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Show THE NEPHI, UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S. EE LOCAL Just Received Henry Miller left yesterday for his ranch in northern Utah. Sweet Corn for sale. See Walter A. Sells. For Sale Home cured hams. See Elliot Miller. For Sale A good shot gun. See Elliot Miller. For Sale Dry Land Straw in the field. $3.50 a ton. J. W. Paxnian. A fine Jersey Cow for sale. See Another big lot of Ladies' NEW FALL DRESSES AND SUITS Mrs. John Pitt. Vm. Bailey came down from the Capitol in all the newest styles. SILKS, We SERGES.AND TRICOTINES. have some beautiful designs of high quality. Come in and sec them. Our prices are lowest. Also New Fall Silks and Dress Goods Coming daily. A big variety to choose from at right prices. See our NEW PALL LINE OP Ladies' and Girls' Sweaters COME IX AXI . HEAlt THE New ReCreola Phonographs They play nil kinds of disc records perfectly. Other machines play only one kind. a CHARLES One Price To All. SONS Never Undersold. Wednesday morning's .Miss Delores Grant of Salt Lake is the guest this week of Miss Leora Belliston. Remember I am giving a cap with every fall and winter suit order. H. Kendall. Don't forget chicken shooting August 15 th to Sept.' ist. Buy your shells at Kendall Bros. I will buy your Veal.Pork, Mutton and Poultry. Am in Nephi every Monday and Wednesday. M. M. King, Mona, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Irons and daughter Louise went to Magna yesterday for a few days visit with relatives. I have plenty of coal tor storage as good as any on the market. It will pay you to get a suply before winter. Mr. H. D. Goldsbrough. Miss Annie McPherson of Pocatello is a guest this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jv R. McPherson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Painter went to Mt. Pleasant Wednesday to attend the celebration at that place. R. H. Evans and T. H. Burton, members of the Strawberry Water committee, went to Diamond Fork today to note what progress is being made by the government engineers who are surveying the proposed high line canal. LOST Between Nephi and Levan, Monday, August ISth, a grip containing papers and other valuable advertising matter. Finder notify Thos. W. Dyches, Mt. Pleasant, Utah, or the Times-New- s office and receive reward. The Genealogical Committees and the Relief Society have arranged for a company to go to the Manti- Temple next Wednesday, August the 27th. The trip will be made by automobiles leaving Nephi at 6 a. m. and it is desired that as many as possible will take the opportunity of doing Temple work. Those wishing to etay more than one day can get the particulars regarding the accommodations" from Joseph W. Vickers. Attorney T. H. Burton was in attendance at a session of the Suha where preme Court Monday argued the case of A. P. Jacobson of of this city, a stockholder of the defunct Merchant's Bank of Salt Lake, in which the receiver, L. J. Lynch, is sueing the stockholders for liability. This is practically a test case and much interest is manifest in the Br. Burton is the attorney for Mr. Jacobson and was successful in having the case thrown out of the District court some time ago. - t& lv' on train. al the newest styles and colors. Both Silk and Wool. Prices right JOHNNY GET YOUR GUN HAPPENINGS : W : : : -- : - -- BUY EARLY FUTURE GARMENTS WILL COST MORE SEE OUR NEW LINES OF ffl out-com- e. Suits, Coats And Dresses The very latest IB shown "Palmer" and "Novland" Brands PRESENT PRICES Are About 20 PER CENT LOWER than last year At we ordered these garments when goods were on the decline Fall Suits Fall Coats Fall Dresses . $14.85 and up $19.85 and up $14.85 and up Golden Rule Store L. Frank, Manager CHOP, AND WEATHER REPORT ARLINGTON, AUGUST 25TH The story of "Johnny Get Your Gun" has to do with "Johnny Wig-gin- " (played by Mr. Taylor) a son of the western plains, who, at the begining of the story is a "stunt" man with a motion picture concern in California. Johnny's duties are picking up and executing the daring work of the leading man. With his to g friend Bill Burnham, he has travelled the ranges of the west as fall season as a cow boy, but finding the picturo work more profitable, enters that on Bill's sister, Janet, is profession. an heiress, living in the east. Conof shoes ditions are such that she cannot fammarry without Bill's consent to her to selection of a husband. Woman-lik- e, its for Janet decides to marry a man, who, ily unknown to her, happens to be a acfortune hunter, and Bert Whitney, more going to who is really in love with her, hastens west in quest of Bill, with the idea of bringing him back and preventing the wedding. Young Whitney finds Bill in a Reno jail for killing a sheep-herde- r, for but Bill sends Bert down to California with a letter to Johnny beg-in- g facts him to go east and impersonate n him, which Johnny readily does. comto Those left of the family have not seen Bill for many years, so that is easily Johnny's impersonation done and Johnny arrives in the Long Island home of the Burnam's as brother Bill. He breezes into this stocks HI social atmosphere like a refreshing west wind, proceeds with daring inrefor to genuousness to gather up the reins of the household and succeeds in precipitating a series of complications which culminate in situation after situation of such laugh producing quality that an audience will run the gamut from snickers to screams through two hours of the keenest enjoyment. How Johnny exposes the true character of the fortune hunter to the e sister of his pal locks horns with a crooked financier bent on transferring the girl's fortune to his own coffers and succeeds in winning a winsome girl for his very own, WHERE GOOD SHOES ARE CHEAPER all goes to lend a touch of drama with a thrill and serves to make "Johnny Get Your Gun" just the E3E sort of entertainment which the American public likes. Young pigs for sale. Charles Constipation upsets the entire sysPrices 25c, 50c, and 75c, plus war Haynes. to serious the illness tem, causing tax. 's hnman family. Don't worry Rockey Mountain Tea will Nova Scotia Cherries. ELK HERDS ARE CONdrive out constipation, regulate the The province of Nova Scotia raises FRONTED WITH EXTINCTION bowels, tone the stomach, purify sxceedingly large and luscious black cleanse without fail. Give it a thoro iherries. trial. 35c at Lunt's Pharmacy. Aug. The officers of the Forest Service and the Biological Survey, and the States of Wyoming and Montana are seriously concerned over the probability of heavy losses of lk this winter. The open ranges upon which the elk herds in the teritory tributary to the Yellowstone Park are dependent during the winter, lie in the heart of the region so seriously affected by the drouth this summer. As a result very little forage has been produced by these areas and the outlook for the coming winter is a grave one. If the winter is open and mild, the elk may escape with no more than a normal loss, but if the winter is, a severe one of long duration and marked by heavy crusts on Check-Bew- are the snow, a loss or 50 per cent or to more of the animals will not be at all improbable. The stock of hay in the possession of the Federal and state authorities in Jackson valley is 25 per cent above normal, but up to this time, many of the elk have' wintered upon the pastures and hay stacks of the settlers. This year the pastures are in poop Walk-Ov- er condition, the hay stacks scanty and the settlers confronted with the necessity of utilizing every pouiid of forage available In order to winter their domestic stock. Under Buch circumstances a bad winter will result in a very heavy death loss of elk. Shoe Problems Are going be the big problems the advances, bringing with it price advances every we receive, and shipment when it comes fitting up the the winter with Shoes than we are cost customed to pay. life-lon- I old-tim- Temperatures continued moderate in northern Utah and comparatively high in southern counties. The precipitation was very light, if any, generally, but comparatively heavy in Millard county. The weather on the whole was favorable to livestock and the summer ranges and winter range prospeetes are reported greatly improved in Grand, San Juan and Millard counties, though rain is generally needed. Potatoes, the third crop of alfalfa, and beets progressed favorably, and late peaches and apples continue promising, though some are dropping; lati peaches are The ripening at Brigham v ;ty. weather was favorable for 1.10 threshing of early grains and the r vesting' of late grains, which we, proThe IW.Jard generally. gressing county alfalfa seed crop contiu les thrifty and very promising, the OF INTEREST TO NEPHI POULTRY MEN weather being very favorable; the earliest is being cut. The Cache Mr. T. L. Foote, a former resident valley beet seed crop is being cut. of Nephi, but now living in Salt Lake, was in the city Wednesday having SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS come clown to meet with some of the Hearing bo much about high prices farmers who are Interested In the Mr. we want to Inform our customers on raising of poultry products. very Important facts. The prices of Foote and a number of his associates our new fall goods which are arriving have recently formed a company to now are not as high as they were handle eggs and dressed poultry, last year due to the fact that we made their place of business being at 41 E. our purchases during a sliglft de- Second South, Salt Lake City. Mr. cline which came shortly after the Foote, who Is extensively interested close of the war, but prices have now In poultry raising having a large taken an advance for future orders poultry farm at Murray, Is president and we strongly advise our customers of the company. The object of this to take advantage of the early fall company Is to provide a direct selling and winter goods we ara offering, agency between the producer and the and which were bought, as we stated consumers of poultry and eggs, and, before, at a slight decline over last according to jMr. Foote, it will pay year's prices, the benefit of which Nephi people who raise eggs and we are now asking you to take ad- poultry to get Into communication with their association as only provantage of THE GOLDEN RULE STORE, ducts of those who are members of L. Frank, Manager. the association will be hand'ed. ap-pl- se V-i- Our reasons publishing these are that our patrons may get the conditions that are wise ing an d BUY THEIR SHOES NOW and buy them cheaper from than we will be our present Shoes to compelled pay place the Shoes we are now selling at the Nephi Mer. Co. Hol-lister- Unless A Trade Mark To Merchandise What A Signature Is To A Is Hart Schaff ner & Marx Clothes Shoes Stetson & Mallory Hats Wilson Bros. Shirts n Work Shoes Nap-A-Ta- The above Trade lines carry Marks that are fully guaranteed : : : : Quality first The 3E Toggery S3 |