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Show Ten Years Ago iNow ! (Taken from files of Jan. 15, 1927) ' Report of the Pleasant Grove Fire Department for the year ending December De-cember 31, 1926. Nine calls were answered in the city and two calls outside the city. Six of the fires in the city were extinguished by chemicals chemi-cals and three with water. Properey involved in the city $15,865. Property Prop-erty loss $1,210 showing a saving of $14,655 in property. Property involved in-volved per capita was about $8.81 and property loss per capita about 67c. Maintenance cost per capita is about 18c. Ten Years Ago Now The annual meeting of the Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove Fish and Game Protective Protec-tive Association was held in the High School building, Thursday, January 6th. After the financial report was read and accepted the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: Isaac Hayes, president; S. A. Kirk, vice-president; vice-president; S. B. Smith, secretary-treasurer; secretary-treasurer; J. D. Wadley Jr., George L. Smith, C. B. Harper, Clifford B. Tomlinson and C. J. Cobbley, Board of Directors. Ten Years Ago Now On Monday, January 17, the Al-hambra Al-hambra Theatre management will entertain all the old folks of Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove district over sixty years of age, all widows and missionaries wives at a free picture show. This includes Pleasant Grove, Manila, Lindon and Windsor. Ten Years Ago Now John R. Halliday, president of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Pleasant Grove, met with the City Council in their regular session Saturday night and thru a letter from the Board of Directors presented pre-sented to Pleasant Grove City the clock now installed on the bank corner. It was stated that this clock represents an investment of $1,000 and that it would be kept in repair without cost to the city. The recorder re-corder was asked to send a greeting and appreciation by letter to the Bank of Pleasant Grove for this valuable and useful city improvement. improve-ment. , Ten Years Ago Now ! For the year 1926 there were 43 burials in the Pleasant Grove cemetery. ceme-tery. Nine of those buried died in Fleasant Grove. Thirty-four were shipped in for burial. This report shows a very low death rate for our city. Ten Years Ago Now Lawrence Walker of Lindon received re-ceived the appointment the first of the week as docket clerk for the state legislature. Mr. Walker's duties du-ties will require him to be in Salt Lake during the 60 day session of j the legislature. Ten Years Ago Now Word has been received from Vi-lace Vi-lace Radmall, England mission; El-! El-! va Meredith, California mission and ! Blaine W. Warnick, Eastern States mission, saying they all had reached their fields of labor safely and were enjoying the work. |