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Show THE (i i! FAMOUS SALEM MELONS ON SALE EVERY DAY ENTERPRISE GROCERY CO. Brigham Young University OPENING School Year nrui nnirrn 1919-192- 0 Registration September 8th and 9th Class Instruction begins September 1 0 For Catalogue Write to Registrar. Brigham Young University Provo, Utah I HAD SUFFERED Heber Grant o Salt Lake is visiting friends in Salt Lake this week. Miss Leone Hague returned home from Salt Lake Tuesday. Mrs. Ralph Brough went to Salt Lake Sunday for a yislt with her parents in that city. Mrs. V. M. Foote and daughter returned home Friday after an extended visit in Salt Lake and Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanford of Springville were the guests on Sunday of Mr. and' Mrs. John C. Painter. County Game Warden June was called to Eureka Saturday on official business. Mrs. T. D. Rees returned home on Tuesday evening after spending a short visit in Salt Lake. Miss Neva Booth returned, home Tuesday alter spending her vacation in Salt Lake City. Miss Ester Ockey left yesterday for Salt Lake where she will teach schol the coming winter. Miss Doris Ockey of Salt Lake is visiting at the home of Mr .and Mrs. John Ockey this week. JVIiss Lapriel Carter of Milford is spending a couple of weeks wilth Miss Lavelle Sperry. Miss Lillian Swensen returnted' to Salt Lake Monday after a pleasant visit with Miss Joy Broadhead. Attorney Claud Burquest of Mt. Pleasant, formerly of Nephi, was to some legal matters here Friday. Mrs. Claud Tolley came down from Jerone, Idaho, Tuesday and will visit with her mother, Mrs. Lucy Morris, for some time. Mrs. Mont. Tidwell and Miss Leone Black came down from Salt Lake Tuesday for a short visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Black. R. H. Evans is spending a few days in Nephi this week after being with the State Geological Suivey party for several weeks out in CarMr. Evans will return bon county. to his duties again in the near future. Stan Park came home Monday from Germany where he has been in the army of occupation. Mr. Park for over thirteen has been over-sea- s months. While in the army he received a medal for distinguished There is more Catarrh in tills section or ihe uountrv tlian all other diseases put together, and until the last few years v.as supposed to be incurable. For a it a great many years doctors pronounced local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science lias proven Catarrh to bere-a. constitutional disease, and therefore treatment. Hall's quires constitutional Catarrh Cure, ?u; :iufactured by F. J. To! & Co.. "do, Ohio, is the onl" Cheney Constitutional cure on the market It Is It acts directly on the taken internally. blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any rasi It fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Addr?s: F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo O Sold by DruRRlsts. 7r,c. .'alio Hall's Family Fills tpr cnmtlpatloi FOR . pnitrp LUUHL Tl. Tuaxs V rv. i UTaH. NEPHI. TIMES-NEW- S, 30 YEARS, HE SAID Man Declares Tanlac Has Helped Him More Than Any Denver Other Medicine "For thirty years," he continued, suffered from catarrh of the nose and throat, and although I was operated on by a New York specialist at great expense I got only temporary relief. . I just couldn't rest at all well at night and would get up in the morning almost choking with mucus which nauseated me so I would often have to vomit. My stomach became affected so that everything I would eat soured and bloated me up with gas as t'ght as a drum. I was bilious, too, had' terrible headaches and suffered something awful. "I tried everything I could hear of but nothing helped me till I began taking Tanlac. It relieved me of gas and every sign of indigestion and my stomach is in better condition than it has been for years. Tanlac has helped my catarrh wonderfully, it has calmed my nerves so that I can get refreshing sleep at night and I am not troubled with that mucus or nausea any more.' Tanlac is sold in Nephi by R. F. Tomlinson, Nephi Drug Co., and in Eureka by Schramm-Johnso- n Drug "I Co., in Silver City by Hefferman-Thompso- Mercantile Co., in moth by Mammoth Supply Co. Ad. At Manti Sunday, the funeral of Christian Peterson, aged, 62, was held in that city. Mr. Peterson will be well remembered by the older citi zens of Nephi, he having conducted a jewelry store here about 25 years He leaves two boys, Clarence ago. and Alma, who have recently return and three daugh ed from over-sea- s, Mrs. Zina Jorgensen, ters, Mrs. and Miss Blanche Marie Madsen Petersen. Relatives from Nephi who attended the funeral were JUr. and and Mrs. Owen Boswell, Mr. L. P Anderson and Mr. M. W. Anderson. WJf. A. MORTOX OF GENERAL BOARD TO SPEAK SUNDAY Win. A. Morton, of the General Board of Religious Class work will address the people of Nephi Sunday evening at the Tabernacle to com mence at 8.30 p. m. His subject will be Religious Class work and Mr. Morton is a fine the Seminary. speaker and a treat is in store for Mr. Morton will those who attend. also speak at Mona Sunday morning and Levan in the afternoon, and this at the time and place given AT Proof as This Should Ctivnu' zens, you may be sure he Is thorough ly convinced or he would not do so. 1 Cams ere tM every eealed whrinoienrificMllr of 30 cigarette or package enpoAfes(300cg-eree- In a ) d glaine-papar-covere- carton. We atrongty recommend thia carton for the home or offlea eupplf or when you trarel. R. J. Reynold Tobaceo Cc. Wiaeton-SeJes- a, N. C 1 and choice Domestic tobaccos makes Camels delightful so mellow-milEvery yet so fascinatingly smooth and and keener new one enjoyment get you time you light Freedom from any unpleasant dgaretty after taste or any ar unpleasant cigaretty odor makes Camels as unusual as they full-bodi- d. 1 enjoyable. In fact, Camels appeal to the most fastidious smoker in so many new ways you never will miss the absence of coupons, premiums or gifts. You'll prefer Camel Quality I Telling one's experience when it is for the public good Is an act of kindness that should be appreciated. The fol lowing statement given by a resident or Nephi adds one more to the many cases of Home Endorsement which are being published about Doan's Kidney Pills. Read it. W. A. Garrett, Sr., retired farmer, says,: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills and they have always proven beneficial. Doan's have given me relief from kidney disorder. They have regulated the passages of the fine kidney secretions and have also rid me of a weak and lame back. I know that Doan's Kidney Pills are a worthy remedy." Don't Prlna fine, at all dealers. got almnly ask for a kidney remedy Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Co., Mr. Garrett had. Foster-Milbur- n Y. N. Buffalo, Mfgrs., Sensitiveness of Plants. Whon rain Is nlmtit to full tin' clo ver shuts lis Jfiives, bringing two n Its three leaves faro lo tare nncl ion Ins the third over the top. The yotinc blossoms arc nlso carefully hollered by Inclosing leaves which move for wftrrt In the pvnriln" find wrnp them round. tl Utah's manufacturing industries grow faster than they are rowing. We should have larger payrolls, mors employees and greater output. This can only come through greater cooperation on the part of Utah people. Freight rates and outside competition muke the market for Utah products limited. Our growth must come from the should Inside. re you doing your share? Ufa A Thanufacfurers Issociatioix of Huitdor Iff?? 4jr C X 4v 7 pl . Industry" We can make this small factory develop into the larger one on the rlffht If we all work When you together. to a purchase i;.ki. insist upon Utnh- - l';e This building shows what Utah's factories would be If the people of the state were consistent eonsumers of Utah products. If you and your neighbors and f the all the people state would give the to Utah preference made goods when you can do so without the sacrifice of either price or quality if all of us would keep lu mind the of the state L M IL tab's U factories would be easily three tiroes as large and prosperous as they are today. Compare this building with the one on the left which represents "Utah's Industries today with what compared they should be. lie goods. ROME public endorsement of a local is the best proof that can be produced. None better, none stronger can be had. When a man comes for- wurd and testifies to his fellow citi puff-by-pu-ff Your Big Desire Will Be Realized Sooner If You Start a Savings Account Here n The citizen easily the likable most the cigarette you ever smoked. You can prove that! Simply compare with any cigarette in the world at Camels satisany price Put quality, flavor and cigarette faction to the utmost test I Made to meet your taste, Camels never tire it, no matter how The expert blend of choice Turkish liberally you smoke them bachelor, and every young fellow of the right stuff looks forward to the time when he can have his own cozy nest and wife and babies. Mam- Any Nephi Citizen are in a class by themselves is considered a better citizen than the FORMER BUSINESS MAX OP XF.PHI DIES IX MAXTI S ub. CAMELS Family Man Denver, Colo. ENDORSED cents a package The else I have ever taken," said J. W. Patterson, of 1359 Thirteenth St., city 18 tvt "Ever since I took that course of Tanlac I have felt better and stronger than I have in many years and it has done more for me than anything FORD The Universal Car i , The Ford One Ton Truck may well be rlaxxcd as an agricultural necessity, it fits Into and fills so many wants on the farm. It is a reliable bearer of farm burdens, not only doing the work of "I""! several horses quick- - IC pQtmnic rarmers er and better than the horse, and docs not ,leat lto head oM" when not work-inThe aggressive farmer has only to consider the possibilities of Ihe Ford truck and he Is ready to buy one. We judge this lo be so from the way farmers re buying them. Truck Chasls fB50 f. o. b. Detroit. TrUCK g. Judd Garage G. R. Judd, Proprietor |