Show - '-- - THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Sunday November 2 1947 18A ' Iran' r' T A -- - i - - - --- - - - - ' g41010—mmacoax5sal - - - c4 ' - - s 7 14)14 -- - i i'' ' s-- ' 1 arrt 0 4 i c 1 ' ' '1 - 4 I I ' - If !'t-sir t" I Iji!1 i 1 4 el- - rv F- '- Lj t a " i--- a - t i' - ' l': arei ' 5 - 1 - r 'i -- - r141---- - L 1 - - -- - 2 4 e -- t I 0 1 t I ' N u il z - -- t ) ' 1 Ara t f l':t: "74 - 1 e - "- r- (i '' ' 0 i ':siccit-- g ''' '' N' : 646°:"1f ‘ 4 : 's : ' - 44'4' t roli r -- 41"":' : 51 ' ' :' : " - - 4 I ‘ - 4'''t i : t '- - - r-- r - a rr ' or w1 a r 7' -- 0-t Il a 7 -- - - ! - 1 liej 1- -- !166-- -:- ' 3 - - -' ' 44 ot'"-- 7 - - "47” 44”766601'e"3"lt7ts'-'- - --''' - '' t'''' - 2 la 1 r (--- 4 II i 11 vlib) - ' - 't-Igy-et itt a If ' ' i ' ' 1 : t:nornalsoolloo- '‘' al 'a ' a grk f 1 - 't 1 ' ' ' T ' r'ir mn r-- ' "" ul A' 'item' EstEA-3-- -- t $ i ' - 4 '1 1 V"I ' MT ' A ' 4' e- 1 ' t - -------- 7 a 9 l' of 7 ? 't'- A A Ite I c- '''''' - - ( i t vLkla z- 'fI! e''''"4 1 if ' 'IVOR GET tt ' i : - ait '- - Ft al 54 ' 't ' ' 'I:" - t - - - 1 C" '' ':- 4 - :::- IIt I 6 ' ' A rr 7:4t::-4- 4 le o''"'''''''' IA lt - ' At 1 li' :1 - - - - 1 ' I e 1 '"' - ' t - 1 - 4 I A ' 1-- 71 0 ! It 1 ' 1 rl t 1 14N - u r 7 "--II Li-'-- i H0 g R Vti - - "N 1 1 aat J -411 1 Ar - - IP-N- li 4 4 1- 1 ' ' 47-- - -"k' i ‘ 1 - ' 70 - i 44 0 - -I i t ' i t -- -aa ta 1 I' ' 4 - fN' I r I) - 4 - l - )"T ' 4i I- rs': - r" r''T - - 3 i T7 17 -1 — 1-1- : ' ' : 7- '' I 11 - ' e r -- - 1 - k ‘- 1' i - Sleet - 7-- 1--- "' r '' ''- - ' f ye - : 40466Ak'stiL :t " -- 1 - - - iltatli t 1 f‘ - - i 3 In name but prompted by identical purposes secretaries of !Opposite lithe Utab and Idaho Automobile Dealers Assns put their heads to) gether to plan programs for annual meetings Elise J Strong left its of the Utah association Leon L Vceeks Boise is Idaho secretary a 1 'Dealers to Sift New Car ' IIVERSEAS a 4 ?- The headache of automobile ' dealers—how to serve excessive demand with the limited number of new cars available—will be diagnosed at separate conventions of the Utah and Idaho Automobile Dealer? Assns in December Executive secretaries of the two !groups conferred in Salt Lake City on programs for their respective imeetings aiming to coordinate 'plans to permit each organization to hear the same team of national 'automotive and safety authorities Strong Salt Lake City Isecretary-manager of the Utah association said about 300 dealers land employe representatives are expected to attend the Utah meet- 'ing Dec 15 in Newhouse hotel A !similar number are expected at 'the Idaho gathering Dee 3 in 1Boi9e reported Leon L Weeks !secretary of the Idaho group at the two assemblies Speakers I include M O Anderson v6111 Seat-ti- e Autoof the National president mobile Dealers' Assn: George !Romney Detroit managing director of the Automobile Manufacturers' Assn and Salt Lake City !native Harry W Anderson De' troit vice president in charge of General Motors Corp 'personnel and M It Darlington Jr WashingD C managing director of -ton ' civilian positions Army Post with Ex- open in Europe changes japan Guam etc Immediate employ- ment Good for opportunity advancement Position 2 4500- - 5000 3500 up yr 2736- - 3811 3012- - 4752 —— 3700' 4000 re Tr yr Yr- - 'Applicants must have substantial experience in the specific merchandising field for which applying I contract Liberal sick leave and Two-ye- ar annual leave hospitalization benefits Quarters furnished tli 75e per day detailed employment and experlence recorcr includphoto- graph State overseas area deto sired sige limit: Men-- 21 50 women-- 21 to 40 Box m - ' 6710erefiViivîtitli°:vs- hev3P a ' WHY WAIT? 7 '''- - GET YOUR DENDIX TODAY! i - 1 4 ' l'f-f- 44 wash while they enjoy freedom from washday drudgery A t i - - aaaaaaaateaeasettectliock-easasear- ) 2 ‘ "" phone callI will bring you all the details of this new offer ti 0 - t r e1 aza 1vaii 41: -- --: s' at 4 1 --- '1 :4 - 4 X t p p 4 ) s ' ') $25950 z' Jii 4:40'e 7 CliZ V ( s f awe' 1 1111111111111111111111111111111 A FREE D Ii' t I : I -- 9ee77 SALT LAKE CITY 15 South Main St the Ronald Stuart spinet piano For here is more than a here is a symbol of good superb musical instrument taste and discernment with ireatriess as its goal GRANITE FURNITURE CO 1050 East 2Ist South KENNETH E SMITH APPL CO 40 East First South St THE PARIS CO 28 East Broadway Come in and listen to the famous Ronald Stuart with angled keyboard and waterfall keys spinet Yot agree that at last here is a spinet with FULL UTAH TONE LEWIS A DAHL HEATING AND APPLIANCE CO Midvale SOLD EXCLUSIVELY 1 SUG:770USE 1ISIC CO a 40 HAWKINS SCHOOL OF MUSIC RCA VICTOR RADIO CONSOLES FINE BAND INSTRUMENTS HART BROS — 1 11 2130 South llth MUSIC Idaho Utah East STORES Wyoming Phone 7-50- 69 STEVENS zchil - at ii I aap isae k ) i H D Utah MUIR APPLIANCE CO Bountiful Utah DRAPER APPLIANCE CO Drapor Utah TAYLOR DIXON RUSSELL CO American Fork Utah DON J BAIRD APPLIANCE CO SHIA a m City Utah THE DELMART Dlta Utah PARKER a u to ' 1 i d 174 -- i- & — : : 4 L 7 I 0 -- -- ' I --- :- - toCD: ' STANDARD MODEL - l'k4 " ' :: - ''3' iN f ' 1A - I --- -1 zz MERCANTILE COMPANY Fillmore Utah AL SMITH Gunnison Utah i - - -- - 41 7 - Installation :-? $23950 aa 1 i'-'- RADIO & APPLIANCE CO J ' I - 'N-- - - ::-- f ' r - f t If you cherish life's finest things then certainly you'll choose f - e) I sy - frl s'i : ' ea - i - : With Normal rea 7 7 With Normal lastailatio4 a i I rti rig '"""""'''''' ' - ' -- 'r : PUT III SOAP! I u ckai'alw""'"I''':1aaara"le4"4- - 7 c:' t : DE ILL17::: IC- --s "aa 4 7 1 tiCiMMEIVItssentrailatit '' - "' -- - $ afr - a'fr 2"t k Kaysville Utah W EARL CO Logan Utah PARRY'S APPLIANCE CO Monti and North Sanpete County MILFORD ELECTRIC COMPANY Milford Utah HEINER GARAGE Morgan Utah NEPHI FURNITURE COMPANY Nephi Utah SMITH ELECTRIC CO 366 - 24th Street Ogs Ian Utah PRICE TRADING COMPANY Price Utah DIXON TAYLOR RUSSELL CO Payson Utah DIXON TAYLOR RUSSELL CO Pleasant Gray Utah DIXON TAYLOR RUSSELL CO Prove Utah FLINT DISTRIBUTING CO 41‘ A eras 1 ' I T ka OF TH r! eit A 2 I Richfield Utah DIXON TAYLOR RUSSELL CO Spanish Fork Utah DIXON TAYLOR RUSSELL CO QSpringville Utah CO THOMPSON PLUMBING FURNITURE Vrnal Utah eat Lis 4 S & APPLIANCE CO Afton Wyoming SPENCER SERVICE & APPLIA1:CE CO Icons-toWyomlog WITHERSPOON FIRESTONE STOR1 Kommrre Wyoming JOHNSON FURNITURE STORE Rock SI:dregs Wyomiog KEN'S FURNITURE APPL & WOODLAND CASH STORE Wood load Utah o IDAHO ECONOMY CASH STORE Aborcloon Idaho MERRELL MOTOR a EQUIPMENT CO Blackfoot Idaho STEPHENSON SHEET METAL WORKS Burley Idaho BROWN'S HEATING & APPLIANCE CO Idaho Falls Idaho ' NEVADA Ely Novodo - - 4 WHITE APPLIANCE CO Elko Nevado FURNITURE CO BATES WILSON Wholesale Distributors - - lArYOMING & HEATING St George Utah COLEMERE'S r- Montpelior Idaho MOUNTAIN ELECTRIeCO Pocatello Idaho PRESTON ELECTRIC & FURNITURE CO Prestos Idaho GRAHAM HARDWARE COMPANY Rexburg Idaho Too le Utah FRONK CHEVROLET COMPANY Tromoaton Utah T eae Ent --) GRIEF DAVIS WATER COMPAN'Y Malad Wake NIELSEN FURNITURE COMPANY PARKS BROTHERS GEO 1I t 1 a&'' a l'4's - - al i - t 0 ' '1141kwslwassaa - e s'':::- The Bendix does the rest — ail by itself! It fills itself with washes clothes rinses 3 water changes its own water clothes cleans itself times damp-dry- s drains itself shuts itself off! You don't put your hands in water! There's no watching no waiting—you don't even have to be there! ( 11 1! - ' IV ''' tf t Illat 1I - It 4 - z - I 1 0-"- i s f t': I 1 '" -- a &No i - i' ' - 1 ' is I aa"-- t - a - a ” A DIAL AND ' t i) : - I e - SET J it k kka : II Ii - - DO IS ' t 1 ' I I in with the million women who let the Bendix do the 4 - YOU l i i tI: All - ) t i 4 - '- Ls small budget payments over many months Count yourself A -a i ' 11 I II' SPINET PIANO --- ' ' 1 I 1 ' 1 e- - 3 II ' 'MANY L1ONTHS TO PAY THE BALANCE it: - 4 If I t 4 e 1 ' - 4014111111117 I - - - f 1 i ' Workless Washdays right now—and lets you spread the - : 4 1 — - 4 i 4 t 1 : i I f1 a ' - - P t - ' 4 ' - i t 4 '' I - fr - I ' - 1 -' I i today! The newEasy Payinent Plan lets you start enjoying ' - ' '" 0 k '' :i i i i : '' ' 1I 1 - ! ' ' 4 'r 1 1 ' if - tI - f I ' ' - (: f t t Stop dreaming about the day you'll have a Bendix—for that's - t afaemsa I00f l 4 I- ititift - it 1t 4 q 4 ' !the'national interindustery safety assaaa 4 "1 I i klc a 1 I1 4 t k '!- 4 f:'te ! aa - 3 - ' Viel - - g '''''''''''''''46' aa ' B-- 8 11ii 1 11t - I a- gnatcr31:61Pirenllit tiairS7 6'" - i ::Submit Tribune-Telegra- Ft 12-1- ' itg references Attach '444'11 I yr 4 er - 's ' Salary- Range —$3334-$523- aoknountanMgr Asat Exch Mar Shark Bar Mgr Store Mgr Warehourecnen el '' fin) 1:78 c EMPLOYMENI ITIeup at fwieet '' la' ‘ I ‘ -- I Pa - ItiI 1I - i e"' 4 y ' 1 1 t i |