Show I tletelantot lle Theater I Mi Cleveland made hla fii i anc ran r-an e at the thule tills w nt the other night anil the wo > In wlmh the all diewfil Altered nt him It sufficient i root of the hunger In Washington for a iKM at the chief executive amlnhe verv moll prnlllli atlon which the prn I lent gives to fill popular desire tlf line the prnldcnt la i aln ah ml1tona ell let exhibit S > linn 1 not r irprlsln that when he value to the tin ater ever opera gUM wm kvclc1 Blhlm and Mime Inquisitive porrEana promenaded the alle Iat the presidon I al box In I order fit here II rouit look ho president looked eopetlally Ia ttingjut underaclusler ofelecIri ol Idit every lulllr we IIltnt nIt n-It prominently KCme note hold he Vkalkll llIlor living picture noh I ngton rlCollo SL 101114 Republic life I 061011 Cut 01 All A Ill A1ware okay iotolok fall or 1t r I A act that iolmart their rnarf ner14114 I is ohhr Introlltill If h11 o fin 1IcllolI It I 11tither flat a trrio 1 ralltv liallellet < 11111 a 11 < 1 11111 I net the flAl 144 litty Craloon all f v < I InatIMIA1 thlkt I 11141reOult r lil If frituritllh11 I itIf In Alit t 11 po 11mrsirrn 1101Rell Jill Ierti Is to lIlr I 011 bUM 41 IL III 10 Iowa oal a h1dapy 14111Ill I slid fbournalle II I X I1 II a r If gain I I gr olfreally I 11IMManeitAsolphoUr few wilh T Itlivift 1 d 1 11 cjlkrUUaumi CU lt jTcoVTuci IIlhe 1101r IS Cautious TestIs Test-Is In 11101104 well 014 rdr Ifts 1 ror CIW TIIoI I JtLlen 1I1IrtIlIlI11 never Lntxls al Ibo umo dour talo die hardest HIII n1 to Last I the one In CI tnl ly n film 1101111 to the only coiner tolien R toy 1 I w hlivd Iu Took hllll ro I < hub lIbILIIIIr loolilla Then feel leaves I 119 beart Gladness Comes I a Letter understanding of the W truiiidtnttiiituriiofthomauyplijfc test Ills which unltli before proper forth Illl r lt prVert fort peiitlmlrortHplca antciTortii rightly dlnxiteil There III l comfort In j 11110 111110 ledge that ho many forum of nebiaaro tactual ill I 1 lcknI not title fit Any raw but himply lo n lonstliuitulcondl I lion of UicnjiUin which the plenaunt family Juxutlu H > rupof Ilir promptly i i prompt-ly rcutovi Thatt 1 why It IH the unli ol remedy wlUi aril Illons of awl I leo iiiidf a 11 rverywhoroiHUunul Hi highly by nil 1 whp aluo good l health Its livne Chat effect Somalian to tile fact Hint It If tile t mo Mdy which promnle Internal ilcanlln ullhout tltlillltntliiR the iirijnni on vblclt It 1 ncla U la therefore Important hi order to get Its lune llclul cfTittH to note when you par chaw Unit yon have the ifcnulne ASCII lie whlcJi IH I maimfuituri il by the Call I fonila Ilir Syrup Co only und will by utreputableilrnjftflsta It In file Jnuient of pooil health mil the Yhltl tarrgtilar laxatives I I ithetii mnllra lira then not neidnl If I I jfUUHttl with any actual illseaw one I II may Lo uimim inhd to Sic most skillful I h1L1cl111111o bill If W need of a laxative I ona aluuitd Imvo the beat and with llio I I 1 elllnloruHil erj where Syrup of Irlrr I F1640anda j highest uu4 Iii moott largely fl1udlClCJII11t rrnl itbifactlon I IT WILL NOT RUB OFF ALAI l OfFE D WALL GOATING L his Doctor bright I A DKOAD MINDED PHYSICIAN WITH IHOGKCSSISE IDEAS I Ilelleie In menmmeixtlni A > y Mdlini ll > IMKn < milUlltirIIUI tleiitl think lit 1111114161 I Ink VMS a < after Dhealery110 ell I I iii Mineloiii Cntfl recta ikt itmlntr LlMatler Pa A1no1IlAprIl24tb V5 I Dn VAtituui Minimi lemlemen W bl11I1t entirely contrary toIbonilum cf tile medical Profession to endorse or recommend any of the o < i11ed irotrlHary t irtpiirallont l shelf never thrift flTi yon an account Of Peru of my ttoudtrlLl iperl nret with your reparation repara-tion lr vntllumf rink 1 Ills for rr alt VCople The set 14 I well koon Ibol Card Ical practitioners 410 tot asfill recor WIN 1 much loss use Pa rlf leaN710ht kind ceniemirnlly the Uly of them haft 1u ilb lrlb definite knowledge of their Tlrtn or Itrl of It but Soundly condemn them all wllbctilatrlil rlucha < ourt manifestly alnurd and unjust and I for one propose to Itive rny Itlonlo tin best trrattutnt notvnto too for the i articular disease with jlhl h they are tufferlnrno matter what ltl < whole or how obtained I was grit IroiiKbt to Ircrlb lr llllmt1 1101 Im about two years ago after bar Inr tell some remarkable results from their use llenben Hoover now of Itttd Ing1swainprottainent contractor ad builder Nbll tuperlntendlna the work of erecting o large rI Imlldlog during cold weather contracted hilt won though 10 Ill iclatlca ll < first noticed U one nomine In not being able l to sell from ill tfl After I lbe usual treatment for fill I distinselas failed to ItnproTe but oa the contrary grew rapidly worse the cat developing I Into llemliblcgla I or partial wralviliof the entire right side I of she mdy 110 rlcltytonlciandtnttiiKetto tatteallgivenst 1 trial I ut nothing I at a any etem and the I ratalyli I front M la dc air I b > wai compelled lo hear his rtiy 11CIAn 1 anuouuc that his cat was ho tleti About that time bit wife uotlce one ol lour adrertltrmtnti concluded to try Jour Ink 111 I I I I N Its haft given up hope still It renntr j a Itreat deal of legging on lbe lariot bit egfinct wlfeto rtuad 0 blin 1 to lah them facts I larly lie bn riM at be desired and U ap enrancet Indicate health In this wan fine oniild think ha was tiller than before Ui unljl ltt1 DAYS be 11 boilers to 1m protO IM twodaviand Infonrorflt w ki I wat entirely well and at work llavloz teen theloo results I I oonclnd4 j tLatiiicbaremdyli surelyworthis trial attliphanboorany pbytlclan and com quently I when a Short aoi later r was ratted upon to treat a lady suffering with pali Itatlon f The bear and great nervont i rotlratlon I after the usual romedlet tatted iuiellTe oi ordered far Ullllami rink IMo Tbr ultwat tlinply astonishing I for attack become less frequent and alio Jeanie tovtrlty until by their I use for a period of only two months she wall the pb lure of health roiTcbtik l and bright yedai well ai aver and the bat continued to until today more then one year since bur any mod roar b found these plllt it > rKlOe for chorea or at nor coin Moody I known HI Vitus dance as brute elal results hav In all cargo marked their use At a spring tonic any one who front overwork or nervous strain durloe a long winter bu become pal aoollaoguldlbe I Ink 1 Uli will do wanders In brtfthtinlai the countenaac and In braille th of Ill t rlmrloir rotu to he pallid lip and reaiw lug the fount aln of youth Youri ItMpecl fully J U ALinieir W D I VIVO llen > r < l oleo The reader of this paper will IH I pleased to learn I thai hen 1 14 I at least one dreadtd illeean lint Idente han In able to cure In al III steel and Ihll l Catarrh IInil Catarrh Cine lathe la-the only po llle urs now known to the medical fr trnll > r Unh being a ronHMiillon dlneaM require a con Illujlonal tr tient Hall Catarrh Cure 10 fallen Infrllally clinK directly upon the blood allll inuctinis Irlru 01 I tile ndm1 thereby destroying the tau odaticn at 1 he dlrkPP End giving the Ill lent strength by building up fit a I lltutlon end anlillim nature In Oofinc Its work The prtiprlctura have to much I faith In IK curative puntr thit I they offer One Hundred Dollars for any cage hat It 1 rail to cure fnd for Hit of elltnonlali AdUrtu K J CIIISVIIY A CO Toledo O Fold h > dtucilitii ne llalli ramlly 111 Kc Ilieluan xlo l not 1I111 lou s at home I often tries hard to I Also lomlderol In burr br r t ISty t VIA In 110 1 elf1111t I UL I Treaurrig hold 111111 beftsien Always to kh oultieltly 1 IU earth W 1 the fiI title I got Illeas 1thillo m 11141 a tpollebrill Ite 1 eosoter to the flea Ahloatilt60110M Iti 11e life ltObldt life the 100KU Is I dUIIII I 111 toWnimenI PIos Nire for l01l Final five for still v > lle Mr Mulll > n lumlead Kent IlKlnlid Nu H UM Its lute that utter speaks 1 unit It does It 00 a cratftone h4l till loo long flTSAllli tiTlirrv lrllr MlnvttClreil t It I P Sit S it OZ t H rflMiirifV Tl l1IM li l lrullwlkfml kltt M bvftUUlir kllli lArTttkl lbUdl Men the iletll7 l o about to tlrll to VIM he I 4iti iu its Monday ivat rnrluitt tcluN treat mining rampi of IrlneCreel r vleb4atiry Culo and Mfrrur Ulati at ell at tbot ofV routine Idaho anti Montana an best rtarheil via the UMOI Ilnno 114of fart tint an I through far settiligr on Tb Overland llout ar feature apir J tr iloI rU lu JlrO elaled IT all tur Infunnatlou reiardlnc the alvt I itfullig address your nearest dJ Hoarl acenl vr I 1 IO1IAX all Ilars ftTlil tA intOmb NK lrfL cool teed It tut Intoioodround tuMit I U l I U turcjojroir Ion ntlt TiuTiinotT IMiiitti Col not lluiatiitM me llrowua llronrblal Trachea t5ohlunlylis busts Avoid Int lIalluu Ivert man inatre uuritteu tells I that others t avoluLtop IMIIUrd UUe ifxmllinl for a a Cheap Andy 10 or addre lIl ALI til K 3tb HI Omaha Nv J When yon buy o 1 Sarsaparilla i o Ask for thr brjt and youll i Get Ayers i S Ak for A > erS And jou II netS net-S The Best i Qt take the law in your own hands ladies when you ask for A S hot Ilia eIeleeuSllrtninUlng and ilonl get U Sentence such a store to the l < m of your trade and irha It to incfi hanli who Are will Ing to sell what > UcmaniL Loot Jor a S II M Of The Low And take no other If jour dealer will not supply you we tlll Rood hr untplfi Shooting libi nj f klhlS It ItM CO ro box tit Now Ywk Cup vCUTiwoSLASHI 9 SMOKING TOBACCO f 2 oz for S Cents f 9 CUT SlASH ClmnOOTB3 for II Ceau Ilya Ih 0004 Idellove Hesty i Pleasant Smoke Try T Local un It to nurco mI Ma L L 44444 0 0 WE HAVE NO AGENTS VU C rlrV C bar It i inn 14 two row I rouft I 11 her I I lot allostd INIll A or flmiro 94 riM of I we n Int r i un au tu uIt w n rohl are 1 Its I II I m1NSION 1 URi 10 Can r rna I Ito alfbalwar l4aaiwiriolita Olblon AS GUM KHOCKAsotoapotgrocen B BRUISE THE blAcl1 ur bluela 11 i SPOTS uO ST JACOBS OIL tfSSfs color 1whillif ell OUT IT IS MACICAL tii 111 J Ir 1 j C I BATTLE t j PLUO I I J t I j l I t I 1 < < fir I I I 1t t noIr n-oIr rer a Six Month Tripe Trip-e X i i PLUG 1 r When you spend a dime for 11 Battle Ax g I Plug you get 5J ounces When you spend f the same amount for any other good tobacco tobac-co you get 3J ounces or for 5 cents you f I I t get almost as much 1 Battle Ax as you do f of other high grade brands for JO cents I tia gown a IsIN167 awio jklo was 1011 i a I I Steel Web Picket Fence Cabled Field and Hog Fence I Alto IAIIIIU 1UIIITII1 IIAIttlKN ANII IIIIIIIII IfNLK I IV r nunultcUie a romp iu IIIs of Kuwiib Wire I rcacln tnt ninrimli terr utfelt lb tireirexniti 1 n 7111 CoItle 11U61111 off Coal SAO YOU L1101ally 9tr CATALOOUI Face I DE KALB FENCE CO I2I High SII De Kalb III |