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Show 5 THE TURKISH ARMY. I Kvcry Alohummcdan subject hi Turkey Tur-key is liable to serve and remains liuulc for twenty-five years. At 21 the youn'jr Turk ent-era tho :.ctivo army, the Niznm, and remains in it for three years. ITe must then serve six years in the reserve, called the Tohtrad and after this ho remains nine years in the army reserve, called the liedif. which resembles the German Lmidwehr. This reserve has a second line called the .Mustnfis. in which the citizen liable for cervieo is finally enrolled. Kvcrv vear produces about "lOOJJOO men liable to .service, and of this niiiu-"ncr niiiu-"ncr 70.000 aro enrolled as recruits. Tho Tcmpinder. that is lo s:,y the least of-lectiw. of-lectiw. are iven drill, and I hey may pei naps be compared nith .the' extra reservists of the first cnsi in Germany. They finally find their way info the Redlf. Altogether Turkey can place a million men in the field'; and as fr as material is concerned, Gorman officers offi-cers who hao instructed Turkish tropos declare that there is not an army in tho world that would not rejoice to ;jet such men. Frankfurter Zcitnn. |