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Show DEPENDENT MercolizedWax 4W4WW44W4W444 Keeps Skin Young OltlMlIHHliWMilMlIll.WMm FORGOTTEN rtla mlai ill, la tU uta .mmh wmUm. Hat w ill tmmmmr. fikla la Mk Our Pef eeve ALB mm liH tkn HEROES BY Ami Tkata Thall "And what would I have to girt you for one llttla kiss?" Chloroform." Hummel, Hamburg SSfainesfubn'4 Elmo Scott Watson WMWiH Forty Bushels of Wheat Measuring Atom's Movement PARKER'S According to J. G. von Heresy of HAIR BALSAM Brels-gaof the Unlverelty Freiburg, in DStvseomjMyisHto all atoms are constantly in mo-s&flEKU tion, even In solid metal in an alloy of load and gold, at a temperature SHAMPOO Uml for am le .W. half again aa high aa that of boiling heir mft mi fluffy. SO Moti hr mail all.U atdxw-tea- . HiaamChmakalWaika PatchaaaslLx. water, tha atoms wander through a pace of a hundredth of a cubic Inch In a day. In pure lead, however, movTake Your Tima ing about Is not nearly so easy; la Gawler I'm looking for some on pure lead an atom can migrate la to lend me $10, one day through a apace of only two Funk WeU, Its a nice day for It of a cubic foot Dr. Pierre's Pelleta are best for live, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for Unfortunately, one cant make a laxative-thr- ee for a cathartic. Adv. living being a tourist Ignorance of the law la no exThree generations of prosperity In cuse" la a nonsensical and untrutha temlly gives It poise and serenity. ful saying. It la an excuse. bath Its it DEACE 1 victories, do leaa renowned than war. And it also has Its heroes who do brave Lamar, Colo. deeda far from tha aonnd of bugio child Myyouneemt or drum. Como np to the tiptop of waa part U when Indian Hill In Holders eta, N. HL, little Ruby arrived and I waa in my and there in grassy tunny nook 44th year. The doclook upon a simple granite monu-aretor and nunea were which bean this Inscription : very uneasy about "1771 Reuben Whitten 1847 Son me reid Mre. Vi" a Revolutionary soldier, pioneer ola Brawn, Clay Creek Store, Star of thla town. Cold season of 1816 Route South, but I had taken Ik. raised 40 bushels of wheat which Pierce Favorite Prescription for aev-kept hie family end his neighbors montlM, aln a few bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discovery,1 which ia from starvation." Lite waa hard for tha early seta great tonic and Mood and fine for liver trouble frith which I had tler in the foothills of the White been bothered before, and I got my Mountains away back in 1810 when health back quicker than I ever did Reuben Whitten moved his family with other children even whea my I , waa much younger. Ruby ia a bright, from tha Uttle village of Plymouth and began a pioneer's life on a lithealthy chad." All druggists sell tle term near Lake A aqua m. In tha rammer time they raised a Uttle Medicines grain and a few vegetables but for Artiste of all kinds keep beauty la the moat part depended upon a workaday world; and make the fish and gams they for food. work more worth while. 8o when the summer of 1816 came and it rained week after week they did not worry, even when their grain and vegetables rotted In the The woods still were full ground. of game and tha lake waa aUU full of fish that could be taken through the ice. Reuben Whitten waa more fortunate than the resL His com and vegetables had been a failure, hut he had raised 40 bushels of A Mothers Experience McKessoh&Robeuws ma hu ; IHWHt4 ondin u, Si": nt Dr. Pierces si L f1 easy to get rid of Gray wheat Now There waa no antnmn that year. Winter came in on an Icy blast in October and tor two weeks it mowed and rained and hailed. The whole country aid waa deep in mow. Moat of the cattle perished, Keep Hair Naturally Dark aa did mnch of tha wUd gams And Now without tiling dangerous dyet then the specter of starvation beyou can darken gray hair naturally, gan to stalk through the settlement. quickly restore its original shade by the world's finest, safe way which ia benThen came the word from ReuWhitten that so long as his now keeping millions of hteda young little store of wheat lasted, all the tonfcfog Benefits the hair ea it dark-en-a others In tha settlement should It to the shade you want. Aa amshare In' it It waa Uttle more than ple aa brushing. Try it Pay druggist 75c for a large bottle of WYETHS anongh to carry his- - own fomUy SAGE ft SULPHUR and Just follow through the winter and whatlately easy directions. ever lay beyond, bnt he would portion It ont a Uttle each week, to Learning without thought la all other families. right If one la to be a walking enThe winter Increased In severity. cyclopedia. In other parts of New Hampshire and Vermont whole families were wiped ont; others were so weakened by privation that they fell prey to disease; fathers and mothers went without food to keep the spark of Uto In their children. But In the Indian HU1 settlement Renben Whitten's wheat with what Uttle fish and game could be secured kept the ha --dozen families 'alive tlU spring. ... Three Hundred to One stands a of native atone which commemorates one of the moat remarkable stories of desperate valor in all frontier history. It The strongest principle of growth marka the spot where Pat Heoneasy Ilea In human choice. George Eliot bravely faced odda of 800 to 1 and true to the frontier code, "sold his Ufa dearly." e Fort S1U Pat waa an freighter, and In' the epring of 1876 was on bis way from Caldwell, Kan. fXIMMON head coUs often "settle to the tort with a wagon train. Ha VA in throat and chert when they waa accompanied by three other may become dangerous. Don't take a men. When "Jumped" by crowd of thane it tha fust sniffle tub on Childrens Muttcrole once every hour some 800 Cheyenne warriors, his companions became confused and Jorfivehourt. Children Musterole is just good old tried to escape north along the trail Mnstcrol you have known so long, ia Immediately they won surrounded milder farm. and cut down. This famous Mend of oil of mustard. In the meantime Hennessy had Camphor, menthol and other ingredients shelter among some rocks ought Musterole relief gets brings naturally. action because it is asaentilicconrer-Irritant- " a uttle natural fortress, from which his rifle menaced the savages not just a salve-- it penetrates and aumulates Mood circulation aa they approached. Confident la the help to draw out inflection and pain. their overwhelming number Keep full strength Musterole on hand, Cheyennes swept forward to within Childrtas . lor adults and tha milder 20 yards of Pat'a stronghold. Reat Musterole for little tots. AD dniggistg, lng his rifle on the rock in front of ranjRwra him and net taking the trouble to aim, he cocked It with one band and pulled the lever and trigger with the other. A continuous bail of bullets poured Into the mass of savages. They broke and retreated. But they came back again this time In front and at both sides Falling In thla they tried another frontal attack and surged np to within ten feet of tha white who fired his revolver point-blan- k man, Vfpmt Hotel into their faces until he had DOWN Mothers In Oklahoma ...Waldi old-tim- Childrens colds Salt Lake Citys emptied HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE 200 Tile Baths coimactioa ia nwy room. 200 Rooms Radio RATES FROM 01.30 A etais Xlsma Tatowli ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Mgr. It Picking np his rifle again, he continued to firs And then the gun Jammed! Tha rifle had become so hot and dirty from constant firing that a cartridge stuck fast and his desperate efforts to extricate It were useless In another moment the Indiana would have been retreating. Bnt when the firing stopped, they Believed his ammunition waa exhausted and pressed forward Hen-ti-f y met them with clubbed rifle, bnt the surging mass overpowered him. Infuriated by the toll be had extracted, for 80 Cheyennes lay dead on the ground, they scalped him, tied him to tho wheel of one of Ms wagons, emptied sacks of oats round him, and set them on firs For a few minutes there was a writhing figure aurounded by flames and then the spirit of Pat Hennessy on to that Valhalla reserved for warriors who know how to die bnt not how to surrender. Uk till. Wsstsre Mawssassr Vslasl Rights of 1 There waa a New York bachelor who waa smarter than moat of ns He bought stocks low and sold, many of them before the crash. Yet, he was one of the men deeply concerned about present conditions He had something to loss and ho Ud not Intend to lose It Some of hla money went Into government securities, some went Into savings nks; a considerable ram he 'urned Into gold and put in safety deposit boxes He did not stint himself on what he considered necessities, but he was careful not to Indulge In luxuries He said It waa no time to throw money aronnd. .He died the other day. They havent been able to find a will The relatives certainly are having a swell fight over his estate. 'YorJ By WALTER dow, alienees all the noises of the town while still permitting and even encouraging air to enter. says that thla ia well enough, but that what really la needed la a contrivance for windows In the country which will soothe the visiting Manhattanite to lumber by reprodudng all the different sounds he la accustomed. Mr. Fairchild thinks that perhaps It might have to have some sort of taxi horns the ramble of tho elevated, and the flat wheels on surface lines A good Inventor might SARAZEN IN HAWAII Trumbull go even further. He could arrange perhaps to sound the special note, the voice of the city from which the visitor cams A city fellow, who visited a small village lost rammer, thought It would be romantic to take a young lady for an buggy rids The only horse available belonged to the local grocer and general merchant This led to complications. The man from the metropolis couldnt steer a horse very well and tho animal Insisted upon turning smartly Into the yard of any good customer and stopping at tha back door. It was the delivery gon horse and It knew Its stuff. It was a moat conservative newspaper and tho most conservative person on it was the gentleman of tha old school who ran the clipping It was on bureau, or morgue." this day off that the chief editorial writer wished to make some reference to the bomb outrage In Wall Street In order to be exact he sent for the dippings on that subject It was reported that no dippings could be found. The editor was annoyed; said they must bo there; asked under what heading! a search had been mad& Ha waa told there was nothing under ont bomb," reds," explosion "anarchist" "cataclysm" rage For some reason this makes me think of a story a friend told me about an uncle of his It seems that thla node spent his money In a manner viewed with alarm by members of hla family. They used to remonstrate with him; speak somberly of e rainy evening; nrge economies; deplore tho willful waste which makes woeful want To their best intended warnings delivered only for hla good, the undo would reply: 1 may go to the poorhouse ones You go there every day. I like my way beat" 00 "catastrophle" or any other head which seemed to bear on the mat The moat expensive restaurants and tha cheapest restaurants are the once that are getting along beet In New York these days The places In between these two classes are having a tough tlms Even the boot teggere are feeling what la known Customers who the depression.' used to buy several cases at a tlms now purchase thdr liquids by the ter. They finally got In touch with mishaps. ft Empire Held Together by Crown' Alone Britains Dominions Now Government spokesmen answered that Ireland could denounce the Free and Independent. treaty Just as well if she were not Included In the statute as If she London. With the passage of were, and thnt In any case she had the statute of Westminster, each no wish to go back on her solemn separate member of the British obligations. commonwealth Is a This point of view curried the nation, free to make Its own laws day, and Ireland thus took her and In no way bound by any law place among the free and Independenacted In London, so that the ent foreign nations forming the crown alone now links the British British commonwealth. empire together. How a system, In which a single Britons have been slow to realize king Is advised by the cabinets the full Implications of the statute. of half a dozen different countries, They knew. In a general way, will function Is a problem that Is that the dominions hove been free bothering students of constitutional from the mother country for some affairs. time. But the knowledge that this It is generally agreed that the imfreedom now has the most solemn of the crown has been Inportance shock to a as come hns force legal creased greatly by the statute, the not had who those appreciated which In Itself Is a noticeable reprofound changes that have been versal of the trend of British hie strucIn the empire place taking tory for centuries past. ture. Whether any two dominions will Innow enter Knch dominion may advise" the king or take two foreign ever to any relations with IrIt desire, that mny quite power respective of the wishes of Britain or any other member of the com- The Irish Free State Is expressly Included among the dominion! In Ireland's relatione the statute. with Britain are, however, defined In the treaty signed In 1022 and registered at Geneva, aa are all treaties between independent members of the League of Nations. Opponent of the statute argued In tli house of commons that a dense should be Inserted saying that Ireland's Inclusion gave her no power to denounce the 1822 treaty. Some men and women fight colds all winter long. Others enjoy the protection of aspirin. A tablet in time, and the first symptoms of a cold get no further. If a cold has caught you unaware, keep on with aspirin until the cold Is gone. Genuine aspirin can't harm you. Bayer Aspirin does not depress the heart. If your throat is sore, dissolve three tablets In a little water and gargle. You will get instant relief. There's danger in a cold that hangs on for days. To say nothing of the pain and discomfort Bayer Aspirin might have spared you! Get the genuine, with proven directions for colds, headaches, Policemen Unable to Open Own Safe Newport New Vs. Tollce records of this city are absolutely safe against any kind of disclosure. The outside door of the rate was closed by some one who did not know the rale that It waa necessary to keep It open at all times The reason was no one knew the comMnatlon. rheumatism. neuralgia, neuritis, BAYERASPIRIN Keepsake? "Yon admit tearing a handful of hair from your husbands head?" the gentleman of the old school I wanted to put It in a locket" "Certainly It la there 1" he exclaimed find will "Yon all clipindignantly. pings concerning it filed under Most of the former New York boys are now plow boys Thdr piny Wearing tha lets the traditional foreheads are furrowed and their on visitors Gene spirits are harrowed. From flying bottls greeting bestowed Sarazen Is here shown as he arhigh, they have come back to earth There Is now a contrivance on the rived In Honolulu to play In winter with disconcerting force. market which, fastened to tho win exhibitions with Johnny Farrell (0, 1IH Bell Byndlcat..) WXU Service. monwealth. COLDS la Repeso Auntie' Well, John, and how do yon like your new baby brother? John Asleep. Foup-Year-O- BUILD RESISTANCE to Illness Yon cto help your body resist the attseks of mid-wint- er colds, by taking Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil regularly. It contains a guaranteed strength of Vitamin A that will help protect you. Doctots recommend thii emulsion aa a pleasant, easy way of taking cod liver oil. It helps build fitness. Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. Sales Represents, tive, Harold F. Ritchie ft Co., Inc., New York. rmiim prmfrmm "jUvmmtmrt.m with lam to ts. smimASmmdai aiki .iMaa- Mr Sltlim KUJ Cmmmi &mm Antrim, KOIJt nnlmmi, KTRC totally opposing course or will use the statute as a meana for breaking sway from the empire, Is a moot question among experts on basic Bm IVmii'm, KULSmlllt,KnTitmmmmiiirratt0ht laws For the present the English people as a whole believe that the measure was necessary and that, now they have won their freedom from British parliamentary control the dominions will be even more willing and contented members of the commonwealth than they were before. tieura. Soap Famed Bad Man's Bones Thought Found in West Helena, Mont. A skeleton, believed to have been that of Jam Daniel early dny bad man." whose career was ended by s vigilantes' noose, was found burled In a Helena tract by pipe-linworkers recently. The skeleton was turned over to the museum of pioneer history of the Montana Historical society. Daniels was convicted of first degree murder after killing a miner as climax to a quarrel over a card game and wna sentenced to serve a term of life Imprisonment In the state penitentiary. He was pardoned, however, by Gov. T. F. Mengher after serving a short time til. Jtln. 15c. and 50c. Talcum Snip 25c. Ointment 25c. Proprietor. : Potter Dnia & Chesa-icCorp, Maiden, Maw. Try the new Coticura Sharing Cream. al e the state prison. He returned to hla old haunts. A few days after be bad returned vigilantes decided to administer Justice In their own efficacious way. He was hanged on the outskirts of Helena and when hla body waa found hla pardon from he governor was still in his pocket People of every country, who realize the importance of dear skin, should use Calirura Soap for the daily toilet It is pure and contains the medir anal and antiseptic properties of Cutlcnra which soothe and heal, aa well ns cleanse, AMBASSADOR HOTEL bualaem cmtrr, Qaiel fo-ala- r aa4 Bemellte. prlcei aak Bate It JS aal us. Cammtirlal In IuiIm JOE H. PEPPER, Manager Batts (Sanaa la Phor t Waa. 1965 Salt Lake Gty, Utah Salt Lake's Only Faintly Hotel 145 So. 5th East |