Show INCREASE IN NATIONAL WEALTH in his late message to congress president harrison Harri aon points out the wonderful increase in the wealth of the country during the thirty years ending anding with 1890 as indicated lad looted by the census returns showing that it to is per cent or about eight per cent per annum on the mount amount as it stood in 1860 1880 of course the he president is sufficiently astute as a politician to understand that no matter whether he be so BO designed it or not this great showing would be received as an an argument in favor of the he policy of the controlling power during that time and so BO it would be were the figures and deductions correct in every case cage we have neither time space nor disposition just fust now to commend or condemn the see eoa omie ten deakles of any political party but the subject of how rapidly we are adiano i rg in the financial ancial scale is one in which the citizen has a right to nd should be thoroughly posted following are the census estimates es for the period named year valuation increase 1860 16 I 1 1870 1 1880 1890 80 years the figures for foi 1870 as or are reduced from the estimates which represented the greenback or inflated valuation twenty per cent being taken oft off to bring the figures to the true basis this leaves an increase during the first decade of per cent about 48 per cent per annum or a little more then than half the rite rate above given from rom the showing of the message the period of 1870 to 1880 nearly doubles that of we ten years preceding as the table shows and by itself bears out the showing of advancement made while the next or laba decade shows a falling failing off from even the first the gain being per cent or a little morn mora anan 43 48 a year the average increase therefore on the amount as it stood in 1860 to is a little less leas than six per cent per annum instead of the eight per cent given by the president while during the latter part ot of it the time with which comparisons can be made to the best beat practical advantage the ratio of increase has fallen gr greatly oatly to the rear to go back and make still further farther comparisons gives u better light yet as to how rapidly the country to is becoming wealthy the census valuations in 1850 are shown to have been ten years later this had swollen to the gain being and thu the increase the enormous figure of per cent or over per cent a yearl year this shows that while we have added more improved estates grand buildings and great enterprises to the taxable resources of the nation and mined and coined a vastly greater number of dollars during the past three decades than during any similar period or ii i i fact the whole remaining time of its existence the ratio of increase exhibits a falling ailing off of more than fifty per cent these are official figures and in their importance amount to something more than more mere statistics we are all concerned in the manner in which our oui respected uncle samuel keeps his books and makes his balances and every individual has as much right to know what his bis financial condition is Rs as has hae the president himself or the national treasurer |