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Show FAGS BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, "THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1936 I . . i. . by Harold Coulter Vegetable Expert Ferry Seed institute V V Soil Study Important S. L. County Democrats Vote To Draft, Sponsor Woodward For Governor At a meeting held at the Newhouse Hotel, in Salt Lake City on Saturday evening, April 11, it was unanimously voted to draft Dr. Hugh M. Wood ward, Utah state Senator from Provo, to become a candidate for the office Mr. and Mrs. Dan McCoomb and n, Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Garfield of spent-Sunda- y I at the home of Mrs oy nary rrwai - Rose Peterson. J. T. Abbott returned home Sunday Edward Newton is spending the after a two weeks trip to San Franweek at Salt Lake City. Mr. and. Mrs. W. H. Has lam and cisco. J. W. Ault of Logan was a Sunday' family of Lewis ton, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Ada Gar visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Ault field. Mrs. P. E. Ault attended a meeting Mrs. R. G. Broueh or the state and national farm bureau visitor Friday. Monday at Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. John O. Garfield spent John Fridal of Salt Lake City, spent Sunday at Salt Lake weekend at the home of his parthe Garfield's sister. Mm. RaMt t.n tL ents, Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Fridal, Jr. in a hospital there. Mrs. James Holdaway of Dewey-vil-e, Mrs. Rose Peterson and visvisited Tuesday with her sister, ited at Logan and Preston family Mrs. Pete Little. Sunday. EASTTREMONTONI Hints To Gardeners FEW minutes consideration of i of the condition and make-u- p ;the soil in your garden just before 'planting can make a marked differ; ence in your success as a gardener. Clayey soils require, the most 'careful handling but are heavily! productive. Sandy soils are "early"! and sandy loams are just about! ideal for most home garden crops. Peas, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli.! " cauliflower, beets, carrots, radish, and onion prefer plenty of moisture! and moderately cool temperatures' during development. These should be planted about as early in thei spring as the soil can be worked in' order that they may develop before the extreme heat of summer sets in.1 ' This early planting will yield an abundance of early produce tor use for during Spring and Summer-ancanning. Plant most of these again during the Summer, timing the: planting date so that the crops will the cooler, grow and mature during motster Fall months. Sweet corn, beans, tomato, pepper, egg; plant, cucumber, melons, squashes and pumpkins are not so hardy as those listed above and prefer plenty of beat and sunlight for best development They also prosper best .when ample moisture is available but are able to do well during comparatively dry weather They; do best on loamy: Mils but carefully prepared clay sots pn duce, splendid cropa Herbs do well in comparatively poor soil and maintain growth1 under rather drouthy condition Under the same conditions, radish; turnip, parsnip, salsify and other! root vegetables may be expected to , perform fairly well. If you must do some of your gardening in ground that is semi; shaded, try growing beans, radishes or. peas. i By Lice .? I Mr. and Mrs. Evan Ellison of Lay ton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bourne. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hansen visited in Brigham Saturday. Theo Richards and Jay Bourne were visitors in Ogden Sunday. Gene Earl and two small sons, Jim and Tim, of Parker, Idaho, piflited over the weekend with Mr. Earl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Earl Sr. The Bookelore club met at tne home of Mrs. Ezra Packer last Monday evening. Mrs. Horace Peck gave I It, li: d CLOSING OUT SALE OP FISHBURN'S STOCK OF HIGH GRADE MERCHANDISE II IN EVE , : on the book entitled "Ra' and History". Refreshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. W. M. Welling; and daughters, Enid and Maurine, and Mrs. Cliffs: 1 Welling spent three days last week in Salt Lake City. Jay Udy, Von Holt and Virgil Coombs returned home from San Francisco, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Welling of Ogden, visited with their two boys over the weekend. Miss Nona Smith went to Salt Like Citv over the weekend and visited with her brother, Harold, who is quite ill at this time, ana is receiving treatment in Salt Lake-- a report FIELDING Enid Welling Og-cTe- ETVTTT FELDSCHER CO; Tremonton, Utah Successors to R. L. Fishburn & Sons DEPARTMENT We Have Now Had Time To Go Thru the Entire Stock of High Gradet Merchandise Carried by R. L. FISHBURN & SONS and Have Plajced Many New Items On Sale That We Were Unable to Mark and Display for Our Opening Last A Return Visit Will Convince You of the Many Friday Outstanding Values We Now Offer for (This Week End. FELDSCHER CO. Tremonton, Utah Successors to R. L. Fishburn & Sons i of Governor of the Stat of Utah, at the coming elections. Speeches made by L. E. Elggren, president of the Consumers' League of Utah, Max Stange, of the German- American Citizens Association and others emphasized their opinions rel- KNOWN BY THOUSANDS OF ENTHUSIASTIC USERS AS THAT GOOD COAL ative to the activities of Senator Woodward on behalf of the best interests of the greatest number of the people. It was repeatedly stated that Senator Woodward was and is the only public official in the executive or legislative branches of the Utah State government who has initiated or sponsored a constructive plan to reduce the burdens, to increase home industry and enterprise and to supplement and increase the purchasor who ing power of the lay citizen has shown any genuine personal interest in the predicament of the .peo- 2 Tableo Daram Large heart's thru these tables to your rummage content you will find savings you never dreamed of 200 PAIRS SALT LAKE CITY In consideration of what was de- scribed as Senator Woodward's defin itely constructive program capable of ultimately relieving thd scourge of depression and restoring to .the masses of the people their national, state and local political heritage and again provide for them an opportunity to earn a living and maintain a decent living standard without the embar rassment of accepting the dole and other public charities . . , a resolution was adopted endorsing Senator Woodward as the most desirable gubernatorial potentiality on the political horizon . . . and commending him to the voters of the state as a man who can positively be depended upon UNION Tremonton's Exclusive Castle Gate Coal Dealer Priced from 9S 19 VALUES TO $3.50 In This Grouping-Ove- 300 "Sweet" is the term used by chemists to sulpote a gasoline that contains no corrosive kind of phur, no sticky gum, no substance any that doesn't belong there. Careful refining of Pep 88 assures you that d every drop of this famous g It means a sweet is gasoline SHOES Values to ' motor for you. $2.98 PEP $138 The SWEET Gasoline UTAH OIL REFINING COMPANY in Utah end Idaho Hundreds e! Service Stations and Dealers Distributors oi Atlas Tires, Batteries. AcceseorUs-a- nd Stanolind Products Long Short 5e PAIR $2.97 $3.97 $4.97 1 : I I I 1 I VI Ladies Silk 10 ONLY DRESSES Ladies Fur Trimmed $6.95 Values COATS Values to $19.50 02.79 Silk and Cotton Embroidery & ESPECIALLY PRICED V VALUES TO $5.00 GLOVES Beautiful new spring numbers that you will enjoy wearing to the utmost 11 ' FLOSS climate-controlle- sweet-runnin- P Last Year's Numbers Silk feyj PAIR Ilk HATS Ladies 1 Swagger Suits Placed On the Racks at This Unheard of Price Childrens (I r 100 New Dresses ONE LARGE TABLE Ladies and Childrens wee the In a Special Grouping at to Choose From lft5 at about Pairs -- 5 1 $1.00 to $2.00 VALUES TO $1.79 to work indefatiguably for and in the interest of the masses as against fa vored individuals, groups or classes. Phone 35 k KI(D)SE ... FARMERS' CASH Every Pair of SINGES tax-paye- r's ple. You can now buy materials original price! CHILDREN'S NEW SPRING ... Utah Fuel Company All Piece Goods have been checked and, new, low prices placed on them - Buy now and save lc 10C Per Doz. ( Mens Mens Hickok BELT al Values 95 Mens Friendly Five SUITS Exception- 02.95 BUCKLES Initial' Athletic UNIONS $5.00 SHOES "for men 19c 29c $2 47 |