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Show "That Government ofjhe people, by the people and for the people Vol. 1. Price 5c. 6 Months $1. WORLD TODAY NEEDS LEADERS shall not perish from the earth" Murray, SALT LAKE Co., Utah, February 6, 1932 FOOD FOR THOUGHT BUILDING A BRIDGE FOR THE FUTURE ownerThe of Edited by C. N. Lund THE PARABLE OF No. 5. THE WATER TANK principle public is sounder than the gold dolship should in so conduct the affairs of government as to We By KEV. DR. FITCH, Nr York lar. That is saying a mouthful and CPmbytcriu). may seem an extravagant state- sure perpetuity. We want to leave to our children and our chil(With Apologies to Bellamy) ment. But it is the literal truth. dren's children security, stability, prosperity and opportunity. There a very diy land and the people were in sore was Modern democracy, more than any other age in history, is dependent The sooner the people rally to the We can best dp that by restoring the government to the people need of water. perished because they could not find it. Many of owning their utilities and on the emergence of great leaden and proposition personalities. We cannot reform the better it will be for all their moulding nd shaping it to meet the needs of this progress- - Certain "crafty and diligent" men had gathered all the stores sive age. We must be builders of bridges for oureelves and ociety by external or mechanical changes without great leaden to direct water and were called capitalists. The people came to them and control the change. Despite economic This idea is so aptly illustrated in the following im- - rf posterity, und begged and prayed for water to drink. But the capitalists is social interpretation, history The great battle that must be pressive lines from the poet : one of great men.' said: Why should we give of the water we have gathered lest waged in this country and the An old man, going a lone highway, we perish with you? But we will serve you. Outstanding among those personalities who have revolutionized busi- world is the battle for economic Came in the evening, cold and gray, freedom, for equal opportunity, for "Only give us drink," said the people, and we will be your ness are Thomas Edison, Marconi and the To ai chasm, vast and deep and wide. Wright brothers. In politics justice and a more equitable distrislaves." So the capitalists ordered them to carry the water to today the leaden who control mass movements are such as Gandhi, Mus- bution of wealth. Until that battle The pld man crossed in the twilight dim, one certain place and ther it in a great tank called the is be will no won there solini and Stalin. In education there an Eliot, fought and The jsullen stream had no fears for him. Market. bucket of water you bring we will pay For Dewey; in morals and permanent relief from our troubles. every But he turned, when safe on the other side, religion, Grenfell and Barth. you a penny. And then for every bucket we give to you and Money has proved a curse to And built a bridge to span the tide. Then an equal chances for the emergence of great personalities mankind while it has been adminyour wives and your children we will charge you two pennies, "Old man," said a fellow pilgrim near, istered as a master. Let us aim to the difference to be our profit. This seemed good in the in both classes. The debate as to which dais is more likely to produce make it the servant that it should You are wasting your time by building here. eyes. peoples leaden is still raging. Such men as Charles Lindbergh, democratic repre- be. Such a curse has it been be"Your journey will end with the passing day, After many days the water tank, or Market, was full to cause of its wrongful administraYou never again will pass this way. sentative, and Hugh Cecil, aristocratic representative, may be cited as tion that it has become And when the capitalists saw this they said: "See actually overflowing. You have crossed the chasm, deep and wide. a menace as time is proving more supportable evidence. is full, and ye shall bring us no more water. And the tank ye, build make Let more. us unite and and you a bridge in the evening tide? "Why when the people no more received the pennies for their buckets mass thinking and the tendency to reduce every an exchange system that will serve Despite present-da-y The builder lifted his old, gray head, of water they had no money with which to buy. How can we one to the least common denominator, leaden remain indispensable. all our needs. 'Good friend, in the path I have come," he said,. unless But the have to water we drink to get buy? money Behind the power of numben must be the power of There followeth after me to-dpersonality, and today, Humanity faces a condition and hire we How to shall answered: capitalists only bring you A youth, whose feet must pass this way. more than ever, is the strength of the effect of the individual Upon the not a theory. Either we. must take water when the tank is full to overflowing? So the market adand '.chasm which has.been as naught to me, This a new and big step upward was overstocked and the people could not get any water because group realized. vance to a condition yet undreamed To that fair-hairyouth may a pitfall be. they were not hired and had no pennies. The situation was of, eliminating our financial sysHe, too, must cross in the twilight dim. called a crisis and the thirst increased. There was great suftem, or we must take a step backGood friend, I am building this bridge for him. ward and downward, doing away fering and many perished from thirst while the tank was with modern machinery science and INDUSTRY BE invention, which will be an ap- SENATOR LA FOLLETTE SPEAKS THE TRUTH n,- murmurti ..Bthold, ,ht proach to barbarism. Let us take I do believe that we must attain a more regularized eco- - neth over and we die of thirst. Give us water that we iftay live. by-ameans. We the upward step By DR. BENJAMIN IL SQUIRES, Expert cannot do it by clinging blindly to nomic structure ; but I do not think of it as being regularized But the capitalists answered : Not so. The water is ours, the old order. in a static condition. I am not interested in trying to maintain Business is business and ye shall not drink unless you pay. the status quo in our economic life. Devices which seek to pre- - However, the capitalists became disquieted and spake one to Unless industry is purged of recurring periods of economic disaster , one of the questions of serve the all efforts now being made to relieve the tragedy of the present acute the hour is, greatest It seems that our profits have stopped our profits, unequal distribution of the wealth now produced will another. How can the people halt the progress of mankind and in the end will retard or pre- - and by reason of profits made we can make no more profits, unemployment situation are pure waste. We shall sooner or later become get the machinery of government back into their own hands? asks vent recovery. ; How is it our profits have become unprofitable and our gains exhausted by relief activities unless the grave perils of cyclical unemploy- Senator La Follette. We must go We have created a great industrial mechanism. It must make us poor? I.et its send for the soothsayers to interpret ment are averted by stabilization of our industrial Hfe. A new attitude forth and battle with the weapons be run so that its benefits will be more generously and widely this thing." education and the ballot against on the part of the government is needed. Unwise expansion of old enter- of n. The soothsayers said it was Some said it the great money and corporate in' distributed. In the last analysis, in a highly organized indus- terests which, having allied them- - trial world, the welfare of the people as a whole is, I repeat, was glut. Some that it was because of spots on the sun. The prises and the creation of new ones must be controlled. essential to the welfare of business itself. capitalists bade them go before the people and inform them. But Despite the American aversion to the dole," or unemployment in as- - they were fearful of the of a is which will one My conception planned economy . people because hungry and thirsty men forms of this device are now in use. Regardless of the popular ance, cni jiiu u standard of living and an might stone them. But they were forced to go forth and exown benefit and sure an. ever-risin- g -- rate it for their dislike for such measures in behalf of the unemployed, kr Does plenty breed profit. True representative govern- - purchasing power for all the people and which thus will press plain. The people reviled them and said : ment has been throttled by the de- - production itself to larger and larger outputs and larger and famine ? Does come out of much ?" And took e-s-tore ay ed MUST STABILIZED "Z.p.ople Mrk, ll over-productio- ' ever-increasi- HOME PLACE By ARCHBISHOP I WHERE HAT IS GLENKON, St. Louis (Cstholic). It is difficult to discuss boys against the background of homes, when few homes are left in modern America. Home has become a place so where the hat is. A cross section of it would reveal a flat, an automobile, a radio, and a dog with a long name and a short tail. Three elements go to make up our modern life : motion, curiosity and individualism. The automobile satisfies the urge for motion; the radio, curiosity; and individualism expresses itself when the man shuts the door of his flat and comes to feel that he is king from the kitchenette to .the dining alcove and the folding bed. Some fathers feel that they have made a success if they accumulate a fortune large enough to send their sons to fashionable schools and supply them with spending money. These are the most pathetic failures there are, because the failure will show up in the sous. But the father who understands his boy, who walks with him and leads him on, teaches him to be dean of hand and heart, to reverence God and love his home, such a father builds a fortune that Wall Street cannot destroy. He builds a home that has a quality of immortality. Despite modern theories fathers are supposed to live in their homes, and there is room there for only one mother. The only security of the home rests in the stability of the marriage bond. RIGHT NOW, TIME TO BUY By WILLIAM L. CHENERY, Editor Collier' Weekly. Many people who have money to spend are refraining from spending because they are timid. The profitable time to buy is when things are from cheap, not when costs are high. Prices of almost every commodity be will come it again possible to bonds to shoes are low. Not for years to buy at better advantage than now. securities Farsighted investors have the opportunity now to buy the ridicuseemed which of the underlying corporations of America at prices occurred Such opportunities have lously impossible eighteen months ago. in last .They wont continue forever. the few times years. a thirty only Men and women who expect some time to build homes can get more for their dollars now than at any time since 1915. Both in materials and will in labor the dollar is worth a lot. The man who builds this season while a have could he ago. house expected than get a better conGo through the list of things you need and intend buying at a will be You can. extent that perthe to you venient season. Buy now interest will serve the You by public sonally benefited by low prices. more jobs. Everybody profits ; stimulating trade and indirectly creating economic the of pulse. this from quickening - mii.Fr.F-- S RUN FOR ATHLETES nothing up they When the capitalists heard this they counseled together and feared that the people would auction and for the lifting of all human life to higher and more come upon their water tank and take water by force. Then satisfying levels. they got an idea. Let us call the holy men to go out and "What do the publishers of the So the priests went preach that tthey may quiet the people. Progressive Independent want? A VAR AGAINST POVERTY about among the starving, thirsting people trying to convince isks one. We want to build and We 1. Legislation to Meet the Needs of the Unemployed. them that the owners of' the water were saints and should be carry on a better government. conbelieve and set forth that the in their property rights. But the people still murDetailed reports from over the country at the recent conference protected stitution is the only proper foundamured. The Unemon Committee D. in capitalists, seeing the thirst stricken people stormthe held C., by Joint Washington, tion on which to build, but it must be interpreted in the light of what ployment headed by Dr. John Dewey, revealed the fact that al- ing the tank, bribed the mighty among the people by giving the founders meant it to be, not most a score of cities showed a startling inadequacy of relief them plenty of water for keeping the people away from the tank. what the ruling capitalists take it measures. Thus in New York, with unemployment standing This used up some of the water and the capitalists used more to be. Starting with the constiturelief funds available from all )f it for private fountains and baths and fish ponds. tion and the frame work set up by at about 30 per cent, and total Soon the tank was empty and the people were hired to fill is for adequate care for only outlook the of $45,000,000, the early statesmen we know that sources government can be reconstructed about seven percent of the workers. Chicago, with unemploy it for a penny a bucket and buy it back for two pennies a bucket. so that it will function for all the ment of almost 40 percent, showed present outlays for relief of Thus it did go year after year until liberators appeared with a people; that periods of depression And when they did the things 1.6 percent of the loss in wages, and a relief fund which plan of Natural Government. can be done away with; that pov- only the liberators advised them, there came a time of plenty for announced barest the below is more than that $12,000,000 already overcomebe can peace, erty all and every man called his fellow brother, and every, woman prosperity, happiness and content- - minimum requirements for family aid. Philadelphia, with 27.1 called her companion sister. None were hungry, thirsty, cold citizens. all smile ment may local of upon a fund, Qf out earners her work, reported percent wage or naked, and the blessing of God rested upon the land forever. ab still undersubscribed, of $9,000,000, with about $20,000,000 Why should we waste time and Lleve from St. come needed. Similar Louis, reports words in tearing down the present solutely economic system when in reality land, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Birmingham, and the other cities. One OFF THE GOLD STANDARD e t.. n ' it is crumbling as fast as possible, and will continue to do so in spite We have deserted the Gold Standard. of all the desperate measures that bolYou dont need money to trade at our store. and taken to are being patch If you have real estate, livestock, equipment, personal prop- ster it up. Our present civiliza. tion is, as Edison said, "on a false must block the program of President Hoover, who is first pro- or services the organization can use, call at our office and be The thing that should basis. Finance Reconstruction such as the Corporawill we legislation moting arrange for exchange for the things you are in need of. of real concern to us is the build of Federal Land Banks bill the and tion If need food, clothing, carpenter work, painting, plumbcapitalization increasing a new structure new a of you sysing tem which will offer to mankind designed to protect investors in inflated securities. It is our ing, a home to live in, health service, dry cleaning, tailoring, better protection and insure great- duty to urge Congress first to provide adequate relief for barber, beauty service or any other commodity or service, call er happiness and protection against millions of destitute men and women who are unemployed, to at our office and we will consider exchange for what you have. the hazards and ravages of these This is not a charitable organization, but a business corporProcure a copy subsidize State unemployment insurance and old age pensions, 'strange times. and appropriate adequately for public works and Federal credit ation which aims to help you exchange what you have for what of the book "National for housing. Human rights must precede property rights." you want. BULLETIN. The Gold Standard has throttled the natural development "There is something seriously of the people of the world. England and most of the other busiTEACHES GANDHI WHAT wrong with the big banking nations of the world have realized this fact and left the conleading ness in this country, said a Our lesson from Mahatma Gandhi. The Christianity of Gold Standard. Individuals all over the United States have had gressman. The people should rise Gandhi is one of the bright spots of our to leave the Gold up and demand that the Federal emaciated Standard, because they have no gold. They reserve banking system should no day. Instead of leading the down trodden, toiling masses of have returned to barter and exchange with other individuals and longer be made the agent and India in a revolt of violence against their opressors; Gandhi found relief from the and unjustifiable situation 'of pitiful silly banker of the stock gambling hells devised his How long will it be want and extreme need in the midst of system of of the nation, and the fraudulent plenty. You can end America will this new method of the depression before adopt institutions enlightened these of now so far as its affects on you arc con- practices right should be prohibited, he points out. protest and secure her future progress? ccmed if you have resources of any kind. Could the workmen of America join with the farmers andj You may have the poor complex so badly that you dont If the farmer is stabilized the factory workers and cooperate with each other for their mutual realize what resources are. No obligation if you come in stabilized. be will States United welfare? Could the workers of America patronize their own and let us your The manufacturing interests, who help figure out how you can participate in the you If they must have Machine Age have benefited so enormously by stores and do their own manufacturing? For complete information concernProsperity. high tariffs, must be shown that it masters to direct their enterprises then there should be no com- ing this plan call at 246 So. Main Street, Headquarters of is absolutely necessary that the plaint if the guiding minds take first choice and leave the balNatural Development Association. farmers be made prosperous. We ance (if any) for the producers. In their purchasing power the must try to further any movement of the most effective in- MAGDIEL BUILDING CO we that may be necessary to get the masses of American workers hold one specialize in of Have fall. struments this a farmer obtaining justice. they the intelligence to Fire Proof Construction and these homes cost no more than coming profit with the institutions of Capiput over a plan of talism? Will they continue to give their patronage to their the fire trap. And they are the last word beauty, modern W oppressors as they now divide their ballots between the two style and comfort. Call us at Was. 5839 New Moorea Almanac and class? the privileged that represent wealth Sets installed, Predicts Russ Famine parties The Natural Development Association is an organization EXPERT RADIO TRICIAN London. The "renewal of world of workmen-owneand operated farms and industries. These adjusted, repaired by Roman G Moncur, 1543 prosperity" and a wave of famine industries do not You can tribute to Capital. (interest) pay disease and pestilence In Russia In Mahatma Laird Ave, Hy 3340 J the next two years was predicted In get more for your money by following the example of the "Old Moore Almanac" for 1032, Gandhi and refusing to buy from your masters that which you CHIROPRACTOR--Dr- . Hyrum Smith, Specialcan buy to better advantage from Just Issued. ist for Nervous, Rheumatic and Respiratory disThe famous almanac, which corFollowing is a list of the service now available to members: n srinp larer successes. Progressivism is not a mere protest. It is alstones and stoned the soothsayers. - - loin-cloth- ed . on d fellow-workme-n. IllinoU By JAMES HAMILTON LEWIS, Sautor-Elce- t. rectly forecast the formation of a British coalition government In Its will 1030 edition, predicted the following-eeventually the continue university private If the present trends vents: to 4he teaching be abandoned for state institutional education limited More settled conditions in India and the downfall of some of the Naof lifes essentials. from the tionalist leaders (presumably some Our large universities in America are under indictment do to as little such as Mahatma Ghandl) In the care which mass of American citizenship as institutions next year. and everything for sports The lllnees or death of a member a possible for the education of the students, of British royalty In April. and amusements. A grave naval disaster at the end trainthe It is generally accepted today that universities are simply of May. or the nursing houses for society An outbreak of hostilities early ing grounds for muscular athletes, as summer. such next agencies hothouse through for development blooms who hope A British government crisis in dubs. and glee OreA letter societies mid-Juland society The university of today is known more for its halfbacks Important constitutional changes, classic knowledge, profi-ipne- y reduction of taxation and expansion full fronts than for renown to any student for informniion of British exports. in medicine or engineering, or, indeed, for the needed constitutional liberty, cr on efnlecrnft. national government, y. A Health Education Drayage Barber Carpenter Advertising orders. Painless. Foods Clothing Gas & Oil Coal & Wood Beauty Parlor Sen-icSoap & Cleanser Dental Health Service BEEHIVE BEAUTY SHOP 30 South State Street Complete and Perfect Professional Service THE WASATCH PRESS 206 Scott Bldg. Printing Decorating Paper Hanging of the Progressive Independent, 206 Scott Bldg. Phone Was. 7280. Office A EL BEEHIVE BARBER SHOP House Geaning and , 41 Let us remodel Your home. You do not need money, just products. Work well done, reasonable prices. Phone Was. 7260 for information.' e Business & Vocational Guidance Tailoring & Dress Making Floor Surfacing 1st No. Was. 6147 CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK B , . - Good Printing for Less Patronize your and the people's friend C. N. Lund |