Show WORTH KNOWING There were forlTmore loon dlrorea vor c than there unto wed ling In iVcuno ca I lact jear Itlno In The PInt rOIIhlll SnlnnI 0 I lust POlllallnl one 01I18n Irnllb to every 01 The Irlh blood are better ed will rivers than any other provld of Iho sumo afro country Iml on Ihe nlobe u Dr Aromion nf Iicrlln 111 linn 1lIn cejel I In 1111 InfeclluB n root wm Ril nn1 10 wlll IlIhPculofl making oho lllot the dlla gouts prone There hu been Th1 n only nne moo clnrk maker Iiiila XVI The fatally hive In their poascetan Hoibihlll n n llmk k made by him for which IC3000 < lr paid was Owrgla farmer are fearful for rl Irllll the posed crop The Iln recent warm nf ilhrr wum Celled Ihe bud on Iher trod tlI1 onm ore almott nliout lo bloom A Rm fret woul I destroy the bud ami r iln this priupoct of a good crop The grealeit depth wrllen Irofpfair SI l > in Isle gpr Iot Otery of thin forth I T whllh rarthqunke are known InrriRtn ate li I alwut h rtll I thirty mllcn It luau nisi 11 1 r boon cnlciilaled Il C11ulllf1 heat a bent aufflilent nt et to melt granite might occur nt nbou the name depth Our Chrlitmai cm oine on a mix Hire of Unildlml ar I hllli and paean oh p3aon wrvnncei The tae nf tho Chrltmnu lave I lhrlma4 has dewende1 from II the Ueiman Druid IruI Drewlng too hOiacii and tAurcbea with green li I n relic of pagan worship In Horn ao plan la I the jallaf 4 IIns ing of present In and fro A regular 1 HlmlualanM I carrier wlih a aught of eighty pound upon Iota thould Of ahould5rrentail honlalrId of coiirw In two COilt IWI dlvlilon hung on hla neck by a yoke t will If properly paid 1 lope along 100 mile over 110 lu mi iwntyfour hour a ant which I lt could eihaut any but the but trained ttalne rtinnera |