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Show the; times-new- nephi, utah. s, PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP 3l: NOTICES I! II i Have You Visited Our New Ice Cream Parlor? Consult the County Clerk or respective signers for further particulars. Cool and Inviting. Good Service and the best quality of Ice Cream and Soda Drinks. Try our famous Crescent Ice Cream residence in Nephi City, Utah, on or before the 15th day of October A. D. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARMS for James Hawkins of Salt Lake was Tenny deceased. a Nephi visitor Monday. Creditors will present claims with Mrs. Campbell returned home to vouchers to the undersigned at his Estate of Eliza U. 1919. Wm. Bailey, Administrator the of estate of Eliza U. Tenny. Date of first publication Aug. 8, 191S. Last publication Aug. 29, 1919. Thos. H. Burton, Atty for estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mikkel P. Kong deceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Mona, Juab county, state of Utah, on or before the 4th day of October. A. D. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. Estate of Plenty of Money 1919. M. M. King, Administrator of the estate of Mikkel P. King, deceased. First publication, August 1, 1919. Last publication, August 22, 1919. On Improved Farms, at 5 2 Per Cent Interest. Long Time. Easy Terms. Apply to 1-- - - Miss Melba Hague left Sunday a two weeks' visit in Salt Lake. NOTICE TO CREDITORS LuntV Pharmacy T. C. Winn, - WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL COURT Probate Division; in and for Juab County, State of Utah. In the matter of the estate of Secretary John Matson, deceased. Nephi National Farm Loan Association Creditors will present claims with vouchers to" the undersigned at the office of J. E. "Johnson, attorney at law. Park City. Utah, on or before the 15 th day of October, A. D. 1919 Tel. 3 J FRED MATSON, of the estate ot John her Administrator CHAS. H. DUNN nes in that city. deceased. Matson, (D. D. S. St. Louis Univ.) Frank Brough and Milton Ockey 1919 15. First publication August are employed in Salt Lake at the who last publication, Sept. 5, 1819. Reserve bank, were down to Federal Post Office Bldg. Nephi Sunday spending the day with Nephi 10,000 ACRES IRRIGATED LAND NOTICE relatives. ON SEVIER RIVER Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell, Mr I am prepared to give a course in Violin Study at 50c per lesson. For Wilford Bailey and Miss Pearl Bailey where particulars, inquire of Miss Mercy motored to Salt Lake Saturday visited for a few days before re All good sugar beet and alfalfa soil Goldsbrough. they t. A. CHRISTENSEN turning home. with an unquestionable water right. Very Best of Oak Tan Leather Sergeant J. S. Hawkins of Salt New Potatoes Grow Old. Used tat All Repair Work Dome Selling at $65 an acre In 9 yearly was visiting relatives in Nephi Lake If you place potatoes By Us. Our Prices For Rehas recently 6 cent with payments interest. per in a box in a perfectly dry dark place Monday. Mr. Hawkins pairing Defy All Competition. from France, having been returner) weeks a them few yon for and leave For further information write or will find that new potatoes have grown stationed in Paris for some time be sea on the old ones. They will continue to fore leaving for home. Daily Thought. H. S. REALS Silence Is more eloquent than words. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morgan and grow until the old potatoes have shriv Commercial Hotel Oasis, Utah. eled to dry skins. Oarlyla family motored to Salt Lake Sun day from which point Mr. Morgan left for Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Morgan an the children will probably go as far as Burley, Idaho, before returning to Nephi. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Berry returned to Salt Lake Monday after an ex tended visit with relatives here After a short stay in Salt Lake they will leave for Chicago where Mr, Berry will continue his studies OPEN FOR SETTLEMENT Reasonable Rates Lynndyl after a few days' visit with friends in Nephi. Mrs. L. A. Miner and children returned home yesterday after a ten days' visit with relatives in Salt Lake. Miss Clara Farnsworth of Manti was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ralph Belliston, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Howard and daughters are enjoying a trip to Yellowstone Park this week. Mrs. W. A. Mulligan of Provo is the guest this week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brough. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Horton returned to their home at Price after a two weeks' visit with relatives in Nephi. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller are re joicing over the arrival of a baby boy which came to their home Saturday. Mrs. J. G. Irons and children re turned home Saturday after a two months visit with relatives in Logan. Elmer Tolley returned home Fri day evening from Idaho where he has been working for some time. Mrs. Rex Hyde and family returned to their home in Halt LaKe arxer several weeks visit with Nephi rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Ernel Johnson return ed to Lynndyl Friday evening aner n nlfiasant. visit with Mrs. John Snerry. Mrs. R. J. Henroid and daughter Lyle left for South Pasadena, Calif join Friday evening where she will busihusband who is engaging in We than ordinary service. Keep Your Loans at Home Company A OFFICE, FIRST NATIONAL NEPHI, UTAH I- - .1. ! li I i 44 tm ...it- - anrtttiM. tivnr carry Electric Equipment for the Washer you now carry the Westinghouse motor Fully guaranteed. We I mm 'm & have. We mm M3n- - Hardy Palm. The hiirdiest palm at all common Is California's "Trachycarpus excel-sus,- LOOK FOR THE RED BALL " TRADE MARK known t'.s the windmill palm. Not alone is it hardy in withstanding low temperatures, but it is tcugh and will endure rough treatment, but boxed it is not a success, suy those vlio know. RfPAtlmx $ Ammunition wJIlUUllIlg lVlfifll LP m 0CC n .,tl,i;.V, t 1 maintain them. build up. develop and Ti HANK SEE US FOR ELECTRIC WASHERS Price $45 Mr. Ed. Sparks, Jr. of Denver, Colo., was visiting his parents in this city Saturday and Sunday. Mr. FOR SALE Sparks is the Colorado manager of h McDonald Candy company, and .Good House for sale. .Easy terms. made the trip from Denver by auto One block from main street. .See but says he doesn't want to tackle T. H. Burton, Nephi, Utah. the proposition again as the roads aornaa the eastern Utah desert are very bad in places. fawtitutioa COMMUNITY always welcomes the establishing of that fills a recognized community need ; tmf o rtunately it doesn't always manifest a lively interest in the health of such an after it is established. insti-tnti- Ask Us How THE GEO. C, WHITMORE CO. Shoe Repairing dentistry. make a thoughtful study of your particular requirements, which enables us to give your business more DENTIST The Public and the Satisfactory Terms 0 NOTICE TO TEACHERS on tat An industry can be established by the investment of capital; its development and maintenance depend upon the attitude of the public toward the enterprise and toward the product. likewise, the permanency of an institution depends apon the will, ingness of its customers to pay a sufficient price for its product to enable H to continue strong and healthy financially. The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company's system ef wires, furnishing the means of communication over mountains, plains and desert, is a tremendous factor in the development of the West. Telephone service is a "home product" of every community in the mountain states, and is woven into the very warp and woof of oommw-da- l and social life. The permanency and adequacy of telephone service depend upon the same factors as are involved in the seourity and of every other established industry. cy With very, very few exceptions the people of tlie West recognise these principles and pursue a "live sad let lire" policy toward at legitimate business institutions. The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company State examinations for second and third class certificates will be held this year on Friday and Saturday August 29th and 30th, at the Super intendent's office, Nephi, Utah. There will be six examinations, as follows : English; including grammar, spelling, composition and literature August 29th, 9 a. m. and Psychology 2. Education based upon recent texts in elementary educational psychology and principals of education. August 29, 10.30 a. m 3. Hygiene and Sanitation; in eluding psychology and personal and school hygiene; based upon standard texts In these subjects. The appli cant should be familiar with the Utah Course of Study Supplement on Medi cal Inspection, Health Supervision Education in the and Physical schools. August 29, 1.30 p. m 4. Nature Study or Arithmetic August 29, 3 p. m. 5. Drawing or Community Civics August 30, 9 a. m. 6. U. S. History or Geogmphy August 30, 10.30 a. m. In each of the last three examina Hons, applicants take their choice of subjects named. High school text books named in the state adopted list will be found adequate for study of subjects in which texts are not mentioned. These examinations are not for re newal of certificates named. Teachers who now hold first and second class certificates are expected to renew by comnletlnir at least five semester hours of additional college work. RAY STEWART, Supt. Juab School District. 1. 0 Here is a Practical Outfit 0 on i 7 H. P. Oil Tractor pulls three plows This Case in hard plowing four plows under favorable conditions. It has 25 per cent, reserve power. It burns kerosene successfully and economically. All gears are cut steel en e main frame insures closed and run in oil. The permanent alignment of all gears, shafts snd bearings. It is also adaptable for all kinds of belt work. It easily handles a Case 26x46 thresher equipped with wind stacker and feeder. Its pulley is properly placed to driven machine. for convenient "llning-up- " automatic lift Grand Pe recommend the Detour plow for use with the 7 tractor. This makes an ideal combination for the average size farm. It is neither too large nor too small. It can plow from 9 to 14 acres in ten hours. . ' The plow is light, but owing to its simple construe, tlcai it is strong and durable. I We will be glad to explain this rig in detail. Write or call us today. Investigate before you buy. 15-2- one-piec- o on 15-2- For Sale by G. R. JUDD UTAH GARAGE JUDD'S NEPHI, KEROSENE 0 NOTICE; 0 on TRACTORS flkMTJl Wt mm th public to know that out plow m NOT dw Cm plow bf lh J. L Cm Plow Wacfc. , nJ DOC 873 DOC 0 |