Show JAMES KEELER IS WINONE D cs away it at ripe age 0 of ninety yea heui q lii rul varl larl trial oil il aint it iii axi amt V itil Pro libet jospph lillne Mii in to 1 with his ditc voi ork finish finished Ld ind I 1 i good accord to lit his credit ri jimei J imas tho the mot most irad dant di nl of riah ll through th portals of til thi kite gite to thit that beyond tin tho last frid IN i at the home of his sun on oron or on koeler it monroe Mon roii mr kelech NN is i most highly respected specter citizen of this pl ILC 1 or thirty ii lira ira he has resided rc idd hori herl after an a notice UN e life spent in the interests of the mormon church N v ith bieh which lie he became when i I 1 louth auth of 22 he wis personally acquainted quain ted with ath the prophet t joseph joc ph smith ind shared the irly tri truls ils of the saints from to I 1 the tt lt tic mant of utah he x as a member of the old mormon momon Is it lie he vis k a lured to californi california Califor nii I 1 in b bi the ni w gold d I 1 scon ei iab but the fol following loNing ear n bonded pon ded to a call to KO go to the sandwich Sa islands on a mission mi on among his companions coni pinions is the late george Q cannon HL he gained the loie loe and respect oz ot the naties and no missionary he held ait the th cl I notion Lotion ind estelm of the na tics bics more thin he he iema remained ined on the islands file fie olirs from to 1878 he be filled another mission to the islands and the islanders islander turned out en masse to bid him welcome belcome the deceased wis first married in 1842 to jane herritt in ohio but his wife died in lali leming leaving him film with 1 i I little girl in salt palt lake lail he was married to eliza ehla shelton in ili lya and the fol following loNing scar car he also married emily shelton the former su riet rieb him last bear ear they celebrated their golden Ned wedding ding ile he also leanes four sons seven seen daughters daughter 3 67 grandchildren and 1 I number of great grand alldrin childr cn mr air kii li r was born at ferries fernes burg arg addison county vermont jan aar jari 4 1817 the furcran wis ais held sunday in the third bird ward relief society hall |