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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL i That remains to be seen. But this can be said with certainty no matter Economic who is nominated, he will campaign in in in in in in in in m in in in hi in in in on certain planks. Constitutionalism will be one of those planks the ReNothing noteworthy has occured in publicans will hold that it is the Pres business of late industry is operat- ident's plan-tget around the Consti ing on an even keel, and the 'recovery tution in one way or another, estabmovement continues slowly. And lish what amounts to a dictatorship nothing noteworthy has occured ia of the Federal bureaucracy. Taxes is government Congress pursuing its will be another the Republicans will routine, and no legislative excitement, say inflation impends, and that the aside from the Townsend Plan and the country goes toward ReAmerican Telephone & Telegraph Co. lief will be another bankruptcy the Republicans investigations, is apt to occur in the will claim that Administration relief near future. Finally, nothing note- plans have been wasteful and socially worthy has occured in the tense Eur- and economically menacing, that more opean situation the great powers distress could have been alleviated continue to play their diplomatic chess with less spending, that the spoils game. system prevails. Public policy toward It might also be said that nothing industry will be another the Repubnoiewortny nas occured' in the politic- licans will claim that Administration al situation, so far as major develop- tax and regulatory policies have barments are involved. But there is red the way of greater industrial regreat activity beneath the surface, covery. And so it will go. The accent and the political picture for 1936 is laid on these various points will vary with the candidate. If, for instance, gradually taking form. Main political interest naturally Senator Borah were nominated, he would probably lay greatest stress on focusses on the Republican party veryone knows that, barring the the Constitution, while Governor Langrim reaper or a grade A miracle, the don would be expected! to talk most Democratic candidates for the high- about taxation and fiscal policies. But est elective positions in the country all the planks will be used. will be Franklin Delano Roosevelt of The Democratic campaign must, of "New York, and John Nance Garner course, be based on the. President's of Texas. And, within the Republican record. It will be held that he was party, the battle lines are firmly fix- responsible for the recovery we have ed. One throng wing of the party, achieved that his mistakes were in led by Herbert Hoover, wants a high-- , evitable in an emergency where speed ly conservative candidate, such as, for was essential, that he has no idea of example, Colonel Knox, publisher of tampering with the Constitution or the Chicago News. Another strong the Supreme Court, that his program, wing, led by Senator Borah, and gen-- . by and large, has succeeded and earnerally believed to have the support of ed him the right to go back and finish such potent figures as Senate Minor- the job. believed that the Presiity Leader McNary of Oregon, wants It is a liberal candidate. Still another dent willwidely stress economy in the camstrung wmg wan is a paign declare that his vast expendicandidate, such as Governor Lan- - tures were unavoidable and saved us aon oi ttansas. ai uus writing, tne from ruin, that wherever possible he best bet for the nomination would be cut expense. In line with this, he reGovernor Landon, and most public cently appointed a committee of three polls show that he is more popular experts in public administration to fxrfVl ttiA nAAnlA than rf Vtat lAoyfimor survey the government and prepare a Republicans. But it must not be for- plan for reorganization and n gotten that prominent 'commentators of bureaus in the interest of seem to believe that neither Senator economy and efficiency. In his letter Borah nor Hoover are to the members he intimated that in favor of Landon and those two some of the new agencies he created men, standing poles apart in their were justified by emergency, will be viewpoints, having little in common dropped with recovery, that others " save sincerity, can sway a great num- will be curtailed in their operations. ber of delegates at the convention. So the political war is getting unSuch commentators are tending toeven derway, theoretically, ward the belief that the big figures the opening gunthough, will not be fired unin the party may offset each other til after the conventions. Get your with their opposed strength may in- radio in the verbal shrapnel shape directly bring about the nomination will fly thick and fast of a dark horse. PAG3TE3 16, 1936 in in in in in m in m in in m in in in in Highlights ;;: ; - HIGH LIGHTS (Ray ola Roe Editor) SOCIOLOGY CLASS HEARS P. A. ADMINISTRATION. Last Friday George N. Anderson, of Brigham City, talked to the W. y q . 1 f ' " ; 1 : V ' & N f ' classes on the social problems of Box Elder county. Mr. An derson has charge of all PWA work in the county. ,. One of the most important prob lems is our high schools. "When students get out of high school," says Mr. Anderson, "they aren't prepared for a job. Employ ers today do not ask how many years you've been sitting behind a desK studying, but how much practical ex perience you've had." Another major problem, according is a graduate to Mr. Anderson,-whof the University of Utah, is the medical condition of people throughout .the county. There are many families who need medical care, but are unable to have it because of limited funds. Other social problems cited by Mr. Anderson are the overcrowded homes in parts of the county, farm districts overcrowded as in western Box Elder county, relief, .the care of the old peo ple, and crime. 'i H ft) 0, , o Bin. AUred Wagsteff III of Tuxedo Park selects oxfords of garbardlne with patent trim to oomptemeot her spring Uilleur. I I i.w.i.1i v.wu.vmK i. ... I (Top Center). Everything the exeept their shoes! Navy silk frocks gaily patterned with small flowers In variegated colors are worn by the Selby trip lets at Aiken. The triplets talk alike, dress alike and walk alike although their arch curves are all different low, medium and SENIOR PLAY DATE HAS BEEN CHANGED. (Upper Bight). Snapped at the Spring Horse Show at Camden, S. C These oxfords are flare fitted and perforated. The twi piece drew combines a tailored blouse of white silk alpaca with skirt and scarf of sheer navy wool In white. : - nuacue-oi-me-ro- Bear River New Themes in Spring Footwear - 0 pin-dott- ad Reverse calf monk type worn at the races In Parts, with . tailored suit designed by Creed. Sldrt In black and white hook, Jacket la black woai conroli-datio- STATE OF THE NATION? A New Fad nt other governments 20,000,000 The date of the senior play, "New Fires," has been changed to Thursday, April 23, because of the concert in Garland on April 24, Rehearsals are being held regularly and the senior class is looking forward to a successful presentation. A new set Is being made under; the direction of Woodrow Jansen, Daniel Bradshaw, stage manager. Posters for advertising are being made under the direction of Hilda Miller and LaVern Garfield. Miss Ardis Nelson, dramatic art teacher, has charge of the pro- 74,000,000 duction. The cast includes the following: Ra-ol- a on the Those ineligible to work John, Stanley Abbott, State of the Nation: under child labor law .... 60,000,000 JuneRoe, Floyd Carios Hansen, Farrell Hansen, Population of U. S. as Alta Grover, Beth Palmer, Munns, reported 124,000,000 14,000,000 Maxine Josepheson, Howard Shurtz, Those eligible for old age Number of unemployed Leah Cannon, Ara Anderson, Leslie pension under the 13,999,998 in nation . Wight, Nelda Pederson, and Deaun Townsend bill Well, Folks, here it is! Confidential Memorandum ' 30,000,000 ' ' 94,000,000 Persons working in federal, state, county, city and Number remaining to 2 produce nation's goods Just you and me and I'm getting Henrie, By "Suds" C. O. D. Laundry, Lewiston, Ida. tired. We Can Supply Your Every Need In Quality Lumber and fiv- mdHi - Building Supplies S?j8S mSULATING AND QCOFmG MATEOIAL gyet that spet LetUsHelp You In Your Remodeling:, Building: or Repairing: value FRANCE8 PAXTON WE GLADLY FURNISH ESTIMATES . Air rifle shooting has become se popular In Hollywood that the 'movie folk even take their guns with them to the beach. Here la Frances Paxton, 20th Century-Fo- x player, who Is all set to shoot a ' while, swim a while, and have a' rea? outing. tips that delight in good living , The keen law of Judge who appreciates merit soman wsrauJos. an' I SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LEADER RECONDITIONED If you're looking tor value V.. now, for very little money you can enjoy the Kentucky straight Bourbon famous for its "double-rich- " deliciousness! tSftSL Mwnley fyJEr? Mrt ifMtrU. fl 90 PROOF ' ffe On. Made in Kemuckr old-ti- STRAIGHT KENTUCKY BOURBON WHISKEY PINT ' Whlikef with ih, Kentucky dlnillen ...the food old Kentucky my. by No. 61 QUART No. 60 . . .Conrrfeht, 1961, Sclmter Dtatributon, Inc., N. T. T. Stan Co., Ins., Frankfort, Kmtackjr-DiyU- lon of Scbmlv Prodoeta Ofc, tea. We have the following re- conditioned and late model cars for. sale: 1934 FORD DELUXE FORDOR. 1930 PAINTS and OILS, COAL-Castleg- ate STOCK, SHEEP and HAY SALT HARDWARE Heavy and Light - HOES SHOVELS FORKS - RAKES SISAL ROPE BARB WIRE Field and Poultry FENCING Canvas for Dams Garden & Field Seeds China and Glassware THE FAMOUS 'SPEED QUEEN9 WASHER DODGE DeLUXE SEDAN. 1930 CHEV. SEDAN. 1930 FORD COACH. 1929 HUPMOBILE SEDAN. 1929 DODGE SEDAN. 3 CHRYSLER SEDANS 1928 STUDEBAKER SEDAN. 1927 PONTIAC SEDAN. 1928 WYLLIS KNIGHT SEDAN. 1933 CHEV. Vz, 157 W. B. TRUCK. 1931 FORD li2, 157 W. B. TRUCK. 1929 FORD PANEL. 1929 FORD PICKUP.. 1935 CHEV. PICKUP. J. G. READ HARNESS and ACCESSORIES The "Western Made for Western Trade" It Will Pay You to Visit Our WeSellthe J. I. CASE LINE OF FARM MACHINERY AND IMPLEMENTS Store and Yard and Inspect Our GENERAL LINE OF MERCHANDISE for FARM AND HOME SUPPLIES 9tf SALE REMEMBER OJJR BIG WHICH STARTS SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 18 SEMI-ANNUA- L TWO Good Truck Chassis for Wagons. UTAH AUTO & . JMR CO.. "YOUR GOOD WILL OUR BEST ASSET" Tremonton, Utah ....f-,.j.,.....- Phone - 35 |