevutiv) Mansion, Doc. oth, lb70. LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH LAST NIGHT FOREIGN. Lisbon. Dec. 3. It is said the Queen has telegraphed Aosta. announcing an-nouncing a journey to Madrid with the Spanish deputation. 'Cialdini is eeiiainly to be Italian minister at Madrid. Belfort. o. The bombardment began be-gan at Versailles on Saturday night. The French before A ineennes were reinforced re-inforced on Friday. In the fight Tres-kow's Tres-kow's division took seven guns and 1SOO prisoners, including one general and two staff officers. Tours, 4. The second Prussians have captured Fereminiers, Greeilion-vibe, Greeilion-vibe, Noneville. Yiile Pain and Reuin. It is reported there was heavy fighting yesterday. The Pontifical Zjuaves lost three-quarters of a battalion, l.'ha-rette l.'ha-rette is wounded. Lyons. Dee. 3. There was fighting all day on Saturday between Autun Arnay and Le Due General Cremer actively pursues the enemy. London. Dec. 3. The Saxon losses from the 30th to the 2nd are about I.SoO. Four regiments, the bj4th, 100th, 107th and K'sth, lost fifty officers offi-cers killed and sixty-three wounded. The French prisoners taken number 3.000. Lille, Dec. 4. The Prussians in the north have retreated towards Rheims. |