Show FORTUNE TO A CHURCH l ln iiinirnl ash Illlt III Hill tlo Inc I I eel el 1 In Motlc a J W Kllaworlli end Iyman J lace I I I I I of the udvlmry committee of Central j I hnrrh Chicago selected lo accept i i he gift of Mr OMa W Wallace of 75000 In cb lo the church have de elllllo Invest tho money In morlgagea Die outcome of the Investment will lee used lor the broadening of the work of the rhiirch and the principal addnj 10 a opportunity offer Mr Wallne 1 who hnt limA lifted Central church to he plane oft lh ttralthlext 1 Inotltutloni I te elin of religion In I the city la I the daughter of Dr Thomas Whlppl of Vntnortli V II says the Chicago TlniwHerald ler father was a member ot eongre4 from 1822 lo 1810 Mm Wblpple came 10 Chicago In 1861 and In ISOu married John B Wallace Her husband waa abu a-bu Ineoe man of great wealth nnJ when ho died In 1h7S hn 1 left as bis heir tin wife and son John Wallace The alter died In ISSI leu Inn hli mother Ihn nabs pommwor of the property Although Al-though Mm Wallace was brought tip a CotiKregallimallst and her son was on lplsropnllan both had been warm Frlendo of 1rofeiwor Busing Mr Willaee attended hll church for fifteen yean John Wallace bclluted tbe li try Ifl 4p I MIIS CIIIA w WAIIVCJ doctrine of Central Church reached the maMHi nf the people and that ln work hnuldtho eiicouraged Mr Wallace has now carried out that wish Tithe la I not the Drill bequest Mr Wallace has made to the churche Her total con trlbutlon now amount lo UJOOOO of which the Tiffany chapel given lo SI John Cathedral of New York rcpro aeute J7KOOO Mrs Wallace fives at Iho Auditorium and Ia I of a retiring die position She has fen Intimate friends but u conspicuous In the Inner work if Central Church |