Show RIVAL PARTES V VV V HOLD RALLES RALLIES Provo the Scene of Strenuous Activity in Closing Hours of V V Political Battle Special pecla to The V Provo Nov 7 One of the bitterest I campaigns In the memory of the peo pee people people pie of Utah county was W brought to a close here tonight with wih Democratic and Republican R rallies V The Republican lican meeting was wa held in the Mozart pavilion n n and that of the Democrats in iii inthe Inthe the opera opra op ra house The he Republican meeting was ad addressed addressed addressed dressed by b Ben Ber I L L Rich who ho paid par particular attention to the alleged deal eal between the Republican party arty and the liquor interests of ot the state He de declared declared dared these statements statement were false Mr Rich called attention to the de denials nials of Qt the Utah congressional dele delegation delegation gation gaton whose personal characters and lives les he said sid would not countenance count nanco such a thing Mr Rich declared that the tho campaign had hat been a remarkable one for tor mudslinging slid and defamation of men of prominence V in public and private life Ufe fn In the Uto state V The Republican party is not a party part of ot deals dels Mr Rich said sid except square suar deals and the passage of at honest laws lawsHe lawsHe lawsHe He pointed out the benefits benent of local loel option opton and declared prohibition would bo be a farce tare During the evening Professor Proe sor Charles Kent I ent of Salt Sal Lake sang sev several eral erl songs songs After the speaking the attention of ot the large crowd was turned to dancing It I was a most en enjoyable evening Roberts Speaks Tho meeting of ot Democrats was held In the opera house house and was addressed chiefly by B H I Roberts A large crowd gathered to hear her the orator Mr Ir Roberts Robert said sid that every eer evidence pointed to a Democratic victory all al through Utah Uth His HIl speech was chiefly n a denunciation of ot Senator Reed Heed Smoot and was practically a repetition of at his speech in the Salt Lake Lak theatre last Saturday night Before Mr Roberts Robert spoke Charles a student at the B Y U made a speech in which he declared that the recent reent procession of students student of the Ute local lol university was not en engineered engineered engineered by Democrats but was a spontaneous outburst on the part of the students student He then followed with witha wih a plea for prohibition Music for tor the tho meeting m was fur furnished furnished furnished by b the Garden Grden City CHy quartet This afternoon the ladles of the Re ne Republican Republican publican party held a I largely attended meeting at the home of Mayor or W H HRay HRay HRay Ray when It hi C Hicks was ws the Wis speaker using Uig 0 VaI option as his sub lub subject Refreshments RefreshmEnt were served and the one meeting throughout was a most enthusiastic |