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Show PKAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL r EAST GARLAND By Mrs. David Larson I - Clara Fridal of the Relief Society, Mrs. Ada Fridal of the Primary, and Mrs. Mary Andrus of the M. I. A., I were the visitors. Mrs. Ida Rhodes entertained at a Mrs. With the removal of Mr. and C. J. Hansen to Logan and Mrs. Rose neighborly quilting bee on Thursday Kortb to Garland there was left va- afternoon. Mrs. Mary. Bjorklund and children cancies in the presidency of three of of Logan, spent Easter Sunday with the ward organizations. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Larson. on was effected The reorganization' The genealogical meeting Sunday evening in sacrament meet- was heldweekly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. in Holman with charge. Bp. ing Grover, Monday evening. C J. Hansen was released as superin- Lafayette Mr. and Mrs. Rulon J. Steed and tendent of the Sunday school The Lonew superintendency are Ursel Adams daughters, Camille and Cherral of Mr. Easter with spent gan, Sunday Leroy Atkinson and Louis Larson. and Mrs. David Larson and Mr. and was released as Mrs. W. . Mrs. C. J. Hansen E. Hanren. ' president of the Relief Society. Mrs. The six boys from here who accomLeah Oyler is the incoming president F. F. A. of B. R. H. S. with Alice S. Larson and Mabel Oy- panied the to Francisco were SherSan chapter ler as counsellor, and Birdie Hansen, man Chester Atkinson, Willard Oyler, treasurer. secretary and Golden Adams, Ray and Carl Larson, Lafayette Grover was sustained new as chairman of the genealogical so- Rhodes. They report having had a and varied and enjoyed experiences ciety, taking the position formerly splendid trip. Carl Rhodes, together held by Mrs. Rose Korth. two other F. F. A's had the disStake S. S. Supt. O. L, Brough, with of posing for a larged sized tinction Frank Munns, Mr. and Mrs. George in the San Francisco ChronHenrie, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hansen, of picture icle of April 7th. The boys were the stake genealogical board; Mrs. seated on straw in front of some of Clara Fridal, her counsellors, Mrs. their cattle lustily singing "Home On Maudi Cook and Mrs. Margaret Pack; as the camera clicked. the Range," Mrs. Mabel Hadfield and Mrs. Ruth Most of the children and many of Holman of the Relief Society stake could not resist the the grown-up-s board, were in attendance at the meet lure of the warm spring sunshine on lng. The outgoing officers were high Saturday and went eastering to near ly commended for their faithful and by hills and pastures, returning toefficient services by as many speak- ward evening with brown skin and ers as time would permit hereing tired muscles but having gloried in from. the beautiful weather and enjoying Funeral services were held in out of doors. American Fork Friday afternoon for lunching Mr. and Mrs. Owen Cheney and 0. L. Despain, a former resident here were guests of relatives in who was very active, both in church family on caster Sunday, Brtgham and civic affairs. He taught school Dean Grover has been given the and was superintendent of the Sunday of Hortensio in the annual play school for many years.. Mr. and Hrs. part the Shrew," to be presented "Taming W. A. Adams, daughters, Mrs. Alice the A. C. students early in May. Gobs and Maud, Delos Adams, Bishop by Parley James, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer and Mrs. E. S. Hansen were among James and Mrs. WilMam Asper of those attending the services from Lake Salt City, were guests of Mr. here. ;. LaruLMrs. Paul Larson on Easter Sun- Glen Larson, who has been, attending school in Los Angeles, has ac-- , cepted a position with the E. M. Smith company in their large machine shops in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hansen of Los Angeles, spent the first of the week as guest of relatives here. The Relief Society, Primary and M. 1. A. organizations were each favored by visits from stake board members at their meetings on Tuesday. Mrs. - - . PAG3 fTVB 16, 1936 Spare the SSpinach and v" . - , OUR L-- Great talents and accomplishments sometimes create envy, jealousy and ill will. These can be offset by mocourtesies desty, small kindnesses, and considerations. MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Fronk Chevrolet Co. Tremonton, Utah - Phone 28 . been living here. Andrew Potter, who has been visiting with relatives in Salt Lake City for the last few days, returned here Tuesday for a short visit with hi parents, then be intends to return to the city where he has found employment We wish him success in undertaking. air. roller, sua ui jkli. uu Harley Potter of Salt Lake CMy, is visiting here with relatives and friend " during the weekend. Bishop and Mrs. Dewain Lamb and ; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jackman were-.;- , grand children and friends, after conference visitors Saturday and,; which long tables were set in the ball Sunday of last week. Bishop and Mrsand 200 guests, relatives and friends Clark Rudd were also in attendance : were served to a delicious i conference. at the spread. All enjoyed themselves in a Mrs. Margaret Stokes of Gar) , d lively dance in the evening. honor is seriously ill her at her daughter? was extended to all theSpecial old folks of home, Mrs. George A. Hess, .wr.ere our setUetrieot, who were ' given a she has been ailing for the last "x special invitation to attend this birth- weeks and not being able tft xetun day entertainment, U, it the bie to her home. ; L' feature of the week.making The Sunday School here soonsorcd" The Relief OnrMv program instead, cf Xatgfq-ula- r "' wiy in- an Easter teresting meeting here on Tuesday class work Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. h. Cook were in att- There was a large crowd in atten-- , endance and gave some very dance. Miss Dorothy Christensen. a thought ful advice and instructions to the member of the Stake Board, was rT CS members of this wonderful organiza- ent and enjoyed the program. tion. There was an attendance Members of our ward spent two r of 38 and the lesson "Temple Marriages" days of last week in the Logan Terv. leader- pie. Mr. William J. Hess, chairman" .8lveBtto'cteM Silvester. This was followed of the Genealogical committee in mirs discussion. ward, together with his aids is en- jWorkgcucou is progressing on the pipeline couraging these trips to the temple tnat will brinar th to do work for our kindred dead, ad canyon into our homes, and more more trips will be arranged for in the ' men will be .. employed in the near fu- near future. ture which, will rush the completion of the. project. A girls handicraft club has been orHoward Efaaa ... v j lor ganized at the University of Utah Mivaiuay Driggs, Idaho, where he has been em- - under the auspices of Mrs. Dan B. me- lasi. z years. He ex- Shields, a member of the Board of pects to be gone for the summer. Regents of the University, and Mrs. mmi jura. jonn Mansfield and Arthur L. Beeley. The club will enfamily of thin nlnra able the girls to practice at their pet Idaho, where Mr. Mansfield intends hobby with efficient guidance until, to work at general durin 6 they become, to some degree, proficifarming the summer. ent at their work. The work in arts v; The young folks here rflet at the and crafts was formerly under the : VirtYviA cnu.ii.w-Al Uvav vs? Aiviu 0U11U1, it. juonciay even rection of the N. Y. A. . Jfcv Mar-ne- -- . ..'. - , Y 1 lag in honor of Dewey Mansfield, wbo left with his parent for Grace, Idaho Tuesday. Dewey has been very active among the young folks while lie has A very nicely arranged surprise party was sponsored by the grand children of Mrs. Janet . Steed at the L. D. S. chapel Saturday, in honor of her 78th birthday. Mrs. Steed's activities in 'our community will long be remembered as she has been a God Mother to many of our residents and assisted in bringing- many - of them into the world, and has always been willing to lend her help when sickness and sorrow came into the homes. A very program was put over byappropiate a number of her ; iff Dsn B. Lamb By t il PLYMOUTH Mrs. ! - , , Combination of Spinach and Cottage Chtee Make a Tatty Dith That Even th Moct Fuwy Eater Will Enjoy Y0 you have the problem of your children refusing to eat the type of foods that are beet for them? How often has your son or daughter left untouched a plate of food, which no amount of coaxing would cause them to eat? - v Mothers, who are firm believers in the old adage, "Spare the rod and spoil the child" may have found a partial solution to this child feeding problem. There is a much simpler solution than forced feeding under threat of a good .sound spanking. A good example of a food which Is frequently disliked by children is spinach. Yet scientists and health! authorities tell us tnat it is an especially valuable food, because of its iron and vitamin content If your children dislike spinach, have you ever given thought to preparing it in a different manner? There are many ways to prepare spinach so that even the most "fussy csategi" will enjoy it. Most children like cottage cheese, so why not combine the two? Incidentally children will find an added incentive to eat these new dishes because many leading dairies are now packing their Cottage cheese in attractively decorated genuine safedge tumblers on which various designs are reproduced in applied solor lettering. Letters of the alphabet, dogs, cats, elephants, football and baseball players are only a few Of the many designs to be found on these new sanitary containers for cottage cheese, which incidentally have a very definite reuse value in every home. They are especially useful as the glass in which to serve the children's milk. The first spinach recipe, which you will wish to remember, utilizes the cottage cheese In the form of a dumpling. The recipe is very simple to prepare but the results are truly . ; delicious. Spinach with Cottage Cheese Dumpling S tablespoons batter 4 eec yolks v cheese l cup cottage enp noor cud drv bread crumb. 4 egg white (beaten stiff) i teaspoon san Cream butter, add egg yolks, one by one. stirring to make a creamy mixture. Add salt, cottage cheese (pressed through 8 sieve or strainer), flour, bread crumbs, and mix well. Fold in egg whites. Form medium sized dumplings and drop Into rapidly boiling salted water.. Cover tightly and let boil for ten minutes. Be-move with strainer or slotted spoon. Place hot chopped cooked spinach on serving platter, surround with the dumplings and serve with a cream MM. Garnish with strips of plmiento and paprika. Serves 8. Here is a second spinach recipe . lf A.TU ir . . di-- . ' : which is equally delicious:: Cottage Cheese Spinach Casserole 2 cups cooked spinach 1 cup creamed cottage cheese 7 2 eggs slightly beaten 2 tablespoons butter Salt and pepper to taste Combine all ingredients, place in well buttered casserole, sprinkle lightly with grated American cheese. , Bake 30 minutes at 350 F. Serves . SATURDAY FEATURES Miss Twila Meldrum and Miss Mar gery Hunsaker spent the weekend at home from the U. S. A. C. at Logan. P. Rasmussen By Mrs. Annie Hunsaker and children ! Mr. and Mrs. Beri Summers kpt Brigham .3ity, were the Weekend. Mrs. Summers, mother, of Mr. Suni Efuests of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hun mers, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Smith, all saker. of Idaho, visited with Mr. and Mrs.' Mrs. Elsa Larsen took her Blue Orson Christensen last week on their Bird class for an easter trip to the way back from Salt Lake City. Mrs. river on Saturday. Ben Summers is daughter of Orsen Those who enjoyed' the day easterChristensen. ing were Erma Abel, Joyce Hansen, h Ara Andersen ,in company with sev Mary Jean Nielsen, Fern Carlsen, eral other students from the Bear Larson, Ottis Larsen and Mr. and River high school accompanied Mr. Mrs. A. P, Petersen went to Salt Lake Streeper to Salt Lake City last Tues- City Monday to fisit Ronald Chrisday where they spent the day at the tensen of Wendel, Idaho. Mr. Christensen was" a neighbor of Mr. and university. Mrs. Ida Deem and Parley Deem of Mr?. Petersen while they lived at Willard, and Mrs. Myrtle Grantham Wendel. He' is leaving this week on f of American Fork were guests of Mr. a mission to Denmark. ' and Mrs. J. Walter Green on Wediies'; Mr. and Mrs. Aldon Thompson day, April 8th. The ladies are sisters spent Easter Sunday at Providence, of Mr. Green. visiting Mrs. Thompsen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clem H. Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Zollinger. daughter, Marjorie, Mrs. Mildred Mrs. Mildred Beck and children of Hope and daughters, Lucile and Delsa Ogden, left for their home in Ogden, of Ogden, visited at the home of Mr. Monday after a couple of weeks visit and Mrs. J. Walter Green on Satur? with Mrs. Beck's parents, Mr., and ; ELWOOD Mrs. H. ... CORN BEANS Quality Standard Fancy Cut Stringless No. 2 25t Cans No. 2 Can Ar-dit- FOOD STORES Saturday Bargains HOUSE CLEANING SOAP - Bob White 10 Bars LYE - Red Seal - 3 for Wall Paper CLEANER - Climax lty -- '. BROOMS - 25tf -3 for . 25tf .. Extra Quality 39tf ''jt - day. .v.Mrs. Gunner Kelstrum. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Figgot and chil The M. I. A. presented their three dren of Salt Lake City spent Friday act play here last Monday night to a and Saturday visiting at the home of appreciative audience. Mr. Le-naMr$hdf Mrs. Ira Andersen. The la- large surely should be commended on dies are' sisters. the splendid choice of the cast as all ' and tins '. Thomas- t.' Mr. Abel, Mrs. took their part so well. Meada Hunsaker and Mrs.: Rosa Chris rd QUALITY Nl CORN BEANS $1.98 PEAS. tensen went to American Fork to CASE TOMATOES BREAD 2 for FLAVOR ADE- - All Kinds - 3 for ....... .1 CHEESE - Mild HEINZ SOUPirgeStt1 ST.... -- , 17-Nip- ,,A. WW LEMONS ORANGES 10 251 py .... ) rm ) Aty .:.T SLICED BACON - Lb. ... POT ROASTS - Lb FRANKS - Lb ASSORTED COLD MEATS - Lb. .... BEEF SHORT RIBS : Lb. ..... MARSHMALLOWS 3 13 15 PORK AND BEANS iS" 25 S0LIDPACKT0MATOESN! ...5 LIBBY'S SALMONS en TOMATO JUICE 'Scan 9 SSi UUNDRYSOAP0! AIRWAY COFFEE POWDERED SUGAR 3 Pounds -- CALIFORNIA ?W BOULDER DAM America's Most Enjoyable CORNFLAKES For Information on low fares to all points consult any Union Pacific Agent. 11 Large Package 1 'carl. ifLl- MAYONNAISE ORANGES Mcy ' " Side-tri- p! 29 .16 X;JT PEAS CALUMET 15 29 -- 25 6 15 25 BROOMS, J Union Paciii: passengers enroute to California may now visit Boulder Dam and Lake Mead by side-tri- p from Las Vegas. Nevada, hi only $9.00. which includes all motor transportation and boat trip to face Of Dara on Lake Mead. HobI while you travel in avoid the discomlort. Travel by train comforts and hazards of highway traveL ..... 10 10 PINK SALMON MOP STICKS FRESH MEAT ' SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, April Renovations and improvements at a cost of approximately $10,000 will be made at the University of Utah, according to W. Kent Svans, super intendent of buildings and grounds. The plans call for the painting of varof the Mediious buildings, cal Building and the Gymnasium, and the laying of a new sewer extension. 9. 10 Extra Large Doz. BANANAS - Green Tip - Lb. LETTUCE - Extra Large ' other relatives last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Currier of Salt Lake City, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Currier's parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. Ira Andersen. Miss Luby and Peter Rasmussen and Miss Nancy Harrenberg of Salt Lake City were weekend guests of the Rasmussen home. BEE 1IES GRAPEFRUIT 7 vis- it with Mr. and Mrs. George Abel and FRANKFURTERS Dr?spected BUNCH VEGETABLES Full Cream pond , -1 ,- Mild 5c W 3 Bunches ... CHEESE ' 25 10 45 10 20 39 FLOUR v S-..,.$1.0- Golden 9 Heart |