Show A MIGHTY ALLIANCE ALI A h atte world moves humanity advances I 1 and hearts beat jan CW minds expand iffe e to new emotions those who ex ence wonder wander at previously un dof d of results and fathom not the principle become more h adjusted to new conditions than i k those who delve into the r n and acquaint themselves with V alte occult forces which erml er minate nate and i t Ire eit visible developments develop mente the friend jaC last year to Is the enemy of this year I 1 raa vice versa and conditions formerly and forbidden axe are trans cited into pleasant and desirable via led 6 as if by the magicians mae clans wand es the creations ye to the small even the 9 gs of life and receive corresponding tion again they pertain to great no of people to communities J tat Ct 10 nations and in the latter yeb the whole earth takes concern I 1 w was an and d a very short time too vt f ham aen the united states of america and ase united kingdom across the atlantic e wore more nearly cally opposed fezeh other than any othet other two na aeme on OB the earth what did it grow out Ss tot t the armed cont collisions which had i I en place between them that is not 1 e ly that not the circumstance loat awing ng a war in which this country waa engaged the other gave material aid d comfort to the enemy for the referred to soon after became 4 ts t S a friend f e nd and Is io now fighting shoulder berwith his former opponent the objectionable ap apts acts ts camj W w were ere submitted to arbitha aa with but little jarring K the ground over carefully everything into realizing that the two peoples people a axe are of the same race and alone speak the language which of all methods of expression is the most voluminous elastic descriptive and subtle knowing that thy th practice the same arts of peace an and of war and that the literature the songs and the other intellectual tel influences of one are common property between them with all these things taken into the account can any one say why the two countries have of late years been seriously at loggerheads logger heads it is sometimes the case that members of the same household will divide against themselves and cherish a spirit of resentment which puts them further apart as time progresses pro greases in some instances they become so bitter so 90 determined ter mined in this unnatural opposition that neither can tolerate a generous word spoken of the other this deplorable plo rable condition of things sometimes grows into a feud and Is passed along from generation to generation and not one of the parties to it knows the reason why not one will listen to an or for a moment tolerate a proposed intervention they only know that they hate each other that the name nam e albeit the same as their own is detestable beyond all things and thus it continues what and where is the remedy sometimes there is none except that which comes of the complete alienation of the enemies time and space gradually sundering the ties of consanguinity and remembrance and the two divisions become separate ep arate and distinct families each unknown to the other in the case of the united states and great britain the wonder is that resentment sent ment in any form should have a continued existence during a long period of profound peace a period in which we were unconsciously perhaps drift ing nearer together in sentiment and feeling but too stiff on one side and too arrogant on the other to let such progress find full expression it was waa only when our country heart heaxt sore and indignant over inhumanities and outrages committed at the very threshold of our doors was at last moved to grapple with the murderers and despoilers by reason of their diabolism being practiced upon us that the two mighty english speaking races were brought nearer together what we did and are doing Is what england would have done only there would have been less leap tolerance and delay the first gun had not been fired when a british lawmaker proposed tendering t en dering the use of his coun arys navy to the united states the spell was broken the schism at an end the mother and the offspring were nearer together t than they had ever been since the original separation and now there is but little more than the merest form remaining to make the reconciliation complete and effective it will be such an alliance as will make the world stand agape agap e and would be despots and oppressors wear their crowns with a new and strange feeling of discomfort chauncey M depew who at first re probated the alliance now favors it as sh shown own by telegraphic news he is a farseeing far seeing gifted man whose words carry great weight with them whether at home or abroad add to all these things the making of the fourth of july a public holiday in many parts of canada and then say if you can that the anglo son saxon Is not getting together at a rate beyond all previous conception |