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Show , , Chinas Great Wall Again Frontier line Sally Sez sums' Wy In n world of alrplanea, bombs, occasions It la trus when the Marks Boundary of Chi heavy artillery and high explosives, hordes brake through; but these Enemy Land. 's Great Wall, Wsshington.-ChlDa(lamorons to all who hart studied geography, but iisually considered significant only as a work of the dim past, baa become a marker In recent news dispatches. With the fall of Chlnchowfu to Japanese forces, tho Chinese ( bar moved south of the wall, aod that antfrat barrier now forms the frontier between Chlnest'and enemy territory as It did for centuries after Its construction. A bulletin from tho National Geographic society tells of this great engineering wonder of the world. successful forays and the losses that flowed from them strikingly emphasize the value of tho wall through the many years when It functioned successfully. Astronomers have speculated that the Great Wall la one of the few works of man on earth that would bo discernible by the naked eye from the moon. No other single engineering accomplishment of any age compares with it In size, extent; and construction difficulties Starting at sea level at Bhanhalk-wa- n on (he Gnlf of Chihli, It reach ea an altitude of RBOO feet among tho mountains of western China. In the Intervening area It crosses several mountain ranges quite or near- the Great Wall of China la of no valna, aa an obstacle to an army, says the Bulletin. Beet use this la true and baa been for n long time, the Great Wall baa coma to bo looked npon by many aa a prodigious folly. But In Its day It was of Incalculable value to tho peace-lovin- g Chinese who were able for considerable periods to keep the 'Northern Barbarians' out of their country. The wall was effective because enemies of tbo northern plains cams against China with unorganized armies of cavalry, which, many times, beat Ineffectively against the barrier. Thera ly Housewife Who Would Go to Congress' w JiUmiTEID DEDICATION To the Author of "Natural Government' Benj. B. Stringham By Louis Eliga Spencer That all the world who will, may read, Tis laws of God, the laws we need ; The laws of our Great Makers plan. And not the law thats made by man. Unnatural laws are laws that bust; But NATURAL LAWS with Covenant Are laws that make NATURAL GOVERNMENT. fo know these laws, I say to you: Get "NATURAL GOVERNMENT, read it through. A book of facts one cant deny ' The Author plainly shows you why. The NATURAL LAWS are laws to trust, a mile high. The Great Wall Is not a single tfpetura but n system with sections built st different times Its magnitude can ha best understood If It la Imagined that It were taken bodily up and net down In tho United States with Its eastern end at Philadelphia. This transplanted wall would extend half way across the American continent The Great Wall la at its beat in the eastern section. Thera Its sheer faces from 20 to 00 feet high, are constructed of carefully built masonry. In places tfca entire wall la of masonry. In others the space between the masonry faces Is filled In with stones and earth. North of Peiping (Peking) great blocks of carefully ent granite era used, held In place by mortar anperlor to that made by the Chlneaa today. In other localities the wall la faced with large bricks of a finer quality than moat of 'those now mannfae-tureIn the western world. "Good engineers designed thewalL Rain water accumulating on the top la carried away by atone drains set at Intervals of about 100 feet, The fine preservation of much of the wall Is owing to tbo foresight In providing these drains More than 25,000 towers were built along tho wall at Intervals ranging from 100 yards to a mils. The first disconnected walla along the northern frontier of China wars, probably constructed aa early aa 400 Bl CL, when Xerxes waa Invading Groecs Bnt the ruler who mads the Great Wall great came two and a half centuries later. Chin ,8blh who tried to brush aside Huang-tt- , previous Chinese history, and who Insisted on bring called Tint Emperor.' Improving existing walls and erecting new ones Chin created the first extensive system of defensive ramparts. Probably a thousand miles of wall waa built In fifteen yean under this 711X1 Em Perm' and his Immediate successor. The structure has been extended and repaired at Intervals during the past 2,200 years. During the past 800 years no extensive repairs have been mads and' many of the leas carefully built sections of tho long rampart are failing Into decay. The hermit oh the msuntain side, la ona who's dead but hasnt died. For lifes exactly what wo malm it, Skies wo have it, lot's not fako it. Though one thinks himself, hla own. Ho cannot lira this lift alone. Help others ta help yen by Patronizing Homo Industry. HEWLETYKS yii4bkEEL YOUR WOOL CAN BE EXCHANGED POE FINE WOOLEN MERCHANDISE Original Utah Woden Mills SALT LAKE CITY d us. gov't, statistics OUR PRESENT ECONOMIC SYSTEM OFFERS THE FOLLOWING PICTURE AS REWARDS FOR EFFORTS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS YOU ARE pis THEREWHERE? T xTMes estatt LINM BELOW SHOW WHAT HAPPENS TO EVERY IOQ MEN STARTING OUT AT THE AGE OP as: "0F WENT ililll mmi snweoimc mamd oh upaho oowm HERE THEY APE AT AGE OF 4S 16 DEAD is Off ntEADMUL S IN POVERTY HEBE ARE THE SAME OO tttmmwHtttttimmnmm 20 ROW MEN AT AGE HERE THEY ARE WALL tracer tracer ZO' - NOT GTTWG jo mS An Informal photograph of Mrs. Regina Rambo Benson of Marietta, made aa ahe waa preparing a meal for her family. Mm recently announced her candidacy for congress on a platform, "Submission of tho Eighteenth amendment to the people." She to succeed Represen ta tire M. C. Tarver. lltl Entire Fleet Is Guided by Radio AMY WHERE 0FS5 JO SUPPORTED BY OTHERS DEAD 3G PHYSCAL 37 EAY ON TftEADMILi- - SPENDING ALL THEY Still FARR -- 4.. GS YEARS OLD WRECKS -- DEAD S FINANCIAL WRECKS -- LIVING 0 LEFT ON CHARITY E O yNo Make a Contribution to the Cause of Natural Government the truths of Natural Government far and wide, and to hasten the early establishment of the correcf form of Economics. In order to make it more convenient for you, we take this opportunmeans to ask for a contribution to help finance its promotion. and ity It is up to the PEOPLE. If we waut to be freed from the shackles that are now holding us down, we must do everything within bur power to Rnn Ga one-plan- k , New Device Puts Control in One Man's Hands. Entire 'fleets of Ships and airplanes, manned and controlled entirely by radio, are foreseen In the near future by Charles Keeling, young English radio engineer. Keeling claims that ha has perfected a wireless Invention that will revolutionize remote radio control. Ho declares that by bis device radio signals cannot bo Jammed, even If London. i SUMPTUOUS SUITS Sr CHXKIK NICHOLAS push the work forward. For the spread of truth and the establishment of Natural Government for please find enclosed $ copies at $1.00 each, to be sent to the address given below. .. as Contribution for the advancement of this cause. $ .... One thousand qualified lecturers and salesmen WANTED. I am interested and want full details regarding course of instruction and work. Answer, Yes Oor No O chanlcal and would be controlled by wireless" Keeling said that the moat valuable commercial aspect of his Invention waa that It made possible a system of transmitting typewritten messages by wireless which would not only bo extremely that bnt absolutely secret "A girt sitting in London," ha could type out a mescontinued, sage on tho keyboard of an ordinary typewriter which would ha simultaneously recorded in typo-scriat all the receiving stations toned to that particular E 0RTER1WALT0N1C0 M 1M ARTIFICIAL LIMB CO. ArtlAdall FIT-WE- ItraM BOOK fully UlaatraUd. CABDEM fce-r- tB Contain ' Cratch aw.Mi.wi Ml Ui Wool M4 W. ThM a Ban Lnka Is MM Sathfactin GaaraaUM b, i Salt Ink City, CL PLAN SPRING PLOWING. .. with use of "Caterpillar Tractor oldeat and leading track-typ- o tractor. Prominent fanners owe aneeaaa to these machines. Writ for descriptive catalogs. CefeseRpr Landes 'Tractor A Equipment Cat alt Lake CUy In uttanta, Utah n Nutshell Don't rest npon your laurels they malm n poor mattress. SPERE TENT Planes Carry Gold From Africa for the Belgian bankers, Many Day Ara Now Sawed Important them to have rapid delivenabling in Transportation. eries of fresh gold to replace gold 1 withdrawals from the country. Paris. Gold from tho mines In the Belgian Conge; In tho heart of Africa, which once required four weeks to reach the coffers of the Belgian banka, la now bring rushed by air to Brands in four days. The new regular weekly air service of the Imperial Airways from London, via Paris, to Capo Town, has revolutionized the system of d precious metal transportation. flying boats link np In Egypt with the planes from London and provide a fast service down the Mwanza, on the southern shores of Lake Victoria. The sea lanes on the southern flight carry gold miners, Kenya coffee planters and big game hunters, who save weeks on the Journey compared with other times when they traveled for days by train from the East African coast Into the Jungle lands. Gold from the mines la brought down from the Interior by native carriers, the Journey to the lake occupying a full day of trekking. The precious metal la loaded at Mwansa, taken to Khartum and then to Cairo. Hero the gold, which la often accompanied by gold miners flying home on leave after years In Africa, la transferred to the Belgian air linen, arriving two hours later In Brussels and then lodged In the vaults of the state bank. 8avlng of three weeka on the ahlp-meof gold to Brussela Is highly Four-engine- JOIN THE NATURAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION PRINCIPLE: Economic systems based upon "money as a medium of exchange, in all ages of human history, have failed. PLEDGE: To ever work for that system of production, distribution and consnmptibn of wealth and the material means of satisfying human desires that will best make for the abundant " Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness of every citizen. Contribution- - Any useful thing or any amount you wish to pay And true wo are when this la found That wa dont buy in our homo town Where goods are shewn by met chants shoutin' And brands reveal theyre Inter mountain. A. B. POST, St. Anthony, Idaho; & AWNING Co. Everything la Caaraa Goods Addess That Government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth." 246 Mains St, Salt lake City, Utah DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES AND MEMBERSHIP PLEDGES PRINCIPLE: The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States guarantees Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness to every Citizen. PLEDGE: To ever work for such modification in our laws and the establishment of such departments of government as will best make effective these guarantees. PRINCIPLE: Lite, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness to every citizen can best be obtained through a just and more even distribution of the resources of our country. PLEDGE: To ever work for such a plan as will give every citizen his just share of our nations wealth. When catalogs fill our They taka away the proceeds from our ground To somo for distant or foreign place Where were thought of aa a silly ITS BO. WEST TEMPLE - Name another wireless station la operating on tho same wave length. Secrets Guarded. "1 am guarding the technical secrets very closely, ha said when asked about the Invention, "for It has not been patented yet Before taking that step I am going to consult the British admiralty, the war ofllce and possibly the admiralty. "My method la entirely new. On one wave length, high or low, I can transmit right distinct signals This means that by various combinations 1 can control 4,000 operations from a single wireless transmitter. "Two men In one airplane could fly n dozen or so craft carrying hundreds of tons of freight or mall. With the new robot pilot, which the air ministry still baa on Its secret list, these machines could be landed safely without a single hand touching their controls "Cargo boats could be controlled either from the shore or. If In a groan from me master ship. They would require no crew, every tlon of the boat would ha THIS WEEKS PRIZE STORY Fsshlon points to the velvet street suit aa a midwinter mode suIt must bo the personificapremo, tion of elegance of Lyons velvet da luxe, aa la the model Illustrated. It must be furred distinctively. Gray Persian lamb trims the suit In the picture. It most have "lines which are nnnaual. Note the unique circular treatment given to this graceful medium length Jacket There must be an exquisite feminine air about the blouse. In thla Instance the blouse la tailored of crepe and satin. Milady, who would ha well dressed at all times, will have In re-- a lovely lace, also a handsome metal cloth blouse to wear on more formal occasions. (A MIL WU Mswspspw Colon.) nt Am Test DnnM Vbe APEX ASPIRIN AN IN1EBMOUNTAIN Summing PRODUCT It Up A chip on tho shoulder spalls Burglar Uses Cemetery Chapel for His Home many n promising career. WEB Q& Limoges, France A chapel in a cemetery on the outskirts of tho town served aa a snug little home for a burglar until raided by police; On the altar, the thief kept hla shaving mug, a piece of aoap and a wash basin, which ha apparently filled from a hose used to sprinkle graves; Ha utilized two suitcases full of loot for a bed. Desirable Qualities A man should endeavor ts ba as pliant as n reed, yst as hard as cedarwood, Talmud. Waste Takes Pennsylvania Deer Toll CLAUDE NEON LIGHTS Electwcal Phooucn Coskbation lots Salt. Lake Cttgr Oil-We- ll Harrisburg, Pa. Soma chemical In the waste from an on well In Leetonla has caused tho death of numerous deer, according to off- icials of the state game commission. The deer have died near the well after having Ucked the waste; It Is reported. GASOLINE Packed With Power High Arabic Title The word admiral earns from the Arable Zmfl el Bagh, or lord of the sea. qs nn V" wk "Hi paid for the beat article on !Wiy yon should aaa Intermeuntaia mad Goods Similar to above. Send your story In prooe or Torso to Iatormonn-tai- n Products Column, P. O. Box 1545, Salt Lake CUy. If your story appears in this column yon win receive chock for 59-wo- rd California Forest Fire Tolls Show Increase Calif. Forest fires Sacramento, took a toll of S39, 410.09 acres In state patrolled lands In California during the first nine months of the year, the state division of forestry reports; The damage la estimated at $1,170I80GL5SI or approximately three times that of tho 1930 flra season. $5.00 Wa Na Uri 8 L Week Kob 1201 . |