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Show CITY COUNCIL 11 BUSY fJHI ill Telephone Franchise is Most Important Matter Pending. m MUCH ROUTINE MATH Committee of the WholMj Consider Saltair Applicjp lion Wednesday, j! The city council Is nclirdulcd tjw other at niggle with tho tclsphtfnt iMfV pany franchise proposition tonight matter came up last Mondny nigllMfi a recommendation of the muntclpij 9j: committee that the S'Jo.OOO bond JM Mountain States Telephone an! My graph company ue not aeceptt(j went over for one week "'Ml The municipal laws commItite conlMiC that the telephone, company ha nooK chiso or rights under which to orM and for this reason reconimn!'M the bond be not accepted. This Ij,' the purpose of brlngln,- about an ligation. It is contended that It rft-i not buy or transfer any rights anBfot there was some question as lo S rights the old Rocky Mountain PIiflK phono company had. which coropgnj-Sfo chased the Independent T'-'Itphoci'-Wi Telegraph company. VBI McKinnoy Persistent. Mm J. AW McK'inn'v, chairman of th'iiB cipal laws committee, will maka tm'l oflfort to brhifc about the pusar resolution to compel the coinpanr'taw move the property of the olrl Jnd-B;-.' dent company and its successors Mfc. the streets of this city. Sucii a rtiBf lion was once passed, but Air. 'l&BI ney says there has been nothing Hi further and he expresses his aitttflru of endeavoring to Influence trie cltr (JWj, ell to lake some action tonight. Another matter which is to corntr fore the council tonight Is the KtfKL Hon of the Salt l.ake Si Ogden BilKS company for a franchise to bulMMF tain tracks and connections in the vMmt ern part of the city Tlia conipioyjt sires to make some Improvement! in'Mt, vicinity, but there are some pcrfKu'w1 testing against the council gramliij, company the privileges asked. TMisBl tor is scheduled to come up lonltfAWj,. Committee of Whole. 'BL- Tliere will probably te a :srge taBi of roijtlne buslnt-FS, as the co-jsjBil endeavoring to get matters clfwjK; aa much as possible before tli ntiKr uiissloners take their seats the btf&Hi! of the year. Bv The council will niet as a cccaB of the whole next Wednesday nlrbljB the application of the Salt Like All Angelas Railroad company fnr a fntK to run its cars into Hie center of liiK, will come up for consideration. AV; her of other important matters V' are. likewise, before the eommlltft whole are scheduled to cdtnc "PK |