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Show Hi L .'THE 7 NEPHI. UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S, OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. ALLIES LAUNCH A In BY Drive Along Twenty-Mil- e Front, Allied Force Hurl Germane Eiack, Taking Many Prisoners. Terrific, Smashf.g ul force. On a wide front of ltupprecht'a apparently twen ty tulles the Teutons were forced back, The Urltish captured three Hues of defenses In some pluces. The offensive was launched with dock-likregularity. The Itrltlsli captured 1m ltusoeevllle In the first duah. The French crossed caual and took the the Ypres-IJll- e liernmns' first aud second Hue de- e feiisi'H. "Objtftlvea gained." was the terse of the lJrltlsli war office. The Germans were not forced back without a gallant fight. Time and MK"in the Teutons hurled themselves at the oncoming foes. Hut their counter- In vain. The I!rltlnh am French fame on. Thousands of prison ers were taken. The Infantry attacks were made un dtr one of Ihe most violent of burrnue Ires. For a we-- the allies had shelled the Gorman lines. Just before dawn Tuesdny, under cover of a heavy rert fog. Ihe allies pressed on. The attack by the French and Urltlsh was simultaneous. The ltrltish took the first German Hue In the Vpres relon. The troops are consolidating their ground prepara tory to a new danh. Artillery Is being moved forward rapidly to aid the In funtry. The British tanks are doing their part. Counter-attac- , after k counter-attac- k was launched. Each was repulsed with heavy losses to the Teutons, aecording to the latest messages from the front. The Germans poured a deadly machine gun fire on the advancing At first It was feeble and horde erratic Then It became more ac curate. MAY CHECK SUBMARINES. 1 Base en North Sea Can Be Stamped Out. as Washington. The British-Frencsault on the German light flank has made a profound Impression here be cause. In the lodgment of many Am erica n army officers, It Is directed at the most vulnerable point n the en tire German front. Complete success for the allies, sweeping the German Una back from the sea along the entire Ilelglan coast, would be an Immediate answer to the warfare. The main North sea bases for operations would be stamped out. Behind that achievement then would stand the pooslbllltv that the entire German line In France could be endangered by a flank attack. Believed AND LIQUOR HOUSES DISPOSE OF 8TOCKS ON LAST DAY. London. One of the biggest offerv Tves of the war alined apparently to drive the Germans from the Belgian roust, was luunched by the allied on French force and British the Flanders front on July 31. In ter rific smashes, the troops of Field Mar-ehHuig hurled buck Crown Trine 1 SALOONS it h Second Lean In Seotember. Washington. The first step toward financing the second Installment of the ws taken by the treasliberty ury Tuesday with the offering of (itfi.reo n treasury certificates of The general Impression hire Is that the loan will be offered In Kcpietiilw-- r and thst It will be for a total of H.Oon.Otm.ffliO, ln Pests Offered Student Officers. men at the Washington. The !". fflrers' training camps who will not receive commiwilons or tx selected for farther training at the second series of camps are to be offered appointments officers in the as nstlonal army, with chances of promotion later to commissions. UTAH ASSURES VICTORY IH STATE OF UTAH GERMAN THIRD DEFENSE LINE IN FLANDERS CAPTURED BRITONS AND FRENCH. EGII LIOUORE AC SMASH NG F GOD CONSERVATION AMERICA WILL WIN WAR, DE CLARES HOOVER, BECAUSE OF SUPERIOR RESOURCES. Scenes of Revelry as Bars and Cafes Voluntary Household Economy and Organization in Advance of of Leg Play Host for Last Time. Hearty Islatlon Insures Final Success of of Advocates State Rejoicing for the Allies. Wide Prohibition. Salt I.uke City. John Barleycorn was baultilied from Utah ut midnight on July 31. At least Intoxicants cau over the bar, no longer be and It remains r" be Been whether the bootlegger wll. have any success In supplying the populace with his wures. Utah Is now In the dry column and the saloons of the state have been closed, apparently for all time. It was amid a strange mixture of Bacchanullun revelry, hearty rejoicing and subdued regret, Utah stepped Into the dry column at 12 o'clock Tuesday night, nnd foriunlly bid good-by- e to King Alcohol. Hearty rejoicing came from those who huve buttled for many years under the ermine standard. The orgy one such us Suit Luke, at least, has never witnessed, was provided by John Burleycorn's many hosts. Subdued regret came from those who huve Indulged his use with temperance, Iu Suit Lake all saloons were crowded, except such us Bold out their stock early und these closed their doors before the filial hour. It was observed generally that men who have not frequented saloons in years at least were out to give them a final "once over," and It may be said above a whisper, In a few In stances, that men who never had tasted liquor gave tlie "cup thu cheers" Just n little visit Tuesday night Just enough to bid a "proper" farewell. It Is said that many of the bartend era In Salt Luke who will go out of the liquor business with the beginning of prqhlhltlon In I' J ah have already pooled In the piychuse of a lot of farm land in San Juan county. They ex pect good profits from the venture, Some of the saloon proprietors said Tuesday that they will give careful consideration to the future of the soft drluk and Uquorless cabaret venture. If they find no opiortunlty for Invest ment In such enterprises they expect to go Into the real estate business and to follow innumerable new lines ol business. who were ' scattered Policemen through the saloon district declared after niidulght that the closing bad been less riotous than expected, al though there were instances where In toxication or the carnival spirit car rled celebrants too far. Arrests for Intoxication were comparatively few lo Salt Lake and In general the tall of the dying ttoose dragon waa leas vio lent than expected. To the Joyous pealing of church bells, Ogden'a so loons were closed at 8 o'clock at night, in some Instance after police persuasion, tired bartend ers bustled off to bed and the proprietor counted the swollen receipt of the last day. Belief of some saloon keepers that they could violate the 0 o'clock closing the last night and escape prosecution was unfounded. Police were on the Job when the Southern I'aclfle siren gave an extra long blast at 0. Host salooninen declare they were glad that the hour bad approached for tbeir establishments had been mad bouses for three days and were more noisy and crowded Tuesdny night. Although hundreds of drunks were thrust Into the street when the cl ng hour came, disturbances were few. Ogden went dry comparatively cheer ful, the thousands who promenaded the streets being hilariously good oapure-buse- tared, Washington. America will win th war, Herbert Hoover declared in Statement Saturday, becuuse of Its su peiinr resources and through the abil ity of the American people to organize, The success, already evident, of the tuition's voluntary food conservation effort, Mr. Hoover said, points to a flnul victory. "Germany accomplished less In this direction In twelve months," said Mr, Hoover, "than our people have In four, The only need of legislation and au thorlty is to curb those who would profit by this voluntary movement.' More than two million women, Mr. Hoover announced, have enrolled bs members of the food administration and pledged themselves to follow Its directions as to saving food within the household. Within sixty Clays, lie snld many more millions will have become members. Success Question of Resources. "No one 'can rightly be gloomy over the outcome for the American people In this war," said Mr. Hoover. "Suc cess In this war Is a question of resources and the will and ability of the people to organize themselves to use thein rightly and to endure. Many thinking Americana and the whole world hits been watching anxiously the last four months in the feiir that dem ocratic America could not organize to meet autocratic Germany. Germany has been confident that it could not be done. "Contrary proof Is immediately at our door and our people have already demonstrated their ability to mobilise, organize, endure and prepare voluntarily and efficiently In many directions and upon a mere word of Inspiration, aside from the remarkable assemblage of our army and finances. "We entered the war four months ago and It was announced by the president that one of the great problems of the war would be food. There has been no consequential national or lo cal legislation, yet the greatest spon taneous volunteer effort ever made In history has not only provided us with a larger stock of food supply as a re sult of patriotic planting in every quarter, but waste Is being eliminated out of every crack and cranyiy of our homes and of our Industries, and this Is being done without compulsion of the law, but by spontaneous effort and of the people. "Our present prospects indicate an Increase of production of cereals by 8T0.000.000 bushels. literally millions of new gardens have been planted or extended everywhere. We have the largest supply of vegetables ever In our history. self-deni- UTAH ENTERS DRY COLUMN. Leaders Say Prohibition Will Bring an Era of Prosperity. Salt Lake City. The state of Utah went into the dry column on Augast 1, The saloon now exists only In memory. Business men are confident that Instead of a period of depression as the result of the banishment of John Bar leycorn, prosperity will come along with prohibition. Much of the saloon property has already been rented for other business ventures, and many of those engaged In the liquor traffic have entered other fields of endeavor. Bankers. In close touch with every phase of business life, declare Uiey feel no misgivings fur the future, but. on the other hand, are certain prohibition would be Iwncllcial. Shortly after the closing hour some RUSSIAN FRONTIER CLOSED. of the former saloon owners had men at work tearing out partitions and Plan to Shut Out Suspects and Prevent moving bars preparatory to oening as Escape of Spies. soft drinks establishments and billiard halls. I'etrograd. The provisional govern The largest crowd that ever turned ment. In view of the existing circumout at any celebration or event In the stances, has Issued a decree closing War Tssation Increased. history of Itinchnm witnessed the pit sa the frontiers of Itussia until August war Iterlslun the of Washington. ng of John r.iirlcycorn and his kith !.". Inclusive, both for persons desir as so to inrrena t' totnl frm snd fs bill saloons closed ing to enter snd those wishing to kin. The thlrty-fif 1.fi70.nnn.r" to about sz.fssi.fssi.tssi their doors at 10 p. in. leave the country. The only excepmainly by additional lerles on lntnj. towns In Utah In here n tions will ! fiersons holding dipb rsnts and on persons! sn1 corporation loons other and had been permitted to operate. malic pHSsMirts diplomat!' Incomes has been nWMed on by Ihe the found the saloon men courier. closing day senate finance committee. to close the frontiers The decision generally prepared for closing down Is due to a desire to shot out heir plsres of business. Gallup Deports I. W. W. Member. snd undesirables who sre flockof Gallop. N. M. The cwi-i"Dry" Csbsrets for Ogden. the ing Info Hussla. and to prevent of McKinley o.mtty Tu"dy of ihe plesstire of dejMirfnre of many spies and criminals fieprlved Ogden. tilcht deported thirfytwr, men said to cabaret life by reason of the stem city iiol at large whom the government de- te mem tiers of Ihe Indjtr;l Work-er- s ordinances snd the temper of the In sir'- - (o arrest. of the World. habitants, arc light athletes of Ogden soon may disport In "dry" rathskellers, Trnc Goes Scot Free. Cuban Mayer Assassinated. nnder the gentle stimulus proPari. dancing I'urtng the week ending mid rtsvsns. Acting Mfiyrr Hofnrlc duced and night Juiy 2" not a single French vesJuice highballs by grae Gtierra of Cietifnegna was nlnfltpd cocktails of nonintoxlratlng Ingredi- sel, either over, or under lost tons. a be enterd bis home. The ents, Two snd possible three local was lost. Six French tner hariimeii fired fire shots, sll of which took ef- cafe during proprietors plan to give the "dry" were sttscked fect, and ecsjeil. that time by submarines. cabaret gnme a try out. First Arrests Under New Law. Belgians to Come to Oregon. Big Horse Mart for Ogden. Halt tlty. Hfteen mliintps f. Paletn. Ore. Several thousand ref will have one of This ty Ogden. er I'tsb went dry. two women snd mie the lartfest horse markets In the west Ogee Belgian families will be brought lull nndrr lnsn landel In the cftr when the Union Stockyards rumps ny to Oregon from Holland soon for colf lisrees of drnnkenness. They sre tiie f Ogden completes Its new nnlt cover- onization purpose. It announced by first perwifis arreted In Kslt Lake r.g r'.x sTes. This unit will lie placed a representative of a Belgian rolotilthe new prohibition law. at the diHiul of the Mgfien Sales com- - at Ion concern. ny, whit h already has Isirgij faclll- Threatened John O. Tetanus Bacilli in Court Plaster. les for handling horse. From five to f New, Tork. Acctiw making fifteen carloads of horses are s!iirwd Court plaster ssld to Wsshington. the lives t,T J. p. Morthrests distributed by Oerman sym tbe local horse sales coin- - have by laily gan, John I t. Jl'i k f( iier si od bis son, pany, t. lii Ii tins Jn a con- pathizers bss been found on rhcmksl Jot.n t. fiK k feller. Jr.. a msn. whe tract wlrli the United ompleted analysis bj the desrfment of justice govern-mi,Staff a nntiirsl-leso'd be wns f ;ri Koodlnm-rertn. Hamples should be to contain tetsnu 'n,p ,,.tftiy-nwat arrested T' I;it. weeks. were obtained frtn different sections. completed nithin the next e sus-pec- 's l rie-fn- e unu-cefiill- - on-0- r I - STATE HEWS District. Judge, Filth Judicial District D. H. Morris, , Attorney Orii Murdock. W. L. Cook. Stenographer $tata Senator Daa Stevena. State Representative Orson Caxler. u. 8. Expert in Charge Experiment Station Mr. Jones. County. County Commissioner J. W. 'Whit- Oscar mora, Andrus, P. J. Bonner. County Clerk Will L. Hoyt Recorder Thomas Bailey. Treasurer T. H. O. Parkes. Assessor Charles H&ynea. When the motorcycle be was riding collided with an automobile, Benjamin H. Newman, aged 27, wua seriously injured at Ogden. During the past few weeks nearly 8,000 head of horses have been purchased In Ogden by the United Slates army commission. In the selective draft, three brothers In one Utuh family were drawn. They are Itonuld, Loran and Stanley Jar-et- t, all of Nepld. With appropriate ceremonies, the $80,000 pumping plunt project which was recently completed ut Lewlston wus opened lust week. As the result of Injuries received In, an automobile accident lieur Center-villWllilum Thud Home, aged 18, of Ogden, died last week. According to an announcement by MnJ. W. G. Williums, except In a very few cases no further enlistments will be accepted for the Utah First light t. r s . - to Bryan-Survey- or Sheriff Dan Martin. Superintendent of County Infirmary Thomas Vickers. AST MUNICIPAL FICERS. COUNTY LEVAN TOWN. . . Dr. J. G. IRONS VETERINARIAN :: NEPHI UTAH Graduate Veterinary College UniTeriity of Pennsylvania PHONE 117 mtioii EAST COUNTY PRECINCT OFFI- I Livery and Feed Stable We hteeta Ail Trains. Ooad Lsrery Rigs. Dray and Bapraaa Wagons. t OoaL for Phone Us. No. Apiti Mona. D. O. Young. Health Officer N. W. Ellsrtson. Nephl. Justice J. R, Black. Constable H. T. Knowles. Health Officer Dr. T. D. Rees. Jostlce 4-- H D.COLMBKOVCH. Ltvan. riiMN Dr. Charles Dunn E. W. Peterson. Constable Richard Iverson. Jsstlce dentist Modern Woodmen of America No. meets every Tuesday evening No. 3 It Woodman ball Visiting Woodmen Phone Post Office 10,700, CHARLES STEPHENSON. ConsuL J. H, LATIMER, Clerk. Thos. H. Burton F. No. IS meets every Sav arday evening la L O. O. F. halt VisAttorney at Law it! eg brothers cordially Invited to atPublic tend. Offloa la Rooms 1 and HERBERT ROBERTS. N. O. JOHN S. COOPER. Secretary. L O. O. SAINTS' MEETINGS. LATTER-DA- L Nerjjhi BUg loomed. South ward at High School building; Nephl ward at Tabernacle; North ward at meeting bouse. M. I. A. undsy, 7 P tn. South Ward High School building; Nephl ward at Tabernacle; North ward at meeting house. Primary South ward every Tues day at Tabernacle; Nepbl every Frl-- j .vortn ward at flay at Taaernacie; meeting house every Friday. Priesthood meeting every Monday evening at the Tabernacle and North aad South ward meeting housea. Relief Society South ward first and third Thursday In each month at 2 p. tn. Nephl ward first and third North Wednesdsy la esrh month. wsrd first and third Thursday tn each month, at respective meeting bouses. ....... o PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ., Notary 2 Bldg. DENTIST Office Rnrni Nos. 8 and 7, Veolc Theatre Building. Pbona No. 123-- J Dr. D. O. Miner. Pbysician & Surgeon. office Phone 64. Res. Phone 2. Office 4 & 5 Venice Building. THE Palace Barber Shop Winn Building Everything New and Sunday school at 10:10. 0l'er Dr. J. A. BOOTH ftaaday School. 10: SO. Main itrel Un-to-d- Plrat Claaa Work "H Courteona Treatment to all Vho BuiWa WUcly SI.I.S BuiMi Well" TO BUILD USE ..(St la nmffOZ iT0ILAf JsDli ROBERT LOMAX Proprietor' A- r- tm SALT WELL Ncphi Plaster I AH Fine Watch, Clocks, Jewelry, and Spectacle Repairing. Has No Equtvl Good Work Guaranteed The Largest tad Purest natural deposit of Gypsum ia th World. 1 E. L. Boucher Leading Jewelry Store hpM Piasler & Mfg. Co, . Nepni, Utah rw Nephi General P. O. Box 297 2). Nicely equipped, Stesm I lested. Giving a uniform temperature. HOSPITAL "1 think wo. f know thst every time I spoke to him the auto tried to climb a tree or Jump a fence.' BKive, !3! Business bain; run on enables us to sell at vesjk reasonable prices. Courteous Treatment to all City Barber Shop your to keep p with your neighbors? Mrs. I".. If wa can t, my dear, wall Refrigerator up-to-d- ate Diseases of domestic animals treated Trustees M. W. Mangelson, S. P. Taylor, Alex Peterson. George Nellson. Marshal Nells Mortenson. Juitica of the Peace Neils Schow. Health Officer Henry Hendrlckson. Juab District Board of Education oTtwraoca rmzMmmn an I. H. Grace, President; Lorenzo Manire gelson, Vice President; A. P. Paxman, A. NIELSON. Proprietor Clerk; J. II. Lunt, Treasurer and Jo- Two Doors South of Lunts' Pharmacy seph Newton. Itr Whoa! Kinds of Home Cured and Fresh Meats President Board of Trustees Alma A Sure Sign, "So he took yon out auto riding the other evening "Tea, whst of Tin yoa think he la la love with Iw yon think you'll b able GEORGE GARRETT. Pnptietot Dalby. i-- Mr. B. City Meat Co. al CERS. r E. R. Forrest, Prop. Kept in Mayor Alma Hague. A. Councilmen II. Belllston, Thomas Bailey, James Garrett, Jr., Mark Bigler, George O. Ostler. Recorder A. V. Gadd. Treasurer J. H. Latimer. Attorney T. H. Burton-MarshSamuel Linton, Jr. Justice of the Peace Wm. Stout Street Supervisor Jas. B. Riches. Quarantine Physician Dr. T. D. Rees. Building Inspector I. H. Grace. Chief of Fire Department N. A. Keilson. Superintendent of Water Works A. S. Gowers. Members of Board of Health Dr. T D. Rees, Alonzo Ingram, Wm. O. Orme. Sexton C. E. Bigler. leg. The annual camp fire of the Indian war veterans of Utah county will be held In the big grove at Salem this year on August 21. A speciul program of events Is being prepared for the occasion. A successful and Instructive pilgrimage to the Uintah basin has Just been completed by about fifty business men of Salt Lake City, In order to Inspect with and become better acquainted the towns and farms of that section. Itlchard Shivers, aged oo, is in a serious condition In an Ogden hospital as the result of the overturning of au automobile, bis bead being crushed under the weight of the machine. A companion was slightly Injured. Jtohert Wilson, aged 13. who fell down a shaft while walking along a tunnel In a Deep Creek mine In company with his cousin, fracturing his Lok, hospital. In skull, died in a spite of everything that could be done by ihe best surgeons. tast week city attorneys from dif ferent part of the state met with Dan K Shields, state attorney general, at the capltol. to frame a model prohlbl tlon ordinance, wh'ch It Is planned to recommend for passsge In every city and town of the state. When the National Food Conservation commission placd the average Utah family at six. they reckoned somewhat low, according to the stste committee. woman's" conservation which, in sending out cards, fouad that It required five to the family to go around. Four hundred acres of beets In the Ielta district hsve been thinned by The crop would have been a boys. dead loss unless the boys had performed thst service. The good work done by these young volunteers means a saving to the couatry of 1.2i0.(n pounds of sugar. It Is announced that land owners on the Utah lake have derided to fight the farmer of Salt Lake county, snd unless wster condition In the lake region sre remedied, without delay, sluts will be filed against the Salt Ijtke county canal comtmnle and of crops heavy damare for the b will be asked. It may be found nerssnry In ad e In the dition to dismissing higher grade of the public schools of Welter county to obtnin bnrvet hsnd. In to close business establishments Ogden when the crisis Is reached. In order fh;if the binner rroj In the Vicinity of Ogden may be harvested or packed sway for future ne. A csn-n1gSgidnst predatory animal will Ih waged In Utah by the stale livestock commis sion snd the federal government, the Mm livestock, raisers of !be state le- ing requested by th" state livestock commission to report on the number of stilinal killed on their profierty by and cats. cyote. wolves. ! Large Shady Lawo OF- NEPHI CITY OFFICERS. Lewis Shepard, nged 8, while playing around a steel elevutor at Kays-vllle- ,' fell Into the elevutor and sustained Injuries which resulted In bis death. The tax levy for Murray for 1017 will be 7 mills, that of Mldvale 10 mills, Sandy 12 mills, aud Blnghum 4 mills. In addition to the state aud county levy. The cunners will not pay to exceed $15 a ton to apricot growers of Weber county this year, it Is announced, although they bi'd agreed to pay f.'tj a ton before the season ojieiied. The farmers of I'liyson, Salem nnd Benjamin are planning a drainage project embracing the reclaiming of more than 10,000 acres of the best land In the south end of Utah county. According to a decision of the Weber county board of education, the county consolidated schools will begin the fall term October 1, or about one week later than the usual time for opening. Nick ruppagianis, a Greek resident of Mldvale, was run down by an automobile on the state road near Mldvale, one day last week, sustaining n fracture of both bones In the right Home of the Traveling Men Good Meals Good Beds AD e, Xf Net door Is the t c W. A. C. V. E. Ekloff. Attorney Hotel Forrest Z Ms M to J u. mtim .1 m gKl SMidni Forrefl I Jot Ida Linton, . Supt. Prices, $12.00 lo 20. ft week. J L |