Show NOTES 4 I 1 UI 4 1 AND PERSONALS j there is an opening for i a number of lafirst first class miners it i t kimberl the reaper is informed that the gold mountain consolidated mining corn com pane is ib looking for good men manager 14 F currii and supt bupt ole I larsen arsen ant up to the gold development co lat last wiek loranzo nielson made mada 1 I trip down doan to Ril ifield last week and reported work J 11 enokson returned lit lift li t act A k from his inspection of the goldi goldin n rit ri t ind sas sacs he found conditions cen bettar than tit in expected the ore body bode which is now nov being developed has pro proven en to be i a big permanent v N ein cin muro more than 20 feet v m ide and car rn ang ing values alues from 1 to 50 a ton tytis lyl ti |