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Show &Ije Salt lake telegram r MAtw rrT. rrom wabatct m. r.vltea. hr Te TrtHIM rbHht ' A. L- FISH, riemal aed IHml " Alt Seeleaas wrwUiM snail Lak. T.l.aram. Bait Leka CH. Tfc. T.l..r.m I. a mamker e the AeaeeSMed J fJJ all eewa Slepatekas ereSltad I It ee e eler-lee ereKee B tkle seer. ee ala tke laael a.w. seallaaed aerate. 7 TBKl'VTrOStJBSCaiBEBB: . DAILT AND U.NDAT. M Dut, Mehe, Nee4a e Wfala eBr 'rW, see r - Br eaae Oee eseata. M u ene ar. (laee. All ! eL ear eseetB. .. SUN DAT Mir Utak. Idalie. NT44I Wrii- j rail lis ilninl-ou iwjlH All eiser steles, ' APVIBTIIIINO BRANCH OFMCI4 , Vara CoaaU. IN, I K- Tart Cll etae " i c " "'' Dalnll l Lajraue Mesleeert to. 4. BUwell Oniur. a., fra ft .Israel Street ij ..... I ! WE ARE PLEDGED: Te thaaa things which land s make eeenle Ula macoa lor American touricta. ! Ta the aid and building Induetriee which win develo Utah aeyrolla. I , Ta aid In evereemln. railroad diaerlmlnatlan againet Utah, aa well aa the elimination ef all ethtr eiseraninatiena which tend ta retard the area r ess at the atata. Ta aereiatently werk for a reduction in the tea aurden and ta reveal theeo thingc which tend ta make the rata prohibitive and eonfiecatery. |