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Show PAGE FOUR FIVE UTAH BOYS GIVING LECTURES, CONCERTS IN EAST Classified 1 Ad Column f Bliss seed jwtatoes. See Emil Jeppeson, Corinne. Young man with car. WANTED In- - quire at Modern Cleaners, Brigham. 16-- ing. 28R3, Bell phone, Riverside. 4-- - FOR SALE 9 tf. Call Cream separator. 56.0-- 4. tf- FOR SALE Alfalfa seed. Grim or common, at lowest market price See David Holmgren Midland Hotel or Farmers' Cash Union. 3000 March 1st hatched pullets and cockerels. Leland A. FOR SALE Hansen, tf. Livestock Wanted Elwood, Phone C. Richardson, 67-0.- 2. . 4-- it 9 FOR SALE Big discount on $150 credit on Dodge or Plymouth. Inquire at Leader Office. WE SELL Window blinds at factory prices. Made to order in our factory. We pay postage. Send window measurements for free samples and prices. Everton & Sons Co., Logan, Utah. "e Kirk.V-.mr- wes oft OHIO sric' O0T8SH ojr T- one h tfe or wont Tre ktl tue owe & f ftlpW 5M0K6 PLAlH.M Y00 as Fr TORH tT See Louies VuOYrUiWb AH eM See such appearances since the inception of the activity at the first of the year. People indirectly con tacted thru their 30 radio broad casts and a score of newspaper ar ticles during that time would total thousands more. The effectiveness of the project is indicated by the universal enthusiasm with which the young men are received. In each of the 15 large cities they have visited in the past three months, they have been given free time over the best radio stations, programs before the best service clubs, and favorable tices in the best papers." Their perior performances have won them numerous letters of recom mendation. It is reported that impressions created by this work of the quar tette are of definite proselyting value. Regular Elders in each dis trict state that prejudice is remov ed and active interest aroused to a degree that would be impossible through conventional missionary 6 Superior grain drill and John Deere beet cultivator, complete with tools. Call Karl Well- FOR SALE A' Cm "Owe a CvGm-Ttw-rj w $ HOUlk ah fftOOMO viflH tTeCM te LIT eve, set we prf -- Oh HOT OtCtMD MOON PeoPUt PlAiH H VtfcS, I gNCUStt. (Continued From Page One) College in Albany, the quartette sang and spoke to a group of 1200. In each city they have been they have given their message to hundreds from the platform of clubs, churches, and theatres. An estimated total of 8.500 have been contacted directly by the singing missionaries through 112 FORSALE 3 WO MUT I children, of San Franckco, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Burbank dur ' ing the week. Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter 'Marble, Mr. and Mrs. . Horace Barnard, Albeit Thorsen, Mrs. Anna Germer, Mary-MarblMr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson. Mr. O. W. Snow were at the Logan . . temple on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Burbank, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burbank, Mr. and Mrs. Hyrunl Marble, and Mrs. S. A. Marble and daughter. Margaret, were dinner guests of Mr. and: Mrs. B. S. Burbank of Brigham City. Mr. and Mrs. Delore Burbank and family of Ran Francisco, were snecial eaeata. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson of Salt Lakel City, were also guests. Tillie Lish, daughter of Mr. and Lish, Sr., and Wayne Mathias son of Thomas B. Mathias of Brigham City, were married in the Salfc Lake temple Tuesday, April 14. The bride is a former graduate of the Bear River high school, and Mr. Mathiaa a graduate of Box Elder high school. After a short honeymoon they will be honored with a wedding reception and dance Friday evening, April 17. They will make their home in Brig- r ham and will be home to their friends-afteApril 19th. Fred Harwood and son, Dallas, and daughter, Bessie Lue of Salt Lake, were visiting relatives here Sunday. Jack Harwood of Ogden, spent the weekend here with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen. Martello Burbank of Mapleton, Ida., visited on Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Burbank. - Mrs. L. C. Christopherson and Parley Christensen of the M. I. A. stake board, were present at mutual Tuesday evening. Miss Lavina Barnard spent the past week at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Barnard at Warren.. .' Mrs. Susie Dewey returned home i By DWIG (SCHOOL? DAYS o Mrs-Horac- e methods. Continuation of the five's novel assignment is planned as a supple- ... ment to general missionary work. "It is successful," says President FOR SALE OR TRADE Small radio ., Colton, "both in taking the Gospel with carrying case, for typewriter - to more hearers through this ator small trailer. Inquire at Leader tractive presentation, and in giving office. , interesting work to missionaries with useful talents. With these CASH PAID for dead and useless specialized activities, the Mission cows and horses. Call Maple Creek intends to give ample opportuniTrout Hatchery, Brigham ties to young people who come in tf. Reverse Charge. to the field with developed gifts." ", . . 493-J-- Friday after spending the past winter with relatives at Washington and Atlantic City Girls Get Training In Practical Duties of Housewives 2. 6-- DEWEYVILLE By Mrs. Thomas Ault Mr and Mrs. Paul Hansen of Ogden, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hansen Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gardner are the parents of a boy, born Friday. Chester Campbell of Afton, IMrs. called on Mrs. T. R. Ault, Hansen and was a special guest of her sister, Mrs. M. A; Lish, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, General Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, March 17, 1936 , NOTICE is hereby given that Glenn S. Mason of Malad, Idaho, who, on December 19, 1928, made stockraising homestead entry, No. 047119, for Lots 3 and 4, SJNWJ, SW Sec 23, SE1 NE1, NESE1, Section 22, Township 14 North, Range 3 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the District Court, Brigham, Utah, on the 20th day of April, 1936. i LORENZO KNUDSON, HANS KNUDSON, BEAUX and EROS PARLEY JOHNSON, j of Portage, Utah. EDWARD SYLVESTER, Never trust anybody not of sound of Plymouth, Utah. for he that is false to God religion, THOMAS F. THOMAS, can never be true to man. Lord t5. Register. 4-- LRSflmUGLS i voters are entitled to insist that it be levied wisely and equitably, and that the money raised be spent without Saturday.. New; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pierson had waste or extravagance." The f as their guests for dinner on Sunday, York Times. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Campbell of Afton, Wyoming, as it was their 38th "Despite uncertainty and adverse ' political activities and threats of govwedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson and ernmental control and competition, children spent Sunday with relatives there is reason to expect continuation of the upward (business) movement in Logan. Since the girls in thefood trade! Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Waits and in 1936, provided no more hempering, and beauty shop courses wear unifamily of Smithfield and Mrs. Peter fear engendering legislation is enactforms, the garments must be kept1 JenseiTbf Logan, were guests of Mr. ed." Manufacturers Record. In Immaculate condition. The linens and Mrs. Lloyd Lish on Sunday. from the tea room, cafeteria and! A Freshman edition of the UniverMr. and Mrs. Joseph Heusser have must washed be daily.l beauty shop as their guests, their daughter, Louise sity of Utah Chronicle is scheduled So that the students will learn to to appear on the campus April 9. This and husband, of California. give all such articles proper care,-thBobbie Johnson of Ogden, is visit- edition, managed entirely by the school authorities Installed a, ' ing his grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Freshman class, is an annual event laundry equipped with household! at the Utah school. M Spackman for a week. washers and ironers, where the! Mrs. N. Peter Marble attended a andi girls cleanse wearing apparel Its sound sense to want to accumucounty committee meeting in Briglinens under typical American home ham City at the court house Wednes- late dollars and cents. When the acconditions. cumulation becomes life's sole interest day. "This has proved very successful to the crowding out of friendships and Mrs. Schieb and Stella chieldren of both from the standpoint of teach-- j deeds of kindness, of music and art Salt Lake visited at home the of City from the and practical results) ing reading-ther- e's and Mrs. A. and John Mr, something wrong Fryer. we have achieved," says Mildred Mr. O. Mrs. W. and Snow,- Jr. and Johnson, principal of the girls family were in Salt Lake City, Sat.... school. DR. WILLIAM ELI HAWKINS urday. CHIROPRACTOR Mrs. S. W. Perry and Naomi Daley Offices at a majority of the delegates.-i- s St. Lou. of Slaterville, were visiting at the ROBERT SIMONSEN home of Bishop and Mrs. M. G. Perry JEWELRY CO. J on Monday. Office Hours: 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Delore Burbank and Office Phone, 75.0-- 1 ;Res., 7S5 " 1TDDENTS In the Monterey Ave- nue Girls' Vocational School, a trade institution operated by the Atlantic City, N. J. Board of Education, receive practical education in a combination of trade and household courses that fits them for after-lif- e in business or in the home. There are art, commercial, food trades, general industrial and beauty culture courses, the whole curriculum meeting the require-mee- ts Law. of the Smith-Hughe- s In England the King can make a com-- 1 mon man great. Over here it takes Ogden, Utah i e : - -- Star-Time- s. After Easter Sale Orpheum Theatre SATURDAY AT 9 A. M. Tremonton, Utah and while they last, 387 pairs for women and children in white and colors values to $5.75 we advise early shopping. 9, S100 y FRIDAY AND SATURDAY To Help You Keep Abreast of the Times what the House and Senate debate. THE PRESIDENT'S WEEK the visitors lie saw. and why what he said and So much is happening every day in the world of government that affects your living, income and buying power. WEEK THE CONGRESS did. $1.95 STATE OF THE UNION a swing around the country with the national news. Men's Dress Oxfords in white, black and brown women's white Dress Slippers, Strap Oxfords, and Sandals high, medium or low heels. THE POLITICAL WEEK reports of all that the political leaders are doing and planning. WHAT THE PRESS OF THE NATION THINKS offers a quick. Interesting $2.95 DOWNSTAIRS survey or public opinion, Including percentage 01 press for and against on leading issues. THE TREND OF AMERICAN BUSINESS a remarkably complete statement of business in one page. VOICE OF THE NEW DEAL signed articles by administration FOR ICE Beverages & Goal SEE- TREMONTON, UTAH : lMi-0N-- E ment. WASHINGTON O , WHISPERS MORROW A LOOK AHEAD tells what Is going on backyou of to Influence .cenes will happen In the future. INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL OFFER Regular prloe BESSIN6ER BROS. spokesmen. DAVID LAWRENCE critically appraises govern- RAMI. ADDRIM 13 a year. APRIL 17th '. Clearly . ,The United States Newt of firesents the newt In department. concisely . briefly Girls' sandals and oxfords in white, Hack, or two tones-b- oys' brown, black or white dress oxfords children's new white strap slippers and oxfords all. sizes. -- 'Heaven knows that heavy taxation will be necessary in the United States for a long. time to come., But the .. Claimant names as witnesses: Saturday at ' ' ...... . 9 St. George. John Becker of Ogden, called on Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ault Monday. J. W. Ault of Logan, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T, R. Ault and Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Ault at East Evelyn Knapp and Phil Regan - 18th '' "'T ? s. - in "LAUGHING IHISH EYES' What is Congress doing? For what .it money to be spent? How will they raise it? Who is to administer the spending? What does this business improvement mean? Will it continue? Why is there another sidt to so many questions? "How can 1 . All this makes you ask yourselt keep abreast of the times, understand what evsnU affair national mean, discuss lntelllgentlyr Hoot Gibson in "LUCKY TEEinon" "l I SUNDAY MONDAY - TUESDAY - APRIL 19, 20, 21 : T Every week you find in The United States News a - complete, accuratt report of national affairs from Washington. News is grouped together in department! for your; convenience. Simplified for quick reading.. Connected for clearness and perspective Authoritative, concise, useable. wr von find vhv It hannened. what It means. ind what Is likely to happen next. The United States News Is truly the newsmagazine of national affairs. la in session. A Presi Subscrlba todavl Conn-esdential campaign la warming up. Party platforms are to be written. More vital questions of national policy will be discussed this year than erer before. Be posted. Know the facte. Make your own decisions. Back them up with a clear-c- I Miriam Hopkins, Edward G. Robinson T A anrl WV.a U1IU Tnnl A1nfon ATAVVA in mm. T r. "DAIiDAElY COAST" OUR GANG COMEDY and HEARST NEWS s WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY - APRIL 22nd - 23rd ut understanding of what la going on. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY - -- Wm. Powell and Rosalind --- THE UNITED STATES NEW ; Russellr-- in r. v , "RENDEZVOUS" 2205 M Street, N. W, Waahlnfton, D. C. "Hit and Hun Driver .OXTY VI ATI. 36: M CONTINUOUS SHOWS SAT. and SUN. 1 1 H II 1 1 1 1 1 r I H 1 1IIIIIM-H1 1 1 1 1 -- 1 . 10c and 15c i 11 11 1 1 1 1 IH J |