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A 4100a1WWWtr0540414 - -' ' li - r'iii --- -1 - - 'eA a --- :: Li qr 40 — - s ' 4 ' ' - - --- -- 441 - - ftwItmek0tm 1a ok ' ') 2013 Dealers NoteHardware Meet Agenda - t-- ' - 500000 Seek Dental Service Group pm the group's president statements announcing renewed L V Morgan Burley Ida will efforts to clear up some 500000 national backlog speak His talk will be followed cases on Vthe A announced that denWhen by the secretary's report read by Leon Weeks Boise tal ills which develop within one A discussion of "Association year stutomaticEdly would be conPatterns" and "Your Golden Op- sidered "service connected" an portunities" will complete the avalanche of applications swept in on regional headquarters Though business day's sessions will start at the peak in applications has been Tuesday's 10 am when "Our Merchandising reached hundreds of thousands never have been acted upon Problems" will be discussed "The 1948 Selling Plan for Association Members" will be the topic AT YOUR SERVICE of a talk by Rivers Peterson Indianapolis managing director NaQ If a tenant does not sign a lease providing for an intional Retail Hardware Assn what Is creased rent up to 15 Elect Officers the maximum rent he must pay After a noon luncheon sessions as long as the present act conscill resume at 2 pm "Patterns tinues in effect? for Sales" and "Sales Training in A The maximum rent in efthe Transition Period" will be disfect on June 30 1947 as modicussed fied by any subsequent order of the rent director The tenant Reports of committees and elecwho-doetion of officers will follow not sign such a lease A banquet and dance is protected under federal law starting at 7 pm- - will complete the year At 2 - ':' ts-- t g F I U NOW AVAILABLE IN DIMENSIONS 712c to 812c Ft FARMERS LUMBER 3350 SOUTH 109R SPIUR HOL 33SW i i I II I z - 1 - ' :4- 4‘)- - 4 - - c i 1"4V N‘ ' so" 1 ill '1 ‘ r '' - 1 tazlt------- --L7 r: ---- 4 - : x lt011 pi I i t t Ti moo 0 0 ' a 7 i - 4 Ail 2 ''41C): - I sr1 '' 4' " 1A1 t' r LI: 'eativ e ' OIL - ' : "--- r: - - 1 t 1 1 ' '' de- - ts- - IP A 1r)Leos Ar 010011 -- - ---- i i k i I I 4' t ''''ci 4 diiii 4RIPEll t" lt ' - 4 - ‘11 t ' ii i a 3 i?ii it 1' kt 0 Ilt16 t- - l''''Itt 1Litb " :L t i -: ' 16 147 ': 1 ' s 11J::' ' -- - - ' - '1''- ' 7'----- ' --- 1 I'l 4 ' ''L'- i - - - - - '' ' ::-- 4 '7' ' 4 ' !'- - 1 ''''''-----'''''- S ":' i 4 f ' i 7:-- ' ' ‘- - 7 1i ''' :!' - :: - - H- ' g: - - - "i-- '' - --- 7:J 4'' - - : ':- "i'1''' '''':l' 7 -': ' t ' : :: :ri ' - : si : t -i - 7 ifr :' - ir s '- -: 't -- :7" ' :!' : ' :: 't 7 ' ': k 4 i :: : : ----- - '- - ! - : - - - '' I - ' 7 !1sitte0 "' - io't-'---t f ' 1 -s- - 4't c67 or "' 1 - ' DIODEL 1103IE i f-! - :'" —443 'x'ci' f'' 2 ' ) : ' '1 - 7 lii 7 --' t lii 4- - $-- ''' '' 's-----:4 - ' " i:c 1 '''oe SIP'roe'' e1"---i -'t - k t' ' 1 aT '--t 44 : Cr 2!: 4 tZo -4 3 :t ' ' ti L11 k -- c : 44grvoiion64111---------- 4- e — 1 i i ::::p7 e: : 4i4: F 4 -- - - i ai i 5 Al il c5 i (6 ' 15 0 1 $ ol - r ! 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'' '' r I Pi '' '-- ‘ I t- - i: 1 4 i f I 1 4'"ge BEST -- f ‘ : I - ' ''''''''--f-'—Ia r 1 trwPfiri : ':--- 2144 iith EAST SUGAR 4—1A1-a- ''' Vb '' 1 dt 11 lz op 1 13 :' i iitstrni :I a4F:z-:-- '' t — z e I ---- w- - - - 7 - t "Remember the Name!" - - and Fittest Largest models with automatic lock and v i 1' ia4 -- e :-- d'' 4 i o A' catlirt Qtak-- U e""17 4- - " qt0Apolt --::- "- ific An Aceotnitt Here Now! tif - - - - '4k:r ' 41 Nest of Tables : OF letiiolT--- - ' - Open - tall - - - 1:el til ' Iteti - : I i'::::: '- Included 11i I III' 11 ' ' Finished Mahogany A tist4110 : Cbc Big chests drawer in base A lot of storage for fiti(10 Nigh' - S24995 $16950 11 arst it t -- roll-to- p i Bileelch dt ' Mod- - 7 - :" i 5 i a 1 : - ' TIOPE CHESTS with MERSMAN a '1 - - f ' 5 e I"" 4 - : - Shown $13950 1 - 11 't r! i: L af L :: ' f ! - -- i 1 T 44- - i : - ' ''1: : i - 7727 -- 4 "1 or-- 1 I ' BmingAIAntomatte - '' t i l' 'sifgr'''''l'i i : 7 ' - s' 4 i Ntieanhinitgy h Console COntbinations :i: -- - 'I " - ' 11 At ft ftlw- ' Uerpsholstered Headquarters -- - I ' i 4 ve:''-i-::- ''s "4 -46' " - - ye '''':'"''':-:-'-:-- ' 4 44'4i--'''- ' ''s4-'14- 4-"- 4m 1 ----' - 1 71 ' - ' - - : e we - - r'''-:- '''s1---:- ' -- 3 - ' PHILCO RADIO 4 I -- I A N G Es si L: 11D3 s - I I 'ILL I t DRIVE 0 UT fkrr' SA1 i -I 11 Aiso Chest k r- - is t l':i1' A - i 14 FrIS'altiniacnysdiszBee i - -- '1! - i - e"i4r-''' ''i- - - ' - ' ' - ! -' ' ' ' - - 4 - ''''''''P-- k Dustproofed Chest or 1)ralv- - s ' e 1 Big Moth Insurance beauty and style for only t VI - 7 '1- - Full size Vanity Dresser "Trade In Your Old Radio!" e 11F stlialel°rufsor131$a9k9e30 ' Comprising 3 950 i t ers't Corpv -- 00- ' ::'"-)' - - - r Radio-Phonograp- Ett"! irtl r) 46iNa- - - :' - J - TE 25 00 STATE OMB 4 - - - li - - ' '''---- Xii ed 7-- - 1a4 4 - ' BEDROOMS SNItil I - '"" ' - '' : and good ---- -- - - '' 120 'fi 11 3 -6 1 :-- id METWRZOODU 51IJIITIES TYPE st375o Every One t itku of FINISHED WALNUT Outfit $9950 iik7"rr:---c- ''' - kr-- Made 40: - :k ) 'T - r- r : crrr 2-Dra- wer WITH LOW OVERHEAD AND DIRECT FINE FACTORY CONNECTIONS! - i 44 7 i n 0 Pi D str---- - ' Yd :- 1' zkrie t -- t - t - !''' -- a1 ' 1f Prices Down! ii '"-- ?5' :4— ': a ae -'' i -: IL Mirror-Dropp- k 11A1' f - f' c - - center Vanity Genuine Plate Tops roll both ways Sponge rubber cushioned Bench included also Stand Night All for SA490 "-- 4 - ' MONTEREY - ' "' ' ' t' t ' --1- - I t-'-- '4'''tes-- N :' 0::- t 1 SENSATIONAL SUITE OUTFITS - Sewed Any Size and -- r"" r- - I 4 1- i Beautifully colored and finely designed much more than this feature price of Carpet Laid and Velvets - ' ' Lrri6 rnr-77--' ' ‘ '' o 1 I -7-- 74: i1' ' ' i1 0 - : ' 9 i - Age- 5 -- ev-- - ' I South East Keeping SUITES of HILEACHED FINISH Looks - Axinhister — moo' ir- - ' ' ' 1 0 77:1:: 7 i - Chest Mirror t to1 0 r Streamlined Vanity and Suite similar as shown above with Fancy Spread and ' - 1 4 pp ' A ::z? - f': SUITES ''' - 'a 1 ' - i f d Inexpensive but AU complete quality 4 -- ''''' '''''''''' '- t : I '4 ' 4-- - high-style- '''-- 0 j '- - - C '"'ITioioalv'I'-'ef----s'li'-i'kT::::- CA - 1i' I f it 1 i 1 'g SAME a DDRES-- - I 1 ST-34- t400-4- - 48-in- ch i 49011 - - -- ' '71 '44i '''?''''111"tr- 1''''::I - i: Jil CP7 ---- I iT':'''''' T:1) Byg SUGAR EAST) TT i model i 1 7 ' ' Daily 2334 Simpson Aenue Enter at 23rd East on 21st ' - - Irt:: I : i i It -z 1 Furnished by us with all the newest things! Open 2 pm to 10 pm "- - i )7--- 1 172441 i p11a(C2 lip----- --4 7: ---- ) re ' f 1 -7- Electrical eTet - - Th -- :7 4:7 i' dopaoloPow::::-:- - Visit the - - r 11 ICA' 1 SCHOOL Dept 1440 Broadway teakialtd IL Cala& f Without I obligatton pleacse seed me on your how a ma Ii a at home in my spare tune N i I i 1 t)) tt11111114riji - i i i ' 7 I - '4 ti or-t- r: AMERICAN ' a one-thir- c IJAIBIrlf9 sintILE and i 9fLtect--0 i 't 1 4 -- --- Pro-- x quality ft '4 I ' : 1 1 ' te 1 : il - oitt:- 11 4 I ‘" 0 " --4 ‘ t1 49 (Th ' it- 1 Slls" lot i - ' -t-7- le Vii nie Vr '' ' I at tI t 4(1-- e '''"'-- pti5 pH 1s4 ' 4 Possible by Our Direct i Factory Connections! 'it '' :' - - -- 46"1N 11 l k t'''''''''' Cabinets til! :43 i - ""' F - -k": ''' :' f:-- 1rz - ----- -- AllooSteel Cabiowesrices Si ' ' ! Kitchen Craft Kitchen Craft - : - ''' 10A-- AI A0 littl ' mr7 t delivslY 7 - ' ' :f 27-In- ch VrArAêifsko 4 161441b4s-- ‘046P111 ji )1' J ' '''''F'''-- : ' j -- SIfft - L: ib: - t 1424were6w -- 1 ' Int - i:: " '' ''1414--- - rsall113 ill joi N--- "evil 11' avotiabV ttotec '°1 'I: '' ' ' -- 4i-'- -4 i ' - - - - years ay Ulm pare for college and blealuese Credal for subjects &treacly completed- l t Pi r1 ' ICI ''° z i I - - ' -?- i - '11 -- '7- 5 - ''' r F : : - - v:4 - ' '1 '?' 6 - ct : : 't A - ' 1I AT HOME anyDfill21101MA2 M i ' li tf KIICHINS i is:ç t 01 ' i i 14s412 "' 9""'N'tRstetal i - - 'A f k''' f o ''2-1- - - -- '' ''' H s ' Maimed Herpes Continue Studies in V A Hospital are subjects injured veterans study in ThSaelt 1Lakee rCeiaty 'schoolhouse for these men—and women—is a hospital on a hill and frequently it's on a bed in the hospital where texts are read and examinations are taken There are many veterans at Salt Lake Veterans' hospital 12th ave and E st who are gaining an education Sometimes they sit at a typewriter minus an arm and finger the keys frequently they read through thick-lense- d glasses closer than most people so they can see Sometimes they read projected texts off the ceiling when they are unable to move their backs But they learn' hospital's educational program under direction of the Veterans' administration began in November 1946 and to date 23 high school diplomas have been awarded In that period 300 students have studied and written and crammed for exams— apd of them proximately bed patients About a third were studying at the college level and the remainder did high school or trade "tutrming" Two men began at first grade level and learned I ' I I -- - ''' t " ! - - '- ' -- ' -- -- - -"- '- Ts 4- -- oto 1 ' i : -- - i l' wair9r l' : -- - - --s- -- - i i t s '' frY-'-'''- ' x""1 '- — - - - 4 ' '' "'-1'' I" - - '' " 74 ''‘' : :' "‘': It: 14f ''- di - --' "--- 7 -- ' - - ' orkiltavoil - - 1 - :: ' -- Al It--41"- Ity - '' ' i -- 7 - --- I 1 Ao10440"“'''''""""""'” " HIGH SCHOOL A man does not give up learn- to read and write and work siming because he has given up an ple arithmetic problems arm or leg Ten college credits have been From the first elementary prin- awarded through the U S armed Ii writin' and forces institute at the University! 3 ciples in readin' 'rithmetic to advanced courses in of Wisconsin Madison These radio geology and mathematics credits later are applied to a vet1 from a course in plumbing to a eran's formal college credits course in poultry farming—these 't I i - i - ' : 4 : '1 L1- " - i - '' : - :: c -t ') 0 South Free Admittance! ‘ - -- '' --- - i: 14 : it : 7 x - !-- lt ctr---c- r 74 Vto - 1' -- -- I ' - dit''4:47'1'-'4:1- "1)t 4 - - - ' '''''' C:4' 4- ' gas I 1 '!' 'e ' ' - —' At' :I :'“ ' I 4 qIv — ' l' I - ': : POI i - enEJ 44 th t4g et rn'"'"'''"'"'In""" - '' intend to keep them under con-- i: ':'t :' :' : ' A-'- ' ' '' :1:1:::' trol" he declared "We will not 27:''' r"'' g :±:t " allow juvenile drivers to flood the ' 'i ' ' -streets using scooters or 'hot rod' '4 r fr'"'7:5" i ' T " V4 1 'i' ' autos to pe lter motorists and pe- 7-'--' 4 ' :tiOr'040A : '''' ' ' 1 ' ' destrians 'r: ' si- - "Licensed scooters and bikes ----' - - - 4'ilk - "using mechanical power are exfor Service cellent means of delivery especialPrepare ly in the downtown area" he Learning from textbooks and doing research from a hospital bed is pointed out "But drivers of such hard work but Iwin Hansen left American Falls Ida studying phovehicles must have licenses" he tography and Robert Cauthen Denison Tex studying bookkeeping added and accounting find time for fun at Salt Lake Veterans' hospital East Fur1Itur3 S Girt:: :: - ' ' - ---- - - -':-7 'I': 'i - limits—usually between 18 and 24 years of age—are accepted for apprenticeship Veterans who are beyond the customary age limit are however being accepted for such training MAIN ': - - ' veterans have preference apprentice training? Also do unions establish the age limits and similar qualifications for such VV C Salt Lake City training? A The unions establish the age limits and other qualifications for apprentice training in a particular field During normal times only young men within certain age ALL :: - WM - A warning note to owners and '' drivers of motorbikes and motor-scootewas sounded Saturday by ' city police who said all motored vehicles are requirtd to be regist retered and licensed by the state tax commission A definite increase of the undersized vehicles has been noticed on city streets in recent months There are more than 70 makes of the miniature machines No accurate number of motorbikes Is available because all motored Vehicles are grouped under one clas- ""'"'"emossIsification which includes motor1500 More than motored cycles vehicles of all types were listed Lt F Clark Sanford police traffic division head reported all ' traffic officers have been instructed to make daily checks on all ' motorscooters for registration 'and licensing ' ' " "These machines have caused Do Q In ::: 4 7'': - rs - 1 - : - VETERANS' AFFAIRS 1 q " : - Apprentice Training LUMBER - - i 4 s 'meeting ' 1 Licenses in SL beet farmers Saturday at "sunmark down" with the 60000-to- n safely reached according to V L Martineau county agricultural agent ) - re---- Motor-Bik- e The eihau&ting harvest race against winter in Salt Lake county turned in favor of sugar are expectedto attend the 15000 "And that leaves rroups annual meeting Monday tons left to harvest"just he noted and Tuesday at Hotel 'Utah winter doesn't Sales discussions will keynote wearily "provided Retoo suddenly" harspring up the meeting should be acreage maining Registration will start Monday vested in one more week he at 9 am Frank B Streator added rresident Salt Lske City chamber of commerce- will welcome delegates from Utah southern Idaho VET AFFAIRS western Wyoming eastern Oregon and eastern Nevada at noon : Ralph Hollingsworth Ontario Ore director will respond An address on "American Business and World Problems" by Wallace By HEBER HART F Bennett Salt Lake City presiNext to the Veterans' admindent Bennett Glass SE Paint Co and a national convention report istration's handling of the national the by John A Anderson Heber will service life insurance program most badly bungled division now Touovv is the dental service V A spokes- :' Wives Police to Click BEET HARVEST 8060 COMPLETE - More than 300 members of the Intermountain Assn of Hardware and Implement Dealers and 100 - THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Sunday November 21947 ' --- ' "'' t - i 1 '1 - - 22 |