Show THE DEAD peaceful fui be their rest best DAVEY in this city july 1 I 1898 rheumatism of the heart charles charlea davey aged 65 66 years BODILY in fairview onelda oneida cu 1 idaho june 11 1898 of membrane ot croup lynn son of edwin and mabll bodily aged 3 years 2 moa mouths and days MORRIS in salt lake oty city ju junec at a m of pneumonia janet j watson wife of bishop robert MO of the eleventh ward aged 55 65 ye year and 11 months 1 BRIGGS at Salt atre alre brader yorkshire may 23 1898 1998 robert bri aged 22 years yeam ever an earnest wo he died full of faith in the gospel full christ th that i he had espoused SMITH at south cotto cottone june 29 1898 ben bell boyce Sull smith th d da ter of henry and mary kenner bo B and wife of brigham smith born 8 29 1871 aged 27 years 9 months mO MILSON at nottingham ernt tad land may 23 1898 lucy smith she was born september 1870 at parkington cheshire she li and ana died a faithful latter day S ROBERTSON at her residence ah south sixth east street salt lake C on thursday afternoon june 30 slater sister charlotte robe aged 78 years 3 months and 15 1155 dd after a sickness of two days only DRAPER at the home of Ms mg geo H draper in Kaya vUle june 1898 patriarch william draper deeper of of age and general debility deceased i born a at t easter ton wilts E engla n november 26 25 1818 he died as haal he lived a faithful latter day swill saint I 1 millennial star please copy SHIER BRIER in san francisco juno june charlotte shier beloved mother of shuman and grandi grandmother nother mrs mm james namer of new york mi H hirschfield mrs mra B roman V and harry shu mian anan a native ot a cow austria aged 78 years months mont hB 4 |