Show BACK FROM CARISA Now Directors Inspect Mines and Outline Future Developments With the result of observation at the properties of the I Curlpa Mining company Tintlc the newly elected household consisting of President Brunsford I Treasurer Wcstcott and Manager Joseph returned to lown last night very much pleased The expedition expe-dition which left for the mines Saturday Satur-day night accompanied by D R VII 3lams the new superintendent was es fcortcd through the working by Mr Un derwood the retiring superintendent and found conditions generally as depleted de-pleted at the annual meeting of the shareholders In Carina territory proper said Manager Joseph last night they found a huge l body of ore but of such quality as to make It necessary nec-essary to await more favorable concessions con-cessions and a better metal market be fore undertaking to send It out while the condition Is such as to Justify considerable con-siderable prospecting In the meantime mean-tIme lessees I will be given a chance to work In this ground the board believing believ-ing that the revenues from that source wJI1 be ample to pay for further exploration explor-ation With this policy the forces in Carlsa ground will be reduced at once In Spy ground the condition was most gratifying There the directors found the vein as well delineated as any In the district t the ore body a strong one and the average value n most satisfactory one This body can be made according to the board to furnish about 2fl Ions of ore dally and wIth the proceeds the pay roll can be I cosily taken care of The machinery Is In good form and with the forces reduced frbm I C5 to about 30 miners the campaign under the new board will becln today The auditing committee will complete 5ls work next week when a report on the financial status of the company and the physical condition of the nilnea will be mailed to each shareholder |