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Show GENUINE I QUICK-ACTING Bayer Aspirin Ia tablet I Bayer Tablets p .' Dissolve Almost "Ty 1 Instantly p' ' In 2 seconds by stop watch agonnine ! BAYER Aspirin tablet fCZlITft J starts to disintegrate I H f jj - and Co to work. Drop a Kr- --r-i " Bayer Aspirin tablet in- lit ft f j n to a class or water. By III r the time It hits the bot- 1 1 yi , torn of the Rlass It is li I i fi fi disintegrating. What I! I .- lli ... happens in this glass I if if ... happens In yoar i .' i stomach. Z7 j' For Amazingly Quick Relit' Get Genuine Bayer Aspirin You can now get Genuine BAYE!''1 ASPIRIN for virtually 1 a tablf nt any drug store. ;! Two full dozen now, in a fli pocket tin, for 251 Try this ne;t package. Enjoy the real Baye article now without thought of prict 1 Do this especially if you wan', quick relief from a bad hcadacht neuritis or neuralgia pains. Not,'' illustration above, and remembef, BAYER ASPIRIN works fast. And ask for it by its full name - BAYER ASPIRIN not by tr:l name "aspirin" alone when you bu;i Get it next time yon want quit, relief. :i 15C FOR ?.a. A DOZEN -f'i DOZEN'JU' C Virtually 5 a 1c a tablet r1:,) LOOK FOR THE BAYER CROSS x Beware Coughs' from common colds J That Hang OnS No matter how many medicln" you have tried for your cough, che cold or bronchial Irritation, you eft get relief now with Creomulsic, Serious trouble may be brewing ar you cannot afford to take a chan' with anything less than Creonu;: Bion, which goes right to the se. of the trouble to aid nature soothe and heal the inflamed mer branes as the germ-laden phleg Is loosened and expelled. ' Even if other remedies ha' failed, don't be discouraged, yoit druggist is authorized to guaranti Creomulsion and to refund yoi' money if you are not satisfied wit i results from the very first bottl. I Get Creomulsion right now. (Adv, TRADE SCHOOLS EARN ySu LEARN BARBERIlj SPECIAL TUITION Approved by your State Barber Boa: Holer Barber College. 118 Regent St. Salt lake C'tr.-j SALT LAKE'S NEWEST HOSTELRY, 9 Our lobby Is delightfully all rnnlpd dnrine the summer monuu Radio for Every Room J 200 Rooms 200 Bath A -JSSH'I r SjL ! HOTEL i Temple Square Pj0c S1.5Oo$3.00 Th. Ho..;l Tr'KJX"'"'"'-- l.lRl,ly dcirnblr. f"J ?tinia,c-I ?tinia,c-I l,.-ro. Von will nlwoy. f " , J, .'.lu.c. .uj.rcn.cl, ."'y 'n '.here for,, u.ulcr.li.n.1 why " " " HIGHLY BECOMMtM'ED I You can ol.o appreciate why . I ,fs a mnrk of distinction top I at this beautiful hostelry |