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Show THE NEPHI. UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S. THE MAN WITHOUT A (COUNTRY) GARDEN JUVT A MINUTE Ifiu sy 1ht if ar pwmae ALL TWBw BilL. feuow aers it mr m Tin vvoolo 1 r , -- 1 rW J3 WOMEN OF RUSSIANS RETREAT i.'ilDDLE AGE ACOS S THEBORDER Mrs. Qulnn's Ejcperienca Ought to Help You Over the Critical Period. LOYAL TROOPS COMPELLED TO GIVE GROUND BEFORE STRONGER PORCES. Lowell. Mass. "For the last three) years I have been troubled with the IIIIIIMILMIIIIIIIl Lhange of Life and uie Dad reeling French Troops In the Aisne Region Have Turned in Vicious Counterattacks Against the Army of the , German Crown Prince. T J- vg. .t '.J Having retreated a dlstauce of approximately loo miles from where Kerensky, the iron man of Russia, curried them lu bis personally conducted (hive early lu the present month, the Husaiuu uriny on the center of the line la east Gullcia Is agulu on Kusslun soli on both sides of Muslutyn, and Is still being followed by the forces of the Teutonic ulllea. Likewise the armies to the north and south continue to full back before the enemy. Wherever the faithful troops attempt to give buttle they are by numerically stronger forces of the Teutons uud compelled to give ground, receiving no assistance froiy their recalcitrant former brothers-inarmwhose main effort continues to be to get out of striking distance of the enemy. Evidently the preparations for the "blood and Iron" policy of the government ogulnst the dissuffected troops shortly will be put Into full force, for Minister of War Kerensky Is on his way to the Itusslan headquarters. there to confer wifli the military leaders to formulate plans to stay the retreat and compel the troops to stund and face the foe as the Ilussluns In the southern Carpathian region nre doing. Down along this hitter front the Russians, aided by the Itumalnluns, contiuue to force the Teutonic allies to cede ground, especially In the upper I'uttm valley. French troops la the Aisne region have turned lu vicious counter-attack- s against the army of the German crown prince, put down an offensive it had started between Hurteblse and La Ho vello, and made good gains against It all along the line. Several attacks by the Germans In the Verdun sector were repulsed. The progress In Flan ders for more than a week continues unabated. Ia the air the machines of Great Britain and Germany are carrying out maneuvers never before seen. As an indication of the Intensity of these aerial combats, thirty German airplanes were accounted for in the latest fighting. In addition to two observation balloons. The British war office ad mits that thirteen of the royal air i squadron failed to return to their bases. The German war office asserts. British planes however, that thirty-fiv- e were shot down. hur-russ- OPE OF SHORT WAR ALLIES WILL FIGHT DASRED Uiut Uio luilliury of the centrul powers Insteud ul ilucreiiKliij; lias IncrvuNt-U- , while tlml Bet. mWr a of I'ruiicu bus viKlhly dluiiuUhed. jointly as to be of minor Interest. Dur-Hiiyn lliu Uitujuu peopltt bun ranco I'rusHlan war there wer only 000 wound by cold steel piuiiiiy niiiiDUiiieU lis rvudluotis for unj t'lprvMti's the hope that com among 98.000 wounded. Grenades, pi'utu tkrowa by hand, rifle and trench mor- inou m'Iihu uud u biuiere Uelre fur the will ussert tar, revival In late ware of an earlier cvskttUou oflu lioslUilles the ruuks of Cierutuuy'k practice, recently have been used to conspicuous extent In Flanders and aiivciwirlc. Fraac. Their wounds differ In no HARRISON GRAY OTIS DEAD snaterfal particular from those of shell fragments and subterranean mines." Los Angelea Times Publisher Suc cumbs to Attack of Heart Failure, FACE DEATH TO AID WOUNDED Los Angeles. Ueiicral Hurrisou (jruy . fetren. Ambulance Men and Nurse and general umuuKer of Otis, the Lo AiiKdes Times, died Mouduy Oisplay Great Bravery In Work n the Firing Line. at Uie home here of his Harry Chuudlor. Ills iTvalh was due One of the splendid page of thle to heart fullure. var history will be written In letters Ills first venture as a newspaper mt gold on the scroll of what physl-elanpubluher was lu Marietta, O., where ambulance men and nurses have he acquired a sum 11 plant la lStiS. mtmm. IJeuC Harold Teat, a CanaLater he came to California, where he dian who has seen two years of nrf-Ic- e editor and publisher of Uie en the French front, told aubuula liarbura 1'rcM In diences la Indlanapolla that l7'4 per He acquired a fourth Inien-n- t la the cent of the wounded men are esTed, Los Angeles Times In 1SS2 and four and many of them are made so y years later organized the Times-Mirro- r Bt that they caa return to the company, of w hich be became presitrlng line. It I not alone because of dent aud general inumtecr. tbe perfection of sure cry that this re-o-lt la possible. It la more because Prizes for Canned Vegetables. mt the bravery and the sacrifice of To attmulate interest WaHtilnfiton. and their helpers. In the nation-widcanning campaign In tbe early stages of the war, when the national emergency food Burden the dressing ststlons and the tempo-var- y commlKNion hns aiinounecd that It hnpttal were farther removed in prlr.es for the $: from the front, and out of the ranee woulden give tilled Vegetables shown at town bet mt enemy guns, observed physicians exhibit and at county find state fairs Ourl large number of soldiers were In September nnd IVtolier dying who, with. Irnmedlnt attention, umld Lave been saved. Many of them Mitchel Again Candidate. hied to death before they resetted the New York. Mayor Milbel will be was stations. one There dressing only blniwlf thin to be V,ne, The surgeon and come a candidate to as chief the fir tbe ceiitlve city's tfcrtr assistants, guided only by a sense ember prl- year In the f the hlth duly of their calling, did liet four won minnmiceii .iiiinay. imiries. If rfcst thSfg. They moved forward, establishing tiresstng stations In and ImGEN. JAM SMUTS mediately bt !nd the lines end In some l prt-aiUf- aou-ln-lu- s, com-Mel- sur-reo- e tir-i-- !(! atB-- ertlr,(f their horpitals a in range of the enemy 3 with- f re. t New Mine Sleeping Device. A aaliie sweeping divide, calculated to tack up and ssfely bring to aurfare say mine that hay be In the pnth of veswia, Is now being sttnhj to a amtef of shii prot--dinthrough It Is atthe wst-- rs of the war tached to the bows and hn let r mi aor ri!-- d I'nJ"ontin ejtcn'ls i ie o: elth 4osea fet tbe ef.ip. If a nine Is eri'vtgritfrod, II U picVed p iir.d broutt to the sar iwfe di'stfir.'-- e frnn the vesface at tn. nre sel. Where They Mae Anchors The nrhef dws fct at ell Its fsn.liiar pre!prer, tmt U Pttr-lth bull arrJ "Vot )nm tanlexd of having a iatk, and I made ef a very rtmng cat M't f ffc stk hnrn made In the l"nitl eovoe frrrm tbe vlfluiry of 7ieter. Ta. to be TTx which Is Mpp-ls target la tbe world, weighs ten rmt!e d ti. Stei v Jv.'' - T RUSSIA vRMY AUTHORITIES RECOGNIZE THAT MONTHS MUST ELAPSE BEFORE VICTORY CAN COME DECIDE NOT TO LAY DOWN ARMS UNTIL CENTRAL EMPIRES HAVE BEEN DEFEATED. baslan Collapse Will Release German Forces to Bolster Up Teuton Line Ion Western Front, Where Ameri- can Troopa Are to Be Engaged. United In Defense of People's Rights and Determined to Render Impossible Return of Criminal Aggression of Which Germany la Guilty. KaKhlneton. No attempt Is made 'e to minimize the serlousneas of situation In tbe war theatres in ope. The United Stntes U lu the r and will go through with It; but any hope of a short struggle has gone glimmering with the apparent almost complete collapse of the Kusslutt war machine. The development was not unexpect ed by many army officers. When the offensive of July 1 was started by the IluHslan forces, the most frequent comment heard here was that It was probably the using kick of the old Russian machine. For the Cnlted States the Russian collapse may have an immediate and direct bearing. It will. If the German general staff presses Its advantage, release additional German forces to bolster up the western front, where the American troops are to be engaged. The German line in the west baa not been seriously Impaired at any point. officials here believe. Germans Improve Weakest Front. It has been noted. In fact, that the one strategic advantage gained la recent fighting was gained by the Ger mans. Many officers here believe that when a small sector of the British line In Ilelglum was overwhelmed the Germans Improved their weakest front materially. That view Is based on opinion that the only hope of decisive attainments for the allies in the west lies In rolling up the German light flank where It reaches the sea la Ilel- Paris. The allied powers, on July 2Cth, concluded their conference after announcing n decision to continue the war until the object for which they are fighting la attained. Their declaration, which was made unanimously before aeparartng, reads "The allied powers, more closely united than ever for the defense of the people's rights, particularly in the Balkan peninsula, are resolved not to lay down arms until they have attained tbe end which la their eye dominates all others to render Impossible a return of the crlmlnnl aggression such as that whereof tbe central em plres bear tbe responsbllty." There waa unanimous agreement on all declsons reached during the meet Ings. The minister of the depart ments affected will meet in London to draw up the executive measure. Withdraw Troops From Greece. The following announcement respect ing the decision of the allies concern' Ing Greek territory now occupied by their military forces waa publUhed Friday. "France, Great TSrltan and Italy, simultaneously and as soon as possible will end the occupations they have been obliged to make la ancient Greece, Thessaly and Epirus, Military occupation of the triangle formed by the SanU Quaranta road and the Fplrus frontier will be maintained provisionally as a measure of security. Italy and Greece to agree as regards of the civil adminis tration under a commlssitmer ap pointed by Greece. France, Great Brit aln and Italy will preserve during the war a naval and military base on the Island of Corfu, the Island under the sovereignty of Greece." glum. If that could be done. It Is argued that the bases could be stamped out and the only offensive Instrument of the Germans be eliminated entirely or made Ineffective. It would nij n l re combined army and for It would be necesnaty sary to forre a landing behind the Ger man line and force the whole right flank biirk from the sea as a result. The price of sm h a victory agalnM the V I ion ts and German shore batteries probably would be appalling, and tie-rIs nothing to Indicate that the effort I being (wrlomdy considered. Allies Can Hold Line. Ileports from I'ranee, official and unofficial, so far as known, give no cheering picture of what niu-- t be done. There li; xnr tio doubt that the allied line can stand ag:iint any force Ger-- , many can bring against It. Kten the Itiiosliiii disaster does not affect that situation. lint to gnthcr the for a successful ort, nive will inke lime and ample sea transports- tloti fncllltiis If tbe United States i j r ii r I to furnish t!ie of men, airphme. liiiiiiitioiis find food. The trh Jiilon problems before on bind nnd the United States. ea, are constantly Increasing In scojie. It seems fertnin that wlmle railroad st-iiwill have to be set up in France to give ib American line1 the flow of viir materials and men that It fn UHt have to pr'ss home nu attiirk. e wtt- - ctlr ht be h f hard without being sirrecl- "Hrebbe tet." M- .- he's like tbe ve. V BoWfKl." a!-y- s - ft with a b4 sin harder be works, the worse Inside lit crr"at"". Flrvt r.snk 11retfir Our caMef bslf a .i:!l'Ti In "tbe bs irird atrwt- - eermd I'.ahk sno I , FtrM Fr,k fl reHor IWretor II w do yot I'm hii broker very nervous condition, with headaches and pain a good deal of the time so I waa unfit to do my work. A friend asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham'n Vegetable Com pound, which I did. and it has helped me ia every Wy. I am not nearly co nervous, no headache or pain. I must say that Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound is tha best remedy any sick woman can take. " Mrs. Margaret QrmN, Rear 259 Worthen St., Lowell, Mass. Other warning' symptoms are a sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, ' irregularities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness, inquietude, and dizziness. If you need special advice, write to the Lydia K. Finkham Medicine Co, (conflduntiaJ), Lynn. Mass. "SKY LINE" LOGGING LATEST Modern Methoda of Western Camps Said to Be Cheaper and More Efficient Than the Old Waya. In the logging enmps of Oregon and Washington a "skyline" method of logging Is proving much cheaper and more efficient than the former method of dragging out logs from the forest by a donkey engine and cublea operating on the ground, says Popular Mechanics Magaxlne. The sky-lin- e plan Is to run a cable through blocks or pulleys suspended at a great height on giant trees, so as to form a sort of trolley tine by which the logs ere hoisted Into the air and then hauled over the tops of ordinary trees and other obstructions to the roll way, where they are loaded aboard freight cars for shipment. Tho donkey engine which operates the skyline has five drums. Including two for mnin lines and two for trip lines. The top cable, from which the log Is suspended. Is one of the main lines, while tbe other Is used to haul the log. In operation the top c&iM U lowered with Its block, or trolley,' directly over the log to be picked up; it Is then pulled taut, raising the log with It by means of a "choker." or teel tongs. In the air a log can, of course, be moved much faster than on the ground. WOMEN PITTED AGAINST WOMEN ", dust-filterin- fJ-Vlr- EIGHT PERISH IN FOREST FIRE. ; 1 Ith i The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and hesL Resides Men and Teams Trapped) In Lumber emolthese fragrant, super-cream- y When Breaks Out. Fire Camp lients prevent little skin troubles Fertile, R. C Eight men are known serious by keeping the pores lo have p"rlbed and a number are free from obstruction. Nothing bettef In a Pre the that swept missing Kprwe at any prlee for alt toilet purposes. River valley, fifteen miles northeast of Free each by mail with Honk. men Addressssmple ere, Pit winy afternoon. Sixty-odCutlcura. IepL L, nd alwitit twenty teams were trspjwd Boston. postcard, Sold everywhere. Adv. n a camti of the Elk Lumber company. ittiated In a blind valley, and their t2 tiit Every Minute. flight over the mountain was most difThe finiiuiil death rate of the human ficult. race Is &1.'UM. That's fil.fss a every hour. CJ every min day, SUCCUMBS TO GRIEF. ute. One half of the human race die Mother Follows to Grave Deformed before they are slitceu years old; of the human race die before Babe Doctor Refused to Save. are five year old. The average Chicago The death of I'.sby Rob they of a human Mfe Is thirty threo nger, the hopelessly deformed in length and one third years. Not one man or a life refused stuiw to fant, physician save In November, 1S 15. Is believed lo one woman In a million lives to be sve been responsible for tbe death one bnndred years old. Rut don't let ulv 2I of Mrs. Anna Roll infer, tbe this discourage you fromas taking aa If It were good care of yonr health aby's mother. "After tbe bsby s delh. said Allen a new motorcar. Bollinger, "my wife fell Into settled Misunderstood1. melancholy and wasted away. If erer Officer Net a breathing eercts4s. a woman died of a broken heart, she Inhale t did." fftident (fumbling In pockets) Got light Chlcagoane Sweltering. Chicago. Kundsy was the hottest Time Improves everything but worn-rday of the year In Chicago, the therthey, of course, have ben perfect' mometer registering tH degrees between 3 and 4 o'clock Sunday after- from the beginning. No prof rations were reported noon. CirtoiiiietJ Eyelids, hour at night. op to a tyee irflsmed by e.ro! eure to ass, mm ni isi Fell Under Train. gw k i relieved bv tsrtae Pana. Ill, The msngle-- body of an Nolmi ftaVvl,. f'Kind Unknown fnstj fiinday tre CnmiWf At morning along the rlirht of way nf tbe Prrifrt w bv mail Jft per rVwtle, laHc A l.nstern luinMs Cbicf-prsilnsy at rveslvsrTr2te. tot Bek et fht fre Ibe ifv limi's of l'sna. Ito'h legs f ICC stk Herhw tys tea-- ; tslctts were nt o?T st the bips. one-quart- er i Tm ..TV Friend of Actors D.es. Rochester, N. V. iHdlon N. Itewey, for tunny Jears mnsnger of tbe k'Vrli and a friend of most of tbe Gen. Jan Christian &muta, tne min- great actors and sieaers of the last ister of finance and defense of the third f a Mlcheelia. whs has liil Monday at Dr. Oeoroe E.Bethmann-Hollwe'South African Union government, who the home ofcentury, as bis here III bis succeeded Von s'sfer "Is new in England. sity-setentImperial chancellor of Germany. year. Standard Oil Magnate Suicides. The Making of 20,000 Officers. Will Establish Censorthip Bureau. tmklsnd. t'sl !. G. FcoffeM. former Washington. A central censorship Washington. War department offipresident nf tbe P'tiftdnrd KI company bureau, whiih will handle all Informa- cials are preparing to lstie commischair- tion and news of a military of California, arid more character, sions to successful candidates at fh man of the iKisrd of director, shot is to be etab!ihil within a ac- officers" training camps promptly on and fci'ib'd hmef Monday. Grief over cording to well authenticated the closing of tbe first series of camp reports Ms wife's de?th wss the run.. here Sunday. August 15. Pleads Irish Cause, C. V S. Shopmen's Strike Settled. Badges for Farmer's Sons. Wa'binc'on. A i'rn for trib Farmers' sons who Ivover. A s!rike of alxmt 2.VI shop, Washington. ws f,.sd In the h'oioe have fbown their tm-triotim by remainemployed by tbe Colorado A XI r. J. l!oreentatlve M'laugb-l!- ing on the farm nay be r"vmrl-- l Southern railroad was settled Friday f.f I'eMi'i :toni. bo has a reo-1-i'i'- with tbe federal badee of honor of the at a conference of officials recogrii'inn of th United States bojs' working r serve. It and employees. The im-- returned te tjt Iri-- b ns Ion. IS announced. work Saturday morning. Ilos-toninn- s HI. g h Effort. thata common at time. I waa in f, d A '"A A Philadelphia Idea. Russian Heroines Surprised at Finding Music and cleaning the parlor have never been very closely associated. Amazons Among Prisoners. When tha Russian Wheo the housewife wants to play the I'etrograd. women's battalion, known officially as piano she generally waits until she the "Command of Death," went into has cleaned the parlor, taken a bath action against the Germans near Smer and dressed herself In party clothes. gon July they raptured a number Now a I'hlladelpblan has patented a attachment which can be of women from whom it was learned and the for the first time that German women attached to the player-piano- , also were fighting ou the battlefront ordinary housewife can now seat herself at the player-piano- , obtain music In western Russia. Ten wounded heroines of the via the keys, work the pedals for alt women s battalion arrived In I'etro she Is worth and, with her child to grad Sunday, leaving their commander. run the vacuum cleaner about the floor, she can have It clean In a Jiffy. Vera Bulchkareff, and Marys Skryd-lofAnarchist to Be Freed on Bond. a daughter of Admiral Hkrydloff, The bellows of the player arc attached Jefferson City. Mo. Miss Emma Goldman was taken from the state former commander of the Baltic fleet to the vscuutn cleaner by means of of marine. In a hospital a special pipe, and In this manner the prison here to be returned to New Tork and minister needed vacuum Is created for denning where she will appear before the fed- at VltetM-k- . bond eral district court to give Interviewed, the women said It was purposes. 01'iwnL reported that of tbe 200 of the comHAVE SOFT, WHITE HANDS mand who reached the front only fifty remained. Twenty were killed, eight GEORGE E. MICHAEUS were taken prisoner and all the rest Clear Skin and Good Hair by Using were wounded. Cutlcura Trial Free. stn-iurt- 7 1 BY r n rilrol j n; lt 1 ns SnHA bsa fvs f lyCJ) bt I f . |