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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1930. PAGE TWO a- - Garland Personals ! H Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stayner and children returned last week after hiring spent ten days In Idaho and Oregon. A. J. Grover of Salt Lake City visited with friends and relatives here last week. t r pttirsm returned from his ranch in Idaho, Wednesday of last week. vr and Mrs. Georee Nye and family motored to Brigham. City, Thursday. Junior Lfllywhite of Salt Lake City, Im ha hpn visitinar with his grand Mrs. Lewis parents, Mr. and returned home Thursday. Julia Moore spent last week in Syracuse with relatives ana iriena3. R. J. Stayner made a business trip to Salt Lake Thursday. Howard Shumway of Clarkston visited here with relatives and friends Lilly-whit- e, week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. White and family attended the White family reunion held at Park City, Friday, Saturday l&Sw and Sunday. Mrs. J. L. Harvey, who underwent an operation at the Dee hospital in enjoyed the Encampment at Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Geone Hunsaker, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bee ton, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Burba nk, Mr. nad Mrs. Henry Germer, were shopping in Tremonton. Mrs. George Record and Mrs. William Fererson, were visiting Mrs. Record's parents at Tremonton, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Germer were shopping in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Norr and family were calling on relatives here during the week. Mrs. Gene Leavitt of Blue Creek visited her parents here. William Fererson and sons Walter and George enjoyed a three day fishing trip up Logan canyon. Thursday, Mrs. Fred Harwood and son Dallas and daughter Bessie Lue came up from Salt Lake to enjoy a birthday party given by Mrs. M. A. Lish, grandmother of Dallas in honor of his 9th birthday. Nine little cousins enjoyed a birthday dinner, games were played. Those present were Mrs. A. R. Burbank, and sons Lowell, Odell, Douglas and Kenneth, Mrs. Duett Loveland, son Darrell, daughter Mildred Jean, Mrs. T. R. Ault, grand mother and grandfather Lish, all of Deweyville, and Mrs. Fred Harwood, Bessie Lue and honored guest Dallas, all of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Fred C. Farmer and sons Jay and Junior, enjoyed a birthday party at Lagoon, Monday. Sunday, Mrs. Duett Loveland had as dinner guests, Miss Mabel Ault, and John Becker, of Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Barnard and family motored west to visit relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Tucker and children visited at the home of Mrs. N. Peter Marble and Mrs. M. M. Gardner, Jr., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Miller return. ten days at the home of Mrs. Miller's ed to their home here after spending parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Jensen at Petersboro, while the Jensen's enjoyed a motor trip to Canada. Mr. and Mrs. William Lasley of Honeyville spent a few hours with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Lish, of this place, Thursday. Mrs. Victor Burbank has as her guest, her sister Annie of Ogden for a few days. Mabel Ault and John Becker of Og den, spent a few hours here visiting with Mabel s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ault. and sister, Mrs. Duett Loveland, Friday. Mrs. A. F. I)veland of Lojran was calling on reatives here during the Ogden, returned home Friday. were Mr. and Mrs. Delos Thompson Ogden visitors, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gaddie motored to Brigham City, Saturday. Mrs. Oneita Shurtz, member of the high school faculty, spent the weekend here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite, had guests, Mr. and as their week-en- d Mrs. W. B. Barnard of Ogden. President J. J. Shumway and J. D. Gunderson returned Sunday from Denver where they attended the Lions convention held in that city. Odell Thompson, who is employed in Logan, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson. Harold Persson spent Saturday and Sunday in Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Felsted and son Jimmie, returned Friday after spending several days in Yellowstone Park. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite made a business trip to Brigham City, Sun- . day. Pres. and Mrs. J. J. Shumway had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Peters of Brigham City. Floyd Lillywhite who is employed in Hansel Valley spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bishop W. W. Richards, who has week. Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Harwood and heen attending summer school at the B. Y. U. of Provo, spent the week end children of Ogden called on relatives, here Sunday. here with friends. Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Etherineton had William King motored to Provo Friday. His son, Alma who will teach in ; as their dinner guests, Sunday her the Bear River Seminary this winter, sister. Mr. and Mrs. Geo Martin and daughter Eminer Fa of Salt Lake City accompanied him home. Jean Stoddard of Smithfield, spent and Geo. V. Martin and son Glen of Chicago. Sunday here with friends. Mrs. Samuel Capener and daughter "FVrn. were Offden visitors. Monday. ! Dr. J. W. Chambers motored to Og i den Saturday returning Monday eve son Max, .( ning. Mrs. Chambers and Mrs. T. R. Welling, Mrs. J. H. Ward, who have spent the past four weeks at Camp Kiesel, accompanied him Mrs. Ed Udy. and Mrs. J. O. Hadfield attended a Farm Bureau meeting at home. Mr. and Mrs. Millan reck, Mrs. Tremonton, Friday. . Lewis Lillywhite, Erma Lillywhite, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker and and Jennie Peck, motored to Salt Lake daughter Betty Rae are spending the City Monday. Mrs. Delos Thompson week in Idaho. They were in Salt Lake City last week until Thursday accompanied them to Ogden. R. J. Stayner made a business trip evening. to Salt Lake Monday. The dance held at the new warehouse Monday evening under the auspices of the Lions Club was a success in every way. Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Johnson and family motored to Ogden Monday. Mrs. John Burton and Mrs. Charles J. Wood were Ogden visitors, Satur te Lilly-whi- Edward Tubba and ton Blaine of Ogden were the week-enguests of Mrs. Francis Tubba, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis were Salt Lake visitors, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Hadfield went to Blue Creek, Sunday. The John Hales family of Ogden spent Sunday of last week here with relatives. L. M. Arbon of Brigham was transacting business in Riverside, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Udy announce the engagement of their daughter Geo, to Joe Forsberg, the son of Mr. and Mrs. August Forsberg. The George Bowcutt family went to Rigby, Idaho, Sunday. John Bowcutt returned home with them after a pleasant visit there with relatives. Mrs. Irene Johnston and daughter Cloe of Kellogg, Idaho, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Bowcutt, this d . A man get into trouble marrying A conductor can be said to be the Mrs. Alice Buxton and daughter, Some get into trouble wives. two Mary or brans were Riverside visitors man who fears no one. He tells them one. Monday. marrying aB where to get off. e. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunsaker of were the guests of Mrs. Hun- Baker's mother, Mrs. Nina Dustin, Sunday. tltm Cum Mrs. T. R. Wellinng and daughter, Yvonne and son Vernon motored to Brigham, the latter part of the week. Miss Iris Lillywhite who has been a guest at the Welling home returned with them to her home at Bngham. Mrs. Vern Hess and daughter of rremonton, are visiting with Mrs. Rowane Udy this week while Mr Hess is at Mackay, Idaho. Cor-inn- TtSK i Weekly Hog Market Federal Farm Loans Petterson. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Clark of were Garland visitors, Monday evening and attended the dance at the warehouse. Mrs. J. D. Gunderson spent last week in Syracuse visiting with rel atives and friends. The ward primary officers and teachers entertained Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Henry Manning, in honor of Mrs. Parley Mrs. Linford has been a faithful primary officer for a number of years and has recently been called to fill a position on the primary stake board. Mrs. Cecil Biglow of Salt Lake City, is visiting with her sisters, Mrs. George Nye and Mrs. C. H. Hales. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gaddie left Wednesday morning for Oakley, Idaho, where they will spend a few days. Mrs. Vern Wixom, and children of Brigham City, visited with Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. "Van Fleet, Monday and Tuesday. Complimenting Mrs. Gerald Wan- les oi lks Angeles, California, Mrs. A. T. Rich entertained at an attractively appointed bridge supper Tuesday evening at the home of her mother, Mrs. "W. G. Carter. Covers were laid for xhe following: Mrs. Wapples, Mrs. S "B. Watland. Mrs. G. H. Watland. Mrs T. Winzeler, and Mrs. Londy Harris of iTemonton and Mrs. Delos Thompson, wrs. naroia rersson, Mrs. Charles J. Wood, Mrs. J. D. Gunderson, Mrs. Howard Gundersen and the Misses Orpha Sweeten and Julia Mannnig, of 'banana, ine nostess was asisted by M " Virgil Carter and Ro sella Carter. Following supper the tables were arrangM for bridge. Mrs. G. H. Wat-ana wontne pure for high scoro, Mrs. Gerald Wapples, the gueit prise and . v. ounaerson, the Consolation. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Van Fleet left Wednesday morning for Springvllto to spend a few days at the home of their usagmer, tmest Jensen. Farm-ingto- Lin-for- n, d. Wix-ora- 's hi, 1 4 ueweyville -Eva Gartner and Veda Gardner, ac-j.viuu mi juogan, three days where they enjoyed the uxvciiiuiutruv very mucn. Jennie. Alta and Ethel Marble were among those enjoying the Encamp-m- t t Logan three davs last week Earl and Ruth Jensen. Alice Hold-awa- y, and Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Marble and daughter Donna and son Arlean1 FOR US Our fundamental merchandising policy is to take a very small fraction of the sale price as our profit, selling a large volume instead of taking a percentage large from each of a few sales. Our patrons have demonstrated by their constant buying that this modern method is sound economically, and money saving for them. And they receive even higher quality foods than the M the old way! Bris Jn your list of needs," And learn the satisfacV tion of baying the best foods at low prices. WOO A Surety of Purity" Apply DO NOT ENDANGER YOUR JAMES BROUGH LIFE WITH POOR TIRES. OUll Secretary and Treasurer MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Fronk Chevrolet Co. Tremonton, Utah Phone 29 Garland National Firm Loan Association GARLAND - - Typical of the Valaes We Offer Yo! UTAH Proper Material and Care Will Save Your Car 29x4.40 30x3 $5.65 $4.95 Save on, ALL sues Tube also Fronk Chevrolet Co. and Marble's Service Station PHONE 20 TREMONTON Red Tag Binding Twine The Guaranteed Twine 500 feet to the pound. The smooth even Twine that does not bunch or break in the needle. Spray your cows with STOCKAID, the Fly and Mosquito Repellant. Con. Wagon & Machine Co. Vico Oils PEP 88 Gas Quaker State Oil Blue Light Service No. 9 (The Largest Implement Retail Dealers in the World.) Phone 90 Tremonton, Utah Adam Imthurn, The Gas Man, Mgr. COME IN COMBINATION PERMANENT WAVE $6.50 A MODERN PERMANENT WAVE $6.50 DUAKtT PERMANENT WAVE $6.50 Try one of these and be satisfied. Myrtle Holmgren Phone Garland 32 HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENTS -:- Zi and get a Good Drink at the I Have Just what you want J Ask for Special Offer Om New Goodyeara All Atom" Also all kinds of Fire and Automobile Insurance NOW!! Soil I Our service commences by helping yo the most economical Goodyear foe until you have your needs. It continues of treaUe. miles extra of all your enjoyed free service. Interest Rate Your Doctor prescribes and treats according to the needs of your body. We also prescribe and use only materials that are made for a specific purpose for the needs of your car, namely, Spicer Universal grease for universal joints. Water pump grease for water pumps. Wight Pressure grease for chassis bearings. Transmission grease for Differential and Transmissions. And oils of proper grade and weight for the motor in your . - eelect POR YOU Of first consideration in any 0. P. Skaggs System store is your welfare. Employees are ready to advise or assist you. Food is convenarranged iently for your selection. Your purchases are checked immediately, without bothe r s o m e waiting, no matter how many others are in the store. uhg The surest protection is Goodyeara al around. Superior in tread and carcase AS WE CAN PROVE! they cost yon little if any more. Cor-inn- e. The Jinusp fnrnisMntr nn4 a tam acres of grain were burned Sunday at tne J. u. riadiield dry farm west of Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. Clvde Marsh ramp n n from Willard, Saturday to visit with M- Mr. ana Mrs. wi mm Knwmtt Marsh returned home Monday and Mrs. Marsh returned for the week. Miss Elloise Hoopes of Brigham, Miss Pat Honnps of Arizona ami Vav and Harold Lillywhite of Logan, were the guests of Senator and Mrs. T. R. Welling, Sunday. SO cheap now not nave roe Hog market active. Extreme top for Nephi Dustin, of week $10.10. One load Colorado White's Valley, were calling on relButchers. Bulk sales, truck in atives here Sunday. Miss Juanita Dustin is visiting with Butchers $9.25 to $9.75 with good de her sister, Mrs. Roy Hunsaker at mand. Sows $7.00 to $8.25. Riverside dav. Millie Bush of Salt Lake City, is spending a few days with Florence are week. Mr. and Mrs. Garland, Utah Coolest Place In Town H. G. Scott Drug Ccx Prescription Specialists Phone 47 - Tremonton, Utah n Q 4 |