Show - - — )A - a lb ' 12A - THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Sunday November 2 1917 Trappist Unit Starts Life Of Sacrifices FEATURED STORY ' -- - - -- 'Y' Access Road Repairing Up to School City Rules 1 4 - 1 By T R JOILNSON t t - h -1- ) ' Tribune Special - -N 1i"7"y i ' s - s IC' "' -r 'p r tW t '-' ' -r -- -- !'! re - 4- '' fll' --1 ' ' '4 i11--1-- - -- 4 - mD --- - ''-- monastery Anxious to come to their new home after its purchase through the efforts of the late Rt Rev Msgr Wilfrid J Giroux then pastor of St Joseph's Catholic church In Ogden the group had set up the temporary barracks structures in which they are now settled Self--Sustaini- All of the religious and contemplative activities of the order are provided for while the 600 acres of cultivated farm land out of the total 1640 acres owned by the order are expected to make the monastery completely The grains and vegetables and fruits of this intemountaln climate will be produced for food for the colony and its livestock Since no meat is eaten the herds of cattle and sheep and the flocks of chickens ducks geese and turkeys planned for the farm will provide surpluses for either sale charity - 2 i 7 'am- - :4-7- 0'0 ' - -- - -- - -- - ' - ":4- I - 44'''"414 A iv oraf 4:i-i- " "'''-' 9 L - we se 4 or 2 ‘ 2 3 - °'''' Ar'---r-- ' - - - - 0 Awt k 411''- aeorr''Vr - tt 1 - IA 'v( -' - (44- "':'04a-' - ' 1T--1 v znr '34sAw - i 30 - - ' -- - - - 1 4Itx - 3-- skiiii-- 4 —44 i i t - —- 0 - - ' - 4 — t :t ' :4:rroperi - - : ' 4:':!' t kr:A: 0' '1tek - "i477 -- - - t's-r4:1-c!!- ik- ?' lee - "'' ' 7 :5f 'IS' r'''' :e7'ANA Vroliovr'4 4zwAblr4: ' ' rI ' - - ' ep -'' ' explained though it might well be he will be chosen too - Uniform Construction ' 4c'i1454 4 ' ' i'' '4 Every Trappist monastery is T built in a quandrangle with each office and cloister exactly located '"7""777"-- ' :777 1046- 1-'A as in all others so that a mem: ber of one community would know ltll ''Pgek:tt AmmetA definitely in any other monastery p ''' '' ' ::''' If k - where to find every place where f occur activities r required --- At the entrance to every monas- ': tery a gate house is erected for r i the reception of visitors with a wall-i- n k to behind it leading garden - f the main building of the quadeast The contains the wing rangle ' chapter room or meeting hail re- p01 c: In the south wing is the fectory or dining hall while the west wing includes the guest quar0 ters 'the offices and studies of the and The the secretaries superior ( i chapel is always in the side facing c 02 east and west r rk:' 1' 7'or 5 7”: ' 'Mk -- fill!- 5 :A) t ' 5rte""1 - 3'7 ''':'V ' "' - ':'''''''IA Zil k '' i''''''41 :' 4' - l' I: '17c:!::' t! rnt- :ALislie1A- :i: - " : ' tiiti "---- :- Igo l'-- ''':470111 !! 1 1 - i - -- 11 ' IL 71a:4 : Lestriot i 1 f:': :TA t k I J t:-- 4 -ii- 77-7- w i i ‘ f g (-- L ' ' ' - is if 1 iii dri r'mr1 lortiii litt All 1 "Pnrift ' r Ai tr77:A-':e- 44! tn- 3 a f1 I -- 7 t - 4 &- -" :l'''''''' 2''-4 4 "'-'''- '' — Or '' ! : A I ' - i I NI 4 - 0 ''':' - L gr '' rIri 4-- f ' t 1 ' io L' tao e f17-aor- !'? - - i: m -- CtIMi ' - vr 4 FR ESH itrl oninnOmMi- i l'tyws‘ Gifts ine Jewelry and ' two) 11 7 1 t I I I - sti wt 4 '1113:4i!":177400 Lras) t11 tr--- i I I z I i rtr (") g 1 I aato Wra c1) a) c“47ittVb-- (Lt t C:1977 1M M--) ( ) s 1w ) 7 '4t7szly-L-4-11- l'IrD & 1 5 1 ' - i 5 t f 0 ato) F i Sv' I I : r " c'' 14! 01 - '4:-- 4Q - - I 1 E i1 4 V - 0 wdomon now ' F- it I N le----- 1 -- I 4 J 573 on rAffb--m- s: - I UM - ' E Ttt '' -- Elb4 i ) z4 --- I' 1161111r e r - n440‘L'o AItA'4 0 -- ts)(&) (14A-11ER:- - - - ‘ - 1: k Y' I LI ez - 7 ‘ v 4 '' N - ' ''--- A - ''' 4: 74 IA ") grr--i 1k -- - 1'74:'- - )5 V 57 -- eretaia 0 CLZ) 1 '':'Art - & 11 t t (rl csizmito k - ':::-1---- v r - i f: ' s 1(e4a r - Irelt4ir t Ak it ' OC) ' 41 J k1 P'4 tdr'I''t1 -- - - - - 8 '''2- -- - - ' '2404 E-- trile!"711111nral 1 memo- i i - ' t P rk ) ' ' 2 '‘ I ° : 1 st i 1 i ' - - "'' ''' i E - iialet a' "01 a I IT ''r - w' ::' s' t '? 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n-- - t ii - Otat73-- 7t (11 (I) GZEIZD ( VA:11 ar -' 5 I: likIId: 111546 4 SZ46:1: M CLAAA" i T NV $100 $150 $200 I - (lb (116520 D 4 - fil'''' -- 000010 I : - t I I eri-Liat:- CIII 1"t44 aggits i I '- 11Z l'I') etfta::X-- - ) rrl) lit) (Ittrrrt I'D 4 irr7C1"1"1:10 s 4 c - I I- ' " 1 t 1 Tickets Offered At Springville 4 t i I e- '''4amition1116' - Tt - i- I t- rt i - - rit?Soles ' i al - I ii9 til secicL fi i ng IT i tAta - t - : - aye ' 6 41” a - I Building Permits - tt w R It 1 i Ogden Awards 112 i- V 4 -'' Ct-- 1:'''''''''''''- 1: Arrl tip-'41- '1' ' - Sets priced from $50 I rwlsore mok - 17'71r 1 11 IP 7(e f:77-!:74-t7 f ' 6- ‘11errekorl'' 4- 3 I ar t emorE t You'll be singing their praises tot) when you try SLIX—SLIX SHEEII--SOLIT- E ' All-in-a- s g Salt Lake City self-sustaini- DIAMO I ' ' 1 ar 64DS Ink 1 and SUPPLY Inc 137 WEST 2ND SOUTH -- -- 00 - - on esr -- ktIll m- ILAAA!ti 19' :3 g MZ:599Pooe An" Nor'N z) 11ItiiiNIP LIIIIIV tr 7 '' i ' ( - s Prices: st 4r 7 i 1111MOOMMINIONIIMMOIMMINIMMEM0111 t Two Delco automatic stokers One Delco oil conversion burner Five Onan home power plants 3000 watts AC renerators You Buy Compare Our Prices Before - - ' 1111111":4111111111 4 ' 7 - rii ti fek e Sons r ----- 2 p: sr-- A 1 I ez Monastery Now under contract construction by George A Whitmeyer & e p '' Pal- LL3 r---24-f-- Quonset-Typ- Naar-Ca- a Two Delco oil fired conditionalr furnaces seedi II 7 Ogden is a quonset-typ' t 4 & Ashton monastery designed by Evans Salt Lake City expected to be ready for use within a few i months It is situated to the east Structure to House Monastery area Near Quonset of the present barracks-typ- e Huntsville Weber county a monastery Is being conSometime it is hoped a permae structed with temporary Quonset-typ-Trappist structure on permanent nent series of structures probably foundation's (upper) The 34 members of order reside at present in of red sandstone to be quarried on barracks-typ- e building (renter) Lower the chapel altar Is shown the property of the monastery will be erected and for guests If some one would come for- lus At 7 pm ke the hour of re- church but male visitors are welAs the monastery its activities ward now and give us $700000 we tiring Sundays and special holi- comed Occept on Sundays and membership expand it is now would start the permanent build- days follow a alightly different is It By spring expected the Lana Rev "It smiled planned that the wool ing now" Monastery of the Holy Trinity will on the grazing areas produced will be would take more than that to com- routine be prepared to receive those who Duties of the Lay Brothers washed carded and woven into plete it however under present would like to come for the retreat cloth to provide most of the need- - costs" Lay brothers who do not pre- periods of week ends Retreats ecl clothing since wool is the re-- 1 Life in the monastery is of will continue through Fridays quired material from which choir necessity simple and to those not pare for the priesthood perform hours of manual labor na- Saturdays and Sundays for medireligious and lay brethern's cloth-- 1 of the order rugged longer tation prayers and study Meals ir-is made turally than do those studying for served these guests are of the Rise at 2 AM Outside Purchased as choir religious kind they are used to including Members of the community rise advancement A postulant is received after ap- meats Such commodities as are neces- at 2 am except on Sunday when and proper examination Longevity within monasteries is sary such as sugar salt leather they rise at 1:30 am and on plication of his Within six well known the average life of a background 1 and similar items of food and cloth- "big feast days" at am a postulant if desiring to monk being more than 70 years The Little of the Blessed Virgin months ing and that which cannot be probecomes a novice for a Graves are prepared at death and duced within the monastery are begins the day with mental prayer continue two-yenot before as is sometimes beprobationary period purchased outside but otherwise it a half hour later At 3 am come Then to if on lieved still go by those outside However desiring is to be completely the Cannonical Office and private and found con- burial Is made in the clothing of for satisfactory besides Prime masses five the with (Matutinal "Already postunovice takes simple tem- the monk or lay brother but withlants now here we are expecting mass) at 5:30 am followed by tinuing vows and goes on for a out caskets as a customary outporary others who are on their way and meeting in the chapter room and three-yea- r period after which he side who will apply for places with us" "mixt" or breakfast ll life within a monasmay elect to return to the world said Rev 1417121 "As soon as the After a short free period begins and or one of sacrifice and work and is relatives friends take tery Monastery of the Holy Trinity is the office of Tierce high mass and the sotemn perpetual vows or take and worship fasting and abstilarge enough it will become an sext followed by work period be- another three-yeperiod under nence and the living of the com9 and abbey at am in the winter ginning mon life Work is to be done with vows the simple temporary "When it is made an abbey our ending at 10:45 am Dinner and the hands altlfough modern maS will meet °AVIS 11:30 am at scheduled are elect and an community Perpetual is used to accelerate acchinery abbot who will then become the grace at Another work period begins secat However end of of these requirethe the complishment bead of our group so long as he 1:30 pm ending at 3:30 pm with ond three years the applicant must ments Contentment joy and hapshall be left with us" he explained vespers and mental prayer comor take the solemn piness are reflected in the faces The present superior need not ing at about 4:30 pm Public elect to leave vows and become a life- and attitudes of members of the perpetual inbecome the choice of reading is set for 6:10 pm necessarily time member of the community community the community for its abbot he cluding Comp line and Salve Ange Woolen clothing is worn the year round except in the south where I special permission has been granted to wear cotton during the period : 1 71 of extreme summer heat gr':s---::Pi:::':'The robes of the choir religrious are e white with black scapulor and are Tribune Leased Wire worn day and night Robes of the OGDEN—Building permits islaborers are brown sued October the office during by Sleeping quarters are small the city engineer numbered cubicles for each individual monk of and were for construction or lay brother in which are laid 112 A LIFETIME! an estimated value of $230- with TREASURE To planks to raise the sleeper off the 073 floor and on which is placed a Of these 27 permits were for straw mattress A curtain at the new dwellings involving estimated -- entrance of each cubicle is dropped 4'41 1 costs of $142100 The rest building wakat and lifted the night during of were remodeling the 4's permits hours Each member 'Wedding ing sleeps and commercial building seven hours a day One of the larger projects for 7rp Silence Imposed which permits were granted was a medical-dentclinic on north : Perpetual silence is imposed ex- side of 23rd st between the Jackson 113) to :11:fr4 becomes when it necessary cept and Van Buren ave for two -1 1)cL ask for information when a su- - ave J471---- 14 doctors Robert Williams a of member :it the organization and Dr JDr J Williams : perior Ray 4t 0 lu-or give inforbe i may approached Superb mation or during periods of study Settings il Novices may speak to the Novice 2 ' 101 master and under certain cir' 09 1' cumstances to the under master 41):f Quality while lay brothers may speak to DialTIOndS their father master and to the Tribune Special Cellarer moat urgent business SPRINGVILLE — Two parties under at Only Sets In Other of the order or because of per- have nominated complete tickets Unsurpassed Values sonal matters of great importance for the city election Tuesday as such as need for a surgical opera- follows: tion may a monk leave his monadIndependent party — Sterling Price then under for mayor Milton H Harand strictest tery only 1 Is rison limitations four - year councilman flto lost') No newspapers or news clippings George Bird Dave Friel Glen Tipfor Loss (pay are ever permitted to be received ton two-yecouncilmen Frank '' or read and letters from relatives Brown city recorder Mrs Ruby T‘1 arid friends are permitted only Twi tch ell treasurer 'ii'"''' Citizens party—Paul Haymond !after being opened read and then 4 s-capproved by the superior Visits for mayor A L Thorpe four-yea- r ' from members of families are per- councilman Ray Klauck Dr C A II" mitted only once a year and then King Mays Anderson two-yei not i councilmen Morris H Bird relonger than for three days MAIM ST corder Mrs Emily Miner incum317 SOUTH Rules Visiting 114 bent treasurer I Ladies are not permitted to William will run inI ' visit the monastery except by dependently Bringhurst for the office of city to attend recorder special permission self-sustaini- E E) 4 tha 1 :' ti —1 L'5- - -- 14 :4 E 11 i 5f' 44--- 4- ncto at Sal I avAl i :'''L b' - r i 0 Electric Appliances of Every Kind Available 0 Electric Ranges Available in Limited Numbers said ern 1 il" 7 1 - ' F the commissioner til r1 Complete line 6f 1948 FARNSWORTH F M RADIO PHONOBlond mahogany and walnut finishes These are the finest sets ever manufactured matt ' ''' 1 ' freyman said Strong sentiment was expressed in city commission meetings at! the time Wyemount Village was in the planning stages that it should not be built unless B YU allowed the city to extend 7th East mt through its property to 12th North I a- GRAPHS -!! I ::717egii""'400- - I 1 JUST ARRIVED! then B Y U presi- Commissioner sponsibility - : :k 40 In a featured story in this week's "Y" News B Y U student laublication student body officers condemned condition of the road de4 claring the present unsatisfactory 7 condition has existed long enough -- - - 4 and that the road should be hard i surfaced J Provo city built the original road up the hill according to Commissioner Palfreyman in accordance with a letter from Dr Frank- - 13-41- b ir-- 77-- :::1 '' "'' ?' :firire444 44 day amdmado - - - k2 or' RADIOS APPLIANCES AND HEATING EQUIPMENT FOR THE HOME dent declaring that whenever the city desired B Y U would grant enough land to the city to widen properly 8th North at 2nd East The city has since failed to take advantage of the offer The road up the hill from the 7th East is graded to the point where it enters university land at the foot of the hill and from there the city has no jurisdiction or re- :! : 4' - 4i - - A°b4ftst efA:0!kraAA77 4tLIZ o- - - 0401t op -4- t CNP 7 '''''- - 4 ''4roetir'rl r44rtt--- - r- A: - '''' ' - — - - - leNO""11Prnalr""7 -- - - A4 - -- - - - lin S Harris from 7th Etat and approximately 9th North will have to be made by the university Blake D Palfreyman Provo city commissioner in charge of streets said Satur- i1 i Aa - !! - - - - - - - Laar4 Wire PROVO—Any improvement in the access road to the Brigham Young university upper campus Tribune I :ti- Sc ' 'z ': ---- - 4't : - 11 '''- - 4 i h ot 4 t -- - lbw kti ea '5' - '' vi il F 1 - ow f4: - '4a : zi : i:‘ z 1: '''' - -- ilk lic '''!-- '' - --- '- -- ''' ' 44 ':'4-4--A- e - -- : r -' 4I477T O w - - 00 ' ) r- - - 1 d 'tP-- 4-- : :- ville Ky the 34 Choir Religious and Lay Brothers have since been joined by five postulants or candidates for admission who to become members of the aspire monastic community Lives of Simplicity By the very nature of the rules members of the Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance live lives of simplicity and sacrifice that take them apart from the world but which because of these sacri-fices mold them closed to God ”This beautiful Ogden valley site is definitely the right spot" declared Rev M Maurice Lang 0 C S 0 superior of the community "Already we have grown by five postulants and this fertile soil and secluded area give us an enviable place in which to build our - eytt tl ( 744- -44 fl r --- -- - 4''- - - HuN–rsvILLE Weber County— ( '4-- 4 "' ''''' Snugly secure within its rolling 1 -- - 044 hills and screened from the - outside quield lies ljtah's first 2 4 Catholic monastery the Trappist :'- ! Ifonastery of the Holy Trinity ap- miles of five southeast proximately t: Huntsville Housed in temporary wooden barracks pending construction of an also temporary quonset-typ- e t 4 the members of the Cistercian Order of the Strict Observance who arrived here from Trappist Ky last June 10 already have begun work of development that will someday they believe result in one of the finest monasteries of the order i ' to from the Coming Ogden valley monastery of Our Lady of Crethsemani at Trappist near Louis- v v g' -- i mrtillp ) 6 A-- ' 464 - - - 7 71 Tr41 ' - IE a : : - - - - - - 1 |