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Show THE IS very ROAD- - W omau W ant BMEPM6 FOR PERSONAL HYCIRNR Dissolved In wmtaa-- for doachee step pelvic catarrh, alee ration and inflammation. ReeatnnMmled by Lydie, E. Pinkhara Med. Co.- - for ten year. MOST ECONOMICAL OF ROADS Macadam Is Regaining Favor With Modern Builders, Who Are Now Looking at Annual Cost. tiMMrT LSaBr'aJr TT- 3. Th V 1ma VSr aod awaicid.1 power. r mtioid br draatM. Bol.ti. HocTtJMCripnT, Keducei Bursal Enlargements, Thickened. Swollen Tissues, Curbs. Filled Tendons, Soreness from Bruises or Strains; tops Spavin Lameness, allays pain. Docs not blister, remove the hair or lay up the hone. $2.00 a bottle at drupRuu or delivered. Book 1 M free. AJJ.SORBINE, JR., for mankind an sntixtttic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, trains, painful, swollen veins or elands. It theuiikind soothes. $1.00 a bottle at drugViIl tell you more if you gists tr pott paid. write.l Made in the U. S. A. by f. D. F., 310 Tsasls !.. laid aside with the muzzle loaders, crinolines and other prides of departed days. But recently the macadam road has come back again Into This Is because road offavor. ficials are now Judging the cost of a road by Its total annual expense, Including ' maintenance and sluklng fund. On this basis It has been discovered that a macadam road Is an at FLYiOLLER5""i? altrilOaV, Heat. or BkUnutakl, efaup. Lasts ouvsatsot, J1 H 4 f tustsJ, or tip rwri will oriDlarouiirthiaf. snsswd dealers, sWt pnm 4 s) i pill soil Our o loM tent r prfi4 r . BVJ by . '.ye.-- , 'Tjl ,f for $1.00, aoaaiss, lu o mis AVtaa .UtOOKLVM, M. V PATENTS.TRADE MARKS, COPY- - kmou i RlfiHTQ BlUilid KII'HAKI) O. rAKK,.IR.. 1419 STKKK'r.WASUlMttXUM4.C Jl W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 31-1- How Women Fish. It doesn't serve to mellow a man's disposition to take a woman or two Into the boat when he goes bass fish-InFor women always want to fish, yet never could they or would they stick those horrid, nasty, wriggling angleworms on the hook. So, between baiting their hooks and removing the . perch and pumpkin seeds and straining your spine to keep the bout from 'turning turtle and the lines from getting snarled up, you have a most enjoyable outing, do you not? Yes, you do not I'll run the risk of answering that question for you, "Zlra" writes In Cartoon MngitKine. And then, when d bass you flniilly hook a weighing at least three pounds and eight ounces by his own standard scales, and play him' for twenty minutes against their earnest entreaties not to bring that big, ugly thing Into Mhe boat or else they'd Jump out I tu calmly ease up on the line and e him stack, also his freedom, do not ? Tea, you do not I And wheu he day Is sent, they tell you what a Rorgeous time they have had and iniAaavjou promise to fetch them again, and you promise, of course, do you not? You do like heaven I 1 five-poun- ' fu Natural 8tudy. (By W E. EPMl'NIiSOS, Idaho Expert. n, Jass. Springfield. of Any Family Garden. d horse-draw- DAISY )ne of Most Desirable Products Freah Garden Truck Should Form Part of Everyone's Diet Reduce High Coat nf Living. Beuns thrive best lu a rather wurm years ago road builders a universal requiem for the sandy loam, but may be grown on almncadum most any kind of soil. Kor the best Its results the soil should not be too rich served state. It York New roud in In nitrogenous matter, or the plunts purpose when vehicles were ull It was acknowledged, but with will run to foliage and stems Bt the tho advent of motor vehicles It was expense of tho crop of imxIs. Heavy water-bouu- W. F.YtJJn6. MORE VEGETABLES IN FAVOR A few Joined In Mmm. The teacher was hearing the class in nature. Trying to Impress upon the children's minds the horror of cruelty to animals, she told the following story : "Once a farmer went out to milk a cow and a little calf switched the man In the eye with Its tall. The man took , out his knife and t cut off the calf's tail. Now, children, what verse In the bible should that man have remembered 7" Of course she had referred to "Blessed are the merciful," but I'lilllp had another answer: "What Owl hath Joined together, let ho man put asunder." Exchange. Macadam Road In New York. of economical one for certain class travel. This was the opinion expressed at the recent meeting of the New York State association of County Highway Superintendents by many of those present. I'ractlcally all the recent roads built by these men have two courses of broken stone, and frequently It Is possible to. build the roads with a lower course of cheap local stone, using the more expensive stone from a distance This refor the upper course only. duces the first cost without causing any reduction in the life and strength of the road. When they are finished they are sometimes treated at once with tar or asphalt, but usually this treatment Is deferred long enough for travel over the road to reveal any weak spots, so they can be repaired the oiling Is done. It is this development of efficient and economical methods of maintenance with the help of road oils which has led to the macadam renaissance of water-bounIn New York. It is one of many recent Indications that where the work of maintenance Is thoroughly done and cost records of It are properly kept Important light Is thrown on the best types of construction to carry travel of different classes and Intensities. he-fo- re d PLAN FOR ROAD MANAGEMENT Essential to Successful Highway Administration Outlined Briefly-- Cut Out Politics. Preparing for Tomorrow Fresh garden vegetables should fur nli.li a large part of everyone's diet and If produced at home are not ex pensive. Atmndu.Uly Ubed In the diet, they will aid In forming a balanced ru- loit and will grestly assist In reduo Ing the high cost of living. While vw are planting the gardens this year ev eryone should make a special effort to grow special vegetables for whiter Usv No less than 30 distinct kinds of vegetables can be preserved for winter use by proper methods of storing, cunning and pickling. The vegetables most commonly cunued are tomatoes, corn, peas and string beans. Those most commonly preserved by pickling are cauliflower, cucumbers, green peppers and green tomatoes. There are tnuny vegetables that may be kept In the fresh stale by proper storage methods. This list includes potatoes, beets, carrots, turnips, parsnips, winter radishes, rutabagas, cabbage, kolhrabl, celery, onions, pumpkins and squashes. Since most vegetables usually keep best If put Into storage comparatively late, It should be the aim of the gardener to mature tho vegetables for winter use late In tho aensou. If planted too early ninny crops will becoma tough, woody and pithy before the seu sou for storage arrives. clay soils are not well adapted to bean julture, owing to the tendency of the soil to bake and prevent the seedlings from coming up evenly. The beau does not draw heavily upon the soil and la suitable for rotation with other garden crops. In the cultivation of beans, the general rules for the care of garden crops should be adhered to, and frequent shallow stirring of the soil practiced. For a constant supply of bunch or snup beans successive plantings should be made, the final pluming being made about eight weeks before time for frost in the autumn. In the South, plantings should be made as soou as the ground begins to warm, and continue until hot weather sets In. Toward the end of summer one or two plantings should be made for a fall INSECT INJURIES TO CROPS crop. The lima bean, both pole and bush. forms one of the most desirable prod Great Part of Annual Lost Can Be Prevented by Vigilance and Action ucts of the garden. This crop thrives on Part of Growers. best when the soil Is quite rich; In Be on the Job against Insect pesta this season. Make your food contribution to the human family, not the Insect family. Farmers who provide themselves with Insect poisons and then keep a vigil for the first outbreaks of crop enemies will bring through the largest yields. Failure to detect an outbreak at Its beginning and delay In getting combative material may be fatal to the crop attacked, warn entomologists In the United States department of agriculture. That a great art of the annual loss to grain crops due to Insect Injuries can be avoided by vigilance and vigorous action on the pnrt of growers Is not sufficiently realized, the entomologists say. Frequently Insect outbreaks orlglnute within a limited area, and when this Is the case It Is often quite possible to stamp them out before any great damage has been done. If the outbreak Is general, then comLate Lima Beans. munity action Is essential to prevent fact, good lima beans raanot be grown the Infestation from becoming; wideIn poor soil. I'lace the seed In hills. spread. 8 or 10 to the hill, and after the plants become established thin to 4 or 9. The PULLING STAKES AND POSTS hills should be 4 or d feet apart for the pole varieties and 2 or S feet apart Mechanism la In Form of Pivetally for the dwarf or bunch varieties. It Connected Open Frames Adapted Is a good plan to make up the hill to Be Slipped Over Poet. with a little additional manure well mixed with the soil. Cover the beans The Scientific American In Illustratahout l'.a iDcbea, placing them with ing and describing a fence post and the eye downward. stake puller. Invented by IL 8, Fox of When planting beans of any kind, Blue Earth, Minn., stays: the seed (should not be ewered to a This Inventor provides a device esgreater depth than 2 Inches when the pecially adopted for pulling posts, soil la moderately dry, and If the soil stakea and the like from the ground. Is wet, the covering should be very slight. briefly, the essentials state highway administration, as demonstrated by the ex- TEST GERMINATION OF SEED perience of the various state highway departments, are as follows: (a) Varieties Best Adapted to Local Con ditions Should Be Used Plant The elimination of politics as a facfor Full Stand. tor In state highway work; (h) the control by the state highway departNo one should run the risk of crop ment of all work on which state funds Place for Him. "But Isn't your son rather young to are expended; (c) adequate appro- failure for using poor seed. Tills Is especially true at this time when all Join the army?" "Well, he Is very priations for continuous maintenance efficient superpossible agricultural produce Is need' young, hut, then, he's going to Join the of highways tinder the are ed. Seed of the varieties best adapt' from the vision highways day Boston Infantry." Transcript. completed ; (d) state supervision as to fxl to local conditions should be used I'artlculnr care Rome girls will promise to marry a surveys, plans, and sped flea Hons of as far as available. roads and bridges constructed un- should be taken that all seed Is plantd man and some will threaten to do so. der bond Issues, and supervision of at auch a rate as to insure a full stand such other road and bridge work as In the field nndr normal weather requires considerable cash outlay and condition. Wherever possible, sow the exercise of engineering skill and only swl which germinates well. It often happens, however, that the avail knowledge. Yearbook United State able supplies do not gerptinate well. Department of Agriculture. Summarised NEPHI, UTAH., SOIL FOR LIMA BEANS General Rules for Care of Garden Crops Should Be Adhered To In Cultivation Plant Thrives When Land Is Rich. -- A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, ore throat and aore eye. Economical. TIMES-NEW- S, The Last of the Caribs. Tha Carlb Indian was the first representative of To the poor red man to meet tho tide of Kuropeun travel. Ho was the, onu found by Columbus uud the luter Spaulsh explorers In the West Indies, and he has given the Caribbean sea his name. Thus ho is assured a monument as long as geography shall lust, and he ueeds It, because as a living race ho bus pructlciilly disappeared. How many thousands of Caribs dwelt lu the West Indies In Is largely a matter of conjecture. They quickly began to die out under the hand of the conqueror, who worked them as slaves, and shot them when they mudo war. Today It is doubtful d whether there nro a hundred Caribs alive. I'ructlcally all of them live on tho Iirltlsh Island of Dominica, on a reservation set upart for them called Sulyblu. He Couldn't Explain. The Sunday school teacher was explaining to the children how Sunday enmo to be Instituted. "Tho Lord worked for sis days,' she said, "and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed tho seventh day and hallowed It. Novr has any child a question to ask?" Willie put up his hand. "Willlo wishes to usk a question. What Is It, Willie?" "Why did th lxrd U k such a dead day as Sunday for a holiday?" asked Willie. The teacher couldn't explain. Cleveland Plain Dealer. His Defenders. Recruiting Olllcer "How about Joining the colors? Have you anyone dependent on you?" Motorist "Have It There are two garage owners, six mechanics, four tire dealers, and every gasoline agent within a radius of Short Memory. miles." and tweuty-ihDentist You say they sent you up Judge. to have a tooth pulled T St. l'aul Is to have n business school Bobby Yes, sir. 1 er I don't for for the deaf. get which one It was." pure-bloode- d e Don't Poison Baby. ORTY TEAR3 AGO almo&t every mother thought her child must havw I'AHcAiUiUU or lauuiinum to make it Bleep. These dniirs will produce Bleep, and a FEW DUOl'S TOO MAtfY will uroduco the SLEEP FUOM WHICH Til Eli Li 18 NO WA1CINU. Many are the children who have been killed or whose health has been ruined for life by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each of which ia a nurootio product of opium. l)rugeiBta are prohibited from Belong either of the narcotics named to children all, or to anybody without labelling thorn " poison." Tho definition of "narcotic" is : "A medicine relieve pain and products sleep, but which in poisonous doses produce afupor, coma, convulsions and death,'' The taste and smell of modicinee containing; opium are disguised, and sold under the names of " Drops," " Cordials," booth in ft Syrups," etc You should not permit any medicine to be given to your children without you or your physician. knor of what It is composed. CASTOIUA DOE3 KOT CONTAIN NAKCOTIC3, If it bears the signature -- J? of Chaa. II. Fletcher. , fy . -Ufaulne Castorla always bears the signature of fiafyx nfaansiM'atitii js r- The Ideal bridegroom made his first call on his future brldo In company with a marriage broker and while in the parlor walling for the appearance of the family the broker drew the young man's attention to a gluss closet containing a handsome silver set. "Just look at these things," he said. "You cun see how wealthy these people are." "But Is It not possible that these articles were borrowed for the occoslon," Inquired tho suspicious young man, "so as to give an apiearance of wealth?" "What an Idea I" answered the agent reprovingly. "Who In the world would lend them anything?" A prospective Splendid Medicine For Kidneys, Liver and Bladder For the past twenty years I have been acquainted with your preparation. Swamp Rout, aod all those who have had occa non to use surh a medicine praise th merit of lh Kilmer's Swamp-Roo- sp t; dally haa it been very useful in cases o1 catarrh or inflammation of th bladder. firmly believe that it is a very valuabtt medicine and reeommendable for what il ia intended. Very truly your, DR. J. A, COPPEDGE, Oct. 20, 1916. Alanreed. Texas. .fryay. H'-T- r WAR IS . cccci( -- DECLARED ON MICE All Household Pets Should Be Kept Away From Food, Says Govern- ment Experts. Ruts and mice destroy millions of dollars' worth of food and other property every year In homes or on farms and In business establishments. Many rats harbor the germs of bubonic plague. Trap and kill them, enjoins a United States department of agriculture bulletin. Look upon every mouse as an enemy to your property. Eradicate roaches and house ants. Keep weevils out of cereals. Keep your food where such pest cannot reach It Keep household pets away from food. tton't let fresh vegetables or fruit wilt or lose their flavor or begin to rot because they are handled careless- ,i . , : T-i t, TiKi:iaiiii-- lu well most for aired, and, .regetne dry, tj . iv--- i. 1 8 wi, . dark, rather than light places. Learn how to store potatoes, cabbages, root crops, fruits and other foods so that they will keep properly for later use. Ion't think thnt any place In the cellor or pantry Is good enough to store food. Heat, dampness, poor ventilation, bruising or breaking will rapidly make mnny vegetables rot, ferment or spoil. Warmth and light make vegetables sprout and this lowers their quality. bli-s- Prove What Swam Root Will Do For Von Send ten cent to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., for a sample site Binibamtoa, N. bottle. It will convince anyon. Yon will also receive a booklet of valuable tnformttion, telling about th kidneys and bladder. When writing, bo sure and t mrntino this paper. Regular nd sire bottles for sale St all drug store. Adv. to successful Shipbuilding In South. The demand for ships has resulted In the growth of a new shipbuilding Industry In the South. There are about 50 vessels now In course of construction In the South Atlantic and gulf states, and the number la constantly Increasing. There would seem to be a considerable future for the business In this section, as long as the demand ls Pride. An oldish man with a waist line like for wooden hulls, for all the necessary the equator paused on the street to lumber Is often available within easy confer s somewhat patronizing greet- distance of the dock. Thus a number of ship are being built In New ing on an oldish woman. timber I was afraid you had Orleans entirely of Louisiana "Well, well and cypress being-thgone by the board ! How are you get- Iiulslnna oak. pine only woods used. ting along? "Oh, making money and taking on Felt Invented by a Saint. fatr Did you know that felt wis InventThe only thing worth noticing about the small Interchange was that the ed accidentally by a saint Stunt woman was a positive tone, and she Clement, fourth bishop of Rome? sure didn't look as If she were making When he was fleeing from persecution, his feet became blistered, money. . so he put a layer of wool In Which seems to show thnt the Ppar. tno kid with the fox tinder his Jacket his sandals. The heat, moi 'litre and isn't In s class by himself when It pressure converted the wool Into a flat, comes to the pride thnt fib and makes compact mass felt, Tho blehop, being of an observant no sign. Washington Star. practical turn-omind, had this material manufactured. Not So Smart. Mr. Flatbuntvlt's the same old Take No Chances, story. There's one way to drive an autoMrs. Flatbnsh What's wrong now? "I painted the front gate and hung mobile." "What's thatr a sign on It, 'Fresh TalnL' " "Whenever you approach a railroad "Well The flrat man who came along put crossing or a street car track and a his hand on It to see If Ihe paint was train or car Is coming If you have whether or not It is safe to-trreally fresh." to rross, decide that It Isu'C" "iv.n't be so smart." fifty-cen- one-doll- Stake and Post Puller. wherein the pulling mechanism is in tha form of pivotally connected open frames adapted to be slipped over the post, each frame having at one end gripping merltutilsm for engaging tha post or stake, and at the other end a handle. should tie tested WHITEWASH IS EASILY MADE for gTmlnailo before sowing nd the rate of sowing of any that d tes not Formula Given for Preparation of Weather-Proo- f Solution for Farm Poor Policy for Farmer to Refuse to germinate well should be lncrcnpd sufFences and Walla. ficiently to insure the use of a proper Listen to Arguments for Improveamount of "ve seed. ment of Highways. r7 rR. c. mAKcin , ftlake bushel of gespd qntckllme WAGON with not more than 12 gallons It wouldn't do any of us any harm HANDY of to look thoroughly Into the question water. Flnke the lime and keep the Don't be narrow Handy for Dae in Harvesting of Com vessel covered until steam ceases to of better roads. for Si ege Large Saving of enough to take one side of the question rise, stirring occasionally to prevent and refuse to listen to any fact of Manual Labor. scorching. I'repare a second mixture opinions advanced on the other side. containing two pound common salt A man told us the other day that he A wagon with low wheels for ue In and on- - pound Elnc sulphate In two had been trying to talk to another he harvesting of com for sllnge Is gallons of boiling water. Tour this man who had an entirely erroneous rwnminend'-by II. C llamaower tit Into the slnked time and stir In two aid federal opinion In regard to the the collrae of agriculture. Ohio tat" gallons of skim milk. Kiir vigorously. "He llternlly wouldn't university. Althoncb the draft Is proposition, This tnskrs an excellent weatherlisten to me," he said. "His bend was oim third greater than that proof whitewash, suitable for walla so full of the wrong Idea thnt no sound of a wagon. Ihe saving and fence. To of man labor Is of seemed able to penetrate It." greater Importance. con"Whyr be to not Helen Is necesssrlly Aside from Its ue In the hnndllng of EXCELLENT That wasn't a man that pnt his Our respect for old age depend a)i AS UCE KILLER to silnge. It can be of great advantage vinced, and to refuse to listen for bant on the pnlnt to see If it was great deal on whether It Is to be aprefuse to be hrood minded enough to many other fnnn operations. plied to men and women r boardlng-hon-e Kerosene Emulsion Is Easily Prepared fresh ; that was me." hear both sides and form a real opinpoultry. and Not Espenaive Best te Use ion. Twentieth Ct ntury Farmer. CORN HEAVY FOOD PRODUCER Often Sour. Rain Water, "Sweet to the sweet, eh?" said the Grading and Drainage. Kerosene emulsion I one of the best girl at the candy counter. "Nothing The first step to the making of good Will Yield Mora Per Acre Than Any Other Crop, With the Possible lice killers on plant and animals. It to It," nsd Is grndlng and draining. The "Whst do you meant" Exception of Alfalfa. next Is dragging, and the next step. In esMly prepared and very cheap. iMsaolve most localities, as long as the cost of pound of soap In one They're often Jut as fussy at the Corn will produce more food pet gallon of kerosene and stir very vigor- candy counter a they are anywhere a good grade of asphaltlc road oil All seed, therefore, QUESTION OF BETTER ROADS from-walkin- Many people seem able to drink coffee for a time without apparent harm, but when health disturbance, evrn thouch aliariL follows "cfTee' use, it is wise to investigate. of homes, Thousand where coffee was found to disagree, have changed the family table drink to o-i-e With improved health, and it usually follows, the change made becomes a permanent one. It pays tj prepare for the health of tomorrow. "There's a Reason" f r hiEher-aheelf- Instant Postum aI LOW-WHEELE- D d 1 I ore-hal- below 6 cents a gallon, will be oiling. Increase of Trunk Roads. The aid now rendered by the fed-ergovernment to the atatea will rp-MlIncrease the proportion of good Is altrunk roads. This ready under way In many states. sl y than any otbr crop except possibly alfalfa. It prodnrpa both grain and forage that Is both nutritious and well rvllhed by all kinds of stock. Corn fodder ha almnt the same feeding value as tlmo'hy hay and shelled corn ha about the same feeding valne as oats. North Wkota Experiment aiUtlon, a tp f ously or, better yet, chnrn with a else." force pump for a few minutes. For use, dilute one gallon with nine to A Guarantee. ten gllo of water. Ptlr well. It I "Ton say you caa offer me a forbest to use rain water. If only a small tune, hot Is It all clean money?" quantity is wanted, nse one to two "It ought to be; I made It In ana p." ounces ,f flp, two quarts of boiling water and tnt pint of kerjsne, and M'lwankee schools will no longer dilute to failoDS. vtady Onricn In lower grades. to POST TOASTIES are the newest and best in corn flakes I'ji'H!11:;;:,' I(llu.lc,ll!,.ll,l n |