Show DEATHS D E in the tenth ward this cj city ty at a 6 this morning december 24 job john 4 L crane aged 66 years and 15 days Pic Kurr at st george utah december 19 1892 harriet josephine of horatio pickett and daughter of the late joseph Johnson aged 42 years yearl MIFFLIN at AI cherry creek oneida county idaho dee dec 16 of teething and inflammation U in the bowels after forty eight hours morgan infant son of john M and rachel jones biffl mifflin in born october 4 1891 at willow springs LONG bt betsy 17 S long a aged ofed 58 years 2 months and 27 days wife 0 of the late J y V long at the deseret hospital thursday 16 december 22 at 3 pm of cancer cance of the breast sister long was born to in bishops stortford Stort ford herts england and joined the church oi or jesus christ of latter day saints about 1852 she emigrated to utah in 1861 crossing the plains in an ox team and end enduring u many hard ships she was married hi ciul to johnv ohn long lone and shortly after his death in 1169 opened a small mail millinery and art store in this city which she he conti tied to hold until about two years ago she was the first woman in utah to engage in art work and to teach all lines of embroidery gage dery etc PRESTWICH at moroni sanpete county utah dee dec of general debility will william jam prestwich ten t en born at ashton under lyne lancashire england may ath 1816 baptized january 11 he presided over ahe nyde branch in 1863 1853 1860 and over the ashton branch from 1860 to 1461 when he emigrated to utah aiding in the building of the telegraph line from omaha to salt lake city removed he moved to moroni soon after reaching utah and shared in all the hardships incident to the building of country settlements ja in early days davs passing through indian wars aud and threat threatened edea passing tarn am ne his hand was always open to help the needy and to aid in building up the kingdom of god of which he at all times desired to be a faithful member he endeared himself in the hearts of many ot of the sat sai ris is and died in fall faith of a resurrection resurreCt On of the just bearing a 11 strong arong testimony to the truth of the gospel 0 A |