Show lUrnnri HnllurlilM roe IhroneM Adolphe do Itnlhichlld fairly rlalm lo Ira n In do alerlo ngrl cullurltl She keep n farm At Han laKiinnurSrlne just oulaldn the blot und here during the iiimmrr It + la I her Icllsil lo Initiate the weary tntnrlei of rmlildii Into ho tlniple pleaiurea of ritillc life The guests arc nrlromeil hole n IxiuU XV drawliiKroom Khrri She ftrim late Is rnvereil mush Bnlln hen made of the palMt btuliih pink I hue and I ill Hie knlciinacka nnd 1 ennravliiM s aro 1I1I1Ilh of the nnclrnt rrxlme Ono nf the willH lioKorrr ronilda of a huge sheet uf plate glace Klvlnx vlrni Into the rotkahcd If no mean n word li i applied lo the iupcrb apartment wllhln which n double row of milk mother bro M peacefully at their ninrhle innnrern A Itrrton henlnnmn and hli wife In natural roilitme lend the tleelc catlln mil make the picture complete When nenthellc rrndnxa have been noted by Ihla charming aprttaclo nn adjournment adjourn-ment lake lilac lo the dlnticrronm I and n ilalnt Itinrh la I served amid n boer of frnnrant orchlli Then fol low a alroll throunh the mrdena loll I out in a ouli l IV 1 style with nymph and fatini of mono gleaming through Iho foliage mil litil there li I n flail to be lull In the clnlrlf sty tlrlo time It isin heroine rool enough In fiituro on tho fionifunrd drive and tho car rlagea are brought around but each hn lo carry benMea 1 Its puwengera a 10111 I of dairy produce and n rotoMnl bmuiuil of rowH aa aournlra of the vIsit l Tho vlnllor goes nuay wllh the feeling that farming after nil In I not such n bad trade If you here nn lucoinn of n mil lion or two to fall back upon |