Show no ito 1 ja i A i k I 1 loin pl koplo of S PC tl I counti iian ha ill hipe lor for the pricel pric nl it leist ut of tl th uth bugi compin tu to build 1 1 I ugar i faltor in ili th it counti but alii i not ann up tin idea of hain a fe fac toia toi aben thc nun num buerg thirn sal oil 11 a preposition to go RH got t loci capital to to take up the jhc mitter and build I 1 i factor tint thit is ii a 3 goud iroe on oil the pirt part cf our neighbor and the only one that rs an ani tangible prospect of aurin wu rin a augir aug ir bictory in the noar near future 0 the idea to the farmei and of sexier ter county count na is offering off tring nn a plan for a factors in ili this thi counti her from to soo will aill ibl be bc to build anil and equip a usar factory such is would meet the appl supply of acts bc ta fo 3 curs b to come in this pirt of tle the state kt first that seems a big uni of n one to ani anse e lacall lo call rid ind it it I 1 11 feut but it mould not bl be ini IM nor impose a great burden as i lb b ar arc c now nonn fidanc ficano id d that um kunii of money mone could be lor lowid for cin per cent pos ibia ti bi cent the um sum could be paid in tin beirl air installments of to bow 1 list qt cell all s imet im C et t chop gilr amr IZO gilfou GilO 1001 Ou to tic farmers of biti count inith ith i 1 I dood clop this itar nr and th addition il ing in c of if i fitton at it hom the 11 1 I dustin would lii le inart t sad d tu to the 1 1 tont tent lf if bringing from 1 0 to 1 to bi the farmers farm cri As tie tic in iuli would grow gronn the income would sn f ni ii I 1 reach the first birst cot cost of the I 1 aitor tn T n lar cent of the incon ato fimi n leets alt aside aide inch h atar for or the net tc ten n 3 c ir irs would pi fur for thi th factor tora ird any the te ili ler blet bet could set dide aide d ide zen hn pir tent cent of his sugar bitt income for ini investment estment then he would 0 n hi stuck stock in the factory factor ard er elra e r ear near rectie i 1 dividend from tho it is i 1 good business busine b proposition put but the fa bariner riner and lucal local ciple ll its v not hato hal L sub cribe th full amount fur a ficsori we ve art quit that if them jhc thc bill ill sul chilk horn ja to 49 per cent of the stock the bug ir trust trul which cli would dominate the under ani or other outside out sidi cleotil would be forth com ng ing then is 13 n une being eeling just sach ilch mi investment if local people mil ill show their faith and good A ill b bv 4 enough batok to assure hc support of the project we re are positive nosi tive itie no vill ill be feces ir to ct fin financial finin ancial cial assistance i tance in fit fet we e have c it fiarn tell ible sources that such financial asi sit anle nc bould be foran camin ill at onto ilic tugar trust or othir othi r capital want the file control of the tock stock ji it of it might V i well ell bi expected to grant this because c is as VL ANC havo slatted the trust would did lie ite the opar opt n I 1 tion of th plant ili ho ION the farmers ought to lu I 1 gin K la lank ing to tills this ind it is a makant preposition under the SMIL coi that prevailed list ye ir ind the aromi ing conditions lot foi this bear in fie fic bears there ought to bc beno less thin than diio ner es in tins this county devoted to sugar beet raising thit that would mould me men mein in a direct income from raising beets alone of fi aiom om 1 to a icar then there would be the dividends lid and the iago age output there would be the b products such as pulp which would se several eral fold increase the ere cro arery business and develop a mammoth creamery plant in this v alley balley there would dido also be the arl it increase in the value of land thy hy it is 13 not nt at all chimerical to sav sai that in five years there would be u yearly starly income to the farmers of se pitr cr cou ian it of iram COO to 7 irom front thc jhc c burces alone just think what that would int it i to the far merhI ahr would ill become vie wealthy althy and nd 11 in a lev fen ieiri cir it ams to us u thit ill the glittering tits hiah erlat linit mining in dutar butr huld hold cut to the fortura teel heel ars ot i s no nir r flitt flattering flittering ering induct inducement ment thiril think it ncr thorl tharl ja in important nork ork for nc mcw il club of to mike i bg brinning bt pinning inning on |