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Show V ) AN AD. IN Tl IE TIMES-NEWBRINGS RESULTS. IT HAS THE CIRCULATION. n S M M , 1 ' F J?) F THE TIMivS NEWS J EVERY IOME COUNTY. J LIVE FARMERS Nephi, Juab County, Utl h, Friday, Aug. 3 1917 SEIilE ORG FOREST PAY ANIZE 0 APPEAR BEFORE .; ffs citi-''wns- nf i Notices have been mailed to the first 236 whose names appear the official list, and which was published in this paper last week but if by any chance youshaHild not get this notice, this fact does on' not excuse you from the board if your name is listed among this first draft.' The notice of call to appear for physical examination reads as follows. "You are hereby notified that pursuant to theacf. of Congress pproved May 18, 1917, you are called for military service of the United States by this local hoard from among those persons whose registration cards are within the jurisdiction of this local ''"'iV lx;,rd. showing as tb'JE.ft in other .part- of th.- e.intry," , Any claim for exemption or discharge must be made on forms says the District Koretr. "Heitj which may be procured at the office of this local board, and mu3t is a chance tor them to show their . patriotism. It is up to the i . after the dale of maihntr this notice. , manutac-Jlumber ih. . Service, I, ur attention is called to the penalties for violation or evasion turers and the lun hci -jacks F of selective Service ' the approved May 18. 1917, and of the make ihis regiment creditable w hich penalties ae uf the rules and regulations made pursuant thre-to- , the great linnber indu-tr' I on the back thereof." w ith their . . printe Lumberjacks, country. well knowv r ad ventarti. Of the '23d notified to appear exemption board in A quickie will und'.ni "edlv NpUij-fjrivjrj.-fjo4H are from and Jiiab'Cwuiity, 'T active to tins j.' 4 from Mills. is time it at to course .this ascertain (K impossible as tl.w lii.iltr- service a4 accurately how many each town wilj have td furnish, until all the stand the net d. claims have been passed upon, and the Quota made up " Men for the folio-.-- i.. ranks exemption This j.ait r will then publish a complete list of all men who have 1'laloou are particularly been drafted into tlit service from Juab County. stable bosses, Corporals pay 8), I'r.vr.tes, 1st ciass leamsu rs. ?:lfi.2. logging ai-Wagoners. wag-uNjainsters, afrfc-aYitftifo- n to see what real dry farming looked like, and it is needles add that they , were more than pleased with what they saw. Leaving the Broadhead farm . they were taken south past Grace ' Bros, farm and back on.lbe main road again, the grain throughout "Vila confirm nf cniintrv islookinP . fVi.i wk viv PXI rH IT! f Ml.V UlMrl. fimi mnv iT that pafty expressing the opinion . a. !? 1 it was by far the best dry grain they had teen this year. Arriving back in town supper wa, served at the Forest Hotel, during which tima the Ladies Dellu Band came along and gave them a delightful serenade. After supier they marched to the Tabernacle led by the band, where very instructive address'. were delivered. Bishop A. II. Belliton, County agricultural Chairman presided. Two very fin violin selections were rendered by Prof. Ralph Booth, after which Mayor Hagup. in a few well chosen words bid them a hearty welcome to Nephi, stating that it was usual when away from home to ask questions of various individuals for information, and imparted the information that when they wanted to learn-anthing about farming to ask a Nephi man. Other speakers were I)r Evans of the Logan College. Ben It Eldredge of Salt likc.Mr.Clarke of Millard County. H. A. Chris-tenseof Beaver County. James W. Taxman, and A. II. IV is ton of Nephi. The party continued n.lheif journey nWednedav far north and will m 'as u)&xb3M.et(r returning. s Several Of the speakers Said gro4t stress on the w ' ork of the County r Agent, and the farm bureau, showing the gord resold that were accomplished by these farmerorganizat ions. Juab rour.ty does not have an organisation of this kind at present, but it h hoped by the loading farmers here that this county will rotw It long before it falls in line ith the progressive counties of Utah and have a we'd organized Farm Bureau, with a live county am.?. y n, 11 - '. - lw, y . " He-for- re:-:-- M-on- ax ;, - , comhetitio(-f-' ' et ar The earning power, of ihe.bw.-lands in the state is over six per cent on land that is "valued at t ' per acre. Tvo new factories are now being built, one at Delta and an- $800 - THE GRASSHOPPERS - p.r-tabi- e , 1 -. , e 1. - r . - -; ? t ;.p;-!icat:o- 1 o y fr-"- t lf d tap-tare- la-- 1 . , besent-.-hfY-- , De.-er- five-ye- j . We clip the following news item from last Saturday'? Evening News. "The Nephi (.iris Band of X, h, pieces which appeared here ! r, the Pioneer Day created a favorably impression. The girls are working bard, a.J projmse to give the Kphrim Girls band something of a rub rn Utah in particular is the one favored spot for the growing of sugar beets the land, the climate, and water are all that can be desired; the sugar is demanded at home and abroad and the erection of more beet sugar factories is desired. In 1916 the beet sugar product of Utah wa3 practically 233.000. 000 pounds. This was the product of thirteen factories and of this product about 18 per cent was consumed in Utah and adjoining states, the balance being shipped to points on the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, Texas, Oklahoma and other eastern points. Utah farmers raise more tons of beets per acre than does any other, farmer in the United States the average yield per acre for a period being 12.50 tons ascompared with 11.38 in Colorado, 9.79 in California and 8.41 in Michigan and 10.13 for the entire United States. There are places in Utah, notably in the Sanpete valley, where the production is 15tons per acre. In addition the farmer in Utah in the rotating of his land with beets giving him the tops and pulp for feed for his stocK nas an advautage over farmers of most of the states n-'- e G)n-''"'ti- ; T f . ; v ( X 1 1 :( 1 d 15TBEWRP MORE BEETS RAISED PER ACRE IN UTAH THAN U ,A,- - C. EXPERTS GIVE ADVICE ON CANNING ANY STATE IN UNION. BE THE DESTINED TO , OF FRUITS. VEGETABGREATEST INDUSTRY LES, AND TREATS. . WE HAVE. other at Moroni, while a third o.us is to be erected in the Gunnison valley pear Gunnison, this latter to be ready to care for the crop of 1918 and for this latter plant contracts have already been pay $10. i:o. signed up for 6154 acres for a FrivateA Ft'lerr, bunkers, period of seven years and this cntlei. swamjiers, tonhvt-.w- l acreage it said will be largely in.V OXroust loaders, creased. In this valley there lodging motor tnn k lo;. rs. are nearly 8000 people now enrolmill earring men, lo gaged in farming and stock rais;.".. lumber sU;c'e:-lers, pay $ ing who like all other localities CorK.rals. I F a chopers Jo.b" A MIGI ITY OFFENSIVE WILL BEGIN NEXT MONDAY where beet sugar plants are proI'ortid.l"miii engineer AND CONTINUETHROUGHOUTTHE WEEK. THE posed are enthusiastic over the pay SiO.SO. Corpora--spceiai RALLYING WAR CRY IS GET THE GRASSHOPPER coming of the new plant. detail, spare men, pay : '.'. The plant at Delta is a long OR THE GRASSHOPPER WILL GET YOU." IVivatts, 1st ch-- f, s) vc ial detaii distance from any other factory G sjare men j ay and the acreage which will supThe pay fi try res driven art Are you a farmer? if so, then read every word of this message ply it is unusally large, contracts monthly rates for foreign s rviec. it is of rital interest, it means dollars and cents to you, why? be-- for more than 10,000 acres havKor-es- t All n.i n in!' ''!'.rt--in't!..cauFe at the present time Nephi fields are'infested w ith a grass ing been signed, it iaf said. . The I I It e ai by tht giMenl t r to cin t ' hopper plague, ami at a welt attended meeting- of the farmers plant at Moroni is forty miles District ' with the icai olbrers ol held in the Courthouse last night, a resolution was passed calling north of the proposed plant at Gunnison and the plant at Eh i their region. ir rn ' tail, d ir. for- upon the commissioners to enforce the law relative to these county mation and nore 19 a like distance from Gun blank' p. sts.John B. Walker the State Crop Inspector was at the meeting nison. In the location of factor can be S' i.-1- . alr-and he left no doubt in the minds of anyone present, what ies in this seccion of the state, the tate Has goirg to do in 'the rr alter, if every farmer here did care has been observed so that BROUGHT Utt U UIFri the acreage tributary to one plant rit get bn-- at once and fight grasshoppers. does not encroach upon the other. Jame1' S. Hickman v. ho w; The need of more beet sugar The law gives the state ar.d county the power to clean up a man's tried ar.d convict I in Ud2 for factories is apparent when the II Dave hold mcrder the of i'cii'r .n. farm of ny ;Fts and charge the amount to his taxes, and is known that the United fact , at Ki:re'.,a a d ln. ?rai the proj-- t rty as a lien, just the same an the collection of any other States the roundy ja:l in NV-- hi wbiJo a imported last year more w ant this extra buraen tacked on to your property tax unless so you billion five and one-hathan was aeain waiting f.rder.ec. in .J..',..n .".1 ; .!!. ;;' j von rrust prepare to get busy next Monday and all next week if pounds of sugar, which was valt to l't,h weand not stop till your field is thoroughly poisoned or ued at $200,000,000. Beet sugar brough r."co.-ary- , manufacture is now the second by s! vr.r Dan X;,Ti;n of !l other means mpkycd to accomplish the desired resuli. countv. industry of Utah. Why not push i Tl county will furnish the oison, and the syrup, you must it to the first place? There is Hi' t;o.v C 'nf;r.(d i. thf ta! pri ui Sal Fako ; n furnish the bran and the lemons. Mr. Bcagley and other help room and in plenty in the state in all j wiil for more sugar factories and at the v.fxt t'rm of court hh i will be on hand to instruct in the mixing. If you want to use a there is need for many more beet "Catcher" or other mechanical device it is up to you, but the Poi- farmers. ?b w,, foij'.d (hi t ' mnrd" r in ti se'ord diErc son Mash is the method recommended. but effect' d hi.". ' rri, The following 13 the preparation needed to make the poison mash Mrs. O. D. Loverdige and fam t live v enr ol. Bran L'O lb. White Arsenic 1 pound. Syrup 2 quarts. Water 2 quarts ily of Salt Lake are visiting with t: i b ard , h morn or oranges. The manner of mixing this preparation Mrs. Loveridcg's parents Mr. the fi.e r, at b was triven in this pape r last week. Mr. Harry Beagley will inform Mrs. S. Lunt Sr. this week. . t .0.-'! 7 ocHTij'iion o j bow rn ich land this amount of mixture will cover. See him :ivii-w a Hick man ;,(!' Elder B. F. Grant will address tvd get the rv paired information, but dont forget that the big t shen: 11',. en ' next Monday and continues all the week at the end the parents class of the Nephi tiri.f li'c .' n ! r ; 1, f ' v tm ad farmers who have faih-- to make any effort to ward on Sunday next at 11 a.m. in of t v fi' p their Ids t.f the pests, it wiil lxjdor.e at their expense by the the vestry of the Tabernacie. All rou:ht n invited. State and County. ! - IS PRODUCTS SUGARPRODUCTIOH MEN WANTED .WHO ARE BOARD FAMILIAR WITH LUMPROGRESSIVE FARMERS BER INDUSTRY. TEAM-STErifFROM FOUR COUNTIES ALSO NEEDED. OF SOUTHERN UTAH THE LOCAL EXEMPTION BOARD MAILED NOTICES AR ON TOUR OF IN THURSDAY TO THE FIRST 236 ON THE LIST. lumberfor "I want SppCTIONAND TO GAIN jack" is theyougist ofmyan urgent HOLDS EXAMINATION AUGUST 7th. AND 8th. AT NEW IDEAS. appeal just issued by the Forest EUREKA AND AT NEPHI AUGUST dth. Service to the woodsmen of Utah About 100 Tanner, . from the and Southern Idaho. Already The exemption board for Juab County' met in the Courthouse men ha'v been counties of BearT M'HaKrrh-o.visit and Sevier, paid Nephi a reciKl in thee Slates lor the Wednesday and set the date for the examination of drafted men evening. The party regiment, but more are nettled. in this countv who will be called for the first srmv. The hoard oon. Tuesday which consists of members of of Dr. Steele Bailey of Mammoth, Sheriff Dan Martin of District Forester L. 1''. Kneipp the several county farm bureau's points out that woodMneii of Eun t!a, and Dr. T. D. Rees of Nephi. are on their annual trip of sight draft age can liest serve tlu it xt Tuesday and Wednesday, August, 7th, and 8th. the board seeing or as one of them said the country by enlisting in the FortM will meet at Eureka for all who have to appear on the west side of to learn." slogan is "we are out Regiment rather than enlisting G the run. uncounty. On Thursday August 9th, the board will meet at the in military br.mehos that are They arrived here about Courthouse at Nephi Utah, for the examination of all who have f their and were met in the canyon by able to take advantage to appear who live on the east side of Juab County. notified been to the Attached speeir.l skill. a number of the prominent Nenhi. Owing to the Engineers of the U. S. Army, lateness of the hour there was this Regiment, it is expected, go to Frame, wliere .not much time left for seeing, vviii and u::f r ) it like the but the party were taken at once eiuipped it coma army, regular 'get out where to the Levan Ridge trenfor the an.i lumber timbu farm on the dry bined harvester 4 of IS Men to ches. from year's of Broadhead Bros was in operbe wilt inclusive accepted.age ation "We want the lumberjacks The grain on this farm is exmil! nun of the intcvnioun-taiafforded and and ceptionally good country to male its good them an excellent opportunity ' The News, Vol. 2. No. 14 UTAH IDEAL STATE FOR FIRST DRAFT NOTIFIED mm . t OF THE JUAB COUNTY TIMES AND THE NEPHI CITY NEWS BEING A CONSOLIDATION The Times, Vol. 8. No. 43. REAI IN EAST JUAB 13 JN In a most complete circular written by Miss Gertrude Me n Cheyne and Pro feasor ,1. ('. of the Extension Division of the Utah Agricultmal College, full directions are given for the canning and drying of fruits vegetables, and moats. Because of the intense value such inforllog-enso- mation has at present, this paper is producing some of the more essential of the geiu ral directions given. We advise however, that every citizen seod to the ExTefr"' ' siori" Division of the. College for complete circular.' It contains a long list of recipices covering the canning and drying of all the common fruits and vegetables, as well tw many ways of preserving meats. We quote from the circular as follows: It Is the patriotic duty of every American citizen to help in every possible way in the production and eonsemilion of ..our food arid products. One of. th very best ways of doing thi is to economise", in food w aste. ,To waste anything is "a crime. Women and girls can help in this !mirtant matter by canning and putting up for next winter, fruit., veg- etables, meats, soaps; anything and everything that will httve- - a a ftxxl value. The high cost Phi I living, the shortage-o- f made it i.vce.r.rv. to urge this matter very r.rnest;. Not only can fruit-- be caru.eJ successfully and economically h; glass and tin. but also can n' kinds of froh vegetables, ail kinds of meats and soun stocks. This wid enable u.i to have on hand at a moment's notice ar and all of the necessaries of life. Since 'canning is a iv.cans of preserving, food for bacteria. U is well to know something of the characteristic of these organisms. First, they are so small that cxe'-ounder a they are On this account, powerful people either don't, believe in them or forget about tiiem. Second, the air is fuiltf them, ' and the dust and all objects are covered with them. affe.iF Third, temperature them. Odd. even t frrezirj point. dos not kill them. but or.'y prevents their growth. Sunspire and scalding heat, n'ecr-tai- n appd lngth.of time, de?'n;.s them. Mod pit to heat or r.orm'al body tem ra?ure is the Ik-medium for their growth. Fourth, some bacteria frmn a d (spore or small etd which i with a hard eoat. When 11 seed bursts through the cover t g another germ is fomv-d- . The-- e ki:.'-spores are not ca-jlt by intense h at. , - - invi.--il.I- t . ' tov-ere- ' y Fifth. meat:, 11 ;ij-a- r a 1 starches are spoiled 1. -' to the ! air Excess of surjAr.a.-- ' in fruits, kil's ,r. rm life. And fri.:; are not readily afUe ked and ri excess, as in pickling vezetablM or meat, them. STEIMUZaTIO.V To render an artir'f'istorile is to treat it in such a ma ru r that and' germ life is entirely I t keep the ari.cle und- -r such Conditions, that gernis 'ar.rot g;,in access to it. The first is aceniui;did bv ex t posing articles fo duert heat, wt-- or dry. and th-- ai.'.'i'-cntion t.f a. . s., ' t ,,r th" . c. - the .. y jn airtight, sterile conLri.r.et!.. ! jrerni-lide!-- 4- r-- kJ d;:-1- ',,, mn-.rcK- t ? . . |