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Show ANTELOPE CAMP IS LETTING MANY LEASES The owners of Ihe new discovery at Antelope Springs. Jordan brothers, have given twelve leases to different parties upon Ihe location where the rich discovery dis-covery was made. A shaft has been sunk fifteen feet and trenches on the surface show from ten lo twelve feet of good ore. There, are spots In the ledge running as high as 1100 to the ton. The big ledge assays well, and it now looks as-if as-if another gold and silver camp has been found in this county that-will shortly short-ly become a large producer of the precious pre-cious metals, T. Howie arrived from the new diggings Inst night and reports much nctlvlty at the new find. He say (ho Downer Bros., assaycrs of Goldficld, have taken a leasing bond on another property adjoining tjie strike ground, from the Jordan Bi;os.. and have' put four men to work .This ground shows free gold and assays as high as 5400 have been obtained. There are sixty men in the camp and men are flocking to the new eldorado. The new discovery is situated fifty miles southeast of Tono-pah Tono-pah and a good road the entire distance. Tonopah Bonanza. |