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Show Mzmmswm W538 m"Smuim tiie Progressive Independent ews Review of Current Events tlie World Over Japan's Military Seizure of Shanghai Creates Dangerous Situation China Demands Forcible Steps by League of Nations. BABY FRETFUL RESTLESS? Look to this cause When your baby fluid, toases " sleep reotfully, look for one common causa; doctors say. Constipation. To get rid quickly of the accumulated wastes which causa CAS TO Rl A cm t to a i n- - m joish v. against Nationals In Shanghai, assembled 24 warships at that great port, and tba military occupation of tha city was begun by a force of about 8,000 marines. To protect the foreIgD her or. w. w. demon-trstlon- four ggttlement, regiments of American marines and several battalions of British troops were standing by, and warships of those nations were hurrying to tbs scene. Meanwhile, before tbs council of tbs League of Nations in Geneva Dr. W. W. Yen, tba Chinese minister to the United States, set forth his countrys Ada of the controversy and demanded that tba council enforce tha league covenant without delay. In Washington President Hoover and Secretary of State Stlmson were considering what America might do in tho crisis. They proposed to Great Britain Fine Business War Is getting worse than ever." that the two nations apply economHuh?" ic embargoes or boycotts to trade Now If yon win a war, you have with Japan, but the MacDonald to pay for It." government teemed reluctant to do anything more than to dispatch for the protection of tho STOP RHEUMATIC warships International settlement mayor of Shanghai had yieldPAINS WITH HEAT edThe to tha Japanese demands, but new demands were put forward RED thereafter the and Immediately Japanese marines were landed and Retina About Instantly proceeded to seise Chapel, the ChiGood old Natan has put into red As they swept nese quarter. peppers marvelous therapeutic heal tho district they encounthrough of uta gets right down to the source tered the desperate resistance of trouble and almost instantly relieves several thousand Chinese troops, the pains and aches of rheumatism, whereupon stiff joints, lumbago and naurfcOi planes were brought Thousands have found it the one Into action and Chapel was thorchest colds, ton. Now bombed. Conflagrations oughly i genuine red peppers heat is con. the densely popnearly destroyed rub tained in an ointment that you just ulated quarter and the fatalities an. la less than 3 minutes you fed reThe were undoubtedly heavy. lief pome. It is called Jtowleo Red battle continued for hours Pepper Nub. Safe. Will not bum et bloody nnd at one time the Chinese deating.Getasmall jar from your druggist. fenders had recaptured the Imporstation. The Everybody Is pleasant spoken to th tant north railroad rich. That la one thing that makes Japanese had previously mads their way across the Whangpoo river to It worth while to be rich. Pool an g, alto of big Japanese cotmills, and fvldently Intended to If your work is rushing you, see ton advance further Into Chinese terrihow much of it is important. tory. Also they had shelled and occupied Woo sung, the fort at the Their month of the Whangpoo. warships at the same time had gone np the Yangtse and three cruisers were lying off Nanking ready to shell that capital city. The Nationalist government Chinese all Its was busily mobilizing strength and calling on the League of Nations for help. Cblang former president, was made premier and apparently was virtually the dictator. OF PEPPERS safe-again- st Kai-she- k, WHAT course the United States would follow waa uncertain, bnt the stiffening of Its policy toward Japanese encroachments was Indicated by the sending of four more warships to Chinese waters from Manila. They Often u man doesnt care how poor were destroyers snd their presence Y. the after-dinnspeaking la, If ha was requested by Rear Admiral of the commander S. Williams, doesn't have to speak. Yangtse patrol. Secretary Stlmson cable to Tokyo Hold on, hold In, hold out Don't Nedect Your Kidneys son-in-la- By EDVARD W. PICKARD eem unable to restlessness and discomfort lire a clean alny dose of Cutosla. Castorla, yon know, la made specially for childrens delicate needs. It Is a purs vegetable preparation ; emtoitu no honk draff, no narootic. It Is so mild and gentle you can firs It to a young Infant to relieve colic. Yet It la as effective for older children. Caa-- t arias regulative help will bring relaxed comfort and restful deep to your baby. Keep a bottle on hand. Genuine Castorla always has the financial affairs were before the senate finance committee and It was revealed that of President Machado a had a part la a loan of 50,000,000 made by the Chase National bank to CUBAS the acts of Japan waa forcible and for the world MOBE trouble Ho complained, in tha Orient Japan, uncompromising. pushing her campaign to put an too, about tha slowness In tha forsnd to the boycott In mation of tho leagues commission China and with tho of Inquiry and In Its getting to Manchuria, where It will not arrive unprovocation s til AprlL Padded abandoned the HATING conference In Lausanne, France and Great Britain are still trying to solve the problem without the aid of the United States. Premier Laval In conversation with Lord Tyrrell, British ambassador, suggested a temporary plan, calling for a moratorium on reparations until after the American elections. Tha moratorium would expire before December IS, when the next French payment to the. United States is due. After the French elections In May and before expiration of the new conference would be moratorium called at Lausanne or elsewhere to negotiate a permanent agreement Sncli a plan would be In line with the American attitude that Germanys reparations creditors agree among themselves before the question of adjuring war debts is broached. If bothered with bladder Ir- regularities; nagging backache and a tired, nervous, depressed feeling due to disordered kidney action or bladder Irritation, dont delay. Users everywhere rely on Doans Pills. Praised for more than 50 years. Recommended the country over. Sold everywhere. DoanS W. N. U, Salt Lake City, Not tte nrfrs nrftm Los Angeles Boy HUEY LONG of Louisiana finally Inter-viewer- ar Needed Help Leroy Young, 1110 Georgia St, Loa Angeles, Is a regular fellow," active In NEWHOUSE HOTEL Winter Rates se Rheumatic Pains Writs for nations, Relieved this sports, snd at tha top In his classes at school. To look at Quick Way him now, you'd thin pains he never had a day's If stabbing across your sickness but his mother says: "When Shoot back and cripple Leroy was Just a little fellow, we yon, mb on good found hla stomach and bowels were old fit Jacobs OIL Relief comes before week. He kept suffering from constipation. Nothing he ate agreed von can coont 601m. with him. He was fretful, feverish Rdiaf without homing or blistering. and puny. Thia famona oil "When we started giving him Calisimply drawa out fornia Fig Syrup his condition Iminflammation and proved quickly. His constipation and pain. It is soothing; biliousness stopped and he has had healing. For the! no more trouble of that kind. I have echsa end pains oil Nenriria, Lnmbago, since used California Fig Syrup with Rheumatism, Neuralgia or Backache then's nothhim for colds and upset spells. He ing so quick or anre to bring lelisL likes It because It testae so good end Gat a email bottle of 8t Jscoba OR I like it because It helps him so from yoor druggist wonderfully I" Just Being Himself California Fig Syrup has been the Mary I wish Bertram would stop trusted standby of mothers for over 50 years. Leading physicians recom- acting the fooL Polly Thats the trouble ha isnt mend It It la purely vegetable end works with Nature to regulate, tons acting I and strengthen the stomach nnd bowels of children so they get fun nourishment from their food end waste Is eliminated in a normal way. Four million bottles used n year " It' stuffy nostril hows how mothers depend on It Al: soothe lirltstion by ns of VtnthoUtum In noss. Rub briskly ways look for the word "California on chest to Improve blood on the carton to be sure of getting drrulstion sad prevent the genuine. MfllMliflBillllMl A A woman can get used to a man who has faults, but never to one who has no money. r, er Hon-olul- n, system. denominated a WHAT uprising troubled the government of Salvador, but martial law waa proclaimed and the revolt was quickly suppressed. On the other side of the world. In Kashmir, thousands of Moslems were reported to be looting and burning the homes of Hindus, snd the maharajah appealed to the British for help. Disturbances continued In Spain, when the government waa confronted with an attempt to set np a proletarian dictatorship. Tha decree disbonding the Jesuits of Spain was put Into effect and the property of the order confiscated. was penitentiary, tho prison near Plymouth, was the scene of a violent mutiny In which more than 809 convicts fought desperately all day with the guards and police. The rioters, who were enraged because no sugar was lerved with their porridge, burned the principal buildings before they were subdued. There were no fatalities, bnt 95 prisoners DARTMOOR were wounded. (ft INI Wotra SmiKMt Dales.) Is Your Gasoline Tax BUILDING ing ask special $7.50 nee. Tee toe ces nlsht nss nodstioosi moist sanest ttaatar tickets or eabaret Sense Gesd sS nidi selr. A- M- NEWHOUSE B.K Labs CMn Utah C. W. Wl The Ideal Vacation Land Suuahlue AU Winter Lem Splendid roads towering mountain ran gee Highest type hotels dry ors ting ail dear starlit night Callferaie's NcsnsS Desert Ptaygrsood R. Writ Ore a Ctofflv Palm Spring jN CALIFORNIA And On and Ob I "Do you ever read In bed?" Not now. I often lie awake and listen to a lecture; though. Pathfinder Magazine. Money ENRICHING RACKETEERS? You pay a tax on every gallon of gasoline you buy. Your state levies this tax to pay for building good toads. But your state is not getting all the money paid as a gasoline tax. RACKETEERS ARE TAKING AN ALARMING AMOUNT OF ITI They are idling bootlegged gasoline. on which they pay the state no tax but they make motorists pay all or a part of the tax. The racketeer keeps this tax money himself! You get your tax bade in die form of good toads when the state collects die tax. You get nothing when racketeers get your money. And remember if your state got all the money paid as tax, it could well afford to lower is gasoline tax! If you want your money to go into road building instead of into die racketeers pockets; make sure the gasoline you buy is not bootlegged. Buy gasoline made by a reliable, company and sold under n a dependable, brand name, and be certain that your tax money goes to your state and not to the racketeers- - That's the only way to beat the racketeers. law-abidi- well-know- CONOCO Gasoline is a branded gasoline yon can buy with safety at tbe sign of the CONOCO Red Triangle. A' ,W,v. $10.00 HOTEL OR OIL for "All-Expens- Bates. GOOD ROADS CONTINENTAL or when register- . 0 d WxncmsKl 00 t asking the Intention! of Japan and received what was called a reassuring reply, bnt It was stated In Washington that President Hoover was proceeding on the theory that Japan would he violating International law If she landed troops on Chinese soil for any purpose bat tha protection of Japanese Nation12,000,000. als and their property. Russia came into the picture again when Japan asked permis- WHATEVER may be the final Lieut. Thomaa H. sion to use the Chinese Eastern railway In Manchuria to transport Masale of the American navy, Ms Mrs Granville troops to Harbin, where Chinese mother-in-laand E. J. soldiers were marauding. Russia Lord and Albert O. flatly refused the request Tones, will not have to pay the death the league council had WHEN both Dr. W. W. Yen and penalty for the killdeleing of Joseph Ka the Kaotake Sato, Japanese hahawal In Honowho gates Joseph lulu, suspected at Brlnnd as chairman, replaced lacker of Mrs. Haswarned Japan to go easy at Shangsle. The four dehai. ne admitted that tha situafendants In the sention was grave. Yen not only relies sational case were on the treaty and the Indicted by the Kellogg pact hut he also threatened grand Jury In to Invoke Article XT of the league bnt the covenant which Is followed by charge 1 second Article XVI, and the latter Is the one that provides for sanctions degree murder, tha penalty for against nations that resort to war. which la 20 years to Ilfs ImprisonFurthermore, "war" might well be ment A transcript of proceedings of the made to cover such operations as those of the Japanese against the grand Jury Indicated that body atSome tempted to make a report earlier Chinese bandits of the nations In the league are and that Circuit Judge Crlsty remighty timid In the matter of unct- fused It The transcript revealed ions. Yen In hla talk took a ho pleaded with them to lay aside stronger position than the Chinese race prejudice," to consider crimes have previously taken before the as defined by statutes, not as de council snd his characterization pf fined by Individuals. nine-pow- (BEmi41)C7Tftfk that country. ffMiflTtffi fprariTarc (Ttto Carl J. Bchmldlapp, a vice president of the bank, said 500,000 had CDSGHllB (2EJ322D gone to Joee Obregon as an official Cuban the Chase of companys branch for distribution to the banka that took part In the loans. Ha said Why don't you try this amazing soap i the relative of the Caban president bow its sods last till dishes are spaiHii had only a' minor part In the negodean how they float dirt ont of clothes . tiating the loan and denied ha was and hold it ont so clothes are cleaner and employed for that purpose. without robbing? Softens water. whiter Herbert Di Brown, chief of tho Never balls up. Procter & Gamble United States bureau of efficiency, testified that a report he had mads Tima to Duck Figuratively of conditions in Panama bad been "That woman, Mrs. White, has a "Hasnt that fellow written a Naofficials of the changed by fine figure." bookr. tional City bank. He said his re"A fine figure! Why, the only Yes, end If you arent careful hen port had pointed ont a way by thing yhe can buy ready made is an give yon a copy. Louisville Courier-Journa- l. which the country could avoid bor- umbrella." Passing Show. rowing. but that the bank went ahead and loaned It (4,000, 000. the governors 'chair and vent to Washington with his pink pajamas and took the oath of senator. Correspondents and visitors to the National Capital anticipate that his presence In the upper chamber will provide many InBefore being teresting Incidents. s sworn In Senator Long told that tha Democratic party was rare to lose if It nominated Franklin Roosevelt for President of the whole but could not be beaten if its ONE notable result affair is the an- choice waa either Pat Harrison, nounced determination of Sir Erie Robinson or Garner. His fourth Drnmmond to relinquish, early next choice, be said, waa A1 Smith. Ha year, his position asserted that prohibition is not n as secretary genparty Issue and should have no eral of the League In n platform. place of Nations. He bu Back In Louisiana Paul N. Cyr held that office alnce for the second time took tho oath the days of the of office as governor and prepared peace conference to file suit to oust' Alvin O. Sling, snd hu been a named by Long as governor when most Important fighe went to Washington. Mr. King ure In the organizaoccupied tha executive offices In tion. Several govBaton Rouge and had heavy guards ernments sharply stationed there. criticized the secretariat because of the extrema posiTpWICH In two days the sdvo rates of a large navy were badtion taken by the league at the beginning of the Man- ly Jolted. First the house naval comchurian embrogllo, and some diplo- mittee agreed to shelve the Vinson mats accuse Sir Erie of trying to ten-yewarship authorization bill, force the powers Into committing though giving tha measure Its apthemselves to action in defense of proval. Then the naval committee the covenant which might have led of tha senate Indefinitely post to war with Japan. poned action on the Hale bill auSir Eric was evidently disgusted thorizing all warships needed to with what he considered the week bring tha navy np to the tonnage action of the league council, espe- limit allowed by the London treaty. cially at the Paris session, and felt that the league bad suffered great G.DA WES, president of loss of prestige; The other league CHARLES Finance corofficials do not wish to loss his and Eugene Meyer, chairporation, services and It wad considered pos- man of the board, were busy getsible they might prevail on him to ting ready to start change hie mind about resigning. the machinery of This, however, seemed likely only If tbs huge concern, the council would take a sterner at- and tha senate comtitude toward Japan. mittee on banking had before It the sustained by names of two DeSEVERE loss was and business the sport- mocrats appointed of the ing world In the death of William members Wrlgley, Jr which occurred at hla board by President winter home In Phoenix, Aria. The Hoover. They were Chicago capitalist, known univerHarvey C. Couch of sally as the magnate of chewing gum Arkansas and Jesse and the owner of the Chicago Cuba H. Jones of Texas. of the National Baseball league, bed Final approval of many other and vaet Interests, In- tha 500,000,000 treasury Investcluding banka, mines, real estate ment In the reconstruction corporaprojects and the moving picture In- tion was given In both branches of dustry. Born In Germantown, Pa-- 70 congress to a report reconciling the years ago, he ran away at the different provisions of the senate age of eleven and started businesa and house. In New York as newsboy. In 1891 Both political parties were suphe went to Chicago and formed bis porting the next Item on the Presiown company, which soon began the dents program, wMch was to give manufacture of chewing gum and aid to depositors In closed banks was vastly successful. through a corporation to make loans on sound but unliquid assets In All his varied enterprises resulted In bringing Mr. Wrlgley a great those Institutions. Two bills were fortune. Estimates by his asso- under consideration, one drafted by ciates ranged anywhere from Republicans and providing merely He waa the for the establishment of this cor 000,000 to 100.000,000. majority stockholder In the 03.000,-00- po ration, and the other Introduced William Wrlgley, Jr- - company, by Senator Glass directed rnnlnly at whose earning! In 1930 exceeded overhauling the country's banking For-tesen- e, Heed Promptly Kidney and . Bladder Irregularities Crlsty repeatedly told the grand jurors that whether the accused four should be punished for killing the Hawaiian waa a question for tha trial Jury to dectdei Tho defense attacked the Indictment on the ground that tha grand Jury was coerced by the Judge. COMPANY |