Show - tootiklao r""r'gr"'vr'rntProorrwIpm4rmwoovvegr1tftrengesrwr!'"Fr''''w""69'''r''r'"4"r'VPrV"°V"''kr113"RIPP w V Al5 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Sunday November 2 1947 42Emmaa I Ogden to Open Terrace Housilig Study I ' - f - ' 1 z i' - o 177 ''''''' '‘ '' '7- ' '''' ''''''' ' ''''' ' '" ' - Tribune epectia - 9-- : '' te------ - eam's Leased Wirt of the problem OGDC--Stud- y of Washington Terrace's future will begin early next week by a representative committee whose names were announced Saturday by George H Smeath chairman of the committee and also director of the Ogden-Webcounty planning commission Requested by the federal government to undertake the study Mr Smeath conducted a public discussion on the problem Tuesthat day in which it was decidedmemprobably a committee with bers named from all interested groups could best decide on what measures should be recommended to the federal housing administration -- 1ar:4104T off 7::T -- :t z i- ' t - ' 41600 11 1z-- 't ' 31i4 ‘' '14"111 4 - - 4wg : 'la st ' -a ' 7:447" - ii: -v dil ao 'Ta ' -- -- ! 1 1741 'd pieces Included in the collection are the Artist first painting and his last artist's Painting by Springville one The exhibit was collected by Howard of Is late the of the works This painting representative Mr Kearns' mother 'Mrs Retta show of 175 oils and Kearns of Provo who has had Kearns native Springville artist One-ma- n watercolors opens in Springville high school art gallery Sunday 'many paintings framed especially exhibit aim will be followed by the investigating group: first an anslysis of the different plans and programs previously suggested by the federal government local government agencies and by the Terrace residents themselves to see what these really consist of seond determining' the best course of action in the interest of all groups affected and recommending this choice to the houstwo-fol- d ' - vow Ftv's"e:'71 - ' ' :4-- 1 ing administration Representing Washington Terrace residents will be Sisson G Hatch V D Butters T Collins Jackson and one other person yet to be named Others comprising the group will be: Weber county commission 1 M Hess Charles A Halverson Arthur P Brown mayor's area housing comnviitee W I Lowe: Ogden chamfer of commerce housing committee R C Duvall: South Ogden Fred Togerson: Ogden city Mayor David S Romney: Weber county planning commission tentatively Howard A - ' - tI 'r'''' - 4 - '"Pck 4 - '' " --' ' -' ' - ' - ‘ --0- - fat te "71- - - ‘ ' - - -- N :g1ti r-- -0 -- "' ' ot 4 Ito fr j s't : i -- - as i 'AY 4 - ' - o- ' k - ' II 1 1 It z V ' I Now p '4 ' "A 41 '- - l el !'t) ii 1if 11( ' ' k 1 I ft‘4 0 ''Atv--- - i v o A 0 t t AttIL e ‘ f-- CV 1- f 0 t i" ' tI'' o411torgaimer ) Ntv4s ps It '' - ) 4- olidsikigedagowoolo022-awoataliktitMO- vat L ft ' ktf ' - 6t ' - - 4 - ''-‘ ''-r- -f 44 t - s ' --- z b 71 ! ' Nk i ii k - I I rA i l r AI o'- -- t 4 il 2 ro' 2 § ' ' tZ- I ' i‘ 4' '' (v Ladies' "4'A kk 0 - 1i La I 3 - :211 1 111K Here tAtOttrtt f 111I Fa rtretrly Now Feral — Tax USE 01:0 C Tannor Pstairk 'Ll 2 I r-r-- r! — — iI 6600 4400 Includtd gold and r) ) r°(----)- t only 25 21x27 duck down 75 19 ) tint Name 21x27 ddrelts Pleae send It to me prepaid &aloe fa( 3 '1- r: taA f I - ‘ i t'' - : : r - ''''' 1-- ':' - : z I ' t t 1 : l - - 1 4 - 4 1 Z 4 t s'i 4 i (5) I - - - ' :-- - t -- - f'-'-: i lt z - 4 Ilit 13 '' 1 r :- - 1- - 11 i 4 i Oir- ) - '1 1 : 1 (C) th- 1 I- 1 " (1 i 1 t t --4 -- t' ' e 1 t a ! 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Itiot's 1 '- èg --- - tool- r--- 0 - rNt - kpr i 'i ON L: Aray A A' 14-- ' ' EIEVI7D7rEND SALE G F k 45 axe t - c0to elr 't' ‘ - 44 - A''S'' C -' - '11 ' ii - if 2 - :' '- 4Al 1 p t '' 41' c - IN- - TASINER'S k ' ' ' 'r 4 0- - I - - vig de-'si- re N ' N olakswoboomomor- J ' - -- -- ' - - V V - 'Round the clock you will find these dresses perfect silhouettes for the smartness you there is a style for you among our collection of wonderful and exciting designs in crepe ' ') 1 2 i t :ss-- ' I- - 3 1 400r - Ilk ''''''')11----- - iI - ' ' 4' 41 f ? k LEHI—Judges for Lehi's 111Uniebeen have elections announced t lpal as: District No L Mrs Zola Rutledge Mrs Florence Jensen and Mrs Kate Smuin: district No 2 Mrs Mrs Rodney- Dickerson James Zimmerman and Mrs Roy Peterson: district No 3 Mrs Neldon Evans Mrs Jennie Lossee Na 4 Ntra Virgil H Peterson Mrs Stephen Zimmerman and Andrew Trane district Mrs Lela Evans 4 1 ow° 4 r- - 4 In gf speetni 0 -11 A 4'4 - P- - Names Election Judges Tribune — mg f- - ‘ 7 -- - - : ) 1 ) o'-- ' i - k' n - "r-- ur--- - Widdison i iii s ''''''' I :' At This Tiny Price o i -- rniv 7 - '‘ ' 4 ' - 1' 4 ' 44- ti 1 t -- " ' (i f- CIISS C '' -- -- (- 'ai 0 ' -- -- p dt i f - -- ' 1 'e': 5 c yr 11 'IC141 14)111-- ' ) -- t" - re! 11419y r3earolniful r irTh r4 r a 14 I - eve Col - NA ' "' - 1 1 N i- ' v 'w n1 0- s1:- - wit Skip Evitrywkr Hoodquorfors for FINE HOTEL cod RESTAURANT COFFEES 40117IN t --- 4- "Masters of the Coffee Blending Art" I ' - - 4o SOUTH 4 - CZ cor7224 SALT LAKE CITY TEA lit 35 WEST i :4t14 :: dodwotto 4rt l do ' 7 — tile— ' 'Ai 1 A memorial art exhibit featuring the 1 work of the late Howard Kearns who died several 4 native artist ' '1' months ago The exhibit will open Sunday and continue through Nov 23 in tschool art building Mrs the high 1147-- -Mae Huntington publicity direc" 4 tor of - iik t the art committee said - 71 4 that the entire northWednesday 1— 4n ) east and the west gallery we gallery 0 wI of the art building are filled with t 1x4A°' 'II' f i the artist's pictures including ap'IP proximately 175 oil and watercolor f''': er I SPRINGVILLE — Plans have been completed by the Springville high school art committee for a :4 CC mayor - -- r COFFEES Tone You Enjoy Reed 11 Hales Wayne Holley town board members The Independent party has it nominated Burton Tew for mayor Ray Scovill Clay Beesley Freeman Bird and Bryan Tew board members Ernest Births Lave) Bird interest has been exhibited in city politics this year than ever before In the community's history The Progressive party has nominated Ralph Harmer for the position of town mayor with Jack Canto Frank Carnesecca Vance Gividen Reese Anderson members DAILY ROASTED - -I Are Always FRESH and Have That Rich Mellow Cook's Cup Quality On party Tribune Special CCr 7 4E E E577r EZUY u ' '''' ' " ' ' 10ft 4 - ' ' - A Tickets of Three Party Showing of Art Entry To Liven Mapleton Election By Utahn it of the town board Slated Nov 23 MAPLETON—With three full the Taxpayers party ticket tickets in the field more are Chris Sorenson for - ' - LA 4 kf ) a DOMESTICS-SECO- - Tit Cl- 1Hc -' I 40 as' 0VC Attie MUR R AY — maaammammona 19 ri 401-C- ''- 17 44 W 7n4 i '11' is L'71 DRESS lot TaninellirwELR7 Se FLOOR ND :1F- S IRyMoNTON t'S r tik:- t - -- - i ' S q I t34 1 0 1 BRIGHAM CITY ill e''' J ti ti ‘11 1 1 iti FLOOR " 4 "-0- 1 it--- - If 1SALON-TH- IRD P- 4 ILI J1714: (7 of 4N e0 "-- 4 r4 J----si I 1 I ial: I I tt - :'' t A i i I I t 1 I ! 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