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Show PREVENT CORRUPTION", "It is commonly urged by pcoplo who don't know anything about it, or who think their hearers don't., that tho initiative and referendum would take all business away from Icgislatnron and turn it over to the people. Experience docs nor bear out thiH viow.'' writes Jiidson 0. Wcllivcr in tho "Vrunsoy for December. In an r.rticle. "Initiative. Referendum and J?ecall" he s-'ivy; "The pcoplo hold their legislative powers as a check on the Icislatinc. Tliev don't care to do all the 'f'W,1 HwS nrl-er- don E -W '5fW the' pne,oprori5c;in0ndo i ' l'Sd r! law makers know his, ri mm i knowlcdpc makes them Mb responsive lo public dciniui V M? "What use would it be. : r? " J j for a street car eomrm ' wd oisco to spend a lmudrod mm Jars in bribing aldermen r Wg franchise, if the coinpi" f"voi5.n the j.eople would Pohal b JfnlBcb' reforenduni and refuse n" aB.J. "Such qiirstions as 1" Mjt.t t hemselves. fhiynip and woi. voles of JosWutors, aWc'n'J" , public servants would s?ucXCmMs muncrative. biisinosH,. aJ . tlkCrc body would cv'Aii n n' |