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Show THE TIMES-NEW- Our Toilet singly or or rolls for traveling or your dressing table a guarantee of comfort. Our reaaanable prices ease the way. NEPHI, UTAH. ID Back to His Own LINES BEING DRAWN HandyPieceThings S, fflCAIJS ADMINISTRATION TWO AVIATORS CAPTURED BANDITS FREED UPON THE PAYMENT OF RANSOM. BV Mitt Kelly Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health. Republican Senators Declare Result of Negotiations Will Be Stiffening of Resistance to Attempt at Unreserved Ratification. Had Lost Their Way After They Had Been Forced to Land as Result of Engine Trouble and Were Taken Prisoner by Bandits. Newark, N. J. "For about thre year I offered from nervous break- WWU WU KUb BO weak I couldnardly stand, and had headaches every day. I tried everything I Washington. As a sequel to the White House conference on Saturday between President Wilson and Senator Hitchcock, administration leader In the senate treaty fight, it lias become apparent that the administration forces will center their present effort on bringing the treaty out of committee and defeating any textual amendments, leaving in the background any negotiations relative to final ratification with reservations.' Meantime, Republican senators declared one result of the negotiations of the last few days and of Senator Hitchcock's statements after he had left the president had been to stiffen resistance to any attempt at unreserved ratification and to increase the determination of those, who want the treaty amended outright. They asserted Saturday's poll had shown opposition growing stronger, in the face of the explanatory .statements from Tokio and from the White House. The reported position of the president that any textual amendments would send the treaty back for renegotiation with Germany without any mllitury force to compel acceptance of the American demands was taken as largely forecasting the trend of the amendment fight. It is known that Mr. Lodge has been studying a number of drafts, including those drawn by the McNary group and those suggested by Elihu Root, William H. Taft and Charles E. Hughes. He is understood not to have stood sponsor for the draft lie showed to the Republican senators, however, but to have merely submitted it for consideration. Republicans assert that the only possible outcome. If reservations are to be adopted In place of textual amendments, will be agreement on the draft drawn by Mr. Lodge or some other senator which must be accepted The only open by the Democrats. question, they declare, is how drastic the reservations are to be. The Democratic leaders, however, maintained there had been no change In their stand for unreawced.. ratifi cation,- anu in some quarters me outcome of the conference between the president and Senator Hitchcock was Interpreted to mean that Mr. Wilson would fight uncompromisingly against both amendments and reservations. Lieutenant H. G. Marfa, Texas. Peterson, one of the two American aviators held by Mexican bandits for $15,- 000 ransom, crossed the border to the American side early Monday morning. Shortly after Lieutenant Peterson crossed the border, Captain Matlacr returned, bringing with him Lieutenant Davis. Captain Matlack brought back with f him the ransom money. He said after Peterson had been released, Davis was brought forward by the bandits, and the two mounted Captain Matlack's horse. The bandits demand ed the remainder of the ransom mon ey, and Captain Matlack and Davis answered by riding rapidly away. The aviators- landed ou the American side of the river, Lieutenant Peterson said. Upon their arrival at Candelaria a week ago Sunday, their engine developed trouble and they were forced to land, smashing their landing gear and fuselage in doing so. The two aviators then tried to find their way to the nearest army camp and became confused. They walked and swam down the Rio Grande during Monday, Lieutenant Peterson said, and then hired Mexican burros after Peterson developed a fever. They had started for Candelaria when an armed Mexican overtook them and made them prisoners. They were unarmed. They were overtaken by a band of armed bandits, Lieutenant Peterson said, and a crowd of people from a little town. They continued on their forced journey until Friday night, when the bandits forced the aviators to write messages demanding ransom and telling of the death threat. FORCES WILL CENTER EFFORTS ON GETTING TREATY OUT OF COMMITTEE. BOYD PARK fOUNDCD IflOa BREAKDOWN AMERICAN AIRM EN IN TREATY FIGHT in sets, in cases A NERVOUS RELEASE MAKERS OF JEWELRY IM MAIN STRUT SALT LAKE CITY Business Courses Stenography Bookkeeping Dictaphone Typewriting Civil Service Posting Machine L. D. S. Business College Salt Lake Day and City, Evening Utah All the Year Typewriters Sold. makes Rented, Write for pricoi-7.- 50 Repaired, to $100. Utah Office and School Supply 32 W. 2nd South, Salt Lake City. Utah All MFI P WAMTrn If you want bis wages learn barber trade. Many small towns need barbers; good opportuneaes open for men over draftatre. Barbers in army bars Get prepared good as officers commission. In few weeks. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 43 8. West Temple St.. Salt Lake City. nttr RICH Old nitl WITH CHARM OF AGE Deerfleld, In Massachusetts, On of the Most Interesting of New England Towns. Descendants of the first families will tell yon In all earnestness that the newest house in Old Deerfleld is at lept one hundred and twenty-fiv- e years old. As a matter of fact, this Is not a true statement, but It cannot be called "a lie" on the part of the informant, who Is a Puritanical New Englander. The difference is all In the point of view. For him or for her, the half dozen homes and the one hotel that have been built In the last decade do not exist. He does not see them, but looks right through and sees the landscape aa It was before the blot appeared. Old Deerfleld is little changed since the Indians trailed through Massachusetts on their way from Albany to Boston. Belles of many a battle be--t M5K?7 W" jvigToe are to be seen in the little Pocomtuck museum, Deerfield's only boulders public building. Various along Main street and on the Albany post road commemorate the many bloody struggles to push the new frontier westward In those early pioneer days. Trees that were old when Columbus discovered America overreach one beautiful highway Main street. Their height, if not their size of trunk, is almost great enough to tempt the eloquence of a native California n. For safety's sake a plump, very plump, purse or one that has been stepped on by the proverbial elephant is a necessity in visiting Old Deerfleld. Her women have revived housewifely industries and renewed needle and loom artistry. Loom productions like those that New England grandmothers turned out. Modest signs may be seen "Rama Baskets" that Announcing: have earned for their weavers a world fame for design, color and fine weaving; "Quilts and Needlework," that would stagger the hurried city-brewoman; "Tatting and Knitted Lace;" "Photographs" now recognized on two continents as unusual camera art, and, "Tea Room for Autonmbil-ists- " finally, in a -- house bearing the date of Deer-field- 's JAPAN TO RESTORE SHANTUNG. to China Promised by Premier Hara. Tokio. Restitution to China by Japan of those parts of the ShantuKB province, including Kiaochow, now occupied by Japanese forces, will be made without unnecessary delay, but the time required will be dependent upon the attitude of China, said Tak-asDara, the Japanese premier, in an answer to a question as to whether actual restoration would take place. Restitution , FRANKLIN F. ELLSWORTH c, d MEXICAN POLICY Communication Couched in Strongest Language Used in Any From This Government Since Vera Cruz Occupation. President Carranza Washington. and the Mexican government has been warned that Americans must be protected in future. The first definite move toward the in long expected changes in policy dealing with Mexico was disclosed on Thursday. Carranza has been warned that if the murders and outrages of Americans continue, the United States "may be forced to adopt a radical change in its policy with regard to Mexico." With the announcement at the state department, however, came no authoritative indication of how far the American government is preparing to go to enforce what lacks only the diplomatic technicalities of an ultimatum. The government announced its action by publishing an exchange of notes with Mexico City, and prefaced its official statement with the explanation that the diplomatic representations referred to had been taken In "View 'ot the'Tong' serteS of murders and outrages of American citizens In Mexico, culminating in the murder of Peter Catron in San Luis Potosi last month, and the perpetratlos of other acts in disregard of American lives and property." The communication to Mexico is couched in probably the strongest language used in any from this government since the exchanges preceding the Vera Cruz occupation. All official Washington began at once looking behind the official text seeking some reason for an impending change of policy, for which there has been demand in and out of congress. Pressure from foreign governments and pressure in congress which is preparing an investigation of fhe whole Mexican situation were among those most commonly discussed. Outwardly there was no reason apparent except the long and growing list of outrages on Americans. Objected to Editorial Which Attacked His Alleged Pacifism and His Reported Opposition to an Invasion of Mexico. Mount Clemens, Mich. Henry Ford, automobile manufacturer, was awarded, damages of 6 cent in his suit for $1,000,000 against the Chicago Tribune. A jury in Judge James Tucker's court returned the verdict Thursday night after deliberating 11 hours and 20 minutes. Ford based his suit on an editorial published In the Tribune on June 23, 19,16, which appeared under the caption, "Ford is an anarchist." The editorial attacked Ford's alleged pacifism, stressing his pre-w- I Pinkham's ar told me about the day I took it I began to feel better and now I am well and she it From What He Didn't Understand. Joe had been spending his first vacation on a farm. When for the first time he saw the chickens all lined tip on the roost he exclaimed. "How do they ever stick on to that grand stand while they are asleep?" In Hit Line. Lady of the House (to the doctor) I'm so glad you came along, doctor. Some unexpected guests have arrived and the butcher hasn't turned up. Would you mind killing a couple of Chicken for ma T Pearson' Weekly. Tinoco Reaches Jamaican Capital Kingston, Jamaica. Kedcrlco Tlnnco who recently abandoned the presidency of Costa Rica nnd fled the country, fearing he would be assassinated, arrived here Saturday on board the Steamer Zacapn, en route to Europe. Austrian Want Charles. Paris. Dignitaries of the former Austrian regime have reiterated their request that former Emperor Charles assume an active part In Austrian affair, according to a dispatch from Zurich. Oregon Bank Robber Escapes. Snelm, Ore. Chester William Clark, who robbed the Bank of lienverlon, and was sent to tin- - penitentiary one month ago, made his escape from the Berry field on the prison farm. He is 2t years old. Wild West Stunt In New York. Buffalo, N. Y. Throe member of the crew of a Lehigh Valley troop train were held up by two masked men between Niagara Falls nnd Buffalo early Thursday and robbed of all their cash. fij-s- t able to do most anv kind of work. J have been recommending- the Com pound ever since and give you my permission to publish this letter." Mis Flo Kelly, 476 So. 14th St., Newark, N.J. The reason this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, was so successful in Miss Kelly's case was because it went to the root of her trouble, restored her to a normal healthy condition and a a result her nervousness disappeared. Stung. Harry and Grace each received a nickel with which to buy candy. They hurried down the street to a little shop, where the tempting array of chocolates in the window and the inviting sign, "The Busy Bee," above the door, lured them within. They made their purchases and left. Once out on the sidewalk, Harry held up his sack, in which rattled wee particles of candy. "Busy Bee," he snorted. "No wonder they call It that if everybody who goes In there gets stung like we did." Indianapolis News. antipre-paredne- n re-e- . 4 J X X snt 1 ,j f 7 . ' Russian com-mero- e, Vege- table Compound and Belgium After the War. Statistical students of the cost of living In Brussels show that for necessities the price of which may be desPersian Treaty Causing Comment. activities and his reported ignated as 100 in April, 1914, Brussels Paris. Although the peace confer- paid 699 In January, 1919. or nearly opposition to an American invasion of ence has not yet taken up the British-Persiaa sevenfold increase. There has been Mexico. treaty, which just came to a constant drop since January, reachFor the past three months the legal light, wherein the British claim spec- ing 664 In February, 403 in March, 844 fight was waged without a let-uin Persia which prac- In April and 333 in May, 1919. ArtiAttorneys for the defense attempted ial privileges to show that Ford Interfered with gov- tically makes Persia a protectorate cles not necessities have come down ernment activities and that contrary like Egypt, it is expected the subject from 615 in January to 406 in May, to reports he had refused to give re- will be brought up before the council and clothing, shoes, coal and light repfive as soon as the shah of Persia resented by 516 In January, have drop turned militiamen their former posi- - of arrives in Paris. i ped to 351 In May. uuiia in ma iuciui'. Witnesses for the plaintiff testified Firemen Ask for Big Raise. Getting Madder All the Time. that these men were not only Cleveland. A 35 to 65 per cent inBobby noticed that his friend Johnny ployed on their return from the border Willie's neck, but that their families, in many In crease in wages is demanded for 117,-00- 0 was sitting on little was faced to the on while latter firemen the railroads and hostlers were stances, provided for by Ford in the United States and Canada in a ground in a helpless position. during their time of service. "What are you sitting on Willie wage sscale adopted before adjournment Sunday by 300 general chairmen for?" demanded Bobby. Idaho Miners Strike. "Oh, I'm just going to sit on him till the Brotherhood of Locomotive FireWallace, Idaho. A walkout of prac- of session here all I count a hundred, 'cause my mamma men in and Englnemen 100 miners cent the of of per tically told me to always count a hundred Burke, Mullan and Nine Mile districts week. when you are angry before striking of the Coeur d'Alenes occurred Friday anyone, and I don't want him to get Would Salvage Kruger Fortune. following a vote by members of the away." London. To recover more than International Union of Mine, Mill and in gold, part of the fortune of Smelter Workers. Cutlcura for 8ore Hand. the late Ooin Paul Kruger, once presiSoak hands on retiring In the hot euda bewhich is of the dent Transvaal, Pilgrims Killed at Crossing. of Cutlcura Soap, dry and rub in CuLima. O. Five persons were In- - lieved to be cemented in the hold of Remove surplus tlcura Ointment. on sunk Tenedos statly killed near here Friday, when the bark Dorothea, Ointment with tissue paper. This 1 an automobile In which they were reef off the coast of Zululand, is one only one of the things Cutlcura will do riding was struck by a Western Ohio of the projects which may be revived If Soap, Ointment and Talcum are used sciin the of a result as had been victims improvement Traction car. The for all toilet purposes. Adv. attending a Catholic pilgrimage at ence of salvaging sunken ships. Carey. Contentment. Labor Party Being Organized. Perfect contentment kills all ambiMISS MARGARET BONDFIELD Chicago. Initial steps In the organan ice tion. No small ization of a national labor party were cream cone wouldboy licking with paces change conference of a repat taken Monday of the United States durthe president of resentatives of labor organizations that glad few minutes. several states. A temporary execu- ing Viamed to issue a tive committee was When a man marries his stenogracall for delegates to a national conventhat Is where he stops dictattion to be held In Chicago in Novem- pher, ing. date. a to definite set ber nnd five-hou- the English throne. American colonies and was constantly in opposition to the German king, George III, who was then sitting on DAMAGES TS CARRANZA IS WARNED THAT AUTO MANUFACTURER WINS HIS LIBEL SUIT AGAINST CHICAGO MURDERS AND OUTRAGES OF NEWSPAPER. AMERICANS MUST CEASE. Operations Costly. Representative Franklin F. EllsImilon. British expenditures for worth, now serving his third term as member of the house, has announced the naval and military operations In Russia from the date of the armistice his candidacy for governor of Minnesota. He la a member of the commit- until the end of July amounted to $350,000,000, according to an official tee on Interstate and foreign "white paper" Issued here Thursday. ring-lan- FORD IS AWARDED Invested. Washington. A plan devised by S. Davit's Warfield of Baltimore, under which the government in the reorganization of railroads, would provide a minimum return of (t per cent on Invested capital with division of all sur- I plus over that amount among employees, the public and the earning road, was outlined Thursday to the public Interstate ooniinerce committee. Luther M. Walter of Chicago, general counsel for the National Associ ation of Owners of Railroad Securities, which sponsors the plan, discussed Its various points with the committee r at a session, and declared It could be put Into effect at once, or certulnly with the return of the. roads to private control at the end of the year. The right of labor to share In the profits of the roHds was laid down by Mr. Walter as one of the fundamentals of the plan. Dance to Attract Mate. On some of the Islands of the in tropjcal South America, is found the beautiful bird known as the Jacann. It Is famous for Its love dunces, which appear to be executed by the mule to excite the admiration of the female birds.. When the mating season approaches the juanui will single out Its favorite lady and try to win her admiration with nil its bewitching maneuvers. In the dunce the wings are spread and worked in such a manner that the beautiful colored feathers produce a brilliant effect. Charles James Fox. Charles James Fox was one of 111 progressives of English politics, as well as one of the most brilliant orntors end statesmen In the history of Like most thinking people of his day, he favored freedom of the AIL CHANGE Six Per Cent Guaranteed On Capital 1678. sician's care for two one-hal- WARFIELD HAS RAIL PLAN. d think of and under phyA girl friend year. had used Lydia E. could was Margaret Bondflsld, assistant secretary of the National FederationI of England, of Women Worker making speeches In this country on behalf of organised labor. Japan Refuses Aid to Kolchak. Tokio. It has been learned that the Japanese government hns Informed the government of Admiral Kolchak that Japan Is tinnble to accede to It of request to send several divisions """I" Kolchak In the waf troop" against the Bolshevlkl. Strike Leaders Refused Bail, Bail was refused t Winnipeg. of the recent Winnipeg leaders eight strike by Judge Cameron, who ordered their arrest for alleged violation ot promises not to agitate. Mia Fire at Idaho Penitentiary. Boise. Fire broke out from spon taneous combusion Monday morning in a building used for a power plant at the Idaho state penitentiary ami destroyed It, together with about eighty cords of wood, nnd caused damages to dynamos, boilers and engines used for lighting in the state institution. Eight Killed at Crossing. Cleveland. Seven members of the John Tralnor family, of Cleveland father, mother, four sons and a daughter and a woman relative of the Traln or,, Were Instantly killed when their auto was struck by a train at a cross ing Sunday. Pershing Coming Horn Soon. Paris. Before, leaving for Italy, General John J. Pershing told correspondents that he expected to sail for America about September 1, and. shortly after his arrival, would visit his old home In Missouri and would also go lo Cheyenne, Wyo. Car 8trike in Gotham. New York. All subway and elevated railway lines of the Interhoro Rapid Transit company were tied up Sunday by the strike of 15,000 members of the Brotherhood of Interhoro which went Into effect at 4 o'clock. German Workmen Are Touchy. Workmen In the railroad shops of central Germany are refusing to repair an armored locomotive, part of the equipment of (he army, on the ground that It la a tool of "Noske's oloodhounds." Coblenss. Don't Go From Bad to Worse. Are vou alwavs weak, miserable and Then it's time you found out what is wrong. Kidney weakness causes much suffering from backache, stiffness and rheumatic lameness, pains, and if neglected, brings danger of serious troubles dropsy, gravel and A ttm t. uoan'l Kidney and tint. They have thousands should helped help you. Ask your neighbor! half-sick- ? : An Idaho Case W. Webster, Eighth St., Lewis-IoIdaho, says: "I had trouble from my kidneys of a dropsical nature. Mornintrs my hands were swollen so badly I could hardly close them and my feet were swollen, too The flesh under my yes was purred up and I had other an Mrs. J. 0110 if Cat noying; symptoms IWi at As Store. DOAN'S ot eomolilflt, Pills kldnev Doan's Kidney nxea me up .in snaps. - ooa 0 a Bos "p1, CO. BUFFALO. N.Y. FOSTER-MILBUR- N PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ot merit, frrrmtltindandruff. Hfl(ltorswlit' rvr nesiw uitj voiot anu Beauty to Gray nd Faded Hair KWi Una A toilet y ,f b tirirci.tn, Rwnotfli! Corni, Cat to th atopa palo, nNMi comfort Inn. irml I nr mt !ruc- washing ratataocrue. M. T. rifta. Ulaoos Cbemleal Works, hj HINDERCORNS all tout,BMlceta,, ft, DATCflTC I 1. 1 J I ml rjl m Wataon . Colamam, FauiDtLawyar.WMbinBion, ). (j, Advice and booufree, raattonabla. ilifhait rtUrenoae, JtovtarfiM. |