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Show V THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH. S. Lift offCorns! ALLIGATOR HAS GOOD POINTS UTAH BUDGET Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezona South Carolina Newspaper Gives Some Reasons Why Indiscriminate Killing Should Be Stopped. E. N. Webb, of Lohl, suffered a broken arm when hi automobile back- costs only a few cents. The alligator is another good citizen whose usefulness is overlooked, for killing alligators has been from time immemorial a popular pastime. In Louisiana it was found that when the alligators were killed off the muskrats multiplied and destroyed the moclevees; also the cotton-moutcasin, the garfish and the carp increased wonderfully. Whereupon protection was given to the alligators. This lacertiliah, to give him his correct family name, has probably kept the muskrat away from the South Carolina coast, for the muskrat Is unknown on the coast. If allowed to mlutiply the alligator will make inroads on the carp, the garfish and the cotton-moutall undesirable members of our fauna. The sum total of the alligator's evil doing amounts to this: He catches a dog now and then; once in a long while pulls a hog or bites the tail off a cow, for sundry stump-taile- d cows along the Atlantic Coast Line right of way have met misfortune in this way. The cow, the dog and the hog are out of place when the alligator can get at them ; but at best very little of this happens. Charleston News and Courier. h Imitations Are Dangerous. fired while he was turning the engine ever. Myton has won out in its efforts to have the Ellington field De Havlland plane flyers stop over in the Uintah basin. Work for the state commission for the adult blind was launched at a meeting of the commission held in the capltoL Utah is spending more money per capita on good roads this year than any other state in the union, according to figures compiled recently. Moderate temperatures and light rains have brought about a general Improvement in agricultural and range I . conditions during the past week. The people of Brigham City are With your fingers ! You can lift oft any hard corn, soft corn, or corn beactively engaged in preparing an elaborate program for the celebration of tween the toes, and the hard skin calPeach Day, Wednesday, September 3. luses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs Utah's apple crop this year indilittle at any drug store; apply a few cates a fairly light yield or about 83 drops upon the corn or callus. Inper cent of last year, according to the stantly it stops hurting, then shortly August report of the bureau of crop estimates. you lift that bothersome corn or callus right oft, root and all, without one bit The owner of the hotel at Duchesne of pain or soreness. Truly ! No which was destroyed by fire June 15, has completed plans for a new structure to replace, the old building on The Reminiscent Fraction. the same site. "I suppose I'm getting to be a back Austin Alonzo Perry, 59, an oil .diAt any rate, the folks who use number," remarked Uncle Bill Bottle-tostiller at the Magna copper mills, was street cars out don't start praying sadly. fatally injured when an ore car struck "What number?" inquired the village against blowouts. him. He died within a few minutes wag. of the accident. "I haven't thought about that. 1 Only a wise girl selects for a husThree more school districts have guess it's about two and seventy-fivband a man whose mother didn't know hundredths." reported census returns for the year how to cook. ending July 31, all three showing a less number of children of school age than last year. This army recruiting district, embracing all of Utah and part of Idaho, stands fifth in the United States in the proportion of men enlisted per Kidney disease is no respecter of per- signals that the kidneys need help. sons. 10,000 population. A majority of the ills afflicting Tou should use GOLD MEDAL Haarlpeople today can be traced back to the em Oil Capsules immediately The) Governor Emmet D. Boyle, of Nekidney trouble.. soothing, healing oil stimulates the vada, has recovered from an attack of Tbe kidneys are the most important kidneys, relieves inflammation and deorgans of the body. They are the stroys the germs which have caused it. ptomaine poisoning which confined him of your blood. If the poisons Go to your druggist today and get a to his room at Salt Lake. The goverwhich are swept trom the tissues by the bo of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil nor was taken ill while visiting Salt blood are not eliminated through the Capsules. In twenty-fou- r hours you Lake. kidneys, disease of one form or another should feel health and vigor returning. Will claim you as a victim. After you feel somewhat improved Six boys who, it is alleged, stole an Kidney disease is usually indicated by continue to take one or two capsules automobile and ran down Mrs. Marion S weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, each day, so as to keep the despondency, backache, stomach trou- condition and ward off the danger of Bronson, at Monticello, Beverly injurble, pain in loins and lower abdomen, other attacks. ing her, have been located by the Ask for the original imported GOLD fall atones, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica MEDAL brand. Three sizes. Money recounty attorney and will be proseand lumbago. All these derangements we nature's funded if they do not help you. cuted. When coated rice is sold in Jtah it REPTILES AT HOME IN SAND must be labeled as such or the persons it will be subject to prosecuNaturalist Makes Interesting Report of selling tion under the state food laws, acHabits of Small Dwellers of cording to Walter M. Boyden, state by the Desert. dairy and food commissioner. Hog cholera broke out in the Denver Acid-Stoma- ch Quaint and curious are the ways of some reptiles of the desert, as revealed & Rio Grande stock yards at Price, W. Hoggan, state liveby the famous naturalist C. L. Camp, and Dr. R. That ' bitter heartburn, belching-who has been studying them in the stock inspector, who visited Price, Indirection, bloat after eating II are caused by But they found seventy-on- e hogs dead in the are only first symptoms danger signals to Colorado desert. He tells of some repwarn you of awful troubles If not atopped. tiles, the burrowing snuke sonora, the yards as a result of the disease. Headache, biliousness, rheumatism, sciatica, George Meldrum was drowned in that tired, listless feeling, lack of energy, gridiron-tailelizard, the ocellated dissiness. Insomnia, even cancer and ulcers Bear river at a point east of Tremon-ton- . of the Intestines and many other aliments sand lizard, and the desert "horned Mr. Meldrum was fishing and re traceable to which actually swim into the Thousands yes. millions of people who tond," loose sand by the strong lateral move- swimming in company with his son ought to be well and strong are mere weakand others, and stepped into a deep lings because of They really ments of their heads. The gridiron starve 111 the midst of plenty because they tailed lizard is do not get enough strength and vitality from swift and agile, hole in the river and went under. very the food they eat. A saving to Utah employers of apTake EATONXC and give your stomach a and when chased will nice over the chance to do its work right. Make It strong, sand at fifteen miles an hour. Most of proximately $95,000 a year will be efK ATONIC cool, aweet and comfortable. fected through a reduction in working-men'- s brings quick relief for heartburn, belching. the desert reptiles of Colorado are colIndigestion and other stomach miseries. Imored like their surroundings, and are compensation insurance rates, proves digestion helps you get full strength difficult to detect. Others can change Announced in schedules being filed from your food. Thousands say KATONIC Is the most wonderful stomach remedy In their colors to suit their surroundings, with the state industrial commission. the world. Brought them relief when everywhile not a few of the desert lizards else failed. thing The county commission has rejected Our best testimonial Is what KATONIC are able to part with their tails very ed all bids for construction of the will do for you. So get a big too box of KATONIC from your drugglat, use It when they are seized. There is North Cache High school. The board five days today If you're not pleased, return It readily In humor the ways of desert tortoises. had expected that the building could and get your money back. When one meets another, unless both have been erected for $100,000, but are males, when a fight invariably the lowest bid received was for $283,-01takes place, each nods its head rapidly I C TOR TOUR up and down as though In salutation, Contracts have been let for five and sometimes noses are touched as miles of concrete i"oad eighteen feet they pas. wide between the south side of Provo and the northern limits of Springville The Cause, and from the south limits of SpringTeddy hated to wash his face more ville to the north boundary line of than once a day. Just as vehemently Us in. Fork. he liked to use the hose to sprinkle Spanish former T. W. Peterson of the flowers. Fntlwr hnd to remonstrate member . of the stateLogan, legislature, with him for overspriukllng bis flowfour bears, while his brother, ers. "Yon'M make them wilt if yon bagged felled one. This fact was disErnest, sprinkle them at any time except in closed when the bounty of $30 on each the morning." he told hiin. was demanded of the state 'A few days later mother was trying animal week. to persuade him to wash his face for auditor last will this year hnve 2.rfi Utah county lunch. Then grandmother tried to use Davis county 125 of carolads apples, her Influence. "Why I always wash my Box Elder and while Weber, cars, face before lunch," she told him. Then Teddy looked at grandma's Cache will each ship less than fifv which is wrinkles and remembered the flowers. cars. The crop of Jonathans, one of the leading varieties, is re"Yes. and how see wilted it just is," he all SruaslaU: BoS. OlatmeatS 60. TslcomJS. ported very light. retorted. Ssnple mHi free of "OattMr. Da B, Bevies." The annual lamb and sheep movement to the east will si art this week, The Presbyterian Bird. W. N. U Salt Lake City, No. 3419li! In the early spring we begin to according to advices received from tl. hear the song of the I'resh.vterlan bird. general freight department of the DenReducing the Tariff. He off with a few rattling ver & Rio Grande. It is expected that starts My father being a minister, I had will, he exceptionally high the shipment the pleasure of being entertained on notes, makes a quick leap to a inelo-dloiilarge this year. About 800 to 1000 several occasions. Once, when the sfraln, ascend through many a variation to the keynote, and cars are expected from Heber and bride and groom stood up and the persuddenly stops, leaving bis song to Cotton alone. son hnd commenced the ceremony, the In the Victory exhibit which the Itself sing through your brain. To bridegroom Interrupted the ceremony illustration, it Is as government will show at the coming thus, "Just a moment, parson. I for- amplify heanother's Utah state fair there will be not only said got to ask what your tariff would be though K. S. Blglow In the fighting equipment of the army on this Job." The minister replied that and navy shown but also displays of tie hadn't a set price, but accepted Boy's Life. the Improved farming methods which whatever was given. "Well," replied enabled American farmers to work toBed. Solomon's the groomr "marry us a dollar's food production to maximum bed ward The Solobuilt for especially worth." Chicago Tribune. mon Is described as being of cedar help feed a large part of the world. from Lebanon, the pillars of which . Miss Louise rfooche, of Brigham Stonewall's Bon Mot. were silver and Its bottom of gold, City, was Injured when her right hand Stonewall Jackson, the great South-e- while Its wais of purple (Song was mangled In a washing machine general In the Civil war, once dis- of Songs covering Of course, metal III., Confedthe to wringer while she was doing tb famthis message patched She was taken to a erate wnr department at Richmond : would have been too hard to sleep ily washing. "Send more men and fewer questions." upon and Solomon certainly hnd n local hospitul, and It required twenty-fiv- e mattress of down and soft pillows for stitches to sew up the wound. The city council of liiibflcld 1ms miTDTKTt Bests, Bcfmkei. Settles. bis head. e Bal Keep Tour Eyee entered Into a contract with the a fellow Is stuck on himself T--Tl an Strong MdHealthy. If It sWhen Install to Power company a mighty difficult mntter to get him 'kfXAS Jk they Tire, Smart. ItcKor electric street lighting system, with Burn, if Sore, Irritated, apart. A,,irtUcC ornaments! Iron poles and 4iH candle j lUUR Inflamed or Granulated. use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult For the present the power lamps. My country Is the world and my reAt all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. '.o Main j confined will be lighting Is to do gooL Thomas I'nlne. Marlaa EjeBcaea; Caluga, U.S.A. ligion street. A j AN OHIO druggist writes to "The Practical Druggist," a prominent New York Dnig Journal as follows :"Please furnish formula for Castoria, All the formulas T have worked with are either ineffective or disagreeable to administer." To this "The Practical Druggist" replies: "We do not supply formulas for proprietary articles. We couldn't if we wanted to. Your experience with imitative formulas is n-- t surprising, but just what is to be expected. When Castoria is wanted, why not supply tho genuine? If you make a substitute, it is not fair or right to label it Castoria. We can give you all sorts of laxative preparations for children, but not Castoria, and we think a mother who asks for Castoria would not feel kindly toward you if you gave her your own product under such a name." No mother with a spark of affection for her child will overlook the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher when buying Castoria. ,Net Contents lSTluidJjraojrcl Children Cry For A lihiij p It m at a tf I"1 J CI e f AcfablcPrcpatationM B ITS NOT YOUR HEART; IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS un6lheStomais and Bowels TheretyTomotwuien; Cheerfulness andfGofvta', neither 0plam,Morpmnenw, Mineral. Not nahcotw AhelpfulBemedyfor first-claB- CoPvtlpaaoAandDwrrt" and Ftverlshness T c nir Sl.EE 9 resulting thmfrcmjnlnfanty Mothers Must Use Care. Why do we so often call your attention to imitations of Fletcher's Castoria? Because it is a baby's medicine and imitations are always dangerous, particularly imitations of a remedy for infants. Tour druggist may not keep an imitation but they are to be found on drug-stor- e shelves. Reliable druggists think only of the welfare of their customers. The other kind only of the greater profit to be made on imitations. Your own judgment tells you that Fletcher's Castoria having for over thirty years at great expense held up its reputation, must jealously guard it. Then, it follows that this company must use the very best of material. Must employ experts in the selection of the herbs. Must retain skilled chemists in its manufacture. Your same good judgment must tell you that these irresponsible imitators are trading on your credulity and the reputation built up by Mr. Fletcher, during all these years, for bis Castoria. MOTHERS HEARTBURN TaEfjEKTAimGOHMal Caused r at . SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S GENUINE CASTORIA CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of r,, if. M , Exact of Wrappet d h. Warned Her. "Where are you going?" asked llio Rather Neat. "I object to admitting the plaintiffs ankles as evidence." wic "On what grounds?" Tin going out to get some butter." "Ahem! Your honor, this is a breach "Well, say don't buy It at that store across from my place. The man over of promise suit and I don't want my there borrowed my scales this morn- - rlient's Judgment to appear at fault in passing up a pair like that." Ing." Boston Evening Transcript. LetCuticuraBe YourBeautyDoctor m ). ilLxrk Tcll-nrld- Lit) (;, Noah was six hundred years old be. fore he knew how to build an ark don't lose your grip. Silver Threads. A success Is a man who has stuck The harder you knock down a true The average woman would rather the higher he will bounce. to one job long enough to do it well, be married than happy. man ATONIC s Watch-Ciga- r Cutter. combination watch and cigar ter is a new novelty just brought out for the man's pocket. A LUCKY STRIKE cigarette It's toasted to increase the good, wholesome flavor of the Kentucky Burley tobacco. A regular man's smoke and |