Show hlll tl RI 11 kaia A P ahe rt afar last k relented in an order from south bouth africa for I 1 i subscription to this thib papi r and a money cider fur for one p 1 unit und Ln anglish glish star ling al this I 1 ats the I 1 i into i i nen field bedillo to I 1 its local th ri 13 lopies anc loin into all of the united statis it his 11 copies loing to Dpn 1 e linia marL r germany angland Ln gland mi xio ano and can aila ada the reapers readers Re apers liba keeps on groa growing ing them ire reasons i for tins this constant con stint and sit adv groath grov rath th anil and one does docs not hat hal to f fir IT to find them one re ason on I 1 is that the is d I 1 first alts local paper that it publishes ill thi acts lie NI of thib bation of if the gning gi ing kaso f full u it attention to tho of gold mountain another leason deaso to is th it it is ever and seeking and Iti boring fur tho the mant und and welfare Ll fart of tal pk olle of this A third re reisch ciscro might IC be addad that it la is always optimistic and uni afi ih scores and borc aru are tho the compliments ments that lome to it of lla IW corth it ii 13 ackmon acknowledged ledged to be one of thu tho T WO 1 to IC aing 0 in ili aruo list itt IT t vick uck th the ditmor dit cor hid had the sati faction of he hc ring rin praise for the 1 kajper capar be toach by irr aina na whom N hom ie L had ne neica 0 r befi rt I 1 known non it ind aborn m t nacre acre not m irl iri all kini of the it it thi oo 00 ie daleb anil and uni er t ull LII ui ihna chrit the is ii om can of u the boot best and most pirt to ft cenca at th e institutions institution 1 t 1 re istir tk the RL Arrs ra to b tin st t ant and most flitt flit ni of chstr chi tr bonit from ahse nho ho ird admire its i c it il to the I 1 is gin rin mu L h of tho thi ardit for I 1 ting mil ind ain an ing thi v afire of Rith brithfield field lit in md and ind pluto arun ties in gemeril it is plea pleading lei ins ing to si the lo 10 to know that tho the efforts and iri act of ff the are apreci itce c iri gratified to anu inua thit the people re ilise chrit the reaper I 1 is in een e en tint factor in building up this com it is ib r to know that the tha reaper commands the rep ct 0 of f can those hoat hoac personal friand ship it enrol c clairn claim the deaper his but upon ltd its carter career of s r II and ss it will continue to leflett icele et ana se ncr count anil and wayne county and bitite count as a important part of utah it ill con continue to be a re newspaper paper in eiery sene sen e of the ord it v of ill continue to be 1 I loal and faithful of the social arul buttres buis nes of the people it aill continue to be i it live vide ide awake paper which will b be bought ou ht from the four quarters quarterma qu artera of the gloal lobe and it will continue cominus to |